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Opioids Want to quit methadone after just a week...

Well, I definitely want to get off of it ASAP. I will not be abusing while I live with my family, which is what I'm going to do in mid-February. What kind of symptoms will I be facing, and for how long if I were to just STOP today? Remember, I have a legit rx for Benzos and Hydrocodone that may help these symptoms. I did not know that methadone was such a bitch to get off of, I knew it was harder, but I didn't know to what degree it was when I started. so What symptoms and how long?
Industrial: *When I was taking hydrocodone, I was able to stop for two or sometimes three weeks at a time, so not sure how physically addicted to that I actually was.
If you were to stop today you'd probably have withdrawals that would be only slightly longer than had you just cold turkeyed the short acting opioids in the first place. I would say after two weeks you will be in the clear, and probably day 6 will be the hardest point of acute withdrawal, or the "hump". But it's really impossible to say, as everyone metabolizes drugs differently. For all we know the methadone can be running through you're system very fast at this point, in which case the withdrawals will be slower, if you have a slow metabolism, it will take longer.

But I'm kind of confused, did you say that you were able to stop the hydrocodone for a few weeks without problems?
When you got on methadone, we're you having to redoes multiple times a day to keep sickness away, or were you just psychologically addicted. If you didn't have real physical withdrawals when you switched to methadone, you can probably get off now with little to no withdrawals too. In fact if thats the case, and you didn't have a physical dependancy, you really should just get off the methadone immediately, because you will become addicted to that very soon.
The sooner the better...imon my 2nd week of this clinic bullshit,going every single day, 7 days a week,mandatory groups whih everyone there is ust sleeping or high and i learn nothing helpful. I was using 10-13 bags of EC powder dope a day and am currently on 50mg's of done, and refuse to go any higher even tho i start feelin w/d symptoms by like 6p.m because i dont want to get on some cray high dose and have a harder time detoxing, etc. The clinic is ust one bigmoney making hassle pain-in-the-ass! Not to mention all the gas im burning up driving there. And i wuldne to wait 4months efore being eligible for my first take home...i def sugest getting off asap..ikno i am!
The sooner the better...imon my 2nd week of this clinic bullshit,going every single day, 7 days a week,mandatory groups whih everyone there is ust sleeping or high and i learn nothing helpful. I was using 10-13 bags of EC powder dope a day and am currently on 50mg's of done, and refuse to go any higher even tho i start feelin w/d symptoms by like 6p.m because i dont want to get on some cray high dose and have a harder time detoxing, etc. The clinic is ust one bigmoney making hassle pain-in-the-ass! Not to mention all the gas im burning up driving there. And i wuldne to wait 4months efore being eligible for my first take home...i def sugest getting off asap..ikno i am!

Georgie: pleae keep me posted about what you are going through. What are your w/d symptoms like that you have in the evenings now?
They are not full blown w/d symptoms sine i do get some relief from the methadone for 4-6 hours after taking it, then after that I start getting extremely tired,hot/cold flashes, gooseflesh, runny nose, watery eyes,yawning, stomach cramps. Another big problem i have on methadone is the constipation issues. I've taken a shit like 3 times in the last 2 weeks and each time it took forever and was "rabbit shit". Sometimes i also have bad insomnia, or ill sleep too much during the day cuz of the methadone and be up all night. Also get bad sweating attacks usually at night when i feel the dose wearing off.But i df dont want to keep raising my dose..im hoping ill get more stable on 50mg as time passes??
Yeah I've only been on MMT seven days and I have the same constipation issues
My WDs lasted around 2 weeks but then I had very bad PAWS for months after quitting. The worst for me was the severe insomnia. I found doxylamine to be a godsend during that time.
Your WDs shouldn't be as bad as mine were though. I was on MMT for 5 years and my dose was 120 mg split before I began to taper. I do agree with the other posters that said you probably didn't have to go on MMT with the amount you were using. There are other options. MMT is a big commitment and it's not easy to go off of once you've been on it for awhile. That said, as I posted before, only YOU can decide if your addiction warrants methadone therapy or not. It doesn't sound like you think it does so talk with the clinic about a quick taper. Or you could try suboxone. Good luck sweetie! Keep us posted.
BTW, if you would like to know more about my methadone WDs and how I alleviated the symptoms, feel free to PM me. I hope you don't have to but just in case...I'm here for ya
My WDs lasted around 2 weeks but then I had very bad PAWS for months after quitting. The worst for me was the severe insomnia. I found doxylamine to be a godsend during that time.
Your WDs shouldn't be as bad as mine were though. I was on MMT for 5 years and my dose was 120 mg split before I began to taper. I do agree with the other posters that said you probably didn't have to go on MMT with the amount you were using. There are other options. MMT is a big commitment and it's not easy to go off of once you've been on it for awhile. That said, as I posted before, only YOU can decide if your addiction warrants methadone therapy or not. It doesn't sound like you think it does so talk with the clinic about a quick taper. Or you could try suboxone. Good luck sweetie! Keep us posted.

This is exactly what I experienced but I was only part of the clinic for a year, and then tapered down to 50mg from 90mg in a week, then dropped it
Post acute withdrawal syndrome.
It's what happens after the acute phase of withdrawal is over which is usually one to two weeks, though it depends on the drug. Symptoms for opiate paws are trouble sleeping/insomnia, depression, anxiety etc.. It can last anywhere from a couple of months to a year.

Imo, methadone paws are actually more grueling than the acute withdrawal. The depression was pretty debilitating, as was the insomnia. I've never been one to contemplate suicide, but I really did for the first six months after I quit methadone , pretty much cold turkey. It took me about two months to be able to sleep well again too. I think though that paws can be shortened or less intense if you do a good taper, but when I went to rehab, they tapered me down from 90 to 50mg in a week and then cut me off. I didn't get subutex or anything, just a low dosage of phenobarbital. It really sucked.
I was on methadone for seven days. I was on a low dose 30mg then 40mg but I decided I didn't want to have to depend on it. This is my third day not going to MMT and I still don't feel ill. I am already on medication for panic attacks, depression, etc. So paws would either correct my problems (yeah right) or possibly do nothing, maybe make it worse, and I don't want to roll the dice on that either. I'm pretty stable on my psych meds.
Yeah I mean you've only been on methadone a week, you're not going to have really long term paws I imagine. If you do though notice that you feel depressed and anxious, thats probably paws. Benzo's can help alleviate some of that, but antidepressants and mood stabilizers unfortunately will not help much
^ You still take hydrocodone, correct? You really won't get that bad of withdrawals if you only used an additional opiate for a week, and then stopped while continuing taking the hydrocodone. 7 days really isn't enough time for your body to get used to that dose, therefore the withdrawal will be minimum, if that.
No I haven't been taking hydrocodone since quitting MMT. Even so, I'd rather Ed from hydrocodone than methadone