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Under my tonque?

Well I tried it for the first time yesterday, and all i can say is wow.
I popped 1 and about 10-15 mins later I took a half and put in under my tonque.

Wasnt sure how long it takes but I figured the one under my tonque would hit alittle bit faster so I tried to time it somehow. All I know his I got hit really hard, but the taste was horrible! And it does linger for alittle bit.

Also I didnt know about the numbing thing, as my tonque was numb for alittle bit. All in all though it was great and Ill do it again even with the horrible taste.
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How long does it take for one to dissolve under your tounge?
I have tried plugging, but i couldn't handle the,um, pain. So I am debating on whether I should try to dissolve under tounge or crush the pill, put it in a capsule and then plug it that way.

let me know. thanks
It depends on the press of the pill. I took probably a half of a pill under my tongue last night, and it took about a minute for it to dissolve but I let it sit there until I couldn't handle the feeling of it in my mouth (it does have a numbing effect) which was probably close to 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure it hit me harder than it would have if I'd just swallowed, but I've never plugged so I can't really compare it to that.
I have no idea why anyone would dissolve a pill under their tongue......

Well if you've been reading the posts you'd know. Its supposed to hit you harder because it bypasses the liver or something, and it seems to work to me.

The main advantages of sublingual administration are the faster onset and the initial bypass of the liver, which increases the bioavailability of the drug.

taken from methods of admininstration faq.
rollin9 said:
Well if you've been reading the posts you'd know. Its supposed to hit you harder because it bypasses the liver or something, and it seems to work to me.

taken from methods of admininstration faq.
I know what the advantages are..... I still can't understand why anyone would let it dissolve under their tongue. It's not worth it.... There are better ways of taking e, other than under the tongue.
well snorting burns the sh*t outta ur nose, and plugging is well ..... plugging. IV is risky (if u have pills). so i rekon under the tongue is quite a valid option if u ask me.

i might crush it up a bit and try and shove it under my tongue next time, it just took wayyy to long to disolve last time.
"Tonight I'm going to plug one pill (Dolphin, 88mg MDMA) and take the other (which is of average quality) sublingually. Did I mention I have a low tolerance? "

And you found out it had exactly 88 mg of MDMA how? I hope you answer with something along the lines of owning your own lab..

"I know what the advantages are..... I still can't understand why anyone would let it dissolve under their tongue. It's not worth it.... There are better ways of taking e, other than under the tongue."

Just my own opinion, but I agree with middle finger..I've tried it, and found it to be more of a pain in the ass than a helpful trick, Tasted so shitty, took too long, etc..but definitely to each their own..(I do believe it will hit you faster this way as well, but I am one that really doesn't mind waiting to come up :)
Orpheus420 said:
"Tonight I'm going to plug one pill (Dolphin, 88mg MDMA) and take the other (which is of average quality) sublingually. Did I mention I have a low tolerance? "

And you found out it had exactly 88 mg of MDMA how? I hope you answer with something along the lines of owning your own lab..

"I know what the advantages are..... I still can't understand why anyone would let it dissolve under their tongue. It's not worth it.... There are better ways of taking e, other than under the tongue."

Just my own opinion, but I agree with middle finger..I've tried it, and found it to be more of a pain in the ass than a helpful trick, Tasted so shitty, took too long, etc..but definitely to each their own..(I do believe it will hit you faster this way as well, but I am one that really doesn't mind waiting to come up :)
If sublingual administration is a pain in the ass - you're plugging *boom tish* :D :D
i like to crush the pill up on a piece of wax paper and dump it in under my tongue
Tasted so shitty, took too long, etc..

The taste is terrible I admit that.. really bad, but to my suprise it didnt take as long as i thought to dissolve. Well I actually popped one and took just half sublingually.

I never got hit that hard though coming up. I was basically sweatin my ass off just sittin there comin up. Loved it!

rollin9 said:
I never got hit that hard though coming up. I was basically sweatin my ass off just sittin there comin up. Loved it!


lol i like it!

sitting there sweating going "oh boi this is gonna be kwazy"
is what i wanna feel

im sorta n00b so ill be trying this under the tounge buisness
the taste is all mental though so just listen to the music and ignore it
best way i deal with things like that

and just think about the lollie pop your gonna put in your mouth or gum your gonna chew
cant go wrong =D
roliepolie said:
chew one, plug one and snort one...

see ya in outer space.

your better off doing all 3 the same way so you don't get a mixed up peak. i found snorting 1/2 and droping the othe 1/2 wasn't as good as just droping the full one
i started out by swallowing them (cos of the taste) then was told to sit them under tongue i found it wasnt quite the same now i just chem em and i find i roll a lot harder for it. but keep in mind that it is completely up to how the individual absorbs the chemicals. i have a friend that plugs em and gets right off but doesnt feel the same when he chews em
plur to all and good luck:D :p