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Bupe weird results with suboxone


Apr 13, 2009
so on Saturday morning at around 8am, i took 60mg of morphine, parachuted (not sure if thats the term you guys use, but i mean that I crushed up the beads and put them in a small piece of toilet paper and then swallowed it), and then a lil after 11pm I took an 8mg Sub, and the sub did its job and even got me a lil high. the next day it seemed to have wore off and I only had one left and did not want to use it yet, so i smoked 4, 20mg Oxys, and i snorted 30mg of oxycodone. and surprisingly it worked, got me pretty damn high which i find strange cause i was told that it takes around 36hours after taking subs, to feel the effects of actual opiates, and even then you wouldn't get the full high, well I did, maybe not quite the full high, but it sure was good one lol. and so yesterday (Monday) at around 2pm i took another 8mg sub, and again it worked and got me high, and again it seemed to have worn off at around midnight tonight. so I smoked 2, 20mg oxys and snorted a 30mg oxycodone, and i'm still high off of it. So how is this happening, i figured i would barely get high, if at all, just figured i would try it since it worked the other day. How come the subs aren't sticking to my receptors and blocking the opiates as they are supposed to ? and has anyone else had this same experience with subs ?
I do, shoot my subs so I don't know if that affects it at all but I can do some dope the same day I take subs and it still works, just recently I shot the dope only 4 hours after the sub and still got high. I think shooting it makes it leave the body quicker but it also raised my tolerance, back when I snorted the sub and when I first started shooting I used to get a slight high for like 2-3 hours after doing the sub and then it would fade away and I would want to redose around 7 or 8 hours after the dose. Now I don't feel it at all and want to shoot more after 4 hours(I try to only do it every 6 hours though to conserve and cause its just pointless since I don't feel it anymore anyway. The only way I feel subs now is the first time doing it after doing dope a couple days in a row so no subs for a couple days.)
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Imagine how high you would have got had you snorted or swallowed all the oxy instead of totally wasting at least half of it by trying to smoke it!(I say trying to smoke it because attempting to smoke hcl salts is usually quite useless)
It is very possible to still feel effects from full agonists like oxy or morphine after taking suboxone its just depends on the dosage level and the time in between.

For example, I take UP TO 4 mg's of suboxone a day(usually MUCH less) and I can still feel atleast 80% of a shot of heroin even an hour or two after I take my suboxone. It all just depends on how many of your receptors are being taken up by the suboxone.

You say you take 8 mg's at a time, which is alot, but not THAT much....what im saying is that some people take 32 mg's or more at a time......so, it is very possible for you to be feeling the effects of these opiates, especially when its been atleast 10 hrs. in between.

After 10 hrs or more, the buprenorphine on your receptors has gone down enough to where you can obviously feel the efects of full agonists....your lucky cause some people it doesnt work that way, some people have to wait atleast 24-32 hrs to feel ANYTHING after ANY dose.
It all depends on how much suboxone you're taking and how long you've been taking it for. IE: Have you ever hit the ceiling, etc. I find, that if you take suboxone in consecutive days as to hit that 32mg ceiling, the time you have to wait to get high off full agonists GREATLY increases.

I've been on suboxone for 6 months now, but I've started fucking around again with opiates over the course of the past month. I've still been able to get plenty high off both oxycodone and heroin each time, and I do not ever go through withdrawals at all, based on how I time my suboxone dosing and opiate dosing. I technically, am supposed to be taking 8mg suboxone per day, but I do not. I take 4mg at most, usually 2mg. Here's what I do..

