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trying to write a novel...


Aug 27, 2011
yeah, the title says it. i love literature, read a lot and have been writing on and off since i was 18, but apart from a few short stories have never finished anything. at the moment i'm working on something that is directly influenced by my addictions as well as a lot of personal traumata. oh, and my love for hard boiled crime fiction. i have no idea if i have any talent, i've given what i have so far to a few select friends and their feedback was positive, although that could be because they don't want to hurt my teeny-weeny feelings. so now i decided to post one chapter here, where people will not hesitate to tell me that i am a talentless hack if that's their opinion. any constructive criticism is welcome, and keep in mind it's still a rough first draft so it's still chock full of errors, akward sentences etc. so here goes chapter three of what hopefully one day will be a publishable novel. oh, not for the easily offended i should add. i decided not to post the first chapter as the dialogue in it is atrociously bad. since i've lived in germany all my life i sometimes have problems writing good dialogue, as i speak german 98% of the time. the copy/paste completely fucked the formatting of the text, you'll have to excuse that, i'm too lazy to reformat it.

3. Cheap Vodka

It is one of these days again. You know the kind, the really horrible kind, the ones that make you wish you didn't have friends, a raging alcohol problem and some severe unresolved anger issues. Because if even one of these things fell from the equation I wouldn't be sitting in my bloodstained clothes, drinking ouzo straight from the bottle while contemplating if a pair of tweezers or a scalpel is a better tool for digging jagged shards of glass out of my left hand – which I'm also reasonably sure is broken – while having to turn the music to a fucking jetengine worth of noise so I don't hear one of my best friends fucking in my study, which had been somehow converted, seemingly by magic wand and in the blink of an eye into some demonic dyke fuck pad that would give every bible-thumping, homophobic anus-face an instant heart attack. I mean really, did you ever notice how these fucking appaling wastes of what's sometimes called intelligent life, how their faces all look like assholes? And I'm serious here, with the flabby cheeks and the puckered mouth, I think if I had enough to drink and was really in the mood for some good solid buttfucking, well I might just break out the KY and wonder what kind of degenerate puts lipstick on their cornhole. Also, after at least six hours, it's always a bad sign if wounds don't stop bleeding.
This wouldn't be so bad if I still had my stash of dihydrocodeine, fucking thanks Cass, apparently this is some sort of weird aphrodisiac forthose people, so let's count grievances here:
Hand full of glass, check, yup.
No painkillers.
Prolonged bleeding.
Very, very possibly going to jail.
Okay lifelong friendship or not– oh wait someone stabbed me in the fucking foot too.
I hurl the empty ouzu bottle against the wall, limp to my bedroom and get the gun. Holding it feels good, feels right, even though I know I couldn't rack the slide if my life depended on it. I haven't yet dared to pull my foot out of my sneaker and I can feel some of the blood drying and I think it's a good sign, and I'm also glad that it was a box cutter and thus the razorlike blade went only, oh, three quarters of an inch into my actual foot, but hey, it's having a fucking competition with my hand in the good ole bloodloss marathon.
Most of these days I just feel like harmless stuff, maybe breaking someones nose or his legs if my day had been really atrocious, but today, today warranted fucking ethnic cleansing.
I drop the gun on the floor, limp to the freezer and grab the pint of vodka there. I hate the stuff straight but it seems to fit today's theme, the one that slursfuck you to me on a nanosecond basis. Two quick slugs from the bottle remind me that alcohol thins blood and I really shouldn't be drinking, but I am not one to do the sensible thing. Ever.
In the kitchen I juice a lemon while noticing with a mixture of morbid fascination and dread that dark red, veinous blood is seeping from my sneaker. I pour the juice into the cocktail shaker along with some vodka, honey and GBL. Shake, strain, fill up with club soda, drink. Fast. When I'm done and ready to fuck up Cass' evening the way she fucked up mine I accidently stub my food against one of the legs of my kitchen table and howl with pain, impaling through my very being with white hot intensity. After I've finished my drink and chase it with vodka straight from the bottle (blew my last five on a cheap fifth of vodka) I take off my shoes (owww), pooled up blood splattering on my floor, then the rest of my clothes (gonna kill something and nothing's gonna stop us tonight) and when I'm good and naked I press the palm of my hand against the gaping, vaginial wound in my foot, stinging pain running through my being. I've haphazardly wrapped a kitchen towel around my left hand, which does little to stop the bleeding and the wound in my foot will need to be sutured.
So, naked and bloodstained, clutching only the frosty vodka bottle, and lighting a cigarette with my ruined hand I limp toward my study, leaving neat, red footprints on my floor and making wet sucking sounds as I go along, sounds that I hear again when I burst into the room.


