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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Unknown Substance (Unknown dosage) - New Experience


Oct 22, 2007
I am a very experienced psychedelic cosmonaut. I am 31 years old, and I have been known to get completely shattered from time to time. Especially during the 90s when there was a huge amount quality LSD floating around...

Well, 2 nights ago it was my friend's birthday and we were all at the bar drinking and having fun. I decided I would purchase some MDMA for us so that we could celebrate his birthday in a major way.

I called my hippie chick friend, and she called her friend. I bought 2 pills. They were capsules that were red and white. She called them red dragons. At this point I call them red devils.

Both P. (my friend) and myself know the taste of MDMA, and this was NOT it. I called the girl who got them for me and she said if they didn't kick in within an hour we would get our money back.

+1 hour: My eyes started rolling around in my head and my visual field started to become quite disturbed. In a wonderful and quite beautiful way. I am still at the bar at this point.

During the next 3 hours this substance started getting more and more powerful. P and myself decided the bar was not the best place to be, so his relatively sober girlfriend drove us to their house to ride it out.

+5 hours: I turn to P and ask, "are you insane?" His reply was: "I'm right there with ya brother"

Next thing I know I am in a FULL BLOWN psychedelic experience. We were confused as to WHY on earth someone would sell us this substance claiming it to be MDMA. I am not exaggerating when I say this shit was one of the top 5 most fucked up experiences in my life. We felt as if we had taken 10 hits of POWERFUL acid. We both freaked out.

At one point I was convinced the world had ended and that my soul was being ripped apart. I was no longer in the room. I was in the ether. I was in a world of geometric patterns and total insanity. My body was gone, and the walls of reality had completely shattered around me. There were tears. There was fear.

I didn't sign up for that shit. Those pills need to come with a disclaimer. "WARNING, this pill will get you more spun than an ounce of mushrooms" or some shit like that. Man.... I can't even really describe the fear or the worry we had. We are both quite experienced luckily. If some 16 year old raver kid ate that shit they would REALLY freak out.

The only time I can remember being higher than that was when I took 17 hits of LSD back in 1999.

This particular substance came in waves. We would freak out and be in another world, then all the sudden we realized we were human beings again, and would be excited that it was 'over'. Then about 5 minutes later the NEXT wave of insanity would crash through our souls once again and take us out of ourselves and into oblivion.

This shit was no joke people. DANGEROUS. It took me a solid 16 hours before my life started to get back in line. When I knew it was subsiding I was still tripping face hard as possible, but I was ME again.

The moon was behind a tree and we were staring at it. It became a HUGE spiderweb, covered with rainbows and fractals. Everything was spiraling. It all kept moving and twisting. BUT, despite the massive visuals, we knew we were going to be ok. The TOTAL INSANITY had subsided.

I am going to FIND the person selling this shit as MDMA. I can't even IMAGINE what would happen if someone took 2 of those. GOD FORBID they took 3.

I am VERY experienced with the psychedelics. I have done LSD hundreds of times in my life, many of those at HIGH doses. I have done mescaline, DMT, 2CT7 2CB, etc etc etc... The reason I say this is because this shit was FUCKING BANANAS. Definitely one to put in the books. BLEW OUR MINDS.

In retrospect I am OK with it because I didn't have anything too important to do, but it is EVIL EVIL EVIL to sell that shit and claim it is MDMA. Regardless of what it was, those pills were made to DESTROY CONSCIOUSNESS. I still don't feel 100% right. Today as I write this is 2 days later, and I really still feel the effects. My visual field is kinda fucked up, and things are still just slightly liquid.

I just wish they had TOLD me to expect such a powerful psychedelic experience. I guess the joke was on me. HA HA HA. not funny asshole.
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Never, never, never, never, ever, ever, EVER take any substance without knowing exactly what it is. If you haven't bought a test kit already, then you have learned nothing from your experience. There are too many chemicals out there that will do much more than give you an overwhelming experience if too much is ingested.

And there are too many idiots out there who will give a chemical a well-known name rather than take the two minutes to explain what it really is and what it really does. Either that, or they have no clue either. Scary.
Wow, that's scary. This is why I only use RC's and not street drugs...at least you know what you're getting.

Glad you're alright.
Thanks. I too am glad that I am not insane or dead. lol...

