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i just thought of this too, on a completely random note...

i really love meeting other vegetarians/ vegans. if i'm talking to someone and i find out that they are one i instantly feel a connection with them that is very nice. do you guys feel that way too?

I went vegie for a few months. It did not work for me. All I did was get sick, was a skin-and-bones stick boy, and I was tired all the time.
Questions for successful vegans:
How much food do you have to eat each day (compared to omnivores)? How much time has to go into daily food preparation? You would probably have to have access to some kind of speciallized nutrition or health food store to get some of those wheat proteins and amino acids and other items.
Are you physically fit or active? Play any sports, lift weights, ride a bike, etc?

About eggs and milk: Suppose you have 1 egg-laying hen who lays 1 egg per day. Assuming you treat her well and she's happy laying for you, Then why bother eliminating eggs (or milk if you hav a goat or cow) from your diet?
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shutterbug said:
i just thought of this too, on a completely random note...

i really love meeting other vegetarians/ vegans. if i'm talking to someone and i find out that they are one i instantly feel a connection with them that is very nice. do you guys feel that way too?


sorta kinda...


socko said:
How much food do you have to eat each day (compared to omnivores)? How much time has to go into daily food preparation? You would probably have to have access to some kind of speciallized nutrition or health food store to get some of those wheat proteins and amino acids and other items.
Are you physically fit or active? Play any sports, lift weights, ride a bike, etc?

i feel that after going vegetarian i required more frequent meals. meals probably changed from "3 square meals a day" to breakfast, lunch, dinner with many snacks in between. i also learned to cook a lot more different things, which has been great. i dont have to go to a thai restaurnat and pay 6 bucks for a pad thai anymore. :)
preparation time is a lot quicker when you arent making meat. whatever your "meat substitute" may be in a dish, i'd say more than 90% of the time it will take less time to cook than meat would.
i'm not into sports, and i dont excercise other than biking.
i take iron supplements for my iron deficiency anaemia..

i eat a lot of legumes and green leafy veggies..i think that helps.

as a milk substitute i buy almond breeze (yes, it's "milk" made from almonds.)
I'm a vegan except for honey, and that's only because I hate bees

I just spit coffee on my keyboard.. ROTFL. (Not at you!, at the comment).

That one is going in the book ;)

Give the Bees a break! If they didn't do their job, you would be dead!!!

Vegan's can't eat Honey? Seriously? why?
because in the honey harvesting process the beekeepers have to remove the bees from the combs. some bees dont leave willingliy witht he smoke, so they have to pull them off causing the bees to have their wings ripped off. the keepers dont mean to do this, but since abee is so small and fragile it happens. also many bees ar killed in the process because of their size. again not on purpose, but it happens because their tiny.
In all fairness, I gave bees a chance. I went out of my way to not disturb them in their natural habitat as I do with all other creatures, and a stayed away from their honey, seeing as it is so important to them.

But as someone who is fairly seriously allergic to those bastards, they stung me repeatedly out of sheer malice. Now I eat honey and don't feel bad, because unlike all other living things, bees have no concience.

I suggest everyone eat all the honey you possibly can, but please leave the silk worms alone.


Are you sure this is the case for all bee hives? Do vegans cut out honey because of this? That seems silly... lots of bugs die becaue humans eat (or alter) plants.

I am not trying to be prick here... just curious :)
This would be true of all be hives that are harvested by the current methods. That is part of the reason veganism is against that, but mostly because the primary idea behind the concept of veganism is rejecting all products that originate from animals. This includes food (meat, dairy, honey, and chemicals derived from any of these ex: casein, which is a common ingrediant that is derived from milk protein, and gelatin which is made from animal bone marrow) and also non foodstuffs such as leather, wool and silk. Theres way more to veganism than not just eating certain things, I think someone already said that it is a lifestyle, not just a diet.

And I almost forgot to mention, to those vegans who are really hardcore, it means not buying any products from any company that tests products on animals, as most pharmacuetical and cosmetic companies do. In addition to the testing on animals which in this case is actually required by law before they can test on humans, most pharmacueticals contain gelatin as an inactive ingrediant, making them technically a dairy byproduct. There is a list on PETAs website of companies that test on animals, and those who do not, along with a list of charities that donate money to animal testing research.

Outside of all these restrictions, especially as the market for vegan products go, there are plenty of replacement products available through the internet and specialty stores poping up. There is vegan imitation cheese, chocolate, milk, leather, cotton(hemp mostly), and of course all sorts of meats made from soy. It is really not a hard lifestyle to maintain if you are dedicated to it.

