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  • AADD Moderators: swilow | Vagabond696

We've had it!

Hardicus said:
ITM recently adopted moderation,
only because without any moderation, the general forum turned into a children's playground and all the interesting posters left.

this is an interesting experiment. I've often thought bluelight was a little over moderated. however I don't want it becoming like the ITM general forum. :\

please please please do us a favour and if it starts becoming far too messy and childish, mods please jump back in :)
Agreed. ITM forums are a pathetic joke now, YOU are our only hope little (BL) one!! ;) :D
candyflip said:
Agreed. ITM forums are a pathetic joke now, YOU are our only hope little (BL) one!! ;) :D
actually the Sydney forum is pretty good....but it's been moderated for quite a while now. not heavily...we can pretty much discuss what we want within each thread. but threads are moved when they're off topic, and threads involving personal drama or contravening forum guidelines are closed and/or deleted where necessary.

we've ended up with a good balance of in depth discussion and bantering/chat type posts

if we can have the same balance here on BL it would be great :)
This is a great idea, and I applaud you guys for trying it. This is very similar to the approach I've taken recently in trying to reform the way The Lounge has been moderated over the last couple of years. I've been pushing hard to get the mods to ease up and give the posters a chance to self-mod themselves. Our posters aren't babies, and for the most part can handle themselves. If you treat them like babies, guess what, they're going to act like babies. So the problem with overmoderating a social type forum is that it ends up creating a lot more work for the mods in the long run. A lot of times you just have to resist the temptation to close or move a thread, and instead just let it play out. The direction the thread takes may be totally different than what you expected. The same goes for editing people's posts. If you edit someone's post then you're just sweeping the issue under the rug, only to resurface again later. Fuck it, let 'em hash it out, as long as it's not overly personal, they'll eventually work it out.... noone can keep up flame wars forever. And, they're entertaining!

Some of this may or may not apply to you guys' forum, but hopefully you can take something from it. The best piece of advice I can give you is this: When you're moderating your forum, and you come across something that's questionable, instead of trying to find a reason to close/move it, try to find a reason to keep it open. A lot of times I think you'll find that there IS a reason to keep it open... and instead of just closing/moving it, make a post with a reason why you left it open, and on what conditions. This will give posters a little direction and insight into what you guys expect. And the best part, you don't look like assholes! :)

On a side note, I'm happy to say The Lounge is moving back towards being a kickass forum, with a very open policy... that policy mainly being, Post At Your Own Risk!! So if any of you guys need a place to come and cut loose, come give us a visit. But again, post at your own risk, The Loungers won't hesitate to make fun of you. ;) :D

Good luck guys!

Oh, and I almost forgot the most important thing, PLAY in your forum! :)
I leave for a couple of months....


I'm gone for only a short time and WHAM the whole place changes. Reading through some of the posts it seems like nearly all the 'oldskoolers' have come out of the woodwork.

This post has nothing to do with thread, so sorry Vurt. Just wanted to stick my head in to say hi to all those that might read this. =D

I'm still in South Korea right now and don't know when i'll be back in here but hope your all play'n nice and being good! %)
C'mon 'fess up!

Come on, 'fess up, we KNOW this was just a way for you guys to have 'moderator' under your names and do nothing to earn the privelage. ;)

-plaz out-
You lazy pricks think you can welch? Some of us actually have to work around here once in a while ;)
Can we please have the forum moderated again or maybe some mods with the balls to moderate cause this is bullshit.

have YOUR PARENTS caught babu masturbating? - WTF?
So it took almost a full week for people to start actually caring what was going on in the forum... interesting isn't it. And the only thread actively complained about was one that is no more than a light-hearted joke.

And you know what, that was a fucking great thread because at least it got a reaction out of you.

We’re too strict or we’re too lenient, we can never win. We turn the forum over to you to see what you’d like to post here and other than a couple of murmurs about the high quantity of sex threads not one person has given any feed back on what content they’d actually like in this forum til now.

Nobody has been pro-active in discussion, merely shooting down what they deem as unacceptable. Show us what you want to get out of this forum.

It’s a social forum, there’s bound to be chit-chat and threads that you deem as a waste of space, c’mon people social was boring and stagnating for a long while before this, at least there’s some life in it now and people are posting more.

For those who cry transfer the sex threads, what discussion DO you want in here? Because let me tell you, we can transfer the sex threads to SLR, transfer the lounge-esque threads over there, transfer the drug threads to Drug Culture or Drug Discussion, transfer the serious topics to Life or T&A, events over to Events... What exactly do you think we’ll have left? Sounds like a very empty and boring forum to me.

There’s a day left in this non-moderation thing. Use it.

Oh and the report topic has been there all along, if anybody really objected to a thread all they had to do was press it and it would have been closed. Self-moderation, we turned this over to you for a reason. You ask for a thread to be closed, most likely it will get closed.
Things were going fine - how many people complained about over-moderating that it resulted in this non-mod week?
this wasnt a direct result of people complaining of over-moderation.

we felt this was a good attempt at letting users decide for themselves what they want or dont want in this forum, based on general opinions of the threads that are posted in this forum without any intervention from mods.

as it is, in the past week, there's hardly been any threads or posts that really require moderation.
PsychoKitten said:
So it took almost a full week for people to start actually caring what was going on in the forum... interesting isn't it. And the only thread actively complained about was one that is no more than a light-hearted joke.

And you know what, that was a fucking great thread because at least it got a reaction out of you.

We’re too strict or we’re too lenient, we can never win. We turn the forum over to you to see what you’d like to post here and other than a couple of murmurs about the high quantity of sex threads not one person has given any feed back on what content they’d actually like in this forum til now.

Nobody has been pro-active in discussion, merely shooting down what they deem as unacceptable. Show us what you want to get out of this forum.

It’s a social forum, there’s bound to be chit-chat and threads that you deem as a waste of space, c’mon people social was boring and stagnating for a long while before this, at least there’s some life in it now and people are posting more.

For those who cry transfer the sex threads, what discussion DO you want in here? Because let me tell you, we can transfer the sex threads to SLR, transfer the lounge-esque threads over there, transfer the drug threads to Drug Culture or Drug Discussion, transfer the serious topics to Life or T&A, events over to Events... What exactly do you think we’ll have left? Sounds like a very empty and boring forum to me.

There’s a day left in this non-moderation thing. Use it.

Oh and the report topic has been there all along, if anybody really objected to a thread all they had to do was press it and it would have been closed. Self-moderation, we turned this over to you for a reason. You ask for a thread to be closed, most likely it will get closed.

^^^ Beautifully said. My thoughts exactly. Nice one. :)