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Valium info needed

Although the valium fuzz can be fun, I wouldn't recommend it as a recreational drug on it's own or even for amphetamine comedowns. The only recreational use I've found valium good for is to help with LSD: it is excellent for calming you down after a more powerful dose of acid than you were prepared for and is also good for helping you settle down enough afterwards to sleep.

I was prescribed valium last year after a back injury for its muscle-relaxant properties. Since then I have used it sparingly as a sleep aid (I'm an insomniac) as a last resort and for when mild pain is keeping me awake. Minimal doses are best, as it doesn't take much to get a "valium hangover" the next day - a woolly, fuzzy mental state and body load making you slow and lethargic and somewhat dazed.

Remember, benzos are addictive and it is very easy to build tolerance, so go easy on them. From all accounts the withdrawal is very unpleasant. And be very careful mixing them with alcohol!
personally i love valium unfortunantly i have run out of both 5 and 10mg now im stuck with 10mg temazies and 2mg valium ahhhhh. I find they relex you to the extent of just enjoying watching life go by you are a lot more chilld i get heavy eyes in middle of day use which is fun in class trying to stay awake, i have also had 1 crazy night on them... evry1 else had mdma and i couldnt afford so just drank bucket loads and had about 15mg of valium, i was supposubly staring at the room in histerics then just falling asleep and talking, eventually went home got 4 hours sleep b4 had to start work spewed my guts up at work which wasnt very fun as i work in a restaurant oh well spose have a go and see what happens every1 has a different time on them
Someone made a mention of using valium as a aid for LSD comedown. What I've found that works REALLY well is compazine. It's a chem cousin of thorazine. I'm not sure of the exact action, but it seems to negate whatever action that LSD has on the CNS... BTW, thorazine is what they give ppl in the ER that come in b/c of bad trips.
^^ I think you are referring to the antipsychotic drugs clozapine and thioridazine. [EDIT - i got shonked, you were actually referring to Thorazine and Compazine (like you said) which are the US trade names for two drugs also in the phenothiazine family; chlorpromazine and prochlorperazine. my mistake!]

Compazine, i.e. prochlorperazine, is known here as Stemetil and is mainly used as an antiemetic (stop nausea and vomiting). Interesting that you use it to help smooth out your comedowns, I've had 5-10mg doses the morning after a big stimulant night when I was feeling pretty nauseous - I'll keep em handy if I ever start rampaging.

Thorazine, i.e. chlorpromazine (Largactil in Aus) is an antipsychotic used in various conditions.

For interest:

Psychosis. Phenothiazines are often useful for emergency treatment of agitated or uncontrolled patients before a diagnosis can be established. However, the phenothiazines, especially chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and thioridazine (Mellaril), can induce severe postural hypotension, lower the seizure threshold, and might increase the toxic effects of anticholinergic drugs if they have been ingested concomitantly with the LSD. Diazepam (Valium) for agitation followed by haloperidol (Haldol) for hallucinations and delusions are better choices for the treatment (Roy 1981).

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