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Uruguay marijuana move 'illegal' - UN drugs watchdog


May 10, 2001
Uruguay's decision to legalise the production, sale and consumption of marijuana violates international law, the UN drugs watchdog says.

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) warned that the move would endanger young people and "contribute to the earlier onset of addiction".

The new law will allow registered Uruguayans over 18 to buy up to 40g (1.4oz) of the drug a month.

The government hopes it will help tackle drug cartels.

INCB chief Raymond Yans said he was "surprised" that the government in Montevideo had "knowingly decided to break the universally agreed and internationally endorsed treaty".

continues at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25340324

At the scene

This was a huge victory for the cannabis-smoking community in Uruguay.

Hundreds of young people gathered outside Congress in Montevideo to follow the vote on a giant screen. Many shared a joint of marijuana with their friends. They partied amid reggae music and some waved marijuana leaves.

There was an atmosphere of celebration inside the Senate too, with dozens of supporters of President Mujica following the nearly 14 hours of the debate from the spectators' gallery.

But not everyone was happy about this law. Senator Pedro Bordaberry of the conservative Red Party told the BBC his country should not become a "guinea pig for Mr Mujica's experiment".

He said: "We used to be known for our excellent meat and football, now the world is watching us because of our marijuana."
And what's the UN going to do about it? Any country can leave the UN convention on drugs, as Bolivia has done in the past, and shown that the UN needs them a lot more than they need the UN.

The UN convention on drugs is a bluff that needs to be called more often.
The bastards will take away your countries rights to various UN assistance prorgrammes, such as financial aid & access to the funds & credit available at the World Bank to discourage you from legalising drugs of any kind.

It is, I am very sad to say, no fucking bluff! This is a very serious game we are playng with the lives of millions upon millions of people & we need to win it. Badly!
I bet President Mujica has a bullet proof vest. I predict an assassination or a coup sponsored by you know who.
There will still be a healthy black market to feed those people who do not want or are allowed to register as a drug user. I'd expect there are a few cartels ready to continue feeding this market.
People are allowed to grow 6 plants and 99 plants in a smoking group. And I doubt they'd be really strict on that, like as if they are going to give a fuck if someone grows 10 plants. Dont want or not allowed on the registered list, I'm sure loads of friends or people would have a bit to share at next to nothing.

Doesn't seem like there will be a huge market to fill by the cartels there ?
^My thoughts exactly.

Oh & what's this? The UN is a bunch on faggits? Dis news?
Uruguay's Prez Rips Into U.N. Official Over Marijuana Law: ‘Stop Lying'

José “Pepe” Mujica shot back on Friday at the president of the International Narcotics Control Board, a U.N. agency, for saying that his administration refused to meet with the agency’s officials before legalizing marijuana this week.

Mujica batted down the criticism, insisting that his administration is open to discussing the law and accusing the INCB President Raymond Yans of applying a double standard by criticizing Uruguay, even as U.S. states pass laws to legalize recreational marijuana consumption.

“Tell this old guy not to lie,” Mujica told reporters, according to Colombian daily El Espectador. “Any guy in the street can meet with me. Let him come to Uruguay and meet with me whenever he wants… He thinks that because he’s in an international position, he can tell whatever lie he wants.”

Yans had said that the law passed by the Uruguayan legislature this week legalizing the consumption and government-controlled production and sale of marijuana would violate the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which Uruguay has signed.

The INCB president said on Wednesday he was “surprised” that the Uruguayan government “knowingly decided to break the universally agreed and internationally endorsed legal provisions of the treaty.

But Mujica dismissed the criticism as a double standard, pointing out that the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington have already legalized weed and that both of the states’ populations individually exceed Uruguay’s 3.4 million inhabitants.

“Do they have two discourses, one for Uruguay and another for those who are strong?” Mujica asked.

Further reading - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...077.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular#slide=1764509
The UN needs to fuck off and let the the people and government of Uruguay make their own decisions. The reason they object is not because they think it will be a failure but because they are afraid it will be a success and that other countries belonging to the UN may follow in their footsteps once they see the sky didn't fall in Uruguay.
But Mujica dismissed the criticism as a double standard, pointing out that the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington have already legalized weed and that both of the states’ populations individually exceed Uruguay’s 3.4 million inhabitants.

“Do they have two discourses, one for Uruguay and another for those who are strong?” Mujica asked.

Further reading - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...077.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular#slide=1764509

And the dominoes start falling.

Its going to be interesting to see just how much Washington and Colorado spark worldwide. Mujica makes a great point here.
The lNCB president - regardless of his ethnicity - is clearly a US gov puppet. Actually, the UN could be referred to as the United Nations of America and it would be an appropriate definition of who really controls UN regulations and policies.

The only reason why you're not hearing or reading about any bitching and moaning from any US bureaucrats who are pro-drug war/prohibition is because they know that they would be called hypocrites (among other things) by the international community due to the recent legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington.

No disrespect to my fellow Americans, but fuck the US gov's federal drug policies, and fuck the DEA. Also, shame on you governor of Oklahoma for signing the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act[1] into state law back in 2011. Mere possession of marijuana in the form of hash brownies solely for personal use in the Bible Belt state can get you life behind bars if you have any prior convictions of possession of weed. Absolutely ridiculous.

[1] - https://www.sos.ok.gov/documents/legislation/53rd/2011/1R/HB/1798.pdf