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Misc w/d problems - please advise or suggest


Apr 29, 2018
Here is a list is what I am regularly taking ever day and think I am addicted to:
Sertraline 200mg
Bisiprolol - 5mg
Naproxen - 1500mg
Bromazepam - 12mg
Depakote - 600mg
Tramadol - 300-1100mg

As of 24hs ago I am all out Tramadol, Bisoprolol, Naproxen, and Bromazepam. I cannot get any of them until Tuesday.
I already wish I was dead.
Please help me with some way. there's no way I can make it another 3.5 days. Oh and I can't BUY anything (including OTC)
My mums just gone out and said she'll get some Paramol (even though the local Boots and the local Tesco claimed to have non in stock last night) so fingers crossed!
I'm just starting to get into what I call the "fluid drench" (pooping, puking, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, sweating etc). Not that a single fucking one of you cared to comment. Cunts.

EDIT: because of Pete's ridiculous temporary banning I will add that the last sentence above was written in a playful/teasing way and I ap...I app..i...fuck it I can't do it: i refuse to apologize
Paramol, Imodium, and kratom will help you with the opiate withdrawals.

The bromazepam will be the other big one though, you need diazepam to do a benzo taper, or just get your hands on any benzo to take the edge off the withdrawal.
Shit C.E!
That is not good.
( I wrote this to you but didn’t think it was very helpful)

Feeling bad for you. Hang in there. Just a few days.
Hugs to you!
Sorry to hear, pot may help a bit or some benadryl or lope . You will be ok but if you feel worse i would suggest going to emergency. Keep yourself hydrated and is there anything you can do to distract your mind? Video games were a god send during my detox.
I do hope you get relief
If youre able to score any benzos this would help greatly ( i know not everyones got a list of numbers in their cell for different stuff) and i know you cant buy stuff so keeping that in mind, the tramadol and sertraline seem to be your biggest wd drugs im not familiar with some that you are taking however the SRRI and synthetic opioid are most likely the worst of the bunch drink fluids to stay hydrated as bad as it can sound itll help your body atleast, but other than that youre gonna need to ride the wave, tuedays not too far away now atleast stay strong m8
How did you land into the pit of wd as i call it, its a shitty pit after doing a few times id rather rip my head off than deal with it again :0
Not that a single fucking one of you cared to comment. Cunts

I get that you're stressed but this sort of comment doesn't really help. This is a public board, you posted on a Saturday which is often quieter. Sometimes you need to be patient...

How are you feeling anyway?
I get that you're stressed but this sort of comment doesn't really help. This is a public board, you posted on a Saturday which is often quieter. Sometimes you need to be patient...

How are you feeling anyway?

That was meant to be ironic lol I wasn't really mad.

Thanks for the comments everyone, for some reason I didn't get any alerts. I did get paramol to keep the edge off but my last dose was 10 hours ago, 6 more hours until I can call the pharmacy for a same-day tramadol prescription.
That was meant to be ironic lol I wasn't really mad.

Thanks for the comments everyone, for some reason I didn't get any alerts. I did get paramol to keep the edge off but my last dose was 10 hours ago, 6 more hours until I can call the pharmacy for a same-day tramadol prescription.
In the future i sincerely sympathize and hope you do your utmost best to stay on track with your meds that can cause wd, i cant wish withdrawal upon my worst enemies, but on the bright side you can rest easy knowing itll all be over soon since youll get your meds :) its best you perhaps look out for someone that sells benzos just incase in the future you land in this situation, you can buy them throw them into a pill container with alittle rice and theyll last for like 5 years or longer if you dont take them, just dont reccomend you get into a benzo habbit, thats a beast of its own
They dont cure wd, they significantly do ease the mental symtoms however