I'm sitting at my dining table, my foot propped on Cass' lap, blood seeping down her naked thighs. There are some really nasty bruises forming along her ribcage, and suddenly I'm glad I fucking lost it in the way I had. Cass cleansed my wounds with iodine, and was now injecting cocaine into my foot. She had given me an IV shot of tramadol and a real fuckload of gabapentin and it's taken the edge off the pain. In fact I'm quite high. And my body is really rebelling. I've already thrown up once, a stomachful of booze and bile erupting from my mouth and nostrils, and it has left a disgustingly acrid taste in my mouth that I'm trying to wash away with more vodka.
Which, incidentally, just tastes like death. I'm shaking and I think if I hadn't lost so much blood I'd have an erection, which would be the first one in a really long time.
Yes, right, something I should mention: before eloping to Portugal Cass was studying medicine. So she knows what she's doing. Hopefully. Now she's fitting a blue thread through something that looks like a small fishing hook and I really hope that the cocaine shot anesthesized my foot enough so I don't feel it going into my flesh. And I don't, just a weird sort of pressure where she's sewing me shut. It takes four sutures to close the wound. Afterwards she applies some gauze and then thickly bandages my foot. Then: my hand, which is shaking uncontrollably and is discolored from both bruises and the iodine bath. She's about to inject the rest of the cocaine into my wounds but I tell her to just mainline it home and pull the glass out without it. She shrugs and does what I ask and-
Liftoff. Now the tramadol shot felt good, but this is a different world entirely. An absolute, all-powerful euphoria envelops me, and for a moment I picture myself being wrapped into the beautiful gossamer wings of a guardian angel, soft blond hair tickling my neck. But the picture quickly fades when Cass yanks a half-inch shard of glass out of my palm. She tells me to move my fingers, and I do, and after checking if my sinews and nerves are okay (more or less) she starts to closes the wounds expertly that would not mend on their own. This hurts. Shards of pain pierce through my speedball high like obsidian chips hurled at buckshot speed.


I should probably elaborate on what happened. Age old story really: some assholes made some insulting remarks to Cass, and hey, an instant later the first one was coughing up parts of his nose, but unfortunately he had quite a few friends with him so I found myself in a full-scale fight and sadly totally outnumbered. Someone hit Cass with a pool cue which then made me pull my collapsible baton and bash the nearest one over the head. Vibrations sang to my hand, telling me that it was a very good hit indeed, and with a sense of accomplishment I backhanded the next one across the jaw.
Someone hit me then and I retaliated by smashing my whiskey tumbler into his leering idiot face. Hence the hand full of glass. And then it would have gotten even uglier, as the guy whose head I split open, now prone, stabbed me in the foot. I started stomping the everliving piss out of him, and I probably would have killed him if the bartender had not been so nice to pull a shotgun from under the bar and break up the fight. And before I knew what exactly had transpired I was speeding home at nearly twohundred kilometers an hour.
„What exactly did those assholes say to you anyway?“
„They called me a dyke cunt.“
„That was quite a nice punch.“
„Thanks. And I'm sorry I got you into that mess. I didn't even see that you were hurt so bad or I woulda patched you up right away. Why didn't you say anything?“
„The pain only started filtering through the adrenaline later on.“
„Yeah, I know that feeling. Now, as your doctor I hereby order you to take it easy for the next days. You really lost a lot of blood.“
She sweeps her hand around the room, which looks like an abbatoir or a murder scene.
„You took all my dihydrocodeine.“
„Don't worry. I got enough of these-“ she picks up another tramadol ampule and shakes it, „-to get you easily through the worst. And if it's not enough I'll go score something really potent. We just might have to load you up on antibiotics, because if any of your wounds get infected, it'll be hell to pay. Now lay off the booze, take some downers and go to bed. Drink a lot of water, take some supplements. You'll also need to rest in order to recuperate. Here,“ she puts two ampules down on the table, „these'll do for now. I'll change the bandages tomorrow. Now go the fuck to bed. I'm gonna get my pussy vigorously-“
„You shut the fuck up.“ I hiss. No amounts of drugs will ever appease this feeling I get when I hear this, the feeling of inadequacy, of knowing deep down inside that I will never be loved. It is enough to make the bile rise in my throat, quite literally, and I spew a mouthful of bile and vodka onto the floor, the yellow liquid mingling with the blood.
Cass, still stark naked and her thighs encrusted with my blood goes to leave and I get to admire the perfect symmetry of her ass for a brief moment, but it's not with any sort of lust or craving (at this point I am a few thousand lightyears past that) but with a detached wonder at the beauty of things I will never have. Like catching a brief glimpse of some rare and nearly extinct animal. I put some Acid Bath on the turntable.
I get some of the weed Vic left here and throughly mix it with tobacco and some oily hashish, then throw a few ice cubes into the bong and pack myself a decent bowl. I hit it with a vengeance and all the shit in my bloodstream makes the smoke feel velvety and soft down my tarred throat. I finish off the bowl, get myself a bottle of beer and 30mgs of zolpidem from the pill stash, light a smoke and contemplatively down it after chasing the pills with a mouthful. The icy hop juice is gone quick and I go to bed where I smoke another bowl and wait for the pills to kick in.


