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Opioids Tylex or Tramadol?


Apr 4, 2022
I ve finally managed to find a place to get some opioids, alas they Just have Tylex 30 Mg and Tramadol. Which one is better- less worse liver wise and buzz wise? I ve a permatolerance to oxys só I m nót expecting much but I don t wanna kill my liver. Any tip on Which one to buy - how to use the thing more effectively would be appreciated.
Hello Skip, tudo bem? Nice to know about you!
This Tylex is just codeine, paracetamol free?
If so, I would take codeine over tramadol allways. If they have paracetamol you can perform a cold qater extraction, but I never did myself so I can't tell.
I don't know, there are people that loves tramadol, I can't stand it, but sure it would be better to use tramadol rather than doing too much paracetamol. So if it's only codeine choose Tylex but if paracetamol is involved maybe tramadol is better.
Eae mano! Blz? Good hearing from you as well! Alas there s paracetamol involved :( so I have to decide whether to try this cwe or going Tramadol. How much T should I take u reckon? I ve been opioid free for a while but I m kinda permatolerant...grande abraço!
I don't do tramadol, so I am not confident to give you a good advise. But let see, the smalest pill they make is 37.5mg I think and the most prescribed dose is 50mg, so those figures should be light/ average dose. If you are opi free now, maybe 75mg or 100 could do it for you without being too much? I would like someone with experience to chime in and give you more accurate tips.
What is really important is that you don't want to take tramadol while on antidepresants, it can be dangerous, even worse than dangerous.
The other thing to keep in mind is that you often read that above 300 or 400 mg it can cause seizures, not allways not to everybody, but it can happen. Being opi free you shouldn't need such dosages.
Forte abraço, pa!
I don't do tramadol, so I am not confident to give you a good advise. But let see, the smalest pill they make is 37.5mg I think and the most prescribed dose is 50mg, so those figures should be light/ average dose. If you are opi free now, maybe 75mg or 100 could do it for you without being too much? I would like someone with experience to chime in and give you more accurate tips.
What is really important is that you don't want to take tramadol while on antidepresants, it can be dangerous, even worse than dangerous.
The other thing to keep in mind is that you often read that above 300 or 400 mg it can cause seizures, not allways not to everybody, but it can happen. Being opi free you shouldn't need such dosages.
Forte abraço, pa!
Opa mano! In the meanwhile ve read all these scary stories about Tramadol hence I ve opted for the CWE instead. Kinda nice :) valeu irmão, bom domingo!