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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Unknown Substance (Unknown dosage) - New Experience

sounds like a high dose of aMT...

It wasn't 5-meo-aMT or you'd probably be dead
Wow... Incredible story. I've seen a few other trip reports like these and it's this kind of stuff that makes me terrified.

Thanks for sharing.
I stayed over at my friends house for the last few days. I still don't feel 100% ok, but I have been partying pretty hard for the last few weeks.

I need to chill out for a while and let my brain heal itself.

I heard around the rumor mill that the pill was an extremely high dose of AMT.

but who knows?????
I don't buy that it was DOxx, bromo dragonfly, 5meo AMT or AMT - I like the placebo theory a lot :D
That was one hell of a placebo effect. That would be hilarious and certainly prove that I am totally insane.
If you say that the capsule itself contained ~100mg of powder and still tasted sweet, it is safe to asume that the active component took up a fairly small amount of those 100 mg.

Anybody who've handled aMT knows that even 10-15 mg of the compound gives off an extremely pungent smell. Think DMT-odeur crossed with a pile of rotten fish. If there was enough aMT in there to give you such a ride you would've smelt it when opening the capsule.

My guess also goes to DOX. As someone said, the time-frame and progression of the experience fits perfect with DOB. For DOB it is also true that the dose-response curve is devilishly steep - where 2 mg might be a dose for a (still solid) experience, 3 mg will knock you off your ass!

Speculations are useless though. Try to get it tested!
Sounds like a really high dose of 2cb. It also has a sweet taste-and can trip you pretty hard for a looooooooooooong time. But and thing over 35mg is considered an Extremely Intense dose. If you're right about the amount, then I'd say someone doesn't know wtf they're doing or selling at all. Sorry you had such a bad trip-in normal doses 2-cb is amazing. Someone should let this dealer know
Pure 2C-B is far from sweet my friend. Actually I highly doubt that you'll find any phenethylamines with a sweet taste. If your supply tastes sweet, it's cut.
yeah. it was DEFINITELY a filler of some sort in the pill with the sweet taste. Whatever the substance was it was strong as fuck, and didn't take much of it.


Some people said it was AMT, but I have serious doubts due to the amount of filler in the pill.

perhaps 5meoamt? The world may never know.
It sounds very, very similar to some highish-dose aMT experiences I had many years ago.

It does not sound similar to 5-MeO-aMT or 2C phens. Not to me, at least.

aMT does have a rather pungent odor.
I dunno.

BUT, as an aside to the whole thing, I was with my mom this weekend for the first time in a month, and she told me about a dream she had about me. In the dream I was taking pills and freaking out completely and she was trying to help me but I wasn't able to hear or see her.

After she told me about that dream, I told her all about the crazzzzzy experience I had that night.

Her dream was the Tues following the consumption of the red devil pill. The very next day when I was still really feeling crazy and the world was still liquid.

AWESOME that my mom, who I love and is my best friend was linked into my so much that she KNEW what had happened before I even told her.

She wasn't mad, she is cool like that.