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uppers or downers?

dr katz

Dec 3, 2014
There's probably several threads asking the same thing but whatever.

are you an uppers person or are you into downers? are there any exceptions?
I have always been way more into uppers but I hate meth. I use to like it at first but it just got worse and worse, now there are too many cons to pros and isn't worth doing. But my exception is heroin. I love it. I smoke it though, I don't shoot it. I was never into opiates like oxy etc because it just never did it to me and I had a naturally high opiate tolerance so usually if have to take a decent amount of said pill and id be more nauseous than anything. then I tried h and was pleasantly surprised. it's much better and if you get h that isn't so cut its less harmful for you than and pill they so willingly prescribe (but I'm not saying it's smart to get into and I'm not saying it can't be dangerous)

favorite drug: besides h, coke. love it. I'm on it right now. that's why I found it necessary to make this pointless post.
for me depends on the day and what is with reach maybe start out with one then go to the other then..... come back up again......
I used to be exclusively a downers person.

I felt I had too much energy and used to have anxiety.

Wanted to basically be comatose, perfect day would be having potent opiates with potent benzo's along with some bho maybe some booze and nod and sleep.

I became an addict and lost most of my friends due to being on high dose methadone/xanax/whiskey and truning my ringer off and just hibernating.

Now I want to be up, don't get anxiety much anymore and just feel sluggish.

I could do good coke all day, but I'm good on smoking it or trying anything more potent.

I'm interested in the fluoridated amphetamines because I find doctors and pharmacies a pain in the ass now.
Uppers anytime! Downers feel kinda disgusting to me, I won't even drink a moderate amount of alcohol anymore, that shit just does not gel with my body...and I'm an insomniac no matter what, shit I've been up all night after drinking multiple times in the past, so that aspect of stimulants really doesn't make a difference/bother me. As well I'm not about dulling my senses & numbing myself, I want to do the opposite, I take drugs to make life more interesting & feel more present, which is the opposite of what downers do to me. Psychedelics, cannabis sativa, & stimulants are the drugs for me!
Downers period. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meth and cocaine, but I couldn't spend my life on the shit (okay maybe cocaine+alcohol I could, but who has the money).

The right downers have most of the benefits of uppers (increased sociability, well being, mood lift and confidence) and very few of the drawbacks.

Stimulants do have their use but I find the right amount of alcohol can provide me with as much stimulation and focus as I generally need, although it does provide less clarity than amphetamines.
Downers all day. Is GHB a downer though really? Benzos come a close second to the auld GHB.
^ Technically, but it always gets me moving (especially when there's good music involved).

Downers, almost exclusively. Besides emathogens and stimmy psychedelics I almost never touch stims. They're incredibly fiendish, hard on the body, and make me feel like crap for a long time after I've come down... not worth it IMO. I'm very susceptible to the negative effects of stimulants. I just like to melt into my couch or relax with my girlfriend when I get home from work, not stay up all night compulsively fidgeting until sunrise. I will say though, sex on stims is fantastic.
Always been a downer person... still am. How ever meth has found its special place in my heart these days, how ever i still mix it with heroin :)

So all in all... speed balls or nuffin. But if it had to be alone... downers (opiates)
Another vote for downers, don't get me wrong, I've had fun with amphetamines, drinking coffee, smoking, talking nonstop and waiting for the inevitable heart attack, but I've never had it as a habit.

I use drugs to relax, feel good and escape horrible reality, and opiates are my drug of choice and the primary drug I've had trouble stopping, though oddly the other drug i've had trouble stopping is a mild upper (nicotine),
Downers all the way! Opiates, Benzo's, Somas, Antihistimines(does that count,lol) Gabapentin(which can strangely act as an upper and downer at the same time, but no side effects from uppers such as anxiety,paranoia,not sleeping. Now, Opiates are my fav, but they somewhat act as an upper for me, gives me energy, also gives a nod. Uppers are fun on occasion, but I like food, sleep, not going into pychosis, the anxiety which I already suffer from bad...but if I had to pick an upper to do for a night with friends it would be Dexedrine or Meth, fun on occasion, Coke if it's GOOD and not GARBAGE. But ya, downer person here all the way, with occasional uppers to spice it up every now and again.
I prefer downers. They are more enjoyable, I have a lot of trouble sleeping at times, and sometimes I have anxiety but it seems like my panic attacks may have finally ended.

Stimulants are nice, but I can't handle high doses of them. They make me extremely hyper and I either bug the people around me by talking non-stop about one thing after the other, often pretty much pointless rambling or I end up ranting like a maniac on Bluelight. Some of you probably noticed what happened when I did that meth about 5 or 6 days ago (or whenever) and some of you have probably seen it happen prior to that whether or not you remember it.

For me, ethylphenidate would be an ideal upper - it is more gentle but still euphoric and has some mild empathogenic qualities (meth seems to as well, but ethylphenidate may be better in that respect). But neither would have even 10%, maybe not even 5% of MDMA's empathogenic effects. For my brother, meth seems to bring out his antisocial/psychopathic traits which are pretty strong to begin with.
Downers all the way. The odd thing is that "downers" get me going. It's always been that way, when I was younger I would wake up with an opiate and a benzo and have a super productive day. That was the hardest part about stopping that shit. If I had it my way though, I would just be straight chilling on a tropical island, cutting up lines of raw cocaine whilst smoking opium.
Both are nice but I think id go with uppers even though I won't waste my time on pills or coke.. but a nice thick shot of some ice is what I like.. and if i find some mdma..nuff said ..when I take downers i either end up stuck on my couch watching netflix .dont get me wrong I feel really good and dont want to move..just dont get anything accomplished beside I finished 3seasons of trailer park boys. D owners make me irritated too and people will piss me off really fast.. or I piss people off :) cause im strung out in theyre car sayin ill be right there.
another one down for downers. hydro oxy morph xan, i use those more often than i can scrape together enough to buy coke... and if i do have an upper day i have to get a decent amount of coke for that high to last. I feel like with downers I just sleep off the come down (is it a come down from a downer?) anyway if I am by myself and in for a chill night then downers all the way! if i am with friends and we do have some coke i am still drinking.
Both honestly. If I could only have one, it would be uppers. I'm naturally lethargic/depressed and stims help balance that out.

With that said, opiates are probably the most all-around useful drugs in my life. They're both stimulating and relaxing, which is nice. Good for depression, social anxiety and pain. Yum.
Downers for sure. Well, except caffeine. Really, it may be my caffeine intake (I can run through a 2 liter of Pepsi Max in a day easy) that leads me to preferring downers.
I take a couple uppers, I down a couple downers, but nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple pills!

ha. anyone remember that old eminem song? if not, check it out.. esp. if you love drugs, ha.

D12 feat Eminem - Purple Pills
Uppers for a good time - downers to chill out.
i probably prefer uppers though.
Nothing beats a good dose of an upper I've never done anything hard I guess mostly snorting a couple of adderall pop some and get shit done I do enjoy downers rarely though