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Very confused, did I possibly ingest spice or is this THC?


Dec 8, 2015
I'd like to start off by saying I am an experienced drug user. I've also smoked weed almost every day for the past year until about September, I stopped cold turkey and had no withdrawals or side effects. I've never ingested marijuana nor do I have any desire to. Weed gives me really bad anxiety so I always kept to smoking that right before bed. I've taken a lot of drugs, I try to avoid hallucinogens and stims, I'm mostly an opiate an benzo user but not even those lately. I stopped taking benzos in march I finished weening myself down from a 8mg daily xanax habit. Since March, my anxiety was really bad but has leveled off the past few months, so I figured I would try CBD to see if it would help.

So I was on Reddit on a CBD sub and I found a lot of talk about a company selling 'legal CBD' sourced from hemp. I purchased 2 bottles for what seemed like a great price. I took about 2x the dosage the bottle said since most websites recommended 180mg CBD per day. I felt really good, my anxiety was going away, my focus was great, I wasn't high and I was sleeping really well. The bottle I had was almost empty so I decided to leave it at work so I wouldn't be tempted to take the rest before my next bottle of legal CBD arrived. I'm really glad I did that despite what happened next.

On Saturday, at 12 p.m. I took about 60mg of this stuff according to the dosage on the back of the bottle, I didn't trip or hallucinate at all that day or any day that I had taken the stuff. But on Sunday, right after I ate dinner I started breaking out in cold sweats, I started seeing 'visuals' like my old tripping days, the sort of thing that happens what I smoke pot but MUCH more noticeable. My wife sounded like she was speaking through a megaphone, I wasn't anxious but I felt like I was wigging out on acid, you probably know that 'oh fuck!' moment. I went and laid down, I had a crazy body buzz almost like I had huffed duster or a whip it, it was not THC like some of the other people on the CBD sub on Reddit say.

I've never ingested THC, I know it's scary but this was not that, it can't be. This happened about 36 hours after taking that crap, I felt like I was in withdrawal, I still do. It feels like I'm on a research chemical to this very minute, much like 2-cb or methylon, it's really hard to explain and it comes and goes. My muscles are tight, my skin feels cold and my nose feels wet. I came here because on /r/CBD they are really dismissive and I can't figure out if it's people shilling for the company I bought this stuff from --I know that sounds a bit like paranoia but the sub is full of shills-- or if they really believe that the negative side effects are simply the CBD guy not providing lab results because he's selling them CBD with THC in it.

I guess I could get into this further depending on the response of this thread. I'm almost certain I've been dosing myself with low doses of a synthetic THC type drug for over a week unknowingly, and suffering the side effects of WD right now. Thanks guys and sorry for the mess above, I'm not exactly in my right mind today and even when I am, my syntax is pretty bad.
I almost always say in these kinda threads that "dude, you just took too much for you, some folks are sensitive and some weed is strong." but, your story is weird. I honestly don't know. Does dance safe test CBD? Maybe get a 12 panel drug test at the CVS? Do you have a real good doctor? I don't know, I'd quit fucking with that shit though and maybe try a more verified CBD oil and see if it does the same thing... sometime in the future after you get back to feeling more yourself.
Sucks dude, sounds sketchy as hell, but I bet you get back to normal soon-ish
I ordered a 10 panel from Amazon and it will be here Thursday. I'm hesitant to trust some of the people on that sub because that's where I heard about the product, although the MODS seem to be legitimately concerned with keeping this crap out of there. Some of them seem to think that this just proves that he is selling actual Rick Simpson Hemp Oil/RSHO with above legal levels of THC (if that's even a thing) and that's why he's so shady and has bogus lab results. I'm not sure if posting the company is even allowed by the rules but I would like to at least post that as a warning to other people.

The weird part of the story to me is the fact that I didn't have any negative side effects while under the influence of the stuff, but did after 24 hours or so. I feel like if I took too much, I would have had the negative reaction while it was in my system. I do believe this could be withdrawal though, after taking around 2x the recommended dose for almost a week, and another brand for a week before that. What initially had me worried is when the seller posted his new formula, 6,000mg for $60. I knew something was strange then and RC is the only thing I could think of that would be that cheap.

The only other times I've felt this strange were after a week long bender of mephedrone, another thing that had me thinking this must be ab RC and after stopping Buspar cold turkey.
haha! Yeah, I was worried that I would get a 'you took too much' response, but I've been that guy before and that's not what happened here. I've heard that THC is a much different drug in edible form and I would have probably just wrote this off as a bad THC trip if it weren't for the fact that it had been over a day since I took any. I actually thanked God for the fact that I was running low and decided to skip a days dose, as silly as that sounds. A lot of people are telling me that this kind of thing is normal when taking THC or CBD orally, if this is normal, legalization has found a new opponent in a very ironic way. Whatever the stuff is, it actually worked for anxiety and focus, exactly what I was looking for but looking back it just kind of felt like a dirty buzz. I'm just hoping that someone else here has experience with spice or the JWH-018 or whatever it is and could tell me if these effects are possible.