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Tyrosine Healthy Supplementation Limits


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Is there a limit on what I can take as far as tyrosine. Ritalin helps me immensely but I’m an addict. So I’m about to come off any narcotics and go with nootropics. Ritalin was helpful in depression in the way Oxycodone was for me. I feel with a 1500 mg dose I’m touching the iceberg, also with teas and ltheanine and magnesium supplements. I don’t feel edgy I’m happy, but I’m currently finishing abv butter as well. I’d like to quit pot, and maybe try nootropics and maybe microdosing. Do you think it would be harmful to take maybe. 5-6 grams of tyrosine a day. I’ve had extensive use of stims as a child. And I’ve been on every single upper except for desoxyn and maybe some of the newer offshoots. I feel maybe that cause a deficit in my brain in dopamine which is why I lay unmotivated and depressed all day. I also use 5htp in about a 400mg dose to help balance things out.. so far it works. But my questions would be. Is tyrosine cardio toxic at the levels I’m talking? And will all these supplements effect microdosing ..