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Using Codeine Linctus

I remember drinking bout 1/3 lr of kaolin and morphine - just the clear stuff at the top and it was like tripping -amazing buzz lasted hours if anything like opium.
I have a box of 30/500 never been arsed to cwe as always score gear but if i did an extraction what would the equivilent of .5 of gear at @50% pure.
Hi to any of you ol buggers who remember me.....blondins still in the urban dictionary lol

what is kaolin?
Kaolin is a form of clay used for diarrhoea relief. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has no recreational value. The morphine it generally comes bundled is a bonus, mind. Let the kaolin settle out and just glug the juice that rises to the top unless you plan on not shitting for a month though.
IMO, I think you need to give up trying. I've no idea how your peanut allergy may impact upon the use of other substances, but if you get nothing out of codeine other than 'noticeable itchyness', then that to me says "don't push yer luck". Honestly mate, be careful what you wish for.

Also, don't even bother with poppy seeds - they're too unreliable. But to be brutally honest, forget about opiates. It's a one way ticket to hell...

^yip. We've lost a lot of bluelighters, including eadd regulars, to opiates. I tried codeine, probably the same amount as you, and nothing happened, so somebody reccomended what turned out to be a pretty high dose. It was honestly quite hellish, literally; the visuals were very dark and disturbing. I got such a bad vibe, I really think I saw the true face of opiates.


I hate preaching but I don't think this can be said enough, really.
^yip. We've lost a lot of bluelighters, including eadd regulars, to opiates. I tried codeine, probably the same amount as you, and nothing happened, so somebody reccomended what turned out to be a pretty high dose. It was honestly quite hellish, literally; the visuals were very dark and disturbing. I got such a bad vibe, I really think I saw the true face of opiates.


I hate preaching but I don't think this can be said enough, really.

thanks for the warning, I don't intend to ever use heroin, I just want something to help take the edge off. Codeine doesn't appear to do much - unless I'm doing it wrong or lack the right enzyme

Poppy pod tea is my last hope really, I intended to approach it as safely as I have done with codeine
not OTC here I assume?

Been over the counter here forever. One of the oldest OTC meds available. Now if only Gee's Linctus (main active ingredient being opium tincture with a pair of small, but perfectly formed, ethanol and chloroform kickers) was still available... :!

(yes, yes i know it technically is but anybody who can get served it these days is a very, very rare - and even luckier - individual)

That aside, I'd echo the fact that several members here - living and dead - started on opiated OTC cough mixtures and/or pod tea before ending up on heroin. Happens far, far easier than you may think. Tread carefully, very carefully, would be the only truly meaningful advice any here who walked that path can give <3
Kaloin/Morphine appears to be available legitimately online. I exepct they'll have the same sale restrictions they have on codeine linctus, so not really viable for frequent use. I can't imagine high street pharamcies will stock it but I might have a go

I've found some that stock Gee's linctus too. Is that worth trying?
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I started, with a few 'borrowwed' kape, to loads or raw co-codamol, them parmol (damaged my stmaoche) got it back to not all the time, got a bttle of linctus a week (costs creepn up), to kilos and coffe grinders of pods, not to be dissmissed - in a big gunky junky yogurt it can fuck u, them more co-codamol, then H, which gets expensive faster and faster. At the moment is only bout ?100 a week for me and thats with a few days withdrawals. The '?' is not the only price - you can't be on opiates and still in the 'really' world. Im a bit worried about my situation. Ii wonder could you quit a ?100 a week habit with 80mg of Suboxone and real determination
That aside, I'd echo the fact that several members here - living and dead - started on opiated OTC cough mixtures and/or pod tea before ending up on heroin. Happens far, far easier than you may think. Tread carefully, very carefully, would be the only truly meaningful advice any here who walked that path can give <3

Started with codeine myself over 10 years ago, 2 of the 30/500 tablets got me high as fuck, progressed to CWEing co-codamol, upto 1000mg a dose at one stage, then poppy pods for years, going through 2kg a week at the worst, then IV heroin and I'm now on methadone but been clean of heroin for 10 months. I got caught up by opiates so quickly and I didn't even see how quickly I got hooked on them. It seems so harmless at first.

Kaloin/Morphine appears to be available legitimately online. I exepct they'll have the same sale restrictions they have on codeine linctus, so not really viable for frequent use. I can't imagine high street pharamcies will stock it but I might have a go

I've found some that stock Gee's linctus too. Is that worth trying?

