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"Website Pushes Illegal Drug Use" - Sunday Herald Sun

I'm right behind pinger - some of the content on this site has become rather drug-centred lately, eg, "G and Bulb whores", and how some people are nearly bragging about the frying of their brains.

Sure, we all love the odd pill, j, bulb, trip, whatever every now and then, but REALLY, do we need to talk about it in such a blase manner as if nobody besides this community is reading this site?
Don't forget how much power the media can hold over the general population peeps; sure they may print utter b.s most of the time, but unfotunately most people believe what they read.
Otherwise, there's some PRETTY FUNNY SHIT on the site - can't deny that

I think of my life as a series of sketches; each one funnier than the last
johnboy -- thx for the article as i could not connect to the link.
pinger -- when was bluelight ever about harm minimisation? it was always predominantly social with information occasionally thrown in. now with a multitude of FAQ's there is more information available than ever before.
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
We've got to be VERY careful about how we respond to this article.
A barrage of abusive emails to Herald Scum will just prompt another article a la "Psycho Drug Users Stike Back" and lead to more problems.
We need to set up correspondance with the paper, and with a little luck we may even get some good press.
I'm with pinger too. The G/Bulb whore threads were a little dicey, so I think for the moment (while we respond) we should keep it "clean".
"If I could stand up baby, I'd make you my wife"
Im just thinking that no responce is best, it was on page 11 or something, i cant see many people getting too interested in. Us responding will only give the issue more attention
"the website's potentially dangerous content" Where'd they pull that from? bluelight and pillreports is all about HARM MINIMISATION. Taking these websites down will probably only result in more deaths, more OD's etc
Just another thought.. Maybe they didnt show the address of the site in the case that people would read some of the faq's and information and realise that a lot of the people here do know what they are on about and are actively reducing harm by answerign peoples questions and provding endless sources of information. Wouldnt want that now would they? They just want to block the public from having their own opinion on the site. Ahh well. what can you do?
There's also the hard-core zero-tolerance belief that giving ppl information on how to do drugs with minimal damage will only result in better experienceas for them and as a result, prolonged usage.
If u had 3 bad pills in a row you might lay off for a while but if you stick to pill reports and user reports it's not likely you'll have a bad one. The Govt. doesn't want ppl feeling "safe" about illegal drug use. They want you to fuck up so you stop doing it, even if it costs lives. Gotta love the irony.
i agree with milkybar, howard does not even want to trial injecting rooms, he fuckin does understand that harm minimisaton is the only sensible way of winning the drug problem. but he would rather see young die then discuss it with AMA(Australian medical Association) people who know something about it. I reckon websites such as bluelight make it possible to bring out issues which need to be debated in our society where by real issue of the problem is recongnised. Sure the article was written with judgement already made by the journalist for the readers, but if this website has ever stopped one person from buying a wrong pill which would have killed someone, then it has already served its purpose. its like supplying needles to heroin addicts, you would rather supply them with needle first, tackle the issue of growing AIDS problem with intravenous drug users, and then handle the issue of how he/she got the heroin. The approach here is other way round, so the issue is going to get worst. Lets get it right guys this wesite is harm minimisation. I am preety sure if someone was going to try or do drugs or whatever, that someone will do it irrespective. but if the website tells the person what not to do, then person can make informed decisions. The problems is lot of the times suggestions given are so ridiculous, no disrespects to anyone but someone is going get hurt, unless moderators make sure that the idea given is not going to cause more problems.
Johnboy - I think you're probably right in asking people not to respond to this one, but damn its hard. I mean, I've had friends who've been raped/sexually abused, to compare what we're doing on this site to that totally disgusts me.
It is difficult to resist the urge to respond angrily but I think in this case it's best if Johnboy repsonds on our behalf.
He already has a profile in the media and has spoken openly about bluelight and harm reduction in the past. To the media and joe public, the rest of us are just druggies.