When I wake up monochrome daylight is filtering through the drapes and my foot is throbbing with an angry insistance. I drink the rest of the beer next to my bed, drag my carcass out of bed and with shaking hands try to get dressed but instead have to race in the general direction of the toilet only to throw up about three feet away from the fucking thing. When the shaking subsides a bit and the heaving has stopped I get a fresh beer from my fridge and light my first cigarette of the day. After three drags I look at my hands and notice that there's no chance in hell I can hit a vein with them. So I wake up Cass. And by extension, Janine.
We sit at my dining table. I am in such a sorry state it defies description. The throbbing in my foot has turned to jagged pain. The beer hasn't taken the edge off and I'm now downing the second one posthaste. Cass has drawn up an ampule of tramadol (100mgs) and diazepam (10mgs) and is now slipping the needle home while Janine keeps my arm steady, which takes both her small, manicured hands. Her black-lacquered fingernails push into my scarred, white flesh and for a moment I feel a pang of regret for not being the one fucking her. But then the solution is introduced into my bloodstream and it melts away, fast, fast, fast. My stomach still feels scoured though.
Janine, busy little bee that she is, has already removed most of the blood and bile. I kind of liked the look, myself, but the olfactory notes were perchance a wee bit rustic.
„Hey?“ Cass says, „thanks for backing me up.“
„Always. God, my stomach is fucking killing me.“
„Tried smoking a bowl?“
„Good idea. Hey“ - I call out to Janine - „thanks for cleaning up my mess.“
„She likes cleaning, that one. Especially with her tongue.“ Cass says smiling.
„Swear to god Cass any more sexual innuendo and I'm drugging your next drink and selling you to a pimp.“
„You don't know any pimps. Also, that was way past innuendo.“
„Fuck you.“
And I start packing a bowl while Cass takes a Camel from my pack and lights it.
„Jesus Christ, no wonder you wheeze like you're about a hundred after a few flights of stairs. How many of these you smoke?“
I thought for a moment. „One and a half, two packs a day I guess.“ I light up the bowl and let loose. Inhale/hold/exhale. Pleasant headrush. As familiar as the inside of my mouth. THC was the second intoxicant I discovered after alcohol. But it was the first time I ate shrooms that sealed my fate. Then and there, on that night almost nine years ago, my curiosity for drugs started which all too quickly turned into an obsession. And on top of being obsessed with drugs they're also addictive. I would have probably become a top-notch pharmacologist had fate dealt me a just slightly different hand, earning untold sums – billions upon billions - for some giant pharma conglomerate who have about the same respect for human life as John Wayne Gayce.
My head lolls and I look sideways at Cass and still feel a bit of enmity because I'm so fucked up – in the bad sense, not the good sense – but mostly I'm just grateful that she's a part of my life again. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw her again. But, the lady professionally cleaned my wounds, stitched and shot me up and all of that barehanded, so fuck it. My rage is as easily subdued as it is aroused usually. She takes another drag on my Camel.
„Why without filter anyway?“
„Filter smokes just don't taste like smokes to me. I don't know really. I reckon I'm fucking up my health in lightspeed anyway, so that's just really, really secondary. Like starting to smoke American Spirit or some equally trichromosomal behavior.“
„Is that even a word?“
„What, behavior?“
„No, asshole, trichromosomal.“
„Fuck knows, I was first gonna say retarded, then spastic, then congenital... and then well it just popped into my head. Has a nicer ring to it than those other three, wouldn't you say?“ We're both pissing ourselves at this point. I hand her the bong, she me what's left of the cig. Before lighting up she asks,
„So we all good?“
„Course. We always are. Even though there's the persistent eventuality I'll sell you into sex slavery.“
“Haw haw. You're an asshole.”
Just to make a point I should heavily lace her next drink with everything my arsenal of downers, tranquilizers and soporifics. Let's see; a nice margarita, laced with zolpidem, selegiline and lorazepam, the salt rim replaced with crystalline GHB should do the trick. The selegiline is a selective MAO inhibitor, that also prevents the breaking down of dopamine in the brain, amplifying the GHB tenfold. The thought made me giggle, but it would be a shameful waste of perfectly good drugs. I guess I should just consume it.
Cass eventually fucks off with Janine to buy groceries, which leaves me with nothing much to do but sit on my balcony, take bong hits and drink margaritas laced with GHB per my original plan. I omit the benzos though, as there is something like too much of a good thing. Two old-fashioned glasses downed, both containing three grams of the potassium salt of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a shitload of tequila and Cointreau, and I feel delightful, especially on top of the other shit in my bloodstream. Everything moves in slow motion, everything is good, I am home. I sit back and let the breeze wash over me, some weirdly potent chemical synergy working my brain over, telling me that things are good, life is good, we are all okay. I know it's as far from the truth as one can get but I don't take drugs to be reminded of how dire and pointless life really is, now do I?