I can't figure out what it was. It kicked in within an hour, and just kept getting stronger over the course of 5 hours. It was that 5 hour mark when the bottom dropped out and the world ceased to exist. It was actually really awesome until I lost my mind completely. The visuals were amazing, and all encompassing. I assume if I had been warned how powerful it was my experience may have been a little bit better. But when one is not expecting one of the most profound psychedelic experiences in their life, things get a little crazy.

I was bat shit insane. I talked to my friend P. yesterday and we decided we are gonna hunt down the motherfucker who sold them to my friend. I trust the girl who I got them from, and I am 100% confident she didn't have any clue what they would do to us or she would have told me.

I finally got in touch with her last night and told her what happened. She said she will call the guy and let him know what happened. I suspect these were engineered by someone with a SICK sense of humor.

Psychedelic sledgehammer from God crushing you into total oblivion. Now THAT is a birthday my friend will NEVER forget. lol

I apologized to him over and over again, but he doesn't blame me.

I almost wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy.

edit: I want these fucking trails to go the fuck away!!!!!
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This is why I only use RC's and not street drugs...at least you know what you're getting.

not really more than with street drugs. there has been a huge amount of doage and substance mixups as well as cut stuff sent out by rc vendors. i'd never take anything from a rc vendor without confirming it's identity at least with my test kit.

i've once got methylone instead of 2c-d which isn't dangerous but just an annoyance as dosages for methylone are much higher, but others have got 5-meo-amt instead of amt which has led to death in users. also look at this thread.
Bad luck I'm glad you're OK, shit like this happens & it's a relief if you come out unscathed.

Did you open up the caps to see how much powder was contained in them ?
yeah. we opened up one of them to taste it. It had a sweet taste. the powder was yellowish. the capsule was small, but packed full of this yellow devil substance. Looked to me to be somewhere around 100mg. BUT, it could have been a filler of some sort.
Who can tell - I'd speculate but I really need to do something productive & speculation without end could drive a man to infinity & beyond.
Sweet tasting gotta be dextrose or something & a few milligrams of a pretty potent drug but one not potent enough to fit easily onto a blotter, maybe something that's recently become quite widely available ? - damn i find I'm drawn into speculation without intending to be.
I have been speculating for 2 days now myself. I STILL feel it. In fact, I just called my friend because I started getting nervous. I was watching TV and all the voices started echoing. I still see these trails. My eyes are not dilated anymore, but the background of reality hasn't quite put herself back together again.

I feel extra bizarre right now.

I might just hunt down the guy and punch him square in the face as hard as possible. I am NOT a violent person, but this guy really has it coming to him. (if he knew what it was)

I mean really, they only had 2 left so I bought them. I was gonna get a 10 pack and eat 3 pills that night. THANK GOD they only had 2 left. I can't even imagine, or want to imagine what would have happened to me if I had taken more than 1 of those fucking things.8o8o8o
You should see if they plan to restock, buy another capsule and then send it in to ecstasydata.org for $40. They'll run a test to see what substance it is.
I can't imagine people would intentionally buy more of those things. lol... I think they were created as a MEAN joke....

A really mean joke.

Toying with people's psyche is not right. I wish I could send one in tho. I would LOVE to know how much of what substance it is.
Google bromo-dragonfly....sounds like it might of been that....

That shit will get you SPUN
PCP or something maybe? Maybe 2c's but i sorta doubt it from reading ur report
wow. sounds like a hell of a time. i know it's just another unfounded speculation, but i'm going to throw my hat in the ring for DOx or dragonfly of some kind.
Wow, I'm with unbreakable on this one... Bromo d-FLY... It's active at the 1mg dose so you could have just gotten a fuck off massive amount... Then again I can't be sure. I'd be really interested to find out what it could be.
DOx. The timing is right--1 hour to feel effects, T+2-5 fun, visuals start, T+6 madness visuals and insanity. Lasts for days.
I'd say it was probably DOx or Bromo-dragonfly. DOx has a history of being sold in completly crazy dosages and like the above poster said, the timing is right. I've had DOx trips that lasted for 48 hours.

Did it have a strong stimulant feel to it (particularly an uncomfortably heavy body load and a great deal of jitteryness)? Did it make you nauseus? DOx drugs do both of those things fairly strongly at high doses. That shit's really not cool, you should tell the dealer how incredably uncool it was and then never buy from them again.
Sounds like you got a DOx. It saddens me to learn that it is not only being sold as blotter adulterants for LSD, but it is sold in capsules as molly.