I wouldn't bother trying to ask for it in a high street store, most chain pharmacies won't even have it and even if they do chances are they won't sell it anyway unless you're a little old lady or well known to them. Best stick to online for it. Kaolin/Morphine contains 0.45mg / 5ml, a tiny amount, though with no tolerance it might get you high. IIRC Gees linctus is much more potent, so go for that if you're looking a good high
I wouldn't bother trying to ask for it in a high street store, most chain pharmacies won't even have it and even if they do chances are they won't sell it anyway unless you're a little old lady or well known to them. Best stick to online for it. Kaolin/Morphine contains 0.45mg / 5ml, a tiny amount, though with no tolerance it might get you high. IIRC Gees linctus is much more potent, so go for that if you're looking a good high

Not to mention the fact that to consume the 18mg (which is a really small amount if taken orally) of morphine contained in a 200ml bottle would, bar some effective means of extraction, involve consuming a load of other crap that you DEFINATELY don't want to be consuming. Kaolin is basically liquid clay and other than tasting disgusting it may well leave you so impacted that you'd need to go to hospital to have someone unfortunate soul dig the shit out of your colon while you scream in pain (being impacted is supposedly agony...I've not experienced it personally but have transported people hospital who have and it didn't look like they were having fun). I disagree that it would be that hard to get though, as unlike codeine linctus, most if not all chemists will stock it and it is sold with a pharmacist's discretion.. However, I very much do agree with your statements about the insidious nature of opiate addiction..

OP, it really is starting to sound like you're clutching at straws here mate..and even if you were successful, the end result is likely to be that you will wish you hadn't been (in finding OTC opiates to abuse).. for the reasons that TargetX and Shambles have stated
I wouldn't bother trying to ask for it in a high street store, most chain pharmacies won't even have it and even if they do chances are they won't sell it anyway unless you're a little old lady or well known to them. Best stick to online for it. Kaolin/Morphine contains 0.45mg / 5ml, a tiny amount, though with no tolerance it might get you high. IIRC Gees linctus is much more potent, so go for that if you're looking a good high

is there an easy way to extract the morphine from the kaolin?

Not to mention the fact that to consume the 18mg (which is a really small amount if taken orally) of morphine contained in a 200ml bottle would, bar some effective means of extraction, involve consuming a load of other crap that you DEFINATELY don't want to be consuming. Kaolin is basically liquid clay and other than tasting disgusting it may well leave you so impacted that you'd need to go to hospital to have someone unfortunate soul dig the shit out of your colon while you scream in pain (being impacted is supposedly agony...I've not experienced it personally but have transported people hospital who have and it didn't look like they were having fun). I disagree that it would be that hard to get though, as unlike codeine linctus, most if not all chemists will stock it and it is sold with a pharmacist's discretion.. However, I very much do agree with your statements about the insidious nature of opiate addiction..

OP, it really is starting to sound like you're clutching at straws here mate..and even if you were successful, the end result is likely to be that you will wish you hadn't been (in finding OTC opiates to abuse).. for the reasons that TargetX and Shambles have stated

I don't want to abuse them. I am aware of the risks. Since kratom I've fallen into a deep depression and I'm determined NOT to go back to drinking
is there an easy way to extract the morphine from the kaolin?
The kaolin settles out by itself anyway eventually.

I often used to be given kaolin and morphine as a kid, for the tummy troubles ..... though with the sweet innocence of youth, I had no idea what was really in it .....
^ did you use the J Collis Browne one?

The full size (100ml rather than 90ml) bottles have the equivalent of 20mg morphine, anhydrous, per bottle. Not too bad, especially if you're already full of cimetidine (no, ranitidine, the OTC version, will not work), grapefruit juice, after first drinking a full dose of codeine linctus (500mg) assuming your up to that much codeine and still want more opiate action), in the case of j.collis.browne's mixture. Tastes alright once you get used to it, small bottles so can be downed in one shot.

Of all the OTC opiate liquids and syrups, IMO care+ codeine linctus tastes the best, whilst the opium tincture (actual opium rather than single alkaloids from the poppy, be it morphine or codeine) Gee's linctus is probably the strongest and especially after a bottle of codeine linctus, really nice stuff. Even with a tolerance, I still get something from a couple of bottles of Gee's down the hatch.

The worst tasting is either that codeine and guiacol liquid that comes in a small white box with a brown bottle inside, whassitcalled.....pulmo bailly I think. That shit tastes fucking virulent. And its very astringent too, and hard to get more than a few bottles down your neck on the inside of it, and hard not to gag unless you've trained yourself to be able to swallow several bottles of pulmo bailly cough liquid.