I jerk awake and it's dusk. The high is completely gone and I'm left once more where I started up: sore, cold, miserable, nauseous, shaking but above all craving. I heave over the balcony and stumble back inside, each step making me curse and turning my mood blacker and blacker, until I reach the fridge and can whip up another quick cocktail (a screwdriver) and lace it with GHB, swallow a few zolpidem to take the edge off as my hands, once more, are shaking, vibrating really. A combination of withdrawal and dozing off outside in nothing but boxer shorts and a t-shirt, fuck I'm cold. Pain, and just enough to be really bothersome, damn nigh intolerable. I don't consider myself to be particularly tough, but I can take pain about as good as the next man. By which I mean, I can stomach a lot less of the shit than I'd like to. I'd love to be all stoic and manly and shit, but it hurts, so fuck all that and bring on the analgesia. I down the drink in one pull, light a cigarette, pour another and repeat. The acid in the orange juice and the sharp taste of ethanol make my mouth water, my saliva turning sour, a sure sign that my stomach wants to purge itself of the its newest poisonous contents but I'm far too experienced, not to mention too wounded, to let that happen. Some buttermilk and a bong hit settle my stomach back down, and for the first time today I look into a mirror while I'm fumbling for my toothbrush. A ghost is staring back at me, gaunt, pale, eyes ringed with exhaustion and hangover, dark hair with an evermore visible webbing of white, and I cock my head and examine the bruise on my right cheekbone (how did I get that?) and for a moment it all goes out of focus and I think I'm about to lose consciousness as my vision darkens and my legs crumble under me and I smack into the sink chin first.
Oh the joys of drug abuse.
There's a warm tap-tap-tap on my white t-shirt, and I realize that I opened up a gash on my chin and almost choke on a piece of tooth. Blood drips from my face in the rhythm of a metronome, I don't even bother. I run my tongue through my teeth and realize that one of my lateral incisors is chipped down to a nub. Wonderful. Finally I manage to pull myself standing again, absent-minded and feeling horrific to the very core of my being, I brush my teeth. The taste of toothpaste is repulsive, although not quite as repulsive as the thought of poking around my arm with a needle while my hands are barely able to light a cigarette.
As I spit the foam from my mouth, pink from bleeding gums, something marvelous happens: the drugs kick in. The first lightheaded tingles of the GABA agonists taking hold, taking over really, and things get better so fast that I can't stop myself from grinning a little. Better, yes, so much better. It does little for the pain, but it does a lot for my constant self-pity. Because suddenly it doesn't feel so personal anymore, and I limp back to the fridge to get a beer, which tastes off because of the toothpaste still lingering on my tastebuds.
I realize that I haven't eaten in way too long. I also realize that Cass isn't back but I guess she's doing something romantic. I hope she isn't. I hope she's scoring drugs. There's no space for romance in my life, and by extension, there shouldn't be in anyone elses either. What's denied to me should rightfully be denied to everyone. And while I know this is a childish thing to think, I also know that deep down I function this way and this realization should cause me some sort of discomfort but it doesn't, it just hangs there, suspended in sedatives, and really, who gives a fuck.
I smoke, and drink beer, and ponder what a 10mm round would do to my head if I fired it through the roof of my palate. It's a soothing thought, sort of, to be able to end one's life at a whim, to just say enough and blow my head apart with a high-powered pistol round.
The drip of blood from my chin slows. Obviously I immensely enjoy bleeding.
I pack another bowl, put some music on. Take a good hit. And phone Vic. Misery loves company I guess, but I keep forgetting the part about company not giving a fuck about misery.
Minutes pass, an hour passes. I'm not sure. Of anything. Except that I need a new beer. And that I should turn on the lights. And.... well. I'm not sure.
Everything is hazy, everything is black. The only illumination being the orange glow of my cigarette. And my thoughts are running wild once more, trying to figure out where it all went wrong, where it all went to shit. But there are no answers to be found, none whatsoever, just more questions, and I decide that I need something stronger than beer.

