UK Methadone/Suboxone Programme


Oct 26, 2011
As you may have read elsewhere I have quite a substantial Oxy habit (110mg-190mg a day) and also smoke Heroin on a regular basis, sometimes I end up smoking 3 or 4 bags a day (.2 per bag) and it's getting me into real money difficulties and feel shit when I don't have my stuff.

I'm really contemplating going to the doctors and asking them about it and getting put on it to get away from my Oxy/Heroin habit, I have tried going cold turkey but I always end up relapsing because of the insomnia and the aches and pains are so horrible!

I'm only 21, 22 in June, and was wondering if doctors in the UK are reluctant to enter people onto the programme or whether or not they'll let me onto the methadone programme to beat my habit.

I wouldn't really want my mum and dad, well not so much my dad I can confide in him as he's had problems with opiates himself, but my mum to know.

How long would they take to get me onto it and what does it entail? How much would I need to beat a average 160mg/day Oxy habit with half a gram of Heroin mixed in every day.

I don't know anything about it so thought I'd just ask for some first hand experience before I took the plunge and went to see my GP.

Thanks BL.
I would not recommend methadone or Suboxone unless you have tried every other method of quitting first. Have you tried gradually tapering down your dosage of Oxy? Have you tried a medicated detox? (using meds like clonidine, benzos, loperamide, supplements, etc to help with the withdrawal symptoms? Have you tried counseling, meetings, self-help books? Rehab?

I don't have first-hand experience with the methadone/Suboxone programs in the UK but I can tell you that if you think the withdrawals from Oxy are bad, the withdrawals from methadone/Suboxone are absolute torture and last for 10 times as long. I would not take a decision to go on one of those drugs lightly. Methadone withdrawals are even worse than Suboxone, but with Suboxone you have to have a period of time without any opioids in your system before you can start taking it.

You should be able to go on Suboxone or methadone without your parents being informed. A doctor may ask you to consider other options before going on methadone/Suboxone maintenance. They may also take into consideration the length of time of your addiction, your age, and how much opioids you normally need to take to prevent withdrawals. I highly doubt they would refuse you, but they might ask you to seriously try other options first.

EDIT: Also, were you thinking of going on a short-term taper, or long-term maintenance?