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Weed addition


Dec 15, 2015
Hi I am a 16 year old male who smokes pot at least 2 times a day. I never feel withdrawal symptoms when I have to stop for a couple days(if I'm going out of town or getting drug tested) but when I have the opportunity I littearly can't say no to smoking. I do other drugs like Xanax LSD shrooms (if I can find them) etc but never to the point where I would get addicted to them(Xanax). My parents keep telling me I have a problem but I have positive relationships with them and the rest of my family and I also do okay in school. My grades haven't dropped since I've started doing drugs. I really love doing drugs haha and idk what I would do without them in my life especially on the weekends haha.I also don't have the confidence to hook up with girls unless I'm fucked up. All my friends do them and I always have amazing times when we do them together especially LSD. I really just want to know from unbiased people if should stop slow down or keep doing what I'm doing. Some people tell me it's fine and others tell me it's destroying my brain so idk what to do. One last offtopic thing is can anyone figure out what my username means? It's drug related?
I'd also like to say that I plan on going to a decent college and getting a good paying job in the future
You sound like me when I was 16, I'm 30something now. Hope you got, or will get your shit together drugs or no drugs. I hope you find something you think is neat and run with it forever.

My regrets are that I never learned how to do school well, and that SOO much of my mental faculties were(and still are) devoted to drugs even when sober. Not in such a way that led or will lead to a pharmacology degree and an interesting job as a researcher or something. Always been really into music and art, but not in such a way that I ever ended up with something I wanted to share with others, no matter how much I'd like to share the music in my head with others. Depression kicked my faulty foundation out from under me during my freshman yer of college, and I began self medicating with constant pot but, not very well for the first crucial 10years...How much is fate, mental illness, and drugs is still very murky for me.
The failure always felt per-ordained, You do sound like you're a happier guy than me however, and that will serve you well. You know drugs can be awesome, and drugs can fuck you up, so take care to not fuck up. Unless this is your calling and future, try not to get obsessed?
I don't regret my psychedelic use at all, that has been a net good, even though I've been to hell and still feel damned. I do regret my over use and focus on pot earlier in my life. I'm glad I was never physically addicted to anything other than the mildest of benzo habits and nicotine. My mind however always goes back to drugs.
Not too many of my friends made it out the other side of college with anything other than failure and an unshakable debt. Though most do have jobs and families and it isn't all doom and gloom. I have a great wife and some nice dogs and I'm respected at work.
Still, you can do better.
Although your able to keep up your grades, dont mean alot. Il give you a little advice i wish i knew before hand and wish i didn't have to learn the hard way. Whoever told you about brain abuse was not lying, and must of found out first hand or know somebody that did. Im 26 turning 27 soon now. I was abusing pot everyday since i was 13, i stopped 6 months ago, and it was hard, mentally.. I was taking shrooms and/or lsd once maybe twice a month since i was 18 up untill recently. And ecstasy once every month, or sometimes just weeks apart, since i was 19 untill recently. Although im able to keep up with work and consider myself halfway successful, i am fucked in the head, i know it, people around me know it, and i suffer every day. My life will never be normal or the same. I sometimes just wanna die. I know everybody is dfferent, but if i can change anything, it'd be me doing drugs, i would of never touched them not even pot. You might be able to avoid mental and emotional issues with very occasional use, but after 10-15 years of daily pot smoking on top of other drugs, trust me ull feel the effects and it ain't gonna be fun. Your still young, id stop completely, or cut out the psychs and occasionally smoke just pot. I had a crazy spirtual trip 6 months ago and haven't touched drugs since. And it all hit me at once. Weed gives me anxiety all of a sudden now. My mind cant handle shrooms or lsd or xtc anymore. I think way to much. I struggle daily, shit dont seem real, i look at my girlfriend and freak out, i hang with my kid and freak out, i think about death, i wonder if i even exist, i suffer from anxiety now, heart problems, lungs are cashed, feel overall slower, i got awful derealization/depersonalization, my thoughts are all outta wack, nothing seems real and life seems weird now, like who am i, idk, im depressed daily and its hard to be normal or happy, and thats about half of it, i didnt wanna give you my whole life story. I pretty much runied myself, though, thanks to drug abuse. Sorry to blab about me, but you wondered about brain damage. There ya go, theres my insight on that. Light up on the psychs specialy, or you will end up like me, if you take enough over the years, dont trick yourself cause your able to keep up at school/work. Your only 16, you have time to correct yourself, you havent did much damage, yet*.. But in 10-15 years theres a chance you could be like me and wish you never took drugs, when your dealing with the awful effects daily.. Good luck and stay in school.. Btw, drugs didn't affect me in work or school, pot anyways, everything was the same, work and grade wise, i just enjoyed being there a little more cause i was high, the grades stayed the same, and the same amount of work got done, for me anyways, i was always able to handle drugs, back then atleast.
Yeah I'll probably echo what others have said, but it sounds like you are on a crash course for drug addiction/burn out. When you are younger it's amazing the shit you can pull off in terms of being fucked up- ime it gets harder to get away with it the longer you do it though. I think it has to do with the way natural levels of testerone drop off in your mid 20's as well as bad habits taking their toll over time.