Familiar faces all around: Vic, Cass, Janine. My spirits are considerably lifted once more, after Cass shot me up with another diazepam/tramadol cocktail. Now I'm sipping a Rusty Nail, music is running in the background and Vic is relating his latest tale of sexual debauchery, which I'm so used to by now that I can just edit it out of my mind and focus on the music. Still, company, not to mention an intravenous injection of potent drugs, feels good.
If Vic wasn't so incredibly exhibitionistic about his exploits, I'd probably think half of them are embellishments deriving from a sick, twisted mind. But as things are I know he's speaking the truth or at least some basic version thereof, and the crescendo of his voice as his narrative concludes annoys me somewhat, but its familiarity is almost soothing.
Sometimes, especially when very stoned, I picture Vic as a character that escaped some utterly depraved sitcom. One with lots of unsimulated sex and drug abuse. Sometimes he just seems so goddamn two-dimensional, like there's some part missing making him a believable human being.
Now, while this could very easily misconstrued as the pot calling the kettle black, as my interests aren't very wide either, in fact they don't extend far (any) behind getting fucked up and reading, but at least I don't go around telling every fucker every excrutiatingly lurid detail (on top of a shitload of hyperbole) of every time I get wasted. It would sound something like this:
“So folks, get this, I was at home, and I felt like shit, as usual. But then I spotted this beautiful fridge, a Miehle, handcrafted in Germany by half a dozen nubile virgins while they sang Bach chorales. Anyway, this fridge, woah, it was absolutely, breathtakingly stunning. So I walked right up to it, and hey, who'd guess, it was easy fuckin' pickings. So I got myself a beer, stripped and gently ran my fingers down it's chilled, graceful neck. I whispered to it, all sweet and breathy, making promises of a better future for both of us. Finally I opened it, got a bit of lube, and drank the whole fucking thing with my asshole! Beer suppository, fuck yeah!”
Okay, maybe not verbatim, but you get the idea.
I finish my drink, and mumble, “We need to get Vic a catchphrase.”
“Glad you could join the conversation,” Vic says, “now, where would we 'get' a catchphrase? And can you please tell me what convoluted thought process lead to that?”
You don't want to know. “It wasn't a dialogue, it was with a lot of goodwill one of your infallibly disgusting stories of sexual conquest.”
“And without a lot of goodwill?”
“Grounds for capital punishment by firing squad.”
“Since when did you become such a prude?”
“Since I let Jesus into me. He wasn't gentle about it either.”
i have no idea if i have any talent

After reading the first paragraph, I can tell you with complete honesty, you have massive talent. After reading the whole thing, I feel like I'm reading Bukowski's interpretation of Trainspotting.

Misery loves company I guess, but I keep forgetting the part about company not giving a fuck about misery.

Fucking brilliant, seriously.

When I wake up monochrome daylight is filtering through the drapes and my foot is throbbing with an angry insistance. I drink the rest of the beer next to my bed, drag my carcass out of bed and with shaking hands try to get dressed but instead have to race in the general direction of the toilet only to throw up about three feet away from the fucking thing.

You've got a distinct and stimulating narrative going here, your style shines brightly through the whole story.

Someone hit Cass with a pool cue which then made me pull my collapsible baton and bash the nearest one over the head. Vibrations sang to my hand, telling me that it was a very good hit indeed, and with a sense of accomplishment I backhanded the next one across the jaw.
Someone hit me then and I retaliated by smashing my whiskey tumbler into his leering idiot face. Hence the hand full of glass.

So let's see here. You've got visceral action, refreshing insight, and unique style incorporated beautifully into your narrative. You've got what seems like a million stories to tell. If you want to write a crime-fiction novel, you've got all you need to do just that. After reading this, I am literally begging you to write a novel in the same vein as this story. Seriously man, you don't need to post this here, you need to send this to a publisher.

thanks a bunch, posting this took quite a bit of drugged courage... unfortunately i've only got seven chapters so far, so it's still pretty far from being a book. also, your feedback really made my day.
Explicit, raw, untamed on moment, and then spilling into beautiful description.
Keep it up. I certainly wouldn't mind reading the entire thing.
right, i'll post the first two chapters.

the dialogue between my narrator and janine is really shitty and i really need to rewrite that. neither natural nor in any way well stylized. just poor writing that.