I had the day off today. I watched a bit of day time tv. Caught Stan the man Zemaneck on Beauty and the Beast. One of the issues they discussed was heroin addiction. Stan and a couple of the panelists stated loudly and proudly that people who use drugs are scum. Not just people who use heroin, but ALL people who use drugs.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way.
Responding angrily to a not very newsworthy newspaper article is not going to change their minds.
Niques Wisdom
- Don't ever try your best, it's the first step to failure.
- It is far better to be pissed off than pissed on.
- If someones life is in danger, do not help them, this will almost always bring you to the same fate.
just a permutation of a deep feeling.
Ill never bow to a government enterprise, ill never be held at it's randsom, ill never require of myself to shutup for a pityful newspaper which caters for the weak hearted and easily misled.
Why on earth am I seeing, you guys band together to try be strong - rather to avoid a tread on big bro's toes. I'm gonna say this for your own good...you piss-weak specimens, by doing your dash the way you are your just creating bigger gaps. Though I fancy you won't appreciate, I'm hopeful something will come across subliminally overnight.
An amazzzzing analogy just fell on top of my head, when we die, it's too late to fix because we're already cactus.
And stop fucking whining about the newspaper you own and perpetuate.
wow, that was deep. it's exactly that sort of clear communication we need right now....
Let's see NiQu3LorD, you want us to rant and rave at the newspaper because of this affront, rather than waiting to see what they have to say in response to the calm and reasonable enquiry Johnboy is sure to make on our behalf?
Yes, that will help things so much...
If they don't respond to Johnboy in the way we want, then have no fear, they will know we're pissed off...
yeah I understand...
We're doomed for failure you know, maybe not this time.
g'night, good job
From someone who deals with the media regulary from a corporate perspective. Keeping your mouth shut more often than not does far more good that the alternative. Why? Because todays NEWS is tomorrow's Fish n' Chip wrapper.
Huh,...What,...Who,....Dude I can't here a fucken word your saying.
im still taking it carefully and slowly...
BUT i did have a cool idea. i rang the office of Drug Arm oday, to see if Grahame Rule felt like calling em a pedophile to my face, but he wasnt in the office. When i do get ahold of him i am thinking of asking him to come to Bluelight and debate the point here. what do you all think of that?
Great idea, I will always respect someones opinion when they are willing to be involved in a two way open and honest debate.
I agree with airwalk - prolly better left alone, if all it's going to be is one small article on page 16 then so be it (not exactly fron t page news). Any retaliation will just give them a juicy drug topic (have u guys noticed that every couple of years a juicy drug issue arises in the media - injecting rooms, decriminalisation of marijuana, etc etc). Lets leave this alone, with no rebuttal they have no debate.
Just as long as no-one starts flaming him then yeah, it's a good idea...
I disagree about leaving it alone. We should let them know that there are respectable intelligent drug users out there. We should let them know that we can't in any way be compared to pedophiles. We should let them know that we are capable of carrying an intelligent debate without resorting to petty insults and deragatory comments.
We should definately not let them think that they are right!
It's people like us that can make the general populace realise that it's not the drugs that are bad, but some of the people who abuse them.
That's what I think one of the purposes of this site should be, to show that it's possible to safely use drugs. Do people think that all the pharmacutical drugs available were always safe to use? I think that if you do some research on some of the more potent drugs you'll find that there is a history of abuse behind them. Take morphine and all the opiate derivatives as the most well known example. There are some opiate derivatives available on the market which if taken correctly can be completely safe.
Lets not kid ourselves, this site, as well as pillreports, does to some extent promote drug use. But it doesn't promote it in the Go-out-and-get-whatever-you-can-and-get-it-into-you-however-you-can way. It promotes careful, educated and moderate drug use. It, and we, understand that people are going to use drugs and that prohibition is ineffective. What we are trying to do is allow those people who are going to use drugs anyway, to use it in a way which will ensure that they will live through the experience. The knowledge contained in this site, and the minds of the people on this site, shows that it's possible to use drugs safely as long as you're educated and intelligent about it.
*gets off soapbox*
[This message has been edited by Tarsarlan (edited 14 August 2001).]