Either way, I would be a hypocrit if I said to not do those drugs- even though I didn't do them when I was that young. I do think that you need to think a lot about your future and take a real close look at people who spend their whole life doing drugs and then at some who don't and ask yourself what kind of life you would rather have. I'm sure this is nothing novel, and I'm not saying that if you keep smoking weed, popping pills and shit that you will end up a failure and a fuck up, but the fact that you are doing so makes it a lot easier and being a responsible adult a lot harder.

Something nobody told me is that there are a lot of drug users and addicts who pay their bills and hold down full time jobs, some even hold decent jobs. I've heard of some people maintaining a bad drug habit as well as a successful career for years, decades even. The thing about drugs and addiction is that it's a hell of a lot of fun at first, but if you ask almost any addict who has been stuck on a drug for long enough they will tell you they want off. Find almost anyone sticking a needle in their arm and if you can have a real enough conversation with them that they feel comfortable with you, they will probably tell you they wish they were sober like normal people.

There is no cause without effect. What you set in motion right now will carry momentum into your later years. I met one guy who started popping xanax and vics, smoking weed, and all else when he was 14. He was 26 when I met him and if he didn't have a handful of pills every day he would be in withdraw. When we weren't working he was trying to get drugs in one way or another usually. He would tell me how shitty it was, how he wish he could be sober but was just so stuck in his habits and ways that he didn't think he could change. Just know that no one plans to end up like that... There is quite a bit of truth to the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" in that some habits are much easier to pick up or put down at a young age before you have really engrained them into your behavior and life.

I didn't do drugs until I was 19, i'm 27 now and I've already gone through or am going through my share of addiction.

Some of the best advice I was told is "No on is stronger than addiction" and I realize now that it has a lot to do with the nature of addiction, not the intentions or will power of the user.

EDIT: OP I don't mean to say that you are a loser or are destined to become one at all. My point summed up is just that most "losers" don't plan on becoming one, it just sort of happens as a product of their behavior over time. You could spend your teens and young adult life doing drugs, partying and all that- probably have enough good memories to die with but more than likely you would spend the next few decades trying to recover like most do.