1. Self-Medication Blues

The Ides of March was yesterday. Which always reminds me of betrayal and gaping stab wounds. I haven't slept. I've been trying to cut back on my intake of alcohol, and even though I had an ungodly amount of diazepam for dinner and a bottle of codeine linctus for a nightcap, I just lay awake, thinking, thinking, thinking. At least I was high as a kite. Now the sun is rising, the drugs are fading and the knowledge that the gods hate me once more hits me full force.
I tried reading for a while, but these new antidepressants my psychiatrist prescribed have given me the attention span of a chicken. Which reminds me that it's time for the first of my daily pill regimen. I go into the kitchen, brew a cup of coffee, strong coffee as I'm hoping that it will cut through the diazepam hangover, which can be best described as a weird feeling of emptiness, and while it's far from the anguish that is a severe alcohol hangover mixed with physical withdrawal (yes, I'm in those stages now) it's far from pleasant.
I consider lacing the coffee with whiskey but decide against it. My morning regimen: 300mgs venlafaxine, 600mgs pregabalin, 100mg modafinil and a shitload of vitamin B. The evening regimen calls for another 600mgs of pregabalin, more vitamins, and whatever sleeping aid I have handy, usually either zolpidem, diazepam or quetiapine. I chase the pills with coffee and light an unfiltered Camel.
My cell phone rings. It's 5:21 a.m.
I ignore it.
I lay down on my couch and before long Vic is standing in my living room, completely off his tits on either some amphetamine or cocaine. This is off course is the last thing I need, while Vic is my best friend he is a hellish fucking nuisance when he's this high. His pupils are the size of large-caliber bullet holes and look just as friendly. His whole body is vibrating. If it had been someone else I would have lost it and physically removed them from my humble abode. But Vic is someone I'd never physically attack, while I'm not exactly small at 184cm, Vic is fucking huge, hundred-eighty pure muscle and well.... I don't feel like having a few fractured ribs. So I curse him viciously, calling him a poodle rapist among other things but I shut up when he hands me an ice-cold bottle of Heineken. So much for good intentions. I guzzle it down quick.
„I have no idea why I gave you a key to my place.“ I mutter.
„Because you love me.“
For the first time since he arrived I look at Vic's hands. His knuckles are cut and there's drying blood all over them, beginning to flake off.
„Meth or MDMA?“ I ask, „also, which poor twit got the piss punched out of him tonight?“
„Both. And it was just some random asshole who was being impolite. I showed him the error in his ways.“
„I know that I'm the last person to give advice, but you're really fucking up. I know addiction well, but man, please stop this shit. I don't even know if I've ever seen you not pilled up in the last three months.“
„Fuck you. I like to party is all and I still remember the time when your floor was covered with used syringes. At least I never did that shit.“
„Well, point taken. Fuck it. I think you should take a lot of diazepam my friend.“
„No I'm good, but thanks. And since I know you value reciprocity, want some X?“
„Nah, the antidepressants I'm on prevent me from getting high on that shit. My receptors are kinda blocked.“
„Yeah, sorry, I smoked all the meth. Right, then I'll just take the rest.“ And with that he dry-swallows a small crystal. Oh Jesus fuck, there will be no sleep for me. I go to the fridge and get myself a new beer. Might as well get drunk because I know for a fact that Vic will be here for quite a while. My only desire at this point is to sleep but it seems that it's hardly an option. I light a cigarette and tell myself that I can sleep when I'm dead.
The second beer mixed with the caffeine and the modafinil takes the edge off my fatigue and I feel a bit better.
There's a brief and painful flash in my mind, as I see her face with a clarity that shouldn't be possible considering that I'm severely sleep-deprived, on a lot of drugs and generally fucked. I grit my teeth and the urge to just let loose, cry until there no liquid left in my body and then find her and cut her into tiny little pieces is quite strong. I remember her smell, menthols and honeysuckle.
And I feel like killing something. She haunts me day and night, her touch still painfully present in my memory and in the mornings I lace my coffee with scotch and at night I chase the pain with whisky and prescription drugs and I cannot forget. When I sleep she is there, always, my dreams spinning around her like a doomed planet drawn to a black hole.
„Hey hey hey,“ Vic nearly shouts, „you don't mind if I invite a few friends over?“
I consider shooting him repeatedly with my newly acquired 10mm Glock 29. But off course I say yes.
I get my Spyderco knife, gazing at its marvelous serrated blade before putting it into my pocket. Now, no matter what kind of asshole Vic shamelessly invited here will be pretty badly hurt if they decide to fuck with me.
„Hey, dear friend,“ Vic mutters, his jaws grinding pretty ferociously, „got anything stronger to drink?“
„Sure.“ I go to the kitchen, where I pour myself a generous amount of I.W. Harper over exactly two ice cubes. Vic gets Jim Beam neat - I hate the stuff but keep a bottle around for occasions like this one. I briefly consider grinding up several quetiapine pills and lacing his drink with it, but then decide that he'd probably notice the taste.
I return to the living room, hand Vic the glass and notice for the umpteenth time that my place is in an appalling state. Empty beer and liquor bottles are everywhere, ashtrays overflowing, my hardwood floor sticky and stained with a million spillages from drinks, coffee and god knows what else. Dirty dishes and all sorts of drug paraphernelia complete the picture. The upholstery of my couch splashed with blood from when I cut myself while cooking and was too drunk to care, so I didn't stanch the wound and just let the blood flow freely. Yeah, my place looks just as desolate as my mindstate is lately. But do I give a shit? Certainly not.