Considering I only take 2mg of sub 99% of the time, it's really not an incredible amount of suboxone tying up your receptors. A high enough dose of a good opiate will blast through 75% of it. If I plan on doing oxycodone, I will 24 hours. Now, that first opiate dose I usually make a pretty hefty one. Reason being is, I believe by doing so, it knocks off a greater percentage of bupe that's attached to the receptors. Resulting in more receptors being completely freed up for the next time I dose an opiate. I say this because I "think" that once a receptor is freed of suboxone, it won't wait until the opiate has been displaced and simply walk back in, for lack of better term. I can be wrong about that. I also have a very fast metabolism, am very skinny because of it. Due to that, I feel the half life of sub for me is decreased slightly. I will then take my opiates for a couple days, with the high getting better each time until I'm getting 100% of the desired effects. I will then take a break for any number of reasons, and will take just 2mg sub 12-14 hours after my last opiate. Whether it's oxycodone, or dope. Intranasal and iv. Only need 12-14 hours to avoid PWD, for me anyway. I believe this is again due to my metabolism. This is not the same for everyone.

Because I go back and forth between opiates and suboxone, I am never letting myself hit the ceiling level of suboxone, which I feel would result in a much longer wait time in order to feel full agonists. Also, I can get FULLY 100% high 8 hours after a 2mg dose of suboxone, if I shoot dope. It completely obliterates whatever suboxone in my system. For example, the other night I got so high from a .1 of amazing dope that I threw up for the first time in 2 years of heavy opiate use, and I STILL had suboxone in my system. I took the shot not even 8 hours after my sub.

I don't recommend this to anyone. It's really a painless way to be an addict. I never withdrawal. I can get high whenever I want, and feel normal whenever I want. I don't suggest anyone "cheat" the system like I do, because it really makes it too easy. I'm moving away soon, so I will be going back on my suboxone full time, and I will be kicking my dosage back up to 8mg/day as to stop the inevitable cravings. With the 2mg I take now, I still get cravings even under the influence of suboxone, although minor. The main thing is I'm never experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms, which makes shit really easy and too good.
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Imagine how high you would have got had you snorted or swallowed all the oxy instead of totally wasting at least half of it by trying to smoke it!(I say trying to smoke it because attempting to smoke hcl salts is usually quite useless)

Ugh so true! It hurts me to hear that someone would waste a perfectly good opiate like that!
yeah the sub safety net is amazing, being an addict is a lot more serious without it.

Im way different with the subs OP. If i take even like half a mg, my high wont be the same for about 24 hours. I can still feel the heroin, but its not really enjoyable or strong.
I find this extremely wastefull. You are losing some of the high gurenteed. And Are you opiate naive? Cause 1, I never get a high from sub not even an 8mg of sub, no high at all.

I recently went through a week of w/d and then found an old sub and took 2mg and I felt 100% better with only slightly more energy no high at all.

Why would you waste these really usefull pills by taking them the same day as you take morphone/oxy... IMO for you getting high off of 60mg oxy / morphine taking 8mg of suboxone is ALOT thats like dose equiv to like 80mg oxy if not more. My advice is save what subs you have, cause going down the road you are, your gonna need them to keep that sickness at bay.
Everyone Is right on on this one. The first time I was on subs the doc gave me 32mg/day. I had been on this regiment for a month banging them everyday. After the month I decided to get high again so I went off the subs completely for three days thinking it would be long enough. I got a g trying to "push through" and all though i did get a high from it it was nothing like I was hoping for. A month later I was down to 8mg/day and quit for 24 hours shot less dope and got way higher. Naltrexone is a very interesting little substance if you ask me.
^ It's not the Naltrexone that deters the opiates from the receptors, it's the Bupe that does that.
Why does everyone think that Naltrexone is the "opiate blocker" in subs?! If this were the case, Subutex would not exist.
LUCKY. I can wait a whole week without taking sub and still not feel the high of anything else. In fact, I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me, after having been off ALL opiates for a month or so, 3 perc 5's did nothing for me, nor did 15mg oxys. WtF? NOTHING is doin it. Imma end up trippin n gettin a bag of smack n really fkn my shit up. >.<
Its because you did alot of opiates built new receptors and now you can't fill up enough to get a high.
^ It's not the Naltrexone that deters the opiates from the receptors, it's the Bupe that does that.
Why does everyone think that Naltrexone is the "opiate blocker" in subs?! If this were the case, Subutex would not exist.

