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U.N. Report Suggests Some Autism & Addiction Treatments Are Akin to Torture

just want to put it out there that electroshock (electroconvulsive therapy) is not the same thing as electric shock therapy. The former is a painless neurological adjustment; the latter is a painful form of negative behavioral reinforcement.
^ one is therapeutic the other is like training your dog with a shock collar
*my post was referring to the latter
^you know the difference, but a lot of people think of it like this:


It nevertheless can be used as torture. At Mazorra mental hospital in Havana, many political prisoners were given ECT to treat their pathological opposition to communism.
^you know the difference, but a lot of people think of it like this:


It nevertheless can be used as torture. At Mazorra mental hospital in Havana, many political prisoners were given ECT to treat their pathological opposition to communism.

in the US it used to be much more widely used also.... to treat homosexuality, addiction, ADHD etc.......
An unrelated question: Buprenorphine is stronger (in affinity) than naloxone and a naloxone injection will reportedly not abort a buprenorphine high. So how do paramedics and hospitals treat a buprenorphine overdose?
Was that picture on the cover of Time magazine? I know Time magazine never claimed to be highbrow, but Jesus Christ times must be tough for news mags these days.

There are a lot of communities around the world, in my experience, where drug users, especially opiate addicts, are simply seen as soulless and subhuman. No one wants to understand them or help them, because there are too many stories about them stealing things and using people. The local authorities and medical system can do with them what they please, because nobody in their home towns miss them or think to ask what gets done to people like them.

I don't think anyone, junkies included, deserve to be tortured. But I think it takes a populace that can afford to save most junkies from the brink to cultivate compassion towards them.
An unrelated question: Buprenorphine is stronger (in affinity) than naloxone and a naloxone injection will reportedly not abort a buprenorphine high. So how do paramedics and hospitals treat a buprenorphine overdose?
Lots and lots of naloxone + supportive care (oxygen etc).
I'm on MMT at 350mg's a day. Just went to an E.R. yesterday, with a very painfull pressure ulcer. Against my better judgement I told the ER i was on MMT. The ER Doc, came in @ said man that looks painfull. @ was quickly looking over my history, I saw his face , then out came I see Your on a ton of Methadone. I told him I have several failed spinal fussions as well as early-mid stage M.S. He told me advil for pain, long story short after some back@ fourth he gave 4 mg of Hydrmorph,IM,@ 20 5/500's of hydrocodone. I was there for the shot of anti-biotics, it was the fact of the way ppl w/ pain issues are treated which is a shame. The trend seems to be getting worse in early 2000 or so i thought the trend was looseing up some@ the M.D's seemed more eductated, its a total 180 from that right now
I'm on MMT at 350mg's a day. Just went to an E.R. yesterday, with a very painfull pressure ulcer. Against my better judgement I told the ER i was on MMT. The ER Doc, came in @ said man that looks painfull. @ was quickly looking over my history, I saw his face , then out came I see Your on a ton of Methadone. I told him I have several failed spinal fussions as well as early-mid stage M.S. He told me advil for pain, long story short after some back@ fourth he gave 4 mg of Hydrmorph,IM,@ 20 5/500's of hydrocodone. I was there for the shot of anti-biotics, it was the fact of the way ppl w/ pain issues are treated which is a shame. The trend seems to be getting worse in early 2000 or so i thought the trend was looseing up some@ the M.D's seemed more eductated, its a total 180 from that right now

Shamefully, this is a good example how this kind of treatment and doctor-patient relationship is representative of the rule, not the exception.
I'm on MMT at 350mg's a day. Just went to an E.R. yesterday, with a very painfull pressure ulcer. Against my better judgement I told the ER i was on MMT. The ER Doc, came in @ said man that looks painfull. @ was quickly looking over my history, I saw his face , then out came I see Your on a ton of Methadone. I told him I have several failed spinal fussions as well as early-mid stage M.S. He told me advil for pain, long story short after some back@ fourth he gave 4 mg of Hydrmorph,IM,@ 20 5/500's of hydrocodone. I was there for the shot of anti-biotics, it was the fact of the way ppl w/ pain issues are treated which is a shame. The trend seems to be getting worse in early 2000 or so i thought the trend was looseing up some@ the M.D's seemed more eductated, its a total 180 from that right now

