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Stimulants Vyvanse question

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Using vyvanse will never really give you that amphetamine rush that you might experience while taking adderall and ritalin. Vyvanse is a much more mild drug that lasts a significantly longer time than both adderall and ritalin. It will give you a body high, quicker reactions and thinking, and can boost energy, but it depends highly upon the user's mindset. I think that talkativeness is the most profound effect of vyvanse and the least controllable aspect and don't really see the point in taking such a large dosage unless you are simply trying to not fall asleep.
In my experience, vyvanse is like adderall without all the anxiety. It's much more clean and subtle and you don't get the same kind of crash. Whatever you do, drink a lot of water. And I recommend listening to the band Explosions in the Sky. For some reason, they are exceptionally awesome when I take vyvanse.
uhhh way too much. if you dont have adhd, the first time only take about 40 mg. if you do, maybe 200 VERY max. on a suicide attempt YEARS ago, i took over 400 mg. my body can handle a lot but im suprised i didnt die. however, i was puking non stop for 48 hours and was high as f*** the entire time. i honestly prefer vyvanse over adderal, im not sure why. i only get a buzz with aderral, and i fly on vyvanse. the down sides of the vyvanse high (in my experince), iduring the high you get pissed pretty easily, and during the come down you start getting numb and uncomfortable. Vyvanse takes away your appitite, so you probably wont eat. also, you get shit done, SO FAST. its fun but dont do it often or you WILL get addicted.
in my opinion your dose is excessively large, these drugs are designed to be used a certain way, so i'l speculate and suggest that 70mg should suffice, however ime iv tried 100mg and it is no better and actually maybe worse to take such large doses, this isn't a medicine that you can snort, it is a waste and ineffective, these need to pass through your liver to work, so take like two doses of 30mg within 30 min in the morn and eat during that time and the rides fine.

however imo i don't really like this med, iv had better effects from other medications at much smaller doses.

it's very important to keep your doses small, and to be cognizant of what you have already taken when you are taking secondary and tertiary booster doses

if you can manage it, using vyvanse only once every 6ish days has proven rather effective but as iv said not preferred, a dose over 50mg of lisdex is going to have you high

I wouldnt take 100+mgs everagain, and i have since switched medications since vyvan wasn't cutting it.

imo and ime vyvan isn't anything worth writing home about, but if you need to do your job to put food on the table then i can see justifying using vyvan HOWEVER needed but these drugs arent designed or dispensed to be used in this way, they aren't designed to be used to get high from. tbh bro it sounds like youd do better with a coke
Oh dear lord...well considering Rxage took this HEROIC amount of speed nearly two years ago it's too late for this now, but...

Seriously: only 1/3 of Vyvanse is actual amphetamine (good stuff)! The rest is, like, amino-acids or some weird vitamin thing, or, I don't know. Lets see 240mgs!?! My goodness that's...80mgs OF SPEED!!!! Good lord, man! Not a fatal dose but...no WAIT, it could be! Cause, if you've got a small build and even IF you take that much with food that is high in fat your STILL gonna trip-balls! Not the dumbest thing I've ever heard, BUT CLOSE! Ichhhhh, I mean doses THAT high are right around the amount necesary to really bug-out (unhinders most unpleasant symptoms related to stimulants: paranoia, twitchyness [medicaly speaking...whatever!], high BP and heart rate...death)! NO NORMAL PERSON SHOULD DO THIS, CERTAINLY NOT A FIRST-TIMER. Dude, I'm 6 foot 3, 240 pounds and I usually take 120mgs of vyvanse (about 40mgs of speed) on a full stomach, then I'll increase by incriments of 30mgs of V (10mgs of speed) each following dose but NEVER over 150ish mgs....
Sorry for all the math but this stuff is important.
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