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Very strange experience


May 19, 2010
Hi guys, I'm new here and I hope that this is in the right topic. My question is actually about alcohol, I haven't been able to find an answer to my question anywhere else.

I think of my self as quite a heavy drinker, and i almost always get drunk with friends at least once a week. However, for the past two weekends I literally have not been able to stomach even pitifully small amounts of it. Last night I went to a couple bars with a some friends and after ever pint I drank I would immediately have to go throw up. The vomit seemed like there was almost no stomach acid or food in it and it was pretty much just beer that came out. I did not feel drunk for the entire duration of the night so I'm fairly sure my body did not digest any of the alcohol at all. I did not drink the anything particularly quickly or anything and the beer was just standard 5% lager, and I had a substantial meal before drinking. This is extremely strange for me as two weekends ago I managed to drink almost two liters of 11% beer and tan a few lines of ketamine and still be able to function relatively normally and definitely not throw up.

If anyone could shed some light on to why this was happening it would be absolutely fantastic, I don't think I have some form of liver failure as I feel fine and am not yellow haha.
Im an alcoholic among other things. (Sober for ~5months)
I got those days too, the trick is to drink something besides beer - vodka+redbull, vodka+juice, vodka+Schweppes lemon etc.

You will reach a good state of drunkeness without throwing up what you pay for.
Thank you for the advice mate, good luck staying sober. Yeah I just had a couple vodka and cokes and they went down nice n' easy haha, god i was worried that my body had developed some kind of intolerance to alcohol
I used to be able to drink a lot, then bam less drug abuse meant it's
harder to drink alcohol, sometimes to the point I take benadryl instead (always have benadryl, beer, zopiclone and lorazepam) what a combo.
I have had the same thing happen to me on occasion, tonight is actually one of them. Just can't stomach anything.

I would not be worried, but also wouldn't force it too much. I know I am getting a cold, and my stomach just isn't letting me drink. So it can be that sometimes. So listen to your body.
Yeah I think its just the ebb and flow of things you know. I know I sometimes go through periods where I can hardly drink my first beer. And then the next week Id be fine,able to go out and get my drink on. last Fri went out all night, Then just the other day I couldnt drink one beer.Like the guy above said maybe try a mix drink instead of a pint. I tell you what I have been starting my nights out with a 4LOCO Dam I love these things. I grab one to start my night out then switch to beers. Anyone els like these?
I tell you what I have been starting my nights out with a 4LOCO Dam I love these things. I grab one to start my night out then switch to beers. Anyone els like these?

I liked them until I started puking up blood from them.

My favorite was the watermelon, followed by the fruit punch. The grape was o.k. The blue raz sucked though. Tasted like a blue raz soda mixed with a cheap vodka. Never tried the lemon one. The store by my house had them for cheap, so I was into them in the beginning of the summer, but now I can't stomach them.