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Unbiased opinion on Meth

every meth addict i know is evil to some degree. They are all psychopaths, criminals, excellent thieves, excessively brutal and violent, skilled in witchcraft and deception. I have seen many of these traits manifest in my own behaviour as well.I attract bad women, I watch rape porn. I can definitely see in the 5 months of using meth I have become a more evil person. I havent gotten uglier yet
I don't think you ever did meth because if you did, you would know that it is the hardest thing to quit, and of course that would be the case because it is the only one that directly stimulates the addiction pathway. For those of you that never took this before, please, never touch this! This shit is addicting as hell.
Its too neurotoxic, its NOT too potent though for ADHD. Its a great drug to solve mental issues you just NEVER will because you will ALWAYS:

1. Get less and less satisfied everytime its used.
I found this thread after a google search for "people who use meth as morning coffee." Since coffee is mentioned so much in this thread, it popped up.

That's what I do, (Methamphetamine is basically my morning coffee), and I wanted to see if there's anyone else like this. I wanted to find out if I'm insane and in denial. I don't think I am. I'm 51. I (was) fat, lethargic, depressed, had ED, and many other negative qualities.

This is *not* a parody or a tongue-in-cheek post, etc. I'm completely serious, and this is completely true.

I take meth like my morning coffee. I boost it. I boost because I don't like the pipe at all, am totally phobic of needles and blood all of my life, and hated destroying my nose, plugging it up, and/or it running like a faucet, etc. Awful. Eating it, disolving in a beverage, etc, gave me a stomach ache. So a friend suggested I try boosting it. Works great.

I think of meth use as a prescription, or supplement. I don't feel inebriated or high on it (I did the first few times), but I do feel happier. It has suppressed my appetite, so I eat a lot less, and I've gone from 230 to 180. I haven't worn a 36 inch waist in 25 years. I feel great. I like getting up in the morning, I enjoy my work, I enjoy socializing. I focus well on what I'm doing, and have greater interest in doing a job well done. I focus, and don't procrastinate.

I haven't noticed a tolerance build up. My dosage has remained the same. I've been doing this since April (I'll say the year, 2016, since this is such an old thread.) My weight has leveled out (I'm not going to head towards skin and bones).

I don't pick my skin, and I sleep well. Very well. I have a great relationship going. I don't have ED, and have a really nice sex life.

Life is good! I'd hate to quit meth. I have no intention of quitting at this time. I've lost interest in drinking. I have 2 beers max when socializing, when I used to party like it's 1999. This is obviously one large factor in my weight loss. And I don't smoke much any more. I used to have 5-7 cigarettes a day. Now maybe 1 or 2.

It's been six months. What would make me quit is if I developed a high tolerance. I'm not going (nor can I afford) to increase my dosage. If that happens, I will take some time off and allow my tolerance to fade, so maybe even then it's not a total quit. I can't think of anything else that would make me quit. Am I addicted? Well, yeah I am. Happily addicted. If and when this stops working and my life as described above is not like that any more, then I'll quit.

I guess I'm bragging. But hey, it's something worth bragging about. I don't mean to disrespect anyone who had an addiction to meth, or any other drug, and don't want to diminish their accomplishment on ending their drug use. I just wanted to present a different perspective.

I don't know if anyone will read this as the thread is so old, but I'll save this and maybe post on a newer thread sometime.

Yeah i would join you but im afraid of something more neurotoxic than D-amph, and losing joy forever.