After the fourth glass of bourbon my nerves are fairly settled again, although I'm afraid that 'friends' is one of Vic's euphemisms for annoying burnouts and/or blundering sluts (usually an inch away from prostitution).
After the fifth glass I don't really care anymore. But god am I tired. The modafinil doesn't really cut it, and I'm considering taking the last of my dextro-amphetamine. The only problem with that being that I don't really like the effects of amphetamines much. I need something that relaxes, soothes me. Oh... fuck it all.
I smoke more cigarettes and when Vic's 'friends' arrive the bourbon has taken the edge off my annoyance. I put Dälek on the turntable lie back on the couch and finish off my drink. I.W. Harper being a bitch to get lately. I still have three bottles squirrelled away but with my alcoholism... well let's just say it's not much. The 'friends':
One middle-aged guy in an old leather-jacket, long greasy hair going to his shoulders, and a pock-marked face covered in stubble. He looks as used up as I probably will in ten years time.
With him two girls who both look all of fifteen, one barely able to stand up, let alone walk a straight line, her pinned pupils and slurred speach murmuring a story to me of hydrocodone, temazepam and GHB while the other one is on the polar opposite spectrum of illicit drugs, a bristling ball of energy and confidence. Both are dressed like they were auditioning for the latest child pornography shoot. I instictively reach for my knife and regret not having my gun on me. The guy introduces himself as Tom but I'll refer to him as Assholio since it suits him much better. The girls' names I instantly forget, so hence forth they shall be known as Chloroform Girl (the one incapable of basic speech and motoric movement) and Meth Bitch. I have the nagging suspicion that Assholio will more or less date-rape Chloroform Girl later on and even though this should mean sweet fuck all to me, somehow it fills me with equal parts sadness and rage. Off course I could be dead wrong, there's even a chance that Assholio is a decent guy but somehow I have my doubts about that. Doubts that are confirmed after settling down he tries to feed Chloroform Girl something from a small flask. I tell him to leave her be, that I don't want an OD in my place and he laughs and desists.
„Just a little pick-me-up, dude. No need to get all prissy.“ he says with a smile, revealing bad teeth.
„Listen dude, she's had enough.“
He raises his hands in mock-surrender and throws me the flask.
„What's in it?“ I ask.
„My special tea. Take a slug.“
I take a tentative sniff, and it smells like vodka, but I'm not taking any chances. I toss the bottle back.
„Thanks,“ I say, „but I hate straight vodka.“
„Oh, I dissolved a few tabs of ecstasy in it. Among other things.“
Other things. I don't ask, I don't care. I know that my hostility toward this despicable twat would only increase with further alcohol consumption.
Vic on the other hand is delighted to see them, and goes to pour drinks. I follow him into the kitchen to make sure he keeps his hands off all the good liquor I have there and he's just about to open my bottle of 18-year old Macallan when a gentle nudge in the ribs and a shake of the head informs him that this might not be the best of ideas, so he puts it back and like a good little boy pours rum and cokes. I take the drink from him and chug it down, then make myself an Old-Fashioned with Rittenhouse rye, a drink I discovered through watching Mad Men. Although instead of just muddling the orange slice with the sugar, water and bitters, I usually add a healthy squeeze of fresh orange juice. So much for me abstaining from drink, but if I at least manage not to add handfuls of benzodiazepines to the mix I'm still ahead, although I'm painfully aware of how addicted I am at this point. But then again I'd eat glass if it kept thoughts of her away. Back in the living room Tom/Assholio is cutting a line of some unspecified white powder on my glass coffee table. I'm suddenly very glad that I have a few naloxone ampules in my drug stash. Naloxone is a potent opiate antagonist, meaning it reverses all effects the drugs have, swiping the receptors clean in an instant, which is hell for addicts as it means withdrawal but it is obscenely effective on overdoses. I consider getting some.
My blood-stained couch is now occupied by Chloroform Girl so I just roll her off onto my floor, where she'll be in the excellent and apt company of beer suds and drug residue, but she barely notices. I sit down, light another cigarette, sip my drink and wonder what I'll do about the girl. There is no chance in hell I'm letting her leave with that degenerate lowlife, and while I barely know her rape has always struck me as a particularly heinous crime, even though so far I don't even know if Assholio is as much an asshole as I think he is. I try to think my options through but my thoughts are constantly interrupted by the high-pitched incessant chatter of Meth Bitch. She's talking to Vic, although it would require quite a stretch of imagination to say they were having a conversation. It seems more like a contest to see who can talk faster, both of them jabbering in each others faces about... well who knows? I don't have the patience to even attempt to follow what they're saying. This unfortunately makes Assholio the only conversation partner, and while I don't mind being rude and impolite, I'm also starting to notice the effect of the whiskey on me.
„So,“ I ask, „what do you do for a living?
„Oh, you know, this and that.“
„So I'm guessing petty criminal shit to support your drug habits?“
At this he laughs and nods.
„I sling rocks and some ice, and sometimes other stuff if the opportunity arises. Want any?“
