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Ural & Methamphetamine


Jan 23, 2005
Tried to reply to this thread but couldn't. Here is the post. Question is how long before you dose should you take the Ural?

29-05-2002, 16:56 #1

Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Melbourne, Oz
Posts: 693

Star Methamphetamine reabsorption and elimination
The subject at Uni I absolutely loathe found it use today!!
Talking about factors affection drug reabsorption of various drugs........
Reabsorption of Non polar weak bases (pKa 5.0 - 12.0) exhibit pH dependant renal elimination....
As pH increases (becomes more acidic) the drugs become ionised hence less is reabsorbed and more excreted...
As pH decreases (becomes alkaline) the drug becomes more unionised therefor more likely reabsorped and less eliminated..
soo??? your probably saying?
Meth(yl)amphetamine is a non polar weak base (pKa 10) its reabsoption (via renal clearance) varies comparibly to almost nothing to almost complete reabsorption with a change in pH....
Hence acidic urine (pH 4.9 - 5.3) will cause meth to be eliminated from the body... of an 11mg dosage given, 12 hours later 6 mg was eliminated...
Alkaline urine (pH 7.8 - 8.2) will cause meth to be reabsorped... of an 11mg dosage after 12 hours .25mg was eliminated.....
I have a graph showing comparisons - but i dont know how to put it up....
So I guess this works well in 2 ways......
You wanna get more outta your Meth - alkalinise your urine - avoid acidic foods/beverages - even use an urinary alkaliser like Ural or Citravescent....
If you scared about an upcoming drug tests - get that Urine acidic!!
[ 29 May 2002: Message edited by: RushingRococco ]
I'd give it a couple hours to give it time to affect ph prior to dosing for max affect.
Would 1 satchet be enough? Anyone done this combo before?