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Very trippy roll from MDMA

I was responding to the OP, 125mg with 40mg boost. Unachievable goal.

125mg+40mg an hour/hour and a half in is documented to extend the peak by about an hour, check Pihkal's MDMA chapter for reference if you wish. Seeing as we were going hard for 6 hours with another half an hour of steady decline, I'd say it worked just fine. Best thing about it is complete lack of hangover.

You need to remember MDMA has non-linear pharmacokinetics so 40mg after 125mg results in higher plasma concentrations than 40mg alone would cause. That's why boosters are recommended to be 1/3 - 1/2 of your original dose, taking another full dose will make plasma concentrations skyrocket which is bad for obvious reasons. This is honestly the best way to redose, and isn't less effective than continuously taking full doses. You're not gonna roll longer than 6 hours no matter how much you keep shoving down, you will continue to be stimulated though.

Thanks for all the replies people. The peak did get visual on previous rolls with equally potent MDMA, just not to this extent. I guess we must also account for the fact that different batches can have subtle differences in effects. The added trippyness was very welcome, i'm glad to see MDMA can still surprise me 8 rolls in :p

And cheers on the prefixes, I was honestly becoming a bit jealous of ODD for having them :(

P.S. I thought sunglasses on people and upside down tables happen with MDMA as well, no?
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Thanks for all the replies people. The peak did get visual on previous rolls with equally potent MDMA, just not to this extent. I guess we must also account for the fact that different batches can have subtle differences in effects. The added trippyness was very welcome, i'm glad to see MDMA can still surprise me 8 rolls in :p

8? MDMA still surprised me way after that. If you start doing it frequently it loses that magic of "OMGWTFBBQ!!??" but yeah, MDMA is something special indeed when treated properly. All of this talk about rolling has stuck it in my head. I think I'm going to have to roll this summer. Summer is when the amazing pills start hitting town around here usually and by then I'll be close to a year off of alcohol and I'll have about 4 years since I last rolled. Sounds like the right time. =D

And cheers on the prefixes, I was honestly becoming a bit jealous of ODD for having them :(

Its a project that I took on when I became a mod, I just didn't want to bother the admins when they were dealing with the server move so I just asked for them the other day. I'm glad you like them though. Hopefully it will have a positive impact around here :)
Well, I'm very adamant about rolling supplementation and proper breaks and it has treated me kindly in return I suppose. With that said, I did note that previous times used to surprise me on the come up and peak whereas this time it became predictable, the effects were every bit as strong and enjoyable as in the past though.

This is the "good" kind of tolerance imo, as it made me feel slightly more comfortable with the roll without detracting from the positive aspects.

P.S. right on, right on regarding your plan to roll this summer. Let the good times roll :p
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I saw a crack in the sky once looked like there was blue light leaking out. Really weird. My gf was turning in to mystique from xmen too turned me on but I didn't expect it to be so vivid and real.

I'm always scared to come up lol and sometimes think its not as good as it used to be then BAM I FUCKING LOVE THIS RUSH!!! lol
I was having a read around and maybe the CYP3A4 Inhibitors had a role in this. My reasoning is that they would reduce metabolism of the drug effectively resulting in a higher concentration and kind of an 'arteficial' increase in dosage. MDMA is more well known for becoming increasingly psychedelic nearer the 150-200mg mark (in one dose that is). Perhaps the inhibitors arteficially ramped up your doses nearer to that mark. The MDA metabolism from MDMA really isn't that significant anyway, and not the main reason for psychedelic activity. Only about 7-10% of MDMA gets metabolized into MDA, so you'd need to be taking like 500mg of MDMA to get a threshold dose of MDA. It's more to do with the 5-HT2 activation which increases with dosage (hence why higher doses can be more psychedelic). Did the MDMA feel noticably stronger? More flooring? And was your gf also taking the CYP3A4 Inhibitors?
i've had a similar experience (with 120mg mdma+60mg redose, my usual dose; lab tested) a few years ago. intense colours, patterning and the inside of a mobile toilet turned intro a colourful jungle landscape ;). indeed it was more like what i expect mdma + a low dose of mushrooms to be like, than what i'm used to with mdma.

have you regularly done psychedelics lately?
when i had that extra-trippy roll i was regularly smoking (low dose) dmt and i've also noticed increased sensitivity to lsd at that time (same effects from half the dose), so there could be a kind of sensation effect here? my next roll one year later (and no dmt since) has been normal again...