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Understanding the complexity of LSD


Mar 31, 2015
So a little background about me and my experiences:
-DMT: Total trips 133 times. Out of all the time approximately 50 times "blasting off" or out of body experiences....

-Mushroom: Total trips only 23 from as low as 1/8 of standard gold caps, to as high as 5 grams of penis envies which I have had a 1/4 of gold caps and not even close to the OEV and the feeling was crazy intense but a very pleasnt euphoria....

-LSD: Currently at 18 trips.. highest dose of 5.5 of Silver crystal and lowest was 1 as my first dose. I soon will dose at 5 blotters of white fluff.

-MDMA: Rolled way to many times to count and for days on end.... my average dose is .6 (initial) of amber shard molly (which came in a 12 g shard ;) ultra pure tested black with intense bubbeling) then every 2 to 3 hours .2 caps to bump my roll. Highest dose 1g amber shard with 1 Pink Equal and .09 of Sass (MDA).

-Marijuana: Smoked plenty in my younger days but not for the past 5 years.

I am here for some advice/knowledge about specifically LSD... I only give semi detailed past history so you can comprehend I am not some new grasshopper trying to learn the ropes.... I have done a lot of research about LSD but for some reason cannot find the answer to what is happening to me.

Currently I have been tripping for the past 6 weeks once every week. Usually on Friday or Saturday to allow my serotonin levels to replenish inbetween each trip.... each trip I have been becoming mentally sharper and more aware of what's going on around me no matter what the dose. It is also getting more intense even with lower doses....

For the past 6 weeks here are my dose amounts...... 2.5, 2.5, 2.5+4 (2 hours later), 5.5(this is where I became more intellectually stimulated and on my game so my buddy couldn't fuck wit me anymore and from this point on no longer dull/slow mentally like most new users), 3.5(way more intense then the 5.5 visually the world was swirling in an S pattern and the colors and patterns were crazy beautiful and the road would melt away on occasion it was like I was in a spaceship...), then 1 which was amazing I was floating on my motorcycle felt super intune with it I could feel the tires gripping the road it was so surreal....

Anyways why does it feel like I am more sensitive to LSD? I feel it within 20 minutes now instead of an hour - hour and a half.... I don't feel mentally dull anymore I feel sharp, focused, very perceptive of my surroundings and i am picking uo on people's auras/moods.... is my brain adapting to the LSD and accepting it and/or embracing it? I've always heard that you build a tolerance to LSD so then why if I am tripping exactly 7 days from eachother that I would become more intune with it, more sensitive, totally mentally sharp and can hold conversation with random people no problem. When just 4 weeks ago I could barely hold a conversation with my mom who totally knew what I was on..... or when I would get mind fucked by my buddy because he kept repeating himself on accident then we would both forget what we were talking about..... please lend me some insight I would love to understand what is going on. All the blotters I have taken in this 6 week period are from the same sheet....

Thank you for taking your time reading this. I hope you can help me understand what I am experiencing.

May peace, love, and good vibes find their way to you! Safe travels my friends!
LSD has a vast range of effects - it's tremendously sensitive to dose, mood, weather, time of day. Even altering how you dose can change it into an entirely different experience. Splitting your dose into two and taking it 30 minutes apart will give you a completely different LSD experience than taking the dose all at once. It's a very strange and wondrous drug.

I think you're at the limit of weekly tripping at 6 weeks tho - I'd try and space it out to 2 weeks for a while to give your brain some time to do a little housekeeping.
some people are sensative to psychedelics. also you might just be manifesting the sensativity. psychedelic means "mind manifester". I think it's a good thing that LSD is affecting you this way. sometimes it's not the psychedelic drug but the individuals mind ontop of that drug. so it could be that you are revealing something about your consciousness you aren't aware of. try taking even more time to integrate what your brain is telling you.

natural MAOI's like B. Caapi and Syrian Rue are said to be wonderful allies for integration. their also amazing to combine with psychedelics like LSD, Shrooms, LSA, Peyote, or tryptamines like DMT.
You are taking a consciousness expanding drug and having your consciousness expanded, so working as intended. LSD has ways of letting you know when it is time to take a break though, at first gently then more insistently. Pay attention to these signs and follow their direction, the mind needs time to re-balance and re-center after a psychedelic expansion process.

Ignore this direction completely and it will simply kick your ass until you pay attention. Also keep in mind that you are interacting with the other energy systems and centers of the body, particularly the heart. The emotional tides can become extremely strong as awareness is directed to this center, so it is also worth keeping this in mind as well.
LSD has a vast range of effects - it's tremendously sensitive to dose, mood, weather, time of day.