it's disgraceful how medicine can be so two-face/contradictory. This is exactly the reason I never tell anyone in a hospital enviroment/Emergency that I take buprenorphine. Frankly I don't know if it's on my records, or even if they have a database like that, but like I say I never ever mention it when they ask what meds I'm on (well, if it's relevant I'll mentioned it, like it I need analgesic relief due to surgery or something).

Actually last night I jad to make my own trip to the local ER (best emergency room ever, if you're in the LA area, glendale adventists, btw) because I've been having panic attacks (related to past PTSD, quitting smoking, living with at times a crazy bitch and experience some of Chantix's more nasty side effects) and had a really really bad on last night. Talk to the nurse and md on call, who were very nice and all, and walked about with a script for jellies (temazepam) and xanax. That all said, I'm not seeking these drugs to get high - I legit need them on hand should this happen again (and I won't be able to see my psych until the 27th, as he's new, as I've recently moved and my old psych was an old piece of shit - so basically the ER dog wrote me a script for enough meds to last for the next 30 or so days till I see my actual psych).

I highly doubt I would have gotten the care and medication I need if I had mentioned I was on suboxone (despite I've been clean for like a year and so many months, they wouldn't care). So yea, I never tell any medical professionals about it unless there is a direct immediate reason to. As of last night there was no reason to. And they treated me real good :)
MMT has saved my marrige and sanity I'm on 170mgs at the moment for the last 5months. I don't agree with the point. Where maintaining addiction is worse than wd's.:)
freddy 47, you would be shocked at uk dental system, more or less all work (99.9%)is done under local anaesthesia ,and no matter how much pain your in youll get no pain meds in my 37 years only medication iv had from a dentis is anti biotics .
same with ER here I had a really bad flare up in my back pain went to er they asked what I was on I told em 75mcg/hr fent and 80mg a day of oxy ir they said we cant give you anything stronger , a naproxen shot was what was offered needless to say I left in same pain as I arrived in
If I seek treatment for my moderate mental illness- PTSD, panic disorder, depression- they tell me my symptoms are because of my opiate use. When I seek treatment for my substance abuse, they say I used opiates to self medicate for my emotional issues. Forget about it when I seek treatment for both concurr ently! My docs won't communicate & I fall thru the cracks. Subutex or Suboxone should immediately be given to anyone in opiate withdrawal! It is a human rights violation to deny access.
^can you & have you tried methadone clinics? They dose you on your 1st visit if you're in withdrawal.
I thought it was standard medical practice in Western countries.

I live in western Canada and regular methadone clinics here (ones where the clinic fee [not the methadone, you have to pay for that at a pharmacy] is covered by our health care system) tend to have wait times before you can even get in, then you need to do a consultation with an addiction counselor, then urine and blood tests, then see a doctor, the process excluding your initial wait time can take up to a week. Of course it depends on the province, city and particular clinic though. Paid clinics tend to be able to get people in much faster, you might only have to wait a day or 2 before you can get methadone. Still not as simple as anyone in withdrawal getting methadone right away. Even the paid clinics always say they will not guarantee that you will get a prescription on your first visit. Way back when I initially went on methadone (and this was even at a paid clinic) I think it took at least 3 weeks from the time I first went into the clinic to the time I actually got methadone, but it is normally better than that now, at least in the city I live in which is a big city. But someone in another province was just complaining the other day about having a few week waiting list to get on methadone (from a fee/public clinic).

FWIW, I am off methadone now, regret going on it and believe it should be a last resort and that people should be properly warned about the adverse effects, huge dependence liability, etc, however I do think that methadone and Suboxone should be easier and faster for people to obtain. I used to work at a methadone clinic a long time ago and the director mentioned some sad stories about bad things happening to people while on the waiting list.
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