The one time i did one line of low potency, but decent quality Meth. I felt extreme ADHD symptom control, present in reality, calm, able to sit upright while focusing and chilled but not sedated. It proves energy is about the mind since why does super adrenaline releasing adderall still make us unmotivated? ITS BECAUSE WE WANT THE CONTENT PART.
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every meth addict i know is evil to some degree. They are all psychopaths, criminals, excellent thieves, excessively brutal and violent, skilled in witchcraft and deception. I have seen many of these traits manifest in my own behaviour as well.I attract bad women, I watch rape porn. I can definitely see in the 5 months of using meth I have become a more evil person. I havent gotten uglier yet

I think you're projecting.
every meth addict i know is evil to some degree. They are all psychopaths, criminals, excellent thieves, excessively brutal and violent, skilled in witchcraft and deception. I have seen many of these traits manifest in my own behaviour as well.I attract bad women, I watch rape porn. I can definitely see in the 5 months of using meth I have become a more evil person. I havent gotten uglier yet

Is the magic of evil strong compared to the Light? Feel the truth of nihilism and see how fast it unfolds the end.

Youl become Good again when you abandon being a villain and instead be villainous. This surrenders the selfish character you are playing back to the reality of your powerlessness.

Without consciously calling yourself bad, enjoy the darkness truthfully so it'l turn you around. It's /Euphoric to see the inferior nature of Dark ways so that you can ever know Of Good.

The only true evil is identifying oneself an opposition of Good.

and for the warlocks and witches, they are being Decieved all too easily.
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In my opinion, what separates Meth from MDMA, LSD, psilocybin and a lot of other drugs is its high addiction potential.

I have tried meth three times (in combination with MDMA), and there were two things that this drugs gave me that I have never experienced on any other drug:
- During the high I constantly wanted to re-dose
- The following week, all I could think about was when I could do it again. It was a compulsive feeling, where literally all I could think about was the substance. It lasted a week, and then it disappeared. The feeling was extremely strong, and the experience actually made me understand why some people get addicted to stuff. I have never been addicted to anything in my life, so this feeling was not something I could relate to before that.
funny, cuz I've never liked meth...I've done it a lot in college, mainly to stay up and cram for exams, but the anxiety that came with it was terrible. But on the other hand I LOVE crack, and that's a stimulant. But crack feels euphoric to me, whereas meth just makes me feel wired. I don't even like Adderal that much.
Well I've smoked meth for 3 times in my life around 4 years back, I never really liked it because it keeps you up too long time. But I've done regular amphetamine for over 10 years sometimes more sometimes less, I've never been addicted in the way that I want to quit but can't, last time was around 3 months back had one week run, I don't feel any need to take it, I use speed mainly for sexual purpose. Usually I use maybe 5 days straight (but sleeping every night) and then I dont take it for 3-12 months sometime longer. It seems meth is much more addictive than regular speed. I don't think that too many people get addicted from d/l-amphetamine from using now and then, different thing is if you IV it. With meth there was some kind of much stronger urge to use it again next day, because it sets in so fast and feels so great. One thing is also that I never get comedown, not even meth gives me comedown.
Regular amphetamine is a helluva drug but it simply can't be reused with gain.
Regular amphetamine is a helluva drug but it simply can't be reused with gain.

I've knowm over 50 people who have done regular amphetamine every onew and then, about 10 people have got addicted to it, others just might continue to do it few times a year and some just have moved on and are not interested in stimulants anymore. Also I have been using regular speed for over 10 years, I usually use it 1-5 times a year having at least 2 days binge but sometimes 1 week, but I always sleep every nigh. Not even once Ive had problems to stop using it if needed, like after experiencing some psychotic thoughts or just because my life doesnt allow to use it anymore. The thing is that for me amphetamine is always been sex drug, in the beginning I went to partying but nowadays I its only about sex. After some binge I don't even feel any need or wanting to use it for a long time, I might have 1 or even 2 years break from it. Other important factor is that I never have got comedown, not even from meth, I don't know why, maybe its connected how my dopamine system works normallu, but usually I might get some negative views on my life after bigger binge, but it goes away in one day, but never have I experienced any depression or anxiety, after binge first week I might I have some urges to take more, but its not strong and after one week I don't remember speed anymore at all. For me speed has always been something I do every now and then. In the other hand I had big problems to stop doing MDPV, I think its much more addicting then any amphetamine.

