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What are the first effects you look for when "coming up" on various drugs?


Mar 5, 2009
So, just a curiosity topic here, I'm wondering what other people look for when waiting for a drug to kick in. For example, when I take an opiate, usually the first effects I notice are a tightening in the back of my head, and a very unique 'flushed' feeling, followed by shrinking pupils, and usually by the time the pupils shrink the euphoria kicks in shortly after.

I'm just curious how different drugs effect different people, and what are the usual first effects people notice.

Here's my list:

  • Opiates - As stated above, usually the very first effect I notice is a tightening in the back of my head. Sometimes I get the rubbery legs first, and even on occasion I feel euphoric effects before anything else. Pinpointing pupils is the fail-safe sign that fuzziness is about to arrive!!
  • Stims - I usually get a sort of 'wide-eyed' feeling when a stimulant kicks in. It feels like a sensation on/behind my eyes that feels like they're opening wider, becoming more alert. The more powerful the stim, the more pronounced this effect is. Whilst on MDMA, I nearly feel like my eyes are popping out of my head. It's actually a great feeling and is the first thing I look for. Depending on which stim I'm taking, I also notice lights get brighter, probably due to pupil dilation.
  • Benzos - This is a tough one because effects on benzos are so subtle, and even after having been prescribed all sorts of different benzos for quite a while now, I still have trouble identifying it's effects. The biggest effect I feel from benzos is usually when I'm feeling extra anxious. I'll pop a valium or k-pin, and then I will soon notice how much less I gave a fuck about whatever it was that was bothering me. Depending on the severity of the anxiety, it can actually be pretty euphoric. Benzos alone on a clear head don't seem to do anything at all in therapudic dosages.
  • MDMA/MDA - I seperate these from normal stims because I feel like they're really in a class of their own. The first effect I look for with ecstacy is the 'sparkle' effect on lights, shortly follow by the eye popping feeling. Shortly after that, I get that "Wow, I feel freaking fantastic." feeling. Then, the holy jesus feeling comes. :)
  • Psychs - These can vary big time, but from the ones I've used thus far, here's what I found. With 2C's, I feel an unexplainable anxiety flush over me, not a very nice feeling. I soon after notice sounds become extremely sharp and clear, like distant sounds sounding much closer. For example, there is a highway 1 mile from my house. We were sitting by the fire outside my house, waiting for 2C-I to kick in, and the first thing we noticed was the highway suddenly sounded like it was next door. With mushrooms, I didn't feel any of the anxiety feelings, but I did notice colors sharpen first, and also a horrible feeling of SLEEPYNESS. I've only tripped on shrooms once, however I found the effects to be quite annoying at first, until I smoked a bowl. Then everything became right in the world, the visuals became stunning and music became the meaning of life.
  • Cannabis - The first thing I usually feel after taking a nice fat bong rip of good quality weed is a big head rush as I exhale. That doesn't always happen, but when it does, it's usually a precursor to being quite baked. Head rush or not, the first actual effect I feel is a sort of warm 'melting' feeling in my head, followed by a nice "Ahh, I feel good now." Shortly after that comes the squinty feeling in my eyes, and then the body high.
  • Salvia - *bubble bubble bubble* *exhale* "Hmm, I don't feel anythi...." *fall over* *meet Satan*
  • Cocaine - Pretty much along side my description of stims, however I get an instant feeling after snorting a line of coke like "I am the fucking man". Could be placebo simply because of how 'cool' it is to rail coke just like all the stars. I feel like coke is glamorous, almost like it's exclusive and only I and a select few get to have it. Then, whilst on it, and mingling with other people not on it, without them knowing I'm high, makes me feel even more exclusive. Wierd feeling, but it's the first thing I notice. Shortly after that "I'm the man" feeling comes the actual effects of "Ok, I'm ready!!!"

Anyone else? Do I sound accurate, or do other's have different opinions?

Thanks in advance for replies!! :)
seattle stranger , please read the DC forum guidelines. Drug Culture aint the place for threads about the effects, dosing, qualities of the high, etc of drugs. It aint for discussion of the actual drugs themselves, its about the culture surroundin drugs. When you got a question or idea for a thread about somethin related to drugs that is about how to dose, how the high feels like, how long it takes to feel the high, the best way to take the drug, etc--all that type of shit belongs in Basic Drug Discussion which is where i moved this to. Now u know for next time.:)
Yup, the first effect that I "notice" is euphoria.

However on benzodiazepines I don't always feel euphoria even at high doses, the first thing that I experience is heavy eyes.
seattle stranger , please read the DC forum guidelines. Drug Culture aint the place for threads about the effects, dosing, qualities of the high, etc of drugs. It aint for discussion of the actual drugs themselves, its about the culture surroundin drugs. When you got a question or idea for a thread about somethin related to drugs that is about how to dose, how the high feels like, how long it takes to feel the high, the best way to take the drug, etc--all that type of shit belongs in Basic Drug Discussion which is where i moved this to. Now u know for next time.:)

You sure do swear a lot and use poor English for a moderator. Just sayin'... :)

ill be sure to not post my shit where it aint suppose to be n stuff. next time i got somethin to ask, i will ask that shit in a diffrent forum. sry bout dat. :p

Absolutely couldn't resist. Anyway...I'm still very interested in user's opinions. Hopefully I'll see more responses now that it aint in da wrong forum n shit.

EDIT: Ahh, just noticed, you're from the dirty jerz. Despite my name, I'm from Brooklyn and I think we have an understanding. :p Just to be clear, I'm seriously just effin' around with ya.
^that's just how she talks on bluelight. no one gives her shit about it, because she is otherwise quite level headed, making her a good mod.

with opiates i can usually feel a warmth and tingle, fuzziness, or "wetness" (depending on the opiate) in the core of my body. my arms and legs feel a little "wet" for lack of a better term, and my mood starts to improve--often meaning that i becomes less neurotic about whatever was bothering me.

with benzos, like you said, one of the biggest things is that i start to realize that I was being crazy about whatever was bothering me, and that, really, things are fine. also, with many my face and upper back start to feel loose. i often get that same "wet" feel.
acid- "why are the walls breathing, and the lights so bright?"
speed- "holy shit i'm awake, alive, and well!"
MDMA- "everything is starting to look so nice and bright, i can FEEL my clothes"
benzos- "ahhh...relaxed"
opiates- "i'm feeling kinda drowsy, oh whats this?"
Haha, like I said I'm totally just goofin'. No offense is intended, just a door left wide open I couldn't help but run through. :p
Salvia - *bubble bubble bubble* *exhale* "Hmm, I don't feel anythi...." *fall over* *meet Satan*

Fucking awesome bro.... i regret i know EXACTLY what you mean hahahaha!

Also my face feels hot on Benzos....

Opiates.... FUCKING I FEEL SOOO GOOOD RIGHT NOW followed by a great body sensation.....
I just love that moment when you've parachuted 150-200mg MDMA and you're a bit anxious, and you're starting to think "am i comming up yet???"... "OK now i'm definately comming.. haha, gurns and starts dancing some strange ass moves".... " Loving it... love you all!!!"...well that was more when i started taking MDMA about 5-6 years back
So I was more asking what are the VERY first effects you feel that indicate the drug is about to kick in. The very first thing you feel that makes you think "Hmm, I think I feel it coming on."