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Ultra Music Festival-Goer Nearly Died After Drinking Water Laced With Antifreeze


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010

For years, Ultra Music Festival avoided the deadly drug overdoses that had done in many other mega-events. This year, however, Riptide revealed 24 people were taken to the hospital during Ultra. One of them, a 20-year-old New Jersey native named Anthony Cassano, died from a suspected drug overdose.

But even that tragedy pales in comparison to the petrifying tale of how a 23-year-old went into a coma and nearly died after a stranger gave him water laced with antifreeze during Ultra.

"It was a horribly terrifying thing," says the man's mother, who spoke to Riptide on the condition that her and her son's names be withheld. "You don't think going to a concert is going to kill you, especially the water."

There are no police records to verify the woman's complaint (because he lived). However, medical records she provided to Riptide back-up her horror story.


When they arrived at the hospital, their son was unresponsive. He had a fever of 108 degrees, and his organs were shutting down. By Tuesday, doctors told the parents that their son needed liver and kidney transplants.

Physicians were baffled. But friends at his bedside said he had chugged what he thought was water from a jug offered by a stranger. One of the friends had taken just a sip from the jug and had burns on his tongue from the specious liquid.

"Antifreeze -- that's what they now think it was," says the mother. "Apparently it's what the old-time drunks used to get because it's so cheap."

Shortly after drinking the wacky water, the 23-year-old dropped to the ground near the entrance to Ultra. He lay there, convulsing, for barely a minute before paramedics spotted him and whisked him to the hospital.


"My son is 6'4". He went from sending me a text one day, perfectly healthy, to needing a double organ transplant the next," she says. "I would love to put a billboard up in front of [Bayfront Park] showing before and after pictures of him. It was horrible."
She says her son lost 30 pounds and nearly his life because of Ultra's out-of-control drug culture.

"Who gives someone water with antifreeze in it?" she asks before wondering how many other kids were hospitalized because of the festival.

"We were told by nurses that others came in brain dead," she says. "This was before the young man from New Jersey died the next weekend." (Four months after the festival, Riptide has yet to receive full records from City of Miami Fire-Rescue.)

She also says that if Ultra's free water hadn't been limited to a few spigots far from the stages, her son could have been spared his nightmarish near-death experience.

"My son is not a druggie," the mom says. "If he was, I'd say, 'Serves him right.' He wasn't thinking when he decided to go to this concert, but certainly he didn't deserve this."

full story: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2013/07/ultra_music_festival_woman_say.php
This has nothing to do with recreational drug culture. This is some psychopath that went into Ultra intending to poison people.

Really, who drinks antifreeze recreationally?
Yeah this has nothing to do with drugs.
"My son is not a druggie," the mom says. "If he was, I'd say, 'Serves him right.' He wasn't thinking when he decided to go to this concert, but certainly he didn't deserve this."

Your son was at a large electronic music festival, chances are he probably is a druggy from time to time. Does he deserve it now?
"Antifreeze -- that's what they now think it was," says the mother. "Apparently it's what the old-time drunks used to get because it's so cheap."

I think they are mistaking it for rubbing alcohol or something. I live a place where hand wash, Lysol, mouth wash etc. are behind the counter, yet antifreeze jugs are out by the gas pumps. Most poisoning cases that happen are some fucktard's recycling day is coming and he pours the rest of the jug of antifreeze in a booze bottle. Person sees blue liquid and drinks it. I have never heard of it being done purpose even on Indian reserve.
I would say this was a lunatic poisoning people on purpose. Its not some crazy new drug trend. It was more likely malicious rather than ignorant IMO.
"My son is not a druggie," the mom says. "If he was, I'd say, 'Serves him right.'"

So people who ingest non-standard recreational compounds deserve to sustain life-threatening poisoning and multiple organ failure? This is even more draconian than the US's penal policies.

I'm genuinely concerned about people walking into events with jugs of fucking antifreeze.

Especially when a 20 oz bottle of water is $5.
"My son is not a druggie," the mom says. "If he was, I'd say, 'Serves him right.'"

So people who ingest non-standard recreational compounds deserve to sustain life-threatening poisoning and multiple organ failure? This is even more draconian than the US's penal policies.

If you do something, you deserve the result of that action.

to 23536, yeah wtf?
By "non-standard", I meant everything that's not ethanol. But also, I'm not sure if I'd want to accord that type of ethical weight to simple causation. . .

If you do something, you deserve the result of that action.

This is a very twisted notion of "deserve", imo.
Since all people regularly make mistakes, you are basically throwing all of humanity under the truck with this attitude.
Sounds like a meager and sad way to live to me.
I just watched a law and order where this crazy broad dosed a bunch of ppl with antifreeze. Who does that to someone tho that isnt trying to cause suffering. Now ppl will be freaked about drinking from someone elses water. And yea its sad about her son but saying if he were a druggy hed deseserve it? Thats pretty rotten.
So antifreeze is completely speculatory... Bottom line... Dont take ingestables from strangers unless you can confirm its legitimacy...

Btw mom is either in denial or oblivious if she thinks he kid goes to edm festivals to stay sober and drink water...

I guess he got what he deserved
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ethylene glycol is by and large non-intoxicating - its primary "usage" is for freezing point depression and as a solvent. consumption of basically any amount leads to insoluble oxalic acid crystal formation in the tender bits of your vasculature, leading to agonizing kidney failure and the like.

given that E.G. is sweet tasting and not easily recognisable as poison, and there is essentially no "safe level", this should be being treated like what it really is: some whacko trying to hurt people. This was not a case of someone getting accidentaly dosed on GHB.

so not only is there subtle jabs that UMF is just for druggies and that no PROPER person would go there, because your son basically got assaulted, there's also blame for (mostly unrelated) drug culture.
His only mistake was taking water from a stranger. Sad story
This is a very twisted notion of "deserve", imo.
Since all people regularly make mistakes, you are basically throwing all of humanity under the truck with this attitude.
Sounds like a meager and sad way to live to me.
This is already the way the entirety of humanity lives, and it is beautiful :p
This is already the way the entirety of humanity lives, and it is beautiful :p

I don't live that way, nor do the people surrounding me in my life.
I see no beauty in it, either, though based on your moniker, I suspect that you and I might not see eye-to-eye about too much...