Recovery Using subs to quit a massive oxycontin addiction


Apr 29, 2023
Not sure if this is the right place to post but yeh.
So I've been an addict to one thing or another over the past 13 Years. Last couple years been doing oxy on the weekends, no issue smart harm reduction not doing crazy doses and keeping it to the weekends all sweet. So 6 months ago I went on a week long binge to treat myself after having 6 months straight of working so much I had 3 days off a month. That binge didn't end. So used daily 40-70mg a day for a few months then upping it to 100+mg a day for a month or so. I have quit cold Turkey like 6 times during this endeavour, I'm also studying my diploma for my apprenticeship and working overtime while doing this. Nothing worked i just couldn't stay off for more than like 3 or 4 days. So I got desperate and bought 2 strips of suboxone to do a quick 13 day taper. This is my taper plan I'm currently on day 9 0.25mg.
Skip a day

My question is what should I expect when I make the jump? I have comfort meds such as pressed xanax (yuck I know I want to avoid using these if possible)
3 2mg clonazepam
A box and a half of orphenadrine
Half a box of 75mg pregabalin
My nightly dose of 30mg mirtazapine (scripted)
A box of 25mg seroquel (scripted)
Half a jar of my own brew of weed coconut oil made from avb (high cbn content low thc, very medical)
Main pitfall I face is I'm in the last 4 weeks of my diploma studies for my apprenticeship and have 3 exams during the time I Jump plus working overtime at my full time job and csnt take time off.
I have an appointment with an addiction doctor in a week and a half.
Basically how screwed am I? What can I do to help myself and is the taper going to actually be a saving grace and leave me with little to no withdrawals when I jump
from my experience replacing opioids with other opioids thinking you can decrease them till you get free is bullshit, I quit hero and the first week I took tramadol just because heroin withdrawal is sheer delirium but then I just went through the storm, then got addictec to oxy (min. 160 to 240mg daily, very high doses!) and that I quit without help, you can do it, just help yourself with little doses the first week if it is too hard but then you have to go through the storm if you really wanna quit it all.
from my experience replacing opioids with other opioids thinking you can decrease them till you get free is bullshit, I quit hero and the first week I took tramadol just because heroin withdrawal is sheer delirium but then I just went through the storm, then got addictec to oxy (min. 160 to 240mg daily, very high doses!) and that I quit without help, you can do it, just help yourself with little doses the first week if it is too hard but then you have to go through the storm if you really wanna quit it all.
Ez cheers for the advice, props on the massive effort it wouldve taken to quit such a high dose even with little bits of tramadol that wouldve been hell on earth. Ive quit alcohol, dirty eccies, benzos twice and cigarettes but there's something about opiate withdrawal that is especially brutal.
Yeah im pretty much at the end of my taper jumping in a day or 2 so will keep an update on wether it helped and was better than CT