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Vyvanse not working, can I bring back to dr and go back to Adderall?


Mar 13, 2014
I just got insurance again and have heard so much about Vyvanse so I wanted to switch to it because I read that it was smoother, cleaner, stronger and lasted longer. I was so sure it would be way better than Adderall but I've been on it a week and it has almost no effect at all. I researched and then decided to try two of my 70 mg capsules this morning and it worked a little better but not even as good as just one 30mg Adderall, I feel really tired even though I had a full 8 hours of sleep, take my multivitamins and ate a big breakfast with coffee. I was taking Adderall IR 30mg twice daily total of 60mg which worked really well I just liked the idea of only one pill a day so I wouldn't have to have a bottle of controlled substance medication with me everyday at work.

so my issue is that it only barely works if I double my dose and if I end up having no medication at all I will end up having poor performance at my new job that I desperately need to succeed at. I don't know what to do, I don't want to wait an entire month to go back to having my ADHD managed properly. Do you think my doctor would switch me back to Adderall if I brought in all of my Vyvanse? and if so would a pharmacy fill it?

any advice that anyone has I would really appreciate
It seems that your doctor made a calculation mistake. 70 mg of lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) converts to only about 35 mg of amphetamine while in the body, because about half of the molecular weight of lisdexamp is an amino acid. That, coupled with the fact that lisdexamp needs time to be metabolized, so the onset is slow and peak effects weaker, it is barely anything compared to 30 mg of instant-release amphetamine. I would imagine peak effects of 70 mg could compare to like 10 mg IR amphetamine. So talk to your doctor about that. If you want amphetamine that lasts longer, maybe go for XR amphetamine? Or just up the dosage on lisdexamp with the consent of your doctor.
I know someone who had the same issue. The just want you on a more expensive brand name. Go back to the doctor asap and he should give you what always worked before. Doctors seem to miscalculate equivalencies extremely often, it is ridiculous. Vyvanse is an inferior drug, simple as that. The only people who prefer it do so because it less more-ish but the trade off is a less effective and enjoyable drug. It is a scam to essentially renew the patent and make the drug unsnortable/unpluggable.
Vyvanse 70mg is roughly equivalent to 35 mg of dextroamphetamine, not racemic amphetamine. Adderall is 75% d-amp so 60mg Adderall is 45mg d-amp, 15mg l-amp, so it is fairly equivalent. And the max dose of Vyvanse according to its labeling is 70mg. Of course a doctor can prescribe more, but many are unwilling to do so.

I wouldnt call Vyvanse inferior to Adderall therapeutically. If you want to get high, sure. But the intrinsic long acting nature of lisdexamphetamine combined with much less variability among patients makes it attractive to patients and doctors alike.

And while Vyvanse in theory is less abusable, it still can be. Snorting or shooting it is a waste as the nature of its metabolism causes almost no differences among all ROA. And studies on its abuse potential show that somewhere around 150mg is when people start prefering Vyvanse over the comparison drugs (diethylproprion and I believe d-amp have been used).

And these days, doctors really dont get kickbacks simply for prescribing one company's drug. They still can receive income in other ways, but the days of big pharma paying prescribers simply to write their drugs are over.

But if it doesnt work, it doesnt work. As mentioned, you could ask your doctor for Adderall XR if you want to keep it at one dose per day. They may not even require you to bring the Vyvanse back, but that would be their personal policy. It probably would be a good idea to have him call or write a note to your pharmacy so you arent questioned when trying to fill Adderall so close to Vyvanse.
Vyvanse 70mg is roughly equivalent to 35 mg of dextroamphetamine, not racemic amphetamine. Adderall is 75% d-amp so 60mg Adderall is 45mg d-amp, 15mg l-amp, so it is fairly equivalent. And the max dose of Vyvanse according to its labeling is 70mg. Of course a doctor can prescribe more, but many are unwilling to do so.

I wouldnt call Vyvanse inferior to Adderall therapeutically. If you want to get high, sure. But the intrinsic long acting nature of lisdexamphetamine combined with much less variability among patients makes it attractive to patients and doctors alike.

And while Vyvanse in theory is less abusable, it still can be. Snorting or shooting it is a waste as the nature of its metabolism causes almost no differences among all ROA. And studies on its abuse potential show that somewhere around 150mg is when people start prefering Vyvanse over the comparison drugs (diethylproprion and I believe d-amp have been used).

And these days, doctors really dont get kickbacks simply for prescribing one company's drug. They still can receive income in other ways, but the days of big pharma paying prescribers simply to write their drugs are over.

But if it doesnt work, it doesnt work. As mentioned, you could ask your doctor for Adderall XR if you want to keep it at one dose per day. They may not even require you to bring the Vyvanse back, but that would be their personal policy. It probably would be a good idea to have him call or write a note to your pharmacy so you arent questioned when trying to fill Adderall so close to Vyvanse.


Vyvanse did not work for me, and it has the opposite of its intended therapeutic effect as far my concerns go. I felt like I was on some sort of antipsychotic. Only the first day of treatment did I feel motivation and focus.
Thanks so much everyone, seriously. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Last few days have been horrible. Has anyone else had experience with this specific type of situation..? Should I call first and explain it to the lady who answers the phone, or just pay the $40 copay and go in because he will most likely understand? I just want things to go back to the way they were, I shouldn't have risked trying a new medication when the one I was on worked perfectly fine

EDIT: Sorry I didn't notice what you said about it feeling like an antipsychotic. I completely understand! I've felt really strange the last couple of days. Sort of like one of my family member's who's been severely addicted to pain and anxiety meds for over 20 years. Just really disconnected, which is how I always feel everyday with no medication :-\ This is really getting to me.. depending on medication just to function like everyone else can, it sounds so pathetic.. But it is what it is and I gotta do what I gotta do to live my life the best I can
Vyvanse worked incredibly for me for about two months. But it wore off quick and my doc preascribed a booster. Eventually when this didn't work, we decided to switch to adderall completely. He wrote out the script and everything, but my pharmacy could not fill it until my current combination ran out. It was not an insurance issue but a state regulation. I would look into your States regulations for filling controlled substances.