Because the manufacturers wanted to use the "abuse-safe" con to make the medication look that much more novel and attractive to prescribers. Goes to show that many doctors don't know shit... IN THEORY and just going by textbook knowledge the NALOXONE (suboxone does not have naltrexone) would be effective at blocking a bupe rush; but bupe binds so strong that this theory does not work out in practice.

Even if it did, the naloxone half-life is so much shorter than the bupe that an eventual high would still be felt for a while.
LUCKY. I can wait a whole week without taking sub and still not feel the high of anything else. In fact, I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me, after having been off ALL opiates for a month or so, 3 perc 5's did nothing for me, nor did 15mg oxys. WtF? NOTHING is doin it. Imma end up trippin n gettin a bag of smack n really fkn my shit up. >.<

Also suboxone is powerful don't let it fool you. You are probably taking FAR more sub than you need when you do take it... especially since you are attempting to get high off 15mg of oxy afterward.

Subs stay in your system much longer than you think. I used to switch from heroin/oxy to suboxone vacations and then back, all it did in the end was RAISE my tolerance overall since I needed higher and higher (even more so than natural tolerance) doses to punch through whatever bupe would be left in my system.
When I stopped taking subs my hubby was dissolving halves of 2mg in certain amts of water, then I would take like 1/100 of that sublingually 2x per day. (I wasn't aloud to know EXACTLY how much I was taking, it was part of the mind fucking myself into getting off of it) The amount I was taking was so ridiculously small that I was more or less just using it as a mental crutch. THEN after having been clean for a WHOLE MONTH. I took decent amounts of meds with no effects. I wasn't tryna get high right after taking the sub, or even just a few days. I waited a whole month! You say they stay in your system much longer than you think, how long is that?
Like I said, it's different for others. I can get plenty high off a good dose of oxycodone 24 hours after a dose of 2mg of suboxone. Is it 100% effects? No. But damn close. If I shoot dope, I'm fucked up. Period. Suboxone or not. It feels as if I hadn't even taken it. The more sub you take, the longer you will have to wait. At doses of 2mg or less, the wait time isn't really so bad. At 36 hours, 2mg is 1mg in your system, theoretically.

For instance, I took 2mg sub this morning at 10am because I woke up feeling shitty from the dboy I shot last night around 8pm(and consequently blacked out from..)..it's now 8:14est and I just railed 60mg worth of oxycodone and I'm plenty high. I may be a freak, but I've been an opiate addict for 2 years. I know what is placebo and what isn't, lol.
Like I said, it's different for others. I can get plenty high off a good dose of oxycodone 24 hours after a dose of 2mg of suboxone. Is it 100% effects? No. But damn close. If I shoot dope, I'm fucked up. Period. Suboxone or not. It feels as if I hadn't even taken it. The more sub you take, the longer you will have to wait. At doses of 2mg or less, the wait time isn't really so bad. At 36 hours, 2mg is 1mg in your system, theoretically.

For instance, I took 2mg sub this morning at 10am because I woke up feeling shitty from the dboy I shot last night around 8pm(and consequently blacked out from..)..it's now 8:14est and I just railed 60mg worth of oxycodone and I'm plenty high. I may be a freak, but I've been an opiate addict for 2 years. I know what is placebo and what isn't, lol.

Shit, i can get 100% of the high off of oxy or heroin or something like that only 6 hours after a 2mg dose of suboxone. And if I did the heroin/oxy/whatever immediately after taking the suboxone, I could still feel atleast 70-80% of it.
^ That's normal, 2mg is a very low dose and very easy to "push through." Around the 4-6mg mark it starts getting a little bit more difficult to achieve that good high within a 24 hour period.