Understanding Suboxone Treatment


Jan 30, 2007
Hello, quick background: Managed to taper off IV opiates (oxy, hydromorph, heroin) and benzos after using since 18. (Thanks to bluelight derived taper plans and having someone hold and dispense for me)

I have been sober for 3 months. Currently am going to NA meetings Mon-Thurs and seeing an addictions counselor. My counselor referred me to a well reviewed shrink with the ability to write suboxone. They accepted my files and the doctor reviewed them, however I got a call and was informed that "Dr. So-and-so has decided that you are not appropriate for treatment." I asked for more information and they could not explain why I was deemed not appropriate. I don't want to go back to the dark embrace of a life run by opiates, but I still suffer immense PAWS and still have dreams about dope. In group people said the PAWS symptoms sometimes taking years to go away, sometimes never.

What do I need to do to get on a low-dose suboxone program? I have used low doses of it before (2mg) and had my PAWS symptoms completely suppressed.
Suboxone is normally prescribed when you are coming off the opiates, aka withdrawaling. Usually the doctor will have to see you are sick to get them because anybody can just walk in and say "hey im a junkie prescribe me opiates". So you being 3 months sober it might be harder in that regard.

I dont know where you're from but if the doctor you're seeing now isn't helping then go to suboxone.com and find a different doctor who will get you on subs. I'm on suboxone myself but honestly if i was 3 months clean I would just stick it out. Since getting on subs now im addicted to to them and the w/ds are so much longer than heroin.
They don't want to prescribe you suboxone because they don't think it would be beneficial to you. You are 3 months clean, which is great. Going on suboxone will only make your PAWS last much longer and you will go through withdrawal again when you come off. I am 7 months clean and those first 3 were fucking killer, but after that it started to get much easier and my paws are 100x better now (if I still have them? probably.)

I wouldn't recommend suboxone either but if you really really want to you can always find another doctor although most will only prescribe it to someone who is withdrawing from opiates.
thanks guys. I guess I am just second guessing myself in terms of willpower... hopefully the mental symptoms will fade over time...
what im from south carolina and you pm'ed me. I am pretty knowledgable. about subs hit me up sometime
when i was clean for a month after stoping my subs i took 2mg just for the hell of it n i got high as fuck.I would not recomend getting on subs if u hav 3 months clean if it wasnt for me trying those 2mg i might still be clean 2day.Although if it comes down to either relapsing on full agonist opiates or subs id go wit the subs.Last thing even tho this isnt the best of ideas u can always get a weak opiate in ur system n go 2 a sub doc n tel him u use heavy n when he drug tests u he will c the opiates n he will hav to prescribe u the subs.
Personally, I think that you *are* entitled to an explanation as to why you are not a candidate for suboxone therapy. I also believe that is because you have three months of clean time, but it would be helpful to your recovery for this doctor to explain his reasoning to you. Call the office and ask to speak with him--don't accept a vague answer from a receptionist who shouldn't be discussing your medical record to begin with. If that gets you nowhere, ask for a copy of your medical record.