And even though I am quite tempted, since dealing with people this fucked up is quite strenous I know what that shit does to me and how much it amplifies my anger and with a loaded gun in reach and phantasies of violent retribution running through my head very, very often, I decline.
„Got anything else?“ I ask though.
„Some Klonopin.“
„How strong are they and how many do you have“
„Oh they'll fuck you up,“ and getting a Ziploc bag from his jacket, „should be about thirty.“
„I meant how many milligrams. Y'know, the pills.“
„Oh, right. Two.“
„How much for all of them?“
„Let's say... sixty. And I'm giving you a discount here.“
„Hah, hardly. Fourty-five, tops.“
I get my wallet and pay him and he hands me the Ziploc. I open it and take out four of the small white pills, chew them and wash the chalky taste out of my mouth with a sip of my drink. Another cigarette is in order. Also I realize that I really shouldn't have done that, I should really cut back on the pills but it is just too tempting and it certainly will make the present company more bearable.
„That's quite a dose you took there. Mixed with booze you'll probably join Janine there on the floor soon.“
This makes me laugh. Because the night before I took 100mgs of diazepam, which together with the codeine and the pregabalin should have rendered me insensate within an hour tops but just sedated and relaxed me enough to banish the ever more recurring thoughts of suicide. My tolerance to this shit is at frightening level, a peak I thought in the good old days of just a few months ago I would never reach.
So I take another 6mgs of the clonazepam.
„Hey, opposed to those bimbos you brought along I know exactly how much of what substance I can ingest, snort, smoke or shoot.“ I grin at him.
„I'll drink to that.“ We clink glasses and finish our drinks.
„Another one?“ I ask. „Any preference?“
„Vodka rocks would be sweet. Maybe with a dash of lemon juice.“
„Done and done.“
I go to the kitchen, where I open a bottle of supermarket-brand discount vodka, pour it over ice and as he asked add a squeeze of lemon juice. To make it appear fancy I use one of my best tumblers, cut crystal and damn expensive, and add some garnish. For myself I fix a screwdriver with Ketel One and fresh orange juice.
Vic and Meth Bitch are now making out, and after handing Assholio his drink and putting mine down I check on Chloroform Girl but her breathing is steady if a little shallow and after I poke her a few times she even slurs something that I'm guessing was 'leave me alone' but could also have been 'I want to go home' or any variation thereof. I roll her onto her side so if she vomits she doesn't choke on it and then get back to the more important business of getting as drunk as humanly possible.
Me and Assholio actually have a halfway decent conversation, even though it's all drug-induced hyperbole and fake backslapping on what hard, experienced men we are (which I'm certainly not) I am actually enjoying myself a little and Vic asks somewhere along the line if he can use my bed while his hands play with Meth Bitchs nipples – who is now topless – but by now the drugs have kicked in and I really don't care much anymore as wave after wave of sedate euphoria washes over me, and my body, which felt leaden and inertial now feels feathery and smooth. So I tell him that it's okay as long as he changes the sheets afterwards and I don't hear them. Because even as medicated as I am now that would still drive me up the walls.
But now with the benzo going strong I am once again reminded of how sleep-deprived I am. And I consider buying more product of Assholio, who as it turns out is not such a bad guy after all, at least he seems sort of affable but I am dimly aware that this might be just because my perception is so severely distorted by all the pharmaceuticals and liquor in my system.
„Do you have any beer left?“ he asks, and I have to agree that a beer seems like a good idea.
I go to the fridge and check. Three bottles of Heineken, two bottles of Löwenbräu and a can of Faxe.
Returning to the living room I hand Assholio a Löwenbräu, open one for myself and ask him what time it is anyway. He checks his cell phone.
„Shit, shit, shit. It's almost noon. I gotta split, got some important errands to run. Mind if I take the beer along?“
I shrug, „Feel free. And nice to have made your acquaintance and all.“
„Yeah, likewise. Thanks for the drinks. Also,“ he scrawls something down on a piece of paper, „here's my number if you ever need any of my product. Well so long.“ And with that he is gone, which is a huge relief because scenarios of... well let's call it violent altercations ran through my head ever since he arrived.
Vic, off course ignores my rule about not being audible, and the sounds of their fornication is painfully reminding me of what I had lost. I solve the problem by putting Big Black's Songs About Fucking on the turntable and turning the volume way up. But even though as much as I love that record, it was absolutely the wrong music for a benzo high, so after three songs I replace it with Joy Division, which suited my mood much better.
Afterwards I lay back on the couch and do nothing for a long time except smoke and occasionally refill my glass with scotch, a bottle of J&B and a bucket of ice now resting on my coffee table. The only way to gauge time is the record running, me having to rise every so often to change the side. And after listening to Unknown Pleasures three times from start to finish Vic is still not done screwing her.
Thankfully after a while the chemical cocktail in my bloodstream got me and I am finally able to sleep.


When I wake up it's almost 11pm and Chloroform Girl is still sleeping on my floor in front of my couch, and it kind of reminds me of a canine, so I pat her head and a mutter 'good doggie' a few times. I take a hearty slug of J&B straight from the bottle, which makes me gag