I know that meth is totally different topic I know many people who have done meth and many get deeply into it. Meth is much stronger and long lasting then regular amphetamine, tho I find meth effect to be more clear than amphetamine. Amphetamine feels little bit dirty.

I might not use speed anymore or I might use it I don't have anything against using it but also I don't have any specific urge or need to use it.

For me amphetamine has been very helpful, I quit my 3 years of daily use of hard opiates by using lots and lots of speed for over 1 month, after the WD's were over I stopped using amphetamine, I didn't see any point to continue using it because it had done its main purpose. I know for most people it might not work that way.
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hmmm... meth. from reading horror stories of psychosis and addiction, i've told myself it isn't worth the try.

if i were to, however, it would be desoxyn taken orally for a night out.

street meth just seems nasty to me and i wouldn't try getting it from the internet.

i dislike adderall as it is but i've heard meth is the cleaner version to it. this is what scares me from trying it.

but if i were to try it, i'd use it as often as i roll.
lol desoxyn. In my entire career abusing drugs, most of which consisted of me doing large amounts of stimulants, I've never actually encountered a pharmaceutical formulation of d-methamphetamine.

My biased opinion on meth? Best high out there (IF we're talking about the 1st, initial dose). At least it's the best I've ever personally experienced, and I've sampled a decent amount of legal and illegal substances. The intense rush of pure, unadulterated hedonistic pleasure is unlike anything else IMO. But ultimately it's not worth doing regularly, or even trying for that matter. Not worth ruining yourself over (like all drugs, for that matter)

Also, even though it's the best high IMO it's overall value is subtracted substantially by the fact that re-dosing yields diminishing returns quite rapidly, until you get nothing but enveloped in a fog of drug-induced mania
What I can tell you is that all meth users I know are people addicted to meth and they hate meth.
lol desoxyn. In my entire career abusing drugs, most of which consisted of me doing large amounts of stimulants, I've never actually encountered a pharmaceutical formulation of d-methamphetamine.

My biased opinion on meth? Best high out there (IF we're talking about the 1st, initial dose). At least it's the best I've ever personally experienced, and I've sampled a decent amount of legal and illegal substances. The intense rush of pure, unadulterated hedonistic pleasure is unlike anything else IMO. But ultimately it's not worth doing regularly, or even trying for that matter. Not worth ruining yourself over (like all drugs, for that matter)

Also, even though it's the best high IMO it's overall value is subtracted substantially by the fact that re-dosing yields diminishing returns quite rapidly, until you get nothing but enveloped in a fog of drug-induced mania

Nah, I smoked 3 times pure meth and it wasn't anything special. Maybe some people get hooked from first hit, but I stick to old good and much safer d/l-amphetamine. We all should get rid of meth and change to d/l-amphetamine, much lower addiction risk.
"Pure meth", huh?

To hell with mixed isomer amps...gimme pure dextro errrday, delivered via the needle!
"Pure meth", huh?

To hell with mixed isomer amps...gimme pure dextro errrday, delivered via the needle!

Well maybe not 99% but very strong burmese laboratory grade meth.

Meth is only stim that has made it feel so that 4 hours goes fast like 5min, very intense I can see how it can be very addictive. Its too intense for me, so I stick to amphetamine.
In my opinion, what separates Meth from MDMA, LSD, psilocybin and a lot of other drugs is its high addiction potential.

I have tried meth three times (in combination with MDMA), and there were two things that this drugs gave me that I have never experienced on any other drug:
- During the high I constantly wanted to re-dose
- The following week, all I could think about was when I could do it again. It was a compulsive feeling, where literally all I could think about was the substance. It lasted a week, and then it disappeared. The feeling was extremely strong, and the experience actually made me understand why some people get addicted to stuff. I have never been addicted to anything in my life, so this feeling was not something I could relate to before that.
I thought about doing more during experience but was like I really can't miss work, and if I don't sleep again it'll be obvious I'm high lol and also would be weird zoned out and paranoid