You could also spend your youth pursuing a passion and get really fucking good at whatever it might be, but I promise you if you set the drugs down and go full on at whatever it might be, by the time you hit your mid 20's(the same age when most people start to burn out from drugs) you will still be reaching toward your peak, really taping into your full capabilities and potential.
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Well, I'm not too sure about weed addition but I know a bit about dab geometry.
hey dude i would be THE biggest hypocrite to say dont do drugs but lsd , shrooms they defently change your brain so if you really want to go to good college maybe take it easy on them and the xanax benzodiazapines are SO addictive and when i tried coming off 60mgs of valium a day i took fits and seizeres looked like sommit outta the exorcist but do you dude LIFE IS TO BE ENJOYED KID lol take care
A dab is cannabis concentrate. It's called a dab because of the relatively small size and maybe because of the consistency of it. Hash oil, BHO, ect.
things change when you get more responsibilities in life. i think everyone reaches a point where they realize it's time to level up and start at least pretending to adult properly. doesn't mean having to quit partying just that other things will take priority depending on what you want to accomplish in life.
I wouldn't say you're destroying your brain but you could possibly be making bad habits that could set you off course for your desired future.

I never realized how much damage I was doing to my life when I was your age, and if I could go back, I would wait until I was older to indulge.
Honestly, I think what you're doing should be expected of at least 50% of highschool students. When I was your age (like 10yrs ago) I liked to party every weekend and smoke pot before I walked to school (never tried LSD or shrooms until my early 20's). I've read countless articles stating that weed doesn't cause any permanent damage to the brain. Just go easy on the xanax cuz I heard that can cause some nasty withdrawals. However, if you're worried about addiction, I will tell you right now to STAY THE F*CK AWAY FROM OPIATES. I wish I would've....
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I think way to much. I struggle daily, shit dont seem real, i look at my girlfriend and freak out, i hang with my kid and freak out, i think about death, i wonder if i even exist, i suffer from anxiety now, heart problems, lungs are cashed, feel overall slower, i got awful derealization/depersonalization, my thoughts are all outta wack, nothing seems real and life seems weird now, like who am i, idk, im depressed daily and its hard to be normal or happy, and thats about half of it,

Bro, please take these things seriously. Stop smoking, your mind is giving you warning signs (I'm speaking from experience) it's time to stop for a while. Because you are standing at the gates of serious mental illnesses. Turn back, as long as you can.

Take a 2 months break and see what's happening. (I went into an addiction center at a hospital when I was in your shoes, it's easier to stay clean there, plus there's doctors, and you can get meds if shit hits the fan).

Xanax addiction is like hell on Earth, it's comperable to heroin addiction when it comes to withdrawal. That's why I strongly advise you to get medical help, because this way you'll only get Xans when you really need it, and no danger of overdosing, since nurses are giving it to you. (When it comes to weed wds Xanax can be helpful, but if you do it on your own there's a danger that you will use Xanax instead of weed to get fucked up. At least that's what happened to me before I asked for help)

Take care, get well soon! :)
If other people tell you that you have a problem, then you do have a problem. From what you say, your relationship with your parents is strained and you can't get girls unless your fucked up. Both of those things sound like problems to me. Maybe the problem isn't drugs, it's what using them does to the people around you, and your self-confidence.
I read the first post but nothing else. Your high school is probably really easy man and that's why your grades haven't gone down. Sometimes teachers don't even mark assignments and what not and just give you a mark in the area of your grade point average, I'm dead serious. It's pretty much impossible to smoke weed all the time and be really successful academically. You're probably still going to want to party on the weekends though, I recommend still doing that for sure. When you party though don't make it about getting fucked up make it about having fun you know?
Also how do you know it's LSD. It's probably NBOME. And alot of people like us who gravitate towards pot over other things and do well academicallly naturally are more prone to mental illness. Honnestly though I never really made it in life. You might want to make new friends, when I think of my life that was probably one of the main things that would have fixed my road to failure. These years are incredibly important for your development, you have your whole life ahead of you if you want to smoke weed then, now it's time to stop though. You want to do as much as possible at your age in terms of living healthy, weed just doesn't facilitate that.
to the OP.

