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(UK) Green 140s


Jun 16, 2010
Seen a couple pop up on pillreports now, London and Liverpool.

Reported as a clean buzz, and some people being smashed off half.

The 140 is apparently the mg dose of MDMA in the pill.

This could be the best UK pill of 2010.

Can't wait to get my hands on them.

Hope they stick around for a while and streets get flooded with them so we can have a 3rd summer of love in 2011 :D <3
ther as good as they get like seriously, im looky i got my ands on a fair fiew. i have been in ibiza an had all the good sweets this season, thy wipe the floop with even rockstars
those trees do indeed look nice, too bad i'm in the us...



oh, the trees were blue,, my bad either way

boo lol

good for you though =D enjoy stay safe
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If theres a dove on the front of them does that mean theres doves inside? Until they have been lab tested dont believe the hype and dont pay silly money for them .

Im not raining on the parade or anything like that but I just dont want people to get ripped off.
yeah, I read lots and lots of reports of people saying they know the person making them and it is in fact 140mg of mdma in them. I doubt that many people would be out posting saying they knew the guy that made them if they really did.

these very well could have 140mg in them, but who knows. its a high dose from what I've read and thats all that really matters. one of those if they had 140mg in them would be enough for me and thats awesome. sadly, I live in the states and pills of that strength are rare.

usually the molly caps can be high doses though.
best pil ive had in five years like , sadly a carnt conferm the dose of mdma because i have no way of knowing.
defantly the strongest pil ive had in years tho
Somebody needs to send these off and confirm if they are 140mg, that would be quality. Does anybody know the mg of mdma in the green stars?
do the websites that check pills actually test how much is in each pill? I thought they only tested what was in the pills.
Would be very intresting to see, how much is actually in them / the spread. I would be willing to send one away if i could get my hands on them : ) Might have to take a trip up th 65 to liverpool.
honestly, I could care less about these pills because I'll never see them unless they pop up online somewhere.

I know there has to be others, but the only ones online I've been hearing about have been the alien heads. anyone know of their origin? are they from the US?

and I never bought anything, I simply heard, for all I know it could be fake, a lie, a scam to get money. which it most likely is. do not fuck with online drugs., you could get ripped off, or worse, die from whatever is in whatever you bought.
Sorry meant to say pingers (it's slang for pill)

I wouldn't even contemplate buying drugs from online, just find it shocking that people would try and sell E over the net. Anyways back to topic, is somebody going to get a 140 tested?
when I hear ping, I think of some dumb ICP song "then I heard my nugget PING off a light post, HAHAHA, hell yeah cuz, hurts a little bit, but then you get a straight buzz"

goddammit I hate ICP.
Insane Clown Posse.

a stupid group of guys that release cds. I don't want to call them rappers, or say they release music. I don't know what to call them, they're terrible.


but I will admit to liking them when I was like 14.
Finally got my hands on these. Had a little lick and they taste very bitter.

Waiting for my test kit to arrive. Will post the results up, may need a bit of guidance as it's my first test, normally just rely on pr.
basicly got loads of those pills fucking awsome powders down so easily and yes half will get you fucked smells just like mdma with a bit of mint a bit strange but yeah these are the real fucking deal theres so many going round through hampshire at the moment only bad thing i we had with them my girlfrend had a bad stomach but outher than that good sniffed half a pill and just felt a little bit up sniffed the another half felt like complete bliss again another half and felt so blissful and in control and as if nouthing could possibly go wrong i wasent like rushy just sat down super wigily and happy and sniffed a whole pill and then all of a sudden i felt like i had complite kii energy mastery and i could feel everyones energy and everything i was fucking trashed i dident even get a comedown i just went home at like 4am and went to bed