Vicks Inhalers? How to use them exactly?


Nov 10, 1999
Okay I experimented with a Vicks inhaler two weeks ago. I mainly just sniffed on it and it was fun...but I know you can do more. How exactly do you blow it in someones eyes? Does the person blowing inhale or just blow over the hole so the vapors are blown into the receiver's eye?
Kay, i dont remember the name of the post for the last person who asked this question, so here ya go. To give someone a vick's "eye job," you unscrew the inhaler, put bottom end, the end with several holes, in your mouth so the holes are completely covered. Hold someone's eyelids open and blow into their eyes. Immediately after, let them take a sniff of the inhaler up each nostril. One thing i like to do is give someone an "eye job" with glowsticks while blow in their face with the's a lil harder to do and i get tired more easily, but the waving of fumes in their face seems to be fun.
hope that helps.