I was the same as you. I'm 19 now but from the age of 16 I began my experimenting. anything you name it I've done it. besides the RCs and hardcore meth, H, crack and no needles or bad opioid abuse.

the thing about being at this age is the way you will mould yourself for the future. as you stayed "you love drugs and can't see what you'd do without them"
I'm here to tell you this is now me. I don't know what to do if I wasn't having a drink or a smoke. parties are just arenas for me to get as fucked up as I can, house parties seem mad boring to me and the other normal things people do are of no interest to me.

so I spend my time fueling my obsession by browsing this very forum for it has helped me stay safe but has also fueled my curiosity.

you mentioned in your 2nd post that you have a plan etc..
-keep it that way mate, most of my friends who I grew up smoking with have none. I'm talking they're not in school, few are recovering from hard drug abuse, some are now jumping into dangerous new drugs, others are mentally damaged as a result of their use. one in particular that always made me upset was my friend who was diagnosed with cannabis induced psychosis. he isn't the same anymore after all that God damned seroquel and lorazepam they fed him. now he's with this little whore who's a blatant gold digger and she trapped him w a baby.

anyway I'm ranting now but I'm not saying you'd end up this way but once you stay true to yourself, maintain an ambition and know how to moderate your cannabis or drug use then you will be ok.

I'm in first year University and I still do drugs but I'm very occasional with it and legit do them less than everyone that grew up watching me gobbling xanax bars and sniffing coke.

one thing I learned over the last few years was that with ALL drugs, moderation is key. it ain't even a cliche thing. it's facts.

smoking weed everyday is unhealthy. ever thought about leaving it for the weekend only?

it'll really help with keeping your head clear so you can focus on real things like securing a future. smoking it everyday will make you very foggy.

cheers and safe flights to you OP
I'm 19, and started smoking in August of this year. It was my first experience with drugs other than medicine and some alcohol on birthdays and parties. Once I finally got my own weed for the first time (I think it was a quarter) and had access to it whenever I wanted, I basically didn't say no to it, like you. I'm done with that phase though now for a while, and my grades didn't suffer for it either luckily, although there were some long and stressful nights. Had I started in high school, I would not be finishing my third semester of college.

In my opinion, stop, or at the very least slow way down. My advice is to stop any benzodiazepine (Xanax) immediately, educate yourself on their withdrawal symptoms and such and put the fear of God into yourself. I myself haven't read about LSD or shrooms enough to give you advice regarding them, luckily if you're reading this you're already on Bluelight. As for weed, it absolutely is affecting your brain, just like it does mine. Smoking two times minimum daily at sixteen has a good chance of leaving it fucked up if you keep up that pace. Maybe that's harsh to read, but it's a real possibility. You should stick to some sort of schedule, take t-breaks without being forced, and not do it every day, or better yet, stop for a good time and see what . I understand that also may be something that feels impossible due to your friends doing drugs. This was my mostly intellectual appeal, what follows is mostly an emotional appeal.

Honestly, I do think you need to stop and focus on school and life, and unfortunately I know that is probably the least appealing thing in the world. There's so many factors to your drug use I don't know, but I have to guess because you don't know what you would do without drugs in your life, your suburb, town, city, or whatever is boring as fuck. Mine is too, and that's unfortunately something you just have to endure because being young SUCKS. You say your grades are okay, but are they enough to get you into the college you want? If not, there's a good chance you'll be panicking senior year when everybody else is applying and getting out and living on their own (It sucks to live in a dorm, but it's hell to keep living in your old neighborhood with your parents after HS). You'll find that there's actually shit to do once you're at college. Confidence with girls? Just talk to them, they're human beings like you and if you wanna hook up, don't be afraid to ask, the worst you'll get is a no (It may be a harsh no, just take a breath and move on). Friends can fall out so quickly after high school, so a good general rule to remember is that a lot of them are temporary, even as shitty as that sounds. Enjoy your time with them, but don't let them fuck with your health, or fuck with you in general. High school is the beginning of an academic marathon, it's tough, so don't trip right at the beginning.

Good luck.
Thank you to everyone who responded. I will try to slow down my drug use but I will probably still do psychedelics. They're very fun and spiritual. I think I need to stop the xans though they only have negative effects.