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video game: Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3/Xbox360)

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^^ GTA4 has multiplayer and that does nothing for you?

The only GTA titles I played were 1/2/3 and then nothing new happened for quite a few titles so I didn't even bother looking at them. The addition of multiplayer in GTA4 is the reason I bought it and I haven't been disappointed.

I dunno though, I think a lot of people can't handle GTA4 multiplayer... I can't even count how many races I've played where I kick so much ass that everyone just leaves in the middle of the first lap or turf wars where my team has all the points and were just spawn camping so their whole team goes AFK.

I guess those people are the ones who go back to singleplayer and then complain there is nothing new.

Also the "immersion" in GTA4 is SOLELY due to the Euphoria engine. Everyone just rants and raves about the level of detail but it's only a result of more processing power and the Euphoria engine. Every game will have these things by the end of this year.

For me GTA4 is only a great game because of the multiplayer. It's a team based objective game, free for all deathmatch, racer, arcade/weapon racer, coop game. That's where all the value lies for me. I haven't even finished the single player but I'm ranked in the top 10 overall for a couple online game types (certain races and turf wars).

It's so weird... seems like the entire GTA community was just begging and begging for multiplayer and now a lot of that community realizes there are people that are a LOT better than them at GTA and now they complain the game added nothing new or whatever.

I can't even describe the level of satisfaction I get from playing supercars GTA race with heavy traffic. Just earlier today I had two guys right behind me shooting at me with the SMG and I had a pistol. I flew through a pocket of traffic and shot backwards at the AI cars as I was going through. They started swerving and pulling off the road and such. Just barely caught a glimpse of the horrific traffic accident that ensued and then watched the "time behind" of my opponents go up by 20 seconds.
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^ That sounds like a faulty matching system... Players closer to each other in skill level and experience should be matched.
i'm still loving the single player game. and am still being challenged by it, intrigued by it, sucked into it, fascinated by it, inspired by it.

i don't get the criticism.
Indeed. I also realised something the other day. I find when I'm just messing around, the helicopter is fun as a novelty, but it's generally much more enjoyable to cruise around the city in a car or on a motorbike.

I personally am not one of those who feel that the absence of jets and parachutes takes away from the actual quality of the game in any noticeable way.
Impacto Profundo said:
inspired by it.

That can't lead to anything good ;)

I really don't like the multiplayer version because of all the idiots who play. They always manage to ruin the game whether it be a race or a team mission, and I don't have friends who play online either. So that pretty much limits me to single player and it just isn't bringing anything new to the table game-play-wise. Still too much redundancy and too many unnecessary tasks. The story line is good, the physics and graphics are amazing, but that won't keep me driving around the city all day. I guess I am more into sports and strategy games.
Kul69 said:
Just earlier today I had two guys right behind me shooting at me with the SMG and I had a pistol. I flew through a pocket of traffic and shot backwards at the AI cars as I was going through. They started swerving and pulling off the road and such. Just barely caught a glimpse of the horrific traffic accident that ensued and then watched the "time behind" of my opponents go up by 20 seconds.

That is just plain fucking awesome.
OK, i am getting right back into this now. i'm onto manhattan island and i've got that helicopter ride out of my system, so all is good with the world now. %)

just got a phone call from roman, where he mentions starting a new taxi firm - 'one day we'll be floating on the BAWSAQ.' =D

i LOL'd. scottish humour at its finest. :D
I remember saying I was going to buy this as soon as my exams had finished, but then Bad Company came out.

Need to accomplish something to warrant me forking out another £40
fuggin shit i wanna bang kate! when does she put out? is there a xxx scene along with it? (don't answer that, i reckon it's not going to happen :()
i am pretty addicted to this right now. i'm currently loving the assassin missions. they are right up my cold-hearted street. sniper rifle, bazooka, it's all good. as long as they all die and i get paid.
this last single player mission is really getting on my tits.

i finally managed to make it into the helicopter (after fuck knows how many attempts to get even that far) and i just got blown up by a rocket, about 2 seconds after i realised that *I* was the one flying the fucking thing. :X

what bugs me about the 'try again' feature is that you're trying it again without any armour and half the ammo you had earlier. bollocks.
felix said:
what bugs me about the 'try again' feature is that you're trying it again without any armour and half the ammo you had earlier. bollocks.

Would you prefer that someone from Rockstar came to your house and finished the game for you? ;)
yeah the armour thing pisses me off a bit also.
Sorta related:

Something that pisses me off is finding hot dog stands or places to eat food.

Not when I am on a "date" with someone, as at least the food places show up on the map at that time, but when I am on the way to a mission and I notice that I have low health, it can be very frustrating looking for a food place.

I often just find myself turning up random streets, driving along using the right joystick to look around hoping to randomly come across a food place / hot dog stand.

As for armour, I wouldn't even know where the best place to go to get that is, I tend to just take on missions without it and consider myself lucky if I come across it before or during the mission.
same for health. i've noticed that some hot dog stands are curiously unmanned when you need them most!

you do know that burger shots etc. show on the map, right?
hmm I haven't played for a while.

But yea I think they do? The thing that was annoying me last night was that I was about to go to a mission but had almost no health left, yet there was no burger shots anywhere nearby, so I was driving around randomly hoping to come across a hot dog stand. I actually drove straight into one and sent it careening down the street. Oops. :D
Rated E said:
Sorta related:

Something that pisses me off is finding hot dog stands or places to eat food.

Not when I am on a "date" with someone, as at least the food places show up on the map at that time, but when I am on the way to a mission and I notice that I have low health, it can be very frustrating looking for a food place.

I often just find myself turning up random streets, driving along using the right joystick to look around hoping to randomly come across a food place / hot dog stand.

As for armour, I wouldn't even know where the best place to go to get that is, I tend to just take on missions without it and consider myself lucky if I come across it before or during the mission.
Yeah, that is a real oversight for me.

The way the map shows places of interest is very non-intuitive. It'll show food joints for a date, but not for when you need your health increasing. Very frustrating. Surely they could have put a filter into the map to select what you want showing and what you want hidden???

Armour... well, shit, after a few bigger missions you can pretty much buy it off Jacob for next to nothing. There's a few locations that you get familiar with as well.

Speaking of filter maps... IGN put together an interactive map. Armour, health packs, food joints and hotdog stands are all pinpointed.

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