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Thanks for the info saturnine.
skahead17 said:
because in the honey harvesting process the beekeepers have to remove the bees from the combs. some bees dont leave willingliy witht he smoke, so they have to pull them off causing the bees to have their wings ripped off. the keepers dont mean to do this, but since abee is so small and fragile it happens. also many bees ar killed in the process because of their size. again not on purpose, but it happens because their tiny.
This is accidental -- I wouldn't let it stop me from enjoying honey. Let's try to put this issue into perspective. I assume you drive a car, get in a bus, ride a train, or something. Think about how many insects are spattered against the windshields of those vehicles every time you go someplace.
Think about how many earthworms and other critters you step on everytime you walk someplace or run over with your bicycle. No matter what you do, you're goign to have some kind of impact on nature, as you are part of it too.
So, I'm also curious as to why you wouldn't eat honey. Not all honey is raised at industrialized hives where the bees are roughly and carelessly killed in the process of harvesting the honey. Also, not all animal products come from industrialized factory farms -- the kind where chickens are stuffed into tiny cages, cows raised in cramped stalls where they are force-fed and never see the sun, etc. So, why wouldnt' a vegan eat free-range chicken eggs, milk from free-range cows who are raised by organic farmers who make sure the chickens and cows are happy, have plenty of land to graze on, have names and are respected and treated like pets, etc.

Pyrrhic: I just read your post, so there must be something else to the motivation behind veganism than what I'm getting at? I still don't understand.
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The primary motivation behind it is to live in harmony with all of natures creatures while causing as little harm to them as possible. Of course there are countless health benefits to being vegan, but to me those are secondary, and for the most part balanced out by my many bad habits. To me it is a spiritual thing, knowing that I am living while causing as little harm to other living creatures as possible, except of course for bees, which for the reasons previously mention I kill as often as possible.

I would never consider eating another animal in my life. Although to be honest I have nothing against canabalism. Soylent Green anyone?

Call me speciesist, but I hate bees and people.


edit: Just to clarify, all these guidelines are to be followed to the best of an individuals ability. Since it is a choice that you make, no one is going to force you to follow every single rule. Contrary to what many believe there are no Vegan-Gestapo who will arrest you if you claim to be a vegan and accidentally eat a little honey or take an ambien or any other rx that contains gelatin. I actually just took a bunch of them and as least as of now I have not recieved any knocks on my door.
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When I was a little kid, the first time i was stung, i cried. The bee flew away. Then i cried again when my mom told me it would die soon because honey bees die after they sting someone just once (from losing the stinger).
socko said:
When I was a little kid, the first time i was stung, i cried. The bee flew away. Then i cried again when my mom told me it would die soon because honey bees die after they sting someone just once (from losing the stinger).

Indeed they do, which does offer some degree of solace once the swelling in your face goes down and you can breathe again. Hopefully their little bee souls burn in little bee hell

Curious, are you familiar with or interested in Jainism? Jains are either vegetarians and some are vegans as well. They have similarities. Here's a paragraph from a wiki about it:
Jainism's stance on nonviolence goes much beyond vegetarianism. Jains refuse food obtained with unnecessary cruelty. Many are vegan due to the violence of modern dairy farms. The orthodox Jain diet excludes most root vegetables, as they believe this destroys life unnecessarily. Another reason for refusing root vegetables is to avoid destroying entire plants. If you eat apples, you do not destroy whole trees, but for root vegetables, whole plants are uprooted. Garlic and onions are avoided as these are seen as creating passion, meaning anger, hatred, jealousy. Very devout Jains do not eat, drink, or travel after sunset (which is called Chauvihar) and always rise before sunrise.
Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in the U.S. diet supplied by meat: 55%
Supplied by dairy products: 23%
Supplied by vegetables: 6%
Supplied by fruits: 4%
Supplied by grains: 1%
Percentage of U.S. mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 99%
Percentage of U.S. vegetarian mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 8%
^what about fish? Is it on par with meat with the chlorinated gak residues? from river run-off or something. I eat fish every day, but eat meat every couple of weeks. So I wonder if fish is a more healthful food.
socko said:
When I was a little kid, the first time i was stung, i cried. The bee flew away. Then i cried again when my mom told me it would die soon because honey bees die after they sting someone just once (from losing the stinger).

this only happens to honey bees...all those other stinging buggers can keep on stinging. i got stung last week for the first time (on my butt of all places!) and there was no stinger, just a huge red swollen bump :( ouch.
^^ Yes, only honey bees are unfortunate to have their stingers ripped out when attacking and result in an open wound that will eventually suffocate them. Interestingly enough, the stingers were only meant to fight off other bees, not mammals. This became an evolution.

Anywho, if you get stung by a honeybee, run. Upon losing the stinger, it will send out an attack pheromone that attracts other honeybees. If the bee gets fatally injured or dies, the pheromones get stronger.

Bees are cool. They have complex communication systems.
^^ If I stepped on a bee when I was 5, yet still found a way to appreciate them somewhat in the long run.. I really don't want to know where a bee stung you....
On my eyelid once, and a bunch of other times all within about 3 or 4 cm of my eyes. They know where you are vulnerable and they strike without cause or warning.

Sorry to turn this into the offical bee thread, its supposed to be about veganism.