Give your acid an umbrella and it will be fine. Just not before 2.48pm.
Thank you everyone!!
I greatly appreciate all the feedback!

thank you I am aware that mood, time of day, weather and of coarse amount of the dose is all very important and that's why no trip is ever the same. I have been through a lot in my life as someone who is only 24 2 kids a divorce and years of mental abuse (which led to the divorce) I am extremely mentally strong it takes a lot to really get under my skin... I have plenty of stress in my life as of now with child support debt n blah blah blah... but when it comes to exploring my mind I greatly cherish every moment i get...
This Friday I'll be eating 5 whitefluff blotters (new lay came in even better then what I had for the past 6 weeks ;) ) and my goal is to dig deep and answer some questions...

just say know,
Thanks for telling me about MAOI's I've been aware of them just never had the chance to mix maybe Friday if I can find some. THANK YOU! But I am very intune with my body it's the Acid hitting me lol if I could give my self the visuals I get at 30 mins I would be loving life even more so ;) *unless I misinterpreted what was meant by that*

so far only thing I feel deep down is do more and harness it better instead of just exploring.... my body and mind so far has been telling me to take a decent dose 4-6 (which I'm totally comfortable with the idea of 5) my enviorment will be heavy controlled and I'll be in a safe place with plenty of safety nets just incase. I'll do my routine I do every time big breakfast small lunch empty stomach when I dose plenty of water and vitamin C usually around 1000mg in the am and 1000mg 2 hours prior.... I always prep so I always set myself up for success! I give myself a schedule to stick by but I allow for plenty of deviation from the plan because obviously you'll never know what you'll want to do on acid until you're on it ^_^

This Friday I'll have a super clean house, fresh fruit, my girl on 2 or 3, my gloves, and I'll be dosing around 8 or 9 so I get to watch the sunrise (I'm on an island I don't want to drop locations ;) ) but during a period while I'm peaking I want to go into an all black room and ask myself what I really want to do wit my life and should I continue to do what I do and am I actually doing anyone any good besides myself *I say yes but I'm curious if my inner self thinks otherwise* so far I don't have any feelings telling me to stop unless you're reffering to the intensity getting stronger and stronger each time I trip Since I've gone none stop.

Yet again thank you everyone I really do appreciate all the feedback!
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Simply put, negative tollerance development, the more often you take lsd, the less you need to reach the same level.
thanks for keeping it stupid simple :p and the bad thing about that? Is it the one day I only dose on 2 but some how it feels like 10?
I actually didn't think that was possible on acid I thought the more you used the less potent it became....
Your recent LSD trips sound like how it's pretty much always affected me. I feel sharp and in focus and get strange abilities, etc. Definitely not a dumbing down feeling like you said you felt the first couple times! Do you reagent test your blotters?

Sounds like it's working as directed. You don't need to take it often for it to work like that. I get those effects even if I haven't had any in a year. Taking it too often might make the magic fade if it's like basically any other drug, but I don't speak from personal experience with that.

But, uh, how has no one mentioned your MDMA section? You took a GRAM?! I thought you typoed your doses til I read that. Do you reagent test this shit either? That dosage is insanity, especially if what you have is real! Do you not roll face when you take 100mg real MDMA? I've never even wanted to dose much past 200-250 mg throughout a whole night and this was when MDMA was my drug of choice!

Also curious - do you keep a journal of your DMT experiences or something? How do you know 133?
I didn't think MAOI's worked with LSD - they definately don't do anything at all to al-lad. They work with mushrooms by turning the mushroom trip into an oral DMT trip but LSD? Nah.
Perhaps as you take those large doses each week it's lowering your sensory filter, making you feel more perceptive of your surroundings, along with the negative tolerance build-up.
If you keep it up, the negatives will likely outweigh the positives though.
Happens to me too. It's the same with doing yoga, meditation, .. You get more sensitive to the world around you, and inside of you.

I have been through a lot in my life as someone who is only 24 2 kids a divorce and years of mental abuse (which led to the divorce) I am extremely mentally strong it takes a lot to really get under my skin... I have plenty of stress in my life as of now with child support debt n blah blah blah... but when it comes to exploring my mind I greatly cherish every moment i get...
This Friday I'll be eating 5 whitefluff blotters (new lay came in even better then what I had for the past 6 weeks ;) ) and my goal is to dig deep and answer some questions...


This Friday I'll have a super clean house, fresh fruit, my girl on 2 or 3, my gloves, and I'll be dosing around 8 or 9 so I get to watch the sunrise (I'm on an island I don't want to drop locations ;) ) but during a period while I'm peaking I want to go into an all black room and ask myself what I really want to do wit my life and should I continue to do what I do and am I actually doing anyone any good besides myself *I say yes but I'm curious if my inner self thinks otherwise* so far I don't have any feelings telling me to stop unless you're reffering to the intensity getting stronger and stronger each time I trip Since I've gone none stop.

