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Under my tonque?


Dec 17, 2002
Hi everyone, I was planning on poppin these weekend with these pills that are not to bad but arent all that great either. Anyway I was thinkin about maybe poppin 1 and lettin and half of 1 dissolve under my tonque, first time I would be trying this.

I was just wondering how many people have tried it this way and do you think its worth it? Or should I just pop 1 1/2? Im guessin it would come up faster but does it last shorter also? Like to hear from you who have done it.
I always ingest my pills sublingually (under the tongue). I have tried many different methods, but I find that letting it dissolve hits me harder, faster, and lasts for the same amount of time.

I would let the first one dissolve completely under my tongue, and then see if its strong enough. If its not, do the same with the other half after waiting no less than 45 minutes.

Have fun, be safe.
Dont care to hear about the taste, I know it doesnt taste like candy nor do I really care, just need some input on effectiveness of this method, ah well Ill be doing it anyway with half at least so I guess I can give some input myself in a few days.

I think im gonna stop doin under the tongue, it kinda renders half of my mouth (which ever side its sitting in) numb, weird and YUCK tasting!
I tried it once. But i didn't let the pill dissolve under my tounge. i just had it on the top of my tounge. The come up time was like 1 and a half hour but it was well worth it. I rolled very hard. Harder than i usually do. I used 3 and a half pills that night and i rolled for like 9 hours that night. i let 2 pills dissolve on my tounge and snorted another and a half pill. Anyways you should try letting a pill dissolve in your mouth (under your tounge since it's more bloodveins there or something like that) :)
Just want to add that this is my two hundred post. Wooohooooo! =D
Have you considered plugging? I've never done it myself, but from other's accounts it seems to work well enough. Much like taking it subligually, you bypass your stomach and absorb the MDMA through a membrane straight to your blood stream.
Chew it then swallow it, it tastes bad but u come up much faster and harder !8(
Yup...my fav style is chew before swallow. Come up much faster and harder!
SkiNLaB said:
I think im gonna stop doin under the tongue, it kinda renders half of my mouth (which ever side its sitting in) numb, weird and YUCK tasting!

Drink some juice and smoke a ciggy...
4-Acetoxy-DiPT said:
I tried it once. But i didn't let the pill dissolve under my tounge. i just had it on the top of my tounge.

Wasting MDXX is funnnnnnnnnnnn...;-)
roliepolie said:
chew one, plug one and snort one...

see ya in outer space.

Wow, triple drop? 8o

No matter the way of administration, that would send anyone but those with the heaviest of tolerances into outer space.

I've got three for this weekend and I've never double dropped, so I was thinking of plugging one (never done that before either, so what the hell...I'll give it a shot), taking one orally, and then breaking the other one into halves and taking them at +1:00hr and +2:00hr, respectively. I've also been on a 7 month break, so this should be one hell of an experience!

I just can't bring myself to do it subligually or chew it. I don't know why, but that taste just makes me want to yuke!
done the plugging, JP. HIGHly recommended. plugged a purecap, i might add. if you can get over the initial, "holy shit i'm sticking my finger up my ass" bit, then it's well worth it.
Tonight I'm going to plug one pill (Dolphin, 88mg MDMA) and take the other (which is of average quality) sublingually. Did I mention I have a low tolerance? :D
i tried dissolving it a few weeks ago.

it was SO fucking aweful and just lingered... and im an advocate of chewing ;)

it didnt make a difference either.. same come up time etc etc. its just like self torture :/
I don't mind the taste of pills now, like fine wine. Well maybe not fine wine but I don't don't mind it anyway. I put them under my tongue, in a cheek (mouth) or rolling them around in my mouth is good if you don't like the numb sensation.
Ok a few things i think need to be considered here.

a) I strongly suggest you don't chew your pills. I know it sounds like it's a remote possibility, but MDMA can and WILL "rot" your teeth. I've seen a number of people with teeth completely FUCKED by long term chewing of pills, if you enjoy this method of admin, just crush the pill up and put it in a gelcap or a piece of tissue.

b) Letting a pill dissolve on the top of your tongue is effectively the same as chewing a pill. All the MDMA is going straight down your throat just as it would if you were swallowing it. The point of dissolving UNDER the tongue is that the membraine under the tongue is where the drug is absorbed, much like the sinus membraine. Have you ever heard of trippers letting a tab sit ON their tongue? no.

c) Yes, MDMA tastes gross.