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Misc Valproic Acid exposed to air


Jan 27, 2009
my doc raised my dosage of Valproic Acid. So my response to her was aren't those supposed to be kept away from air/ specifically moisture in the air.

well my remaining 1/2 (tablet) after 12 hours is starting to turn into a sticky goe. It sticked to the med box, the table and my hand's. The last one especially.

Why, and are there any concerns I should be aware of. I am dependent on them for seizure control and know there is a 300 mg tab on the market. Currently taking 750 mg about 12 hours apart.
Got my own solution for this 'problem'.

The Valproic Acid stays in the silver strip and I will just take 3 doses a day (instead of the prescribed 2 1.5 dosages). No exposure to air so no transformation to goe (which imo is a sign of degradation).
Been searching for some things to lessen the impact of Valproic Acid (VPA) on my Liver. And Curcumine caught my attention.


And it seems a beneficial supplement to take while taking VPA.
"Co-administration of curcumin with these AEDs (Anti Epileptic Drugs) in their sub-therapeutic doses prevented the impairment of learning and memory due to seizures whereas no such improvement was observed in the groups administered the sub-therapeutic doses of the AEDs alone. Additionally, curcumin reversed the oxidative stress due to seizures. However, curcumin co-administration did not cause any significant alteration in the serum levels of the AEDs. The results thus suggest the potential of curcumin as an adjunct to these AEDs in epilepsy with the advantage of increasing the efficacy, reducing the dose and side effects of the AEDs."
(from 2011)