Yet again thank you everyone I really do appreciate all the feedback!

Now I'm not regularly one to preach but the highlighted areas show some contradiction with the rest of your post. Being "mentally strong" and ".. takes a lot to get under my skin" sounds kind of like the opposite of how I experience a trip. And also the opposite of you describing becoming more sensitive. Everyone is different of course but are you sure you're not reinforcing your ego with these trips ? A wonderful trip generally leaves me with no desire to repeat it. Obviously my ego would want to, because it's an ego :). At such a moment I'm extremely motivated to import good rituals in my life. Eating healthy food, no cravings, more meditation, .. .As other posters have said, integrating the experience if of paramount importance. This brings me to the second part of your post. Asking yourself what you should be doing with your life is something I would do sober. I don't need LSD to tell me how to live my life. It can help in achieving goals set with a sober mind, but relying on external stimuli (which LSD is) to "figure out what direction to take" should be done with extreme care. Also, this kind of planning generally works counterproductive.

Again, everyone is different, and maybe you need this in your life.

I'll wrap up by saying I was at the same age when I was honeymooning with psychedelics galore, and I also thought they were going to show me how to live my life. They didn't. Only you can follow your path. LSD can be like a roadsign, but it can't be the map. As William James (a poet) said:

One conclusion was forced upon my mind at that time, and my impression of its truth has ever since remained unshaken. It is that our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus, and at a touch they are there in all their completeness, definite types of mentality which probably somewhere have their field of application and adaptation. No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded. How to regard them is the question,—for they are so discontinuous with ordinary consciousness. Yet they may determine attitudes though they cannot furnish formulas, and open a region though they fail to give a map. At any rate, they forbid a premature closing of our accounts with reality.

I wish you nothing but the very best, in all things.
7 Days is pretty much fine tolerance wise so that's not a surprise, i take LSD once a week religiously and never have tolerance issues

Like anything you can get used to it, so while on your first trip you may look at a TV remote and think 'how the F do i work this?' but after 20 trips you'll likely be fine to use the remote as you've familiarised yourself with the state and doing 'normal' things is easier to handle

I also found that after a heavy trip i became much more sensitive to smaller doses rather than building a tolerance to them, for example when i first took 50ug it didn't do too much, it wasn't 'enough', but a week after my first 200ug trip i could meditate on 50ug and touch the same heights, just not for as long, but again it's just becoming familiarised with the substance then knowing how to work with it and squeeze as much out of the trip as possible, of course the more you trip the more likely you are to figure out how to do this, but not always, LSD is a smart drug of sorts but its not like if you eat loads of LSD you'll become more intelligent

We actually test each new batch we get. I am one that doesn't like to put random shit in my body hence why I stick with my molly sorce. We had a 12.8 Gram crystal of molly it was Amber shard (that's where my 7 g came from)(o yea Hella hooked up only ran me 65 a gram *_*).... Some of the purest molly around it was beautiful! I had a total of 7 grams in 3 weeks with about 5 days off two of which were right before my last day ;) and only really rolling at night unless it was like 5am and we were still going ;)... but the 1 gram of molly + Pink Equal + .09 Sass cap hit me within 30 mins I felt amazing (sidenote I don't look all retarded while I roll grinding my teeth n all strung out my mom had no idea till I busted out the gloves :p I handle myself very well I also never grind my teeth not sure why people do..... it's not that hard not too..) anyways me n this girl M we were rolling fairly hard I dosed her with .6 since she wanted to be Hella fucked up..... lol full retard mode after I melted her face with a couple light shows and the sound system in my house is fucking crazy if I got it cranked you can here it clear as day from the street with everything closed up ^_^ but anyways my buddy starts giving me light shows about an hour and 20 minutes in....... holy fuck did that kick off the roll Hella hard after that me n my girl went up and explored eachother for about 4 hours needless to say having sex on that mixture of molly and sass made it even better then just molly it was o so amazing I was rolling for 8 hours straight then that Sunday 4 days later I had my 5.5 hits of Lsd and went exploring in the forest my buddy who gave me the light show drove me n my girl while I was peaking and it was beautiful we got stuck in the waters reflection it was so peaceful to get lost in the rivers little ripples... Lol also drove about 3 hours in and I was in a damn rocketship even though we only drove 25mph hahaha it was beautiful and crazy people's faces looked Hella demonic tho unless they were friends and family then they just had amazing patterns on them I always hated that at high doses I always felt like everyonr is just staring hard at me except for the last 2 trips I had it wasn't bad at all I was at a beech for one plus a 2 hour car ride home in traffic..... (3.5 is what I dosed that time way more intense then the 5.5 *even though it's the same sheet*) then the last time 1 in the club crazy fun ;)

