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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier



Dec 8, 1999
Like an addiction I was never aware of
You took ahold of my soul
And every day I let you make me smile
And every day I let my heart beat for you
Unconsciously opening some secret door inside
Letting you in
Letting myself get comfortable with you inside
You were it
You were the one
The one I had always hoped and dreamed for
And everything about you made my heart flutter
But you had to go and tell that lie
Proving to me that anyone, even the one you suspect the least, will break your heart
In a million tiny pieces mine dies on the floor
Crying for me
Crying for you
And with its last beat it whispers into the still air
Never ever again.
"Shine on you crazy diamond....."
Awww, sweetie
*hugs* I know how it feels, but keep your head up, hun!!!
Keep a smile on your face, you never know whose day you'll brighten.
"Look down on me, you will see a fool. Look up at me, you will see your lord. Look straight at me, you will see yourself." ~Charles Manson~