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US legalization results thread

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
As of 8:24 pm CST
-legalization is ahead is New Jersey
-legalization AND medical are ahead in South Dakota
-medical is ahead in Miss
-too early for legalization results in Montana or Arizona

Looking good. It would be nice to blaze legally in the Black Hills (the underground caverns are cool and the mammoths).

My state has legal recreational and medical marijuana and it flummoxes me that the rest of the states or federal government have not yet done so nation wide.

There were some hiccups in the beginning when shops marketed edibles that looked almost identical to regular candy packaging, but that issue was rapidly rectified and mishaps are much less common. Guess what rest of the US: the sky didn't fall, DUID cases for cannabis have not skyrocketed, and theres more than enough capital available to make it a worthwhile endeavor for just about anyone.

Can we just legalize marijuana nationwide yet, it's almost 2021 ffs...
My worry is that legalization revenue will fall into the hands of the elite and powerful once again. A large reason legalization didn’t pass in Ohio a few years back is that the bill mandated that only five companies could produce the marijuana. And as to the black men in prison right now, they still wouldn’t even be able to vote after with a felony
It wasn't on the ballot here but we already have a pretty good medical system but we already have a pretty good medical system which is something I never saw happening in my state.
Congrats to Jersey, Montana, S Dakota, Arizona and Mississippi!

I've been watching the momentum grow for 15 years here in the states and it brings joy to my heart to see us changing the nation one vote at a time.

These states might not be on everyone's list to visit but that doesn't mean they don't have a lot of influence. New Jersey alone is going to push the rest of the north east into legalization imo.

Prohibition is falling like a stack of dominoes. It might seem slow to some, but this is the kind of dream I had as a young adult that I never expected to see in my lifetime. However, I knew once I helped push that first domino down in 2012 that the rest would follow. To the states that don't have recreational weed yet, legalization is coming for you very soon!

Big ups to US!
Unbelievable, very happy for you guys.

Though I'm also somewhat frustrated with the fact that the country who basically started the war on drugs is now doing a complete 180-turn, while the rest of the world (broadly speaking) is still enforcing the same anti-weed policies brought up by the war on drugs 😕
^^ South Dakota is a really neat place to explore. Lot’s of badland hiking if someone Is into that kind of stuff. And driving through the state you can’t help passing through reservations - so add cannabis to the already proliferating smoke shops.

I’m psyched for South Dakota mainly because it’s the closest state to me (in Canada) that is legal. I’d like to think that when Cannabis is federally legal in the States that I can cross the border without worrying.

These are all the states I like to hang... Now just don’t get pulled over in Idaho and your all good ;) But Montana is a big one I was waiting on, it was only a matter of time. I can’t wait to burn freely in that state.

And of course Oregon’s got legal mushrooms now too :) life’s so good.

Legal mushrooms.. so cool man, does this mean they're gonna be selling shrooms in places, or just cultivation kits, whatever...?
Legal mushrooms.. so cool man, does this mean they're gonna be selling shrooms in places, or just cultivation kits, whatever...?

I haven’t looked too into it yet but I get the impression there will be legal facilitators who can provide experiences for others.

That said there’s also now decriminalization of many drugs so even if you get caught with anything in small amounts it’s just a 100$ fine.

Oregon is ground zero for the change we need to see in this country regarding drug policy. If my family lived there I’d never leave.

I have lots of family in Oregon and everyone is expressing a ton of joy about the passing of the decriminalization of drugs (bill or act?)
One of my nephews is now moving back to OR to attend college and told me last night that this could not have come at a better time.
These are all the states I like to hang... Now just don’t get pulled over in Idaho and your all good ;) But Montana is a big one I was waiting on, it was only a matter of time. I can’t wait to burn freely in that state.

And of course Oregon’s got legal mushrooms now too :) life’s so good.

I have a friend in Bozeman that I visit a few times a year that is absolutely ecstatic about legal cannabis coming to her state! Normally she comes here for a weekend long smoke out lol
Salutations BellaJewel,

I have lots of family in Oregon...

By chance Oregon is home to an activist like Earl Blumenauer i think:

Blumenauer, citing state wins, sees federal cannabis reform gaining ground (2020-Nov-4)
« An Oregon cannabis industry eager to see federal reform should be encouraged by Tuesday’s election results, Portland Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer said Wednesday. »

That's stuff to fuel real hope and this is most precious in terms of raw model which should inspire and even guide the next USA leader.


Good day, have fun!! ☮