Now my DMT trips yes I keep a log and I vividly remember my most major blast offs which honestly are 4 the rest I vaguely remeber because I went through a time I would smoke it all the time n I would trip within a trip within a trip ....... (Mushrooms 1/4 o yes 1/4 gold caps plus a sugarcube which had 2 hits of lsd and of coarse some MDMA had green bowling ball mints) at the 3.5 hour mark me n my buddy smoked .15 bowls of dmt each and split a .28 we were out for about 10 minutes the first time and I was the ass who hit Hella hard on the second n I was cold for 20 minutes I came back and lost it for about an hour lol had no fucking idea where I was it was so fucking crazy then after the DMT wore off I realized I still had about 8-10 more hours before I'll be coming down.... that was also the night when my buddy died from eating the 1/4 of gold caps I mean no pulse and limp as a noodle... came back in about 45 sec he went while I was giving a light show n next thing ya know he went limp I had my buddy hit the lights n I checked for breathing and pulse this was before the LSD hit me and the mushrooms had just started to kick in pretty hard too but there was nothing I had our soberish buddy check n he didn't find anything.... needless to say K came back gasping super fucking hard yelling not the fucking light man! we also saw demons that night or somehow some way we both saw the same devilish face and blood red eyes getting closer to use... we never went into my basement for weeks after that shit....... but anyways most DMT I have ever smoked was a .38 bowl I was out for 25 minutes and vividly remeber that trio also I went a month and half straight smoking DMT every day after stopping I had the most vivid realistic dreams for 6 months after that plus times of not being able to tell reality from dreams it got bad..... very humbling experience and I treat DMT with utmost respect now..... sadly just 3 weeks ago I witnessed my buddy who is sitting at around 197 trips on DMT he seized uo and almost bashed his head into the ground.... I believe it was from him drinking a bottle of ciroc and then smoking a .13 bowl ....... his hands started to spasm and go in all crazy directions he tried to talk but only could moan and grunt and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body stood him up halfway out of his seat..... when is body caved in and relaxed he hit the chair at the corner making it flip and almost went head first into a cement stair....... my two buddies were way too fucked up and lucky I caught him before he bashed his head into the stair....... DMT is not to be fucked with and I stand by that I didn't do it once during my time back home because ever since my last trip on acid which to this day most beautiful experience I have ever shared with anyone I wanted to end my trip home on that note and not take the chance of leaving on a "bad" DMT trip I have always been hesitant with DMT I have gone to some crazy places 99% out of body experience and I always start with seeing myself and I have spent lifetimes in DMT trips very humbling and beautiful also intense I came back from my first one and saw in the 4th dimension.... I could see the atoms of my truck and everything on the other side of it between the atoms which were small little cubes that spun in place and the walls melted (this is after the crazy rollercoaster I went on blacked out saw a spirit / higher power that talked to me in a language I can't begin to describe and when it was done it brought me back to the world I know..... I have a million other stories and honestly I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted too...

Also everyone else greatly appreciate the input and thank you for your time. Mentally strong I mean when I trip I have yet to not know what's going on around me get what I'm saying *besides DMT that's a whole different beast and that's the only time I lost it only 1 time thought I was dying and swear I saw my mom my buddy had to talk me out of it and only 1 time whi ch was my 1st time.... it was crazy....*
Yeah bro. That shit is whack as fuck. Taking more than a gram of "molly" and let alone dosing someone else with six points at once? Reckless.

Edit: my dick is bigger than yours. ;)
Well here's why last day of rollin for 3 weeks and I went through 7 grams.... last day was go balls to the wall get super fucked up for 2 of the 3 weeks I was eating .5's like candy I would dose usually anywhere from .4 to .6 and eat .25 caps every hour or 2 and roll for about 8-10 hours minimum..... I also had a lot of preperation in my nights lots of hydration every day all the time (I did spend a lot of time on an empty stomach though which is horrible but fuck it I get into a fucking groove when I roll for days) and vitamin c usually 2000mg 1000 in the am and 1000 2 hours prior to the roll it was the powder caps too.... but anyways the story with the my girl I dosed M. She told me she's eaten 4 mints at once I laughed and said you want a .6 n she saw me when she met me on a purple domino yes full 2.25 euro mdma ;) and a .4 cap and poping .2 all night at a rave and I was more sober then most people there lol... but aways she wanted a super high dose and said she could handle it and who am I to say no I made her drink plenty of water all day anyways so I know shes good and hydrated and she had vitamin c with me and we'll fuck it last day to roll n I wanted to fuck her brains out... like I did.... but seriously I insisted a lower dose but she's like I can handle it n I'm like you've never had this molly ever.. you'll be fucked but she insisted so I dosed her n she was humble after that roll lol good times but she was gone lol
7g MDMA in 3 weeks? 1g in one night? And I thought this was a harm reduction forum.