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What Are YOU Craving Right Now? v. What is a tolerance break?

a pack of lucky strikes and a ten strip of L
craving those things as an emergency ration for some reason

as for right now craving just opiates i think it would be mighty fun.
Craving H and dabs, hate moving to a different state...the dry spell before new connects. It's probly good for me tho
4 oxy or hydrocodone and 3 carisoprodol. Man I miss that feeling.
Can you crave shit youve never tried!?!? Im craving extremely potent opiates like oxymorphone and heroin but ive never tried either but i just wanna feel what its like... JUST ONCE <--- mmmmhmm sure just once dont ever do it trypto youll die!
Yes you can. I was carving heroin as fuck for a month before I first try it.
^It's not what I'd call 'cravings'. Strong curiosity perhaps? Gotta know something before you can really want it, IMO.

H, oxy or morphine or hell, any opi.
Weed+benzos. I would say meth but I guess I fucked up my brain chemistry somehow even though I used it maybe 2-3 times a month and even took like a 6-month break from it. No dopamine release anymore. opiates still fuck me up, so I really don't know wtf.
Flunitrazepam!! God, many years since aren't commercialized where I live. The best benzodiazepine that I tryed ever!