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Recovery UK Covid-19 lockdown - still on Daily pick up of bupe - what do i do ?


Apr 30, 2019
Hi All hope your keeping safe!

I'm still on a daily SC with my bupe (been on it 8 weeks now with clean swab and piss tests always) . Yesterday my chemist said "why are you not on weekly pickup? you should be with whats going on, etc". Its a nightmare in the chemist for daily pick up, they are only letting 2 people a time into the chemist and while you wait you have to queue up outside and I can tell the pharmacist really doesn't want me going everyday.

Plus I am on the NHS's "at risk" list as I have asthma so I will be receiving one of their letters any day now telling me to say inside for 12 weeks

With after what happened last night I am going to call my keyworker at 9am and ask them to be put on weekly, but I've got a feeling they are going to say no. What can I do to persuade them ? I know Boz has said we can still go out for medication but really dont want to go out everyday and put up with that palarva everyday. Plus the chemist also said that I am doing fine and dont need to be supervised anymore anyway.

Any advice ?
You cant do anything to persuade them. It doesnt really have anything to do with the chemist whether you are on supervised or not, eight weeks is a long time to be on it though if you have been pissing clean they should move you over.

I cant imagine that they're going to cause a problem for you given the current situation, especially given how long you have been on supervised and pissing clean. Just be polite, and if you dont get what you want challenge it CALMLY AND POLITELY pointing out the various factors...you should be fine.
how did you get on?

drugs services can be right cunts about moving people off daily pickup. i've got a friend who only went on a script cos they promised her she would be off dailies in a month or two, nearly a year later she is now in the same boat as you. i hope they have been more reasonable with you, especially under current circumstances.
ok thanks for your replies guys.

The chemist has had an email from the drug service saying that due to Covid-19 everyone on daily SC will move to fortnightly pick up from this Friday (unless you have no fixed abode or are on a safeguarding list).

so its sorted! about time....
Fortnightly! That's a big win, usually would take longer than eight weeks to get to fortnightly pick up.

Make sure you dont fuck with your dosage and stitch yourself up!
Hey FatBellyWhipSlay

I'm also in the UK and on a prescription for buprenorphine. Has your script been changed to fortnightly? I'm on weekly and work full time for the NHS so it's hard to collect each week... Hope you're still getting on well with your script.
Hey FatBellyWhipSlay

I'm also in the UK and on a prescription for buprenorphine. Has your script been changed to fortnightly? I'm on weekly and work full time for the NHS so it's hard to collect each week... Hope you're still getting on well with your script.

Yep I pick up every 14 days now, its so much better than having to go every day and I can wake up and take my daily dose when i like, which is usually 8am every day. Plus I'm WFH so means I can be on the team meeting call at 9am now without having to delay it until I have been to the chemist! (which doesnt open till 9am)

Although I did drop my doss last Thursday by 0.4mg and I am really really feeling this one. I may ring my keyworker and ask to wait a month until the next one rather than 2 weeks.
I am dropping 0.4 every 2 weeks so now I am on 2.8 (was on 4)

My key worker rang me back and basically said that are halting all future drops for all existing cases until further notice have they have been told to focus on new intakes. Apparently this lock down has seen a surge in new cases as people cant get out to score as much !

I do feel better today so glad its staying as it is as my next drop would be this thursday.
Those are pretty big drops percentage wise, definitely stabilise and then come down a bit slower. 0.2 drop weekly would be better imo.

Staying on a stable dose until life is more normal is a sensible idea though, no need to rush.
yeah she said the 0.4mg drop is too much as I start to get lower its an even bigger % drop every time which is probably why im feeling it so much now.

But Im happy staying on 2.8 for the time being and when we start thinking about dropping I am going to ask for 0.2 every time. She even said that I dont have to drop at all until I think I am ready again, so we will see
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Yeah slow and steady is the way, better to take your time and get in nailed than trying to go to fast and having a wobble and then having to reup your dose or whatever.
I've been on bupe five years now. Increased up to 16mg and I've now tapered down to 1.2mg but really finding that hard, wish I could increase to 1.6mg. I often end up taking 1.6mg then run out a day early and it sucks. Especially when I'm working 12hr shifts in a hospital.. FatBellyWhipSlay do you take your whole dose in the morning or split it half in the morning half at night? I've found since I got under 2mg that it definitely helps to split it. But I know others who take it once daily and get on OK.