Perhaps even worse is terpin and codeine linctus. I don't know if this one is still made or sold, since I've only ever seen it sold in the one pharmacy, and that stuff, whilst it has 16mg or 16.something milligrams codeine per 'intended on label' dose, it also has terpin hydrate and essential oil of white pine in it, and it tastes absolutely hideous. Worst tasting of the lot IMO, by a long fucking cunt of a way. Tastes like what I imagine slowly chugging a yard of toilet-duck pine fresh shitter-cleaner would taste like only worse.
And for the kaolin and morphine, let it settle (often pharmacists are knob'eads and deliberately shake the bottle before selling it) until clear liquid is on top. Decant this, Then add a good excess volume of H2O, allow to settle, and do so at least once more. Then drink the pooled liquid fractions, leaving the clay behind.

An alternative, if you can, and have filters fine enough, is vacuum filtration of the mixture, pour it all in, the whole bottle or bottles, turn on the vacuum, suck it dry leaving behind a solid filter cake in the buchner funnel on the fine filter, celite helps, layered between two discs of FINE filter paper like a sandwich, then, turn the vac off, add more water and turn on the vac again, less water by a considerable way is needed this way, although the kaolin is really fine and fine filters are needed, also, don't add water whilst the vacuum pump is active, rather, pull with the vac, until the filter cake is sucked dry, turn it off, then add more water and do so again, etc., this way one risks pulling far less solid into your filtrate liquid to be consumed. Its a fuckton faster than letting it settle and repeatedly adding a lot of water, letting it settle and decanting just a little water off the top, wasting a lot of the morphine to be had, and doing it slower than a hand-job from a whore with parkinson's disease and dementia off her meds.
thanks for the advice Limpet

Gee's linctus is basically just opium + ethanol + sugar, so is drinkable?

Care's/Bell's Codeine linctus doesn't taste great but I just wash it down with some juice. I do wonder whether ingesting all those E numbers is that great, but probably no worse than jelly babies :D
thanks for the advice Limpet

Gee's linctus is basically just opium + ethanol + sugar, so is drinkable?

Care's/Bell's Codeine linctus doesn't taste great but I just wash it down with some juice. I do wonder whether ingesting all those E numbers is that great, but probably no worse than jelly babies :D

I've wrote you a foolproof way to do a CWE over in the Other Drugs forum on the CWE thread if it's any help mate.

The kaolin and morphine just isn't worth it. even if you got 90% of the morphine out that's only 16mg....and it costs about a fiver a botrle doesn't it? Not to mention waiting for several days to perform the method Limpet Chicken outlined above. ..is it worth it for 16 measly mg of morphine? There's a reason it's OTC. .which is because they've deemed that it simply isn't worth the time, effort and money to gather together a useable quantity of morphine from the stuff..

Have another look at the CWE method I've done for you and the other guy....it's really not complicated and that's your best and cheapest bet for OTC opiates bro
Gee's linctus and Kaolin are out of stock everywhere. Must be due to Brexit :D

I have some J Collis Browne mixture though. It's 'morphine hydrochloride 1mg per 5ml'

what would a good starting dose be? What are usual recreational doses of morphine?

the other ingredients are:

peppermint oil 1.5 microlitres
benzoic acid (E210)
capsicum tincture
citric acid
sorbitol solution
treacle (sucrose and fructose)
purified water

would downing any of that be dangerous?
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Gee's linctus and Kaolin are out of stock everywhere. Must be due to Brexit :D

I have some J Collis Browne mixture though. It's 'morphine hydrochloride 1mg per 5ml'

what would a good starting dose be? What are usual recreational doses of morphine?

the other ingredients are:

would downing any of that be dangerous?

I don't think it would be massively dangerous (but no alcohol with it since it contains ethanol) as many people have done it..a few of the I gradients might be a bit unpleasant if drinking the whole bottle though...they often add things on purpose to deter abuse...things theat wont hurt you, but the unpleasantness negates any pleasantness felt from the very midest 20mg morphine.

It doesn't give amounts though but I'm imagining the capsicum, peppermint and sorbitol could be unpleasant if drinking a whole bottle..

As I said before, every junkie under the sun has had the idea of this "OTC morphine" but its OTC for a reason...if it were feasable to go round 5 chemists and get 100mg oral morphine by getting 5 of these and just drink it with no I'll effects, it wouldn't be OTC...

You can so some further research of you own here..

yeah I figure 20mg isn't very much, and I guess there's no way to extract the morphine. I probably shouldn't have bought it but I just happened to see it on the chemists' shelf :\

I'm going to try to find the Gee's linctus, but otherwise I'll take your advice and abandon OTC meds and research into poppy pod tea instead
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