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TV: Tim and Eric's Awesome Show!

Chicago66 said:
This show IMO is genius. The first thing people fail to notice is that the whole show is basically a joke about the 90's. If you pay attention to it, everything single thing they do is 90's inspired in some way. .

I'd say it's mostly inspired by bad public access tv, Todd Solondz, commercials, lo-fi video, cheesy character graphics (think star wipes), and paint thinner. The commercials they do spoof on the impracticality of most consumer products, and are undoubtedly conceived by Bod Odenkirk,who has been doing infomercial parodies since at least Mr. Show (another quirky, pioneering show with a cult following.)

Even though it is hit and miss, I really like how unfiltered and original it is. The recent "Ohh Mama..." sketch where Tim and Eric repeatedly scream that phrase and bash a laundry basket into the floor to the sounds of eerie, twinkly music and audio distortions while their vaguely androgenous mother looks on lovingly really exemplifies these qualities. It's not always funny, is ostensibly random, but nevertheless evokes strong reactions rather than boredom. It's artsy, but hides it behind advertisements for poop vacuums. The fact that they mostly use normal people for actors is also pretty cool. And John C. Reilly's involvement gives it the all-important hipster stamp of approval. "Last resort!"
Like, Spagged... you were just standing there... ahahaha.. and i... ahahaha... spaggedd. ahahaha. ahaha?

i dunno, i like it. when it makes me laugh, i laugh very hard.
i'm not stoned so it's not that funny. i'm sure if i was id be rofling
so dumb, on all the drugs ive been on, the channel changes when this goes on. there is a show called "astro boy" i believe it was, its a black and white cartoon on a.s. anyway ive seen the whole color spectrum come out of my samsung when this was on. it was incredible, dumb show but sick effects

I know how polarized the tim & eric viewers (or non-viewers) are, but for the actual fans....has anyone seen them live or going to see them live?
^no but i want to. i think im going to try and make it up to philly next time they come around. it looks like a really funny live show. im gonna bring my b'owl with me. haha.

i just saw on tv tonight that T&E are going to be in philly april 23rd but the show is already sold out. weak.
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IMO this is one of the funniest shows on TV ... and I watched it stone-cold sober the 1st ten times I saw it and fell in love it.

Then I had the divine pleasure of premiering the B'owl episode on a stiff dose of acid. I laughed until I couldnt breath and tears were streaming down my face. Tim and Eric's humor is tailor-made for psychedelics.

Davis Cross and Bob Odenkirk love these guys...
and Zach Galifinakis played a great role in the Gravy Robbers episode. These nods from seriously gifted comedians, plus John C Reily's regular appearances, as someone mentioned, should help convince people that this show is major-league funny business. I believe this is the cutting edge.

I dont think theres anything dumb about this ... this show is meticulously crafted to create a very precise effect ... and I hope Tim and Eric keep working together for a long time.
^awesome post man, its good to see more t&e fans on here. the b'owl was hands down one of the funniest things i havve ever seen. "your pets will loooooook at b'owl"

going to see the tim and eric awesome tour stop here in LA in a week or so as well. frack yeah