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weed before e! !

bill joe

Dec 1, 2003

i went to a rave the other weekend , had 2 and 1/4 pills and was pretty amped. Started off with just a quite beer then with some cones. Got to the rave about 3 and had some more cones.Droped first 3/4 at 4 , feelt little comeups and no real peak , dropped another half around 5 again same effects.

Then i went out *, once i light up some cones i was buzzing as fuck!. I think having cones reallly delays your e' , and requires u to smoke cones to bring it in , but when it does , it does it in a big way

so if your gonna smoke cones b4 droppin , i suggest u atleast keep some incase u need it to kick in. Thats what i have noticed any way

Keep droppin' %)

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Smoking cones just as the pill is hitting you is fucking awesome!
Hey bill joe, I've had some experience with this before.

Smoking pot before mdma consumption tends to delay or cancel out the peak for some reason, a few times i have tried it and for me the pill didn't even work.

Smoking pot after or while the (mdma) pill is/has kicked in amplifies the peak quite thoroughlly.

Ive only had cones whilst peaking a few times and it really is a little to intense for me, he he .. i guess all the times i did it they were strong pills. Joint's whilst peaking is win :)
As bad as it is for you, I find that mixing drugs tends to lead to an overall funner experience (not that weed can be really be classified as a drug anymore, more of a part of aussie culture.)

Weed kicks in every drug I've ever had very nicely with the exception of lsd, which just seems to cloud it a bit.

However smoking weed while on a stimulant kicks the stimulant in like a boot in the guts. I tend to stear clear of smoking pot before taking a pill as weed is a real downer drug, and in order to fully enjoy your pill and get the most out of it, I beleive that you need to be in the best mood possible.

My 2.2c (GST Inc.)
haha well said :) i find that smoking pot after LSD kicks it in quite thoroughlly, especially if your after visuals.
res said:
As bad as it is for you, I find that mixing drugs tends to lead to an overall funner experience (not that weed can be really be classified as a drug anymore, more of a part of aussie culture.)

For starters, weed is mostly a part of youth culture.

And second, weed is a drug, and I personally know people who have gone to rehab to stop smoking.

I find that out of all the drug users (herion, speed, mdma, alcohol, ect) that weed smokers are the most 'in denial' about their drug habit, followed closely by mdma users.

Keep up the good work.
I don't like to get really stoned before MDMA - people underestimate the power of THC I think. It can really overpower other drugs that I would consider "stronger" as such. It tends to provide a really "stoning" peak that is flat and slightly lacking in loved-upness. Can be a kinda uncomfortable "half" peak.

That said, one or two cones as the pill comes on can be great to get it to kick in a bit.

I prefer to smoke weed by itself or on comedowns. Sometimes rack up and have cone smoking comps but I really love my weed by itself.=D
Thanks for all the replies ey

Res i didnt have a bad experience at all , its just i didnt feel the pills for 2 hours!. But yea when u have those cones after the pill is consumed its peaks really intensly and is fuckn awesome.

i also im not one bit dissapointed it took 2 hours for it to kick in because it made * fukn awesome , i wasnt sure what these guys would be like on a pill , but man THEY FUCKN WENT OFF

keep droppin and smoking you awesome ppl =D

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back at the start of november when i had my first blue diamond (WHOA SOOO GOOD!!!) about 5hrs after consuming pill it was 6am and everyone else had gone to bed because they consumed their pills a few hours before me... so i sat down with a bong to waste some time and smoked heaps of cones of very strong hydro only to find that it wouldn't get me stoned.. no matter how many bongs i packed the THC just had zero effect. i eventually lost interest after pulling way to many and went to bed.i concluded that whatever was in the pill was much stronger than the pot and wouldn't let it have its way with me!
does this sound like the mdma or maybe there was some speed in the pill?
Reported widely in various scientific literature, THC and related substances actually potentiate many drugs including amphetamine, affecting rates of metabolism therefore affecting both duration of effects and possibly receptor/enzyme efficacy. With amphetamine, caffeine does a similar thing, as does tobacco. It's also rather interesting that while this interaction may increase psychotropic /physiological actions, THC is rarely known to interact adversely with any drug in a manner which seriously up's the short term risk factors.

That being said, there is always a distinct chance that increases in blood pressure and heart rate could result in a hypertensive situation, which if added to any pre-existing condition, may prove life threatening. Therefore a warning regarding almost any poly-drug combination should always flash in your mind before deciding to go the extra load. It also warrants mention that these interactions are not understood at all in a long term context.

Warnings aside, I enjoy mull at most times, but I usually find I smoke less when I'm peaking on MDMA. I'll sometimes go cone / lighter during the comedown, but I'm always keen to note anything that subconsciously reduces my urge to smoke. So for me it's not so much thinking of what to add weed to, but rather identifying something that completely removes the urge, as the whole smoking activity these days seems to revolve solely around the taste for me :\

Dr. Beat said:
For starters, weed is mostly a part of youth culture.

Try that statement in Cannabis Discuission,
you might find some fire.
My opinion is that weed before e ruins the ecstasy feel. Don't take me wrong, im a stoner and smoke almost everyday but I have noticed that it changes the entire mood of the come up and peak MDMA gives you. Basically you dont feel the MD as much because you are also stonned and pot is a very powerful hallucinogenic drug on its own. You take a long time to snap out of being stonned. Then even if you dont have more weed, the whole MDMA feel will not be genuine and as happy as if you didn't choof!

However if you smoke after the peak when youre coming down, it will always bring you back up and alot of ppl swear it brings the peak back which it does for a little but then you just end up being stonned :)

That being said, i most often find myself choofing before, during and/or after pills because there's always a joint or a bong being passed around and I prefer the come down ripped ;)
ummm yeh? said:
weed +mdma=relaxing roll

weed + MDMA has given me some of the most intense come-ups I've ever had. Sometimes to the point of too intense. I've once thrown up from this intensity of come-up from smoking a joint as an E is kicking in. This combo seems to make me sweat a whole lot too, while I don't usually sweat much on MDMA.

A few times I've been in a state that can't be described but it was amazing yet slightly uncomfortable. I couldn't stand anyone touching me, I couldn't talk and I didn't want anyone to talk to me, I just sat there rubbing my head and trying to hold on to my seat 8o.
phase_dancer said:
....Warnings aside, I enjoy mull at most times, but I usually find I smoke less when I'm peaking on MDMA. I'll sometimes go cone / lighter during the comedown, but I'm always keen to note anything that subconsciously reduces my urge to smoke. So for me it's not so much thinking of what to add weed to, but rather identifying something that completely removes the urge.... :\

Good call...This is usually how I feel about weed and MDMA.

As an everyday weed-smoker I have no choice (or rather don't think twice) about smoking up before I roll. I attempt to limit my pre-peak consumption as this can have a slight (very slight for me) dampening affect on the high.

Smoking bongs just as I begin to feel initial effects usually acts to kick my pill in better, but I never have more than 3 cones in the hour after dropping. Smoking during the peak almost always intensifies and better's the peak for me and as for smoking on the come-down, enough said. For me, this last practice is as vital as dumping the pill itself.

I'm too paranoid to take joints to clubs/raves so I save most of my smoking for when I get home and crack-out with my friends. If you take a pill at home with friends (and dont go out) then it can be enjoyable smoking the whole way through the high, but like "PHASE-DANCER" I generally enjoy finding reasons NOT to get high. Generally my friends like to snort (goey), drink, munch (pills) and smoke over the course of a night out on the disco biscuits...In that order.

Dancing_Princess said:
Give me a bong anytime!!!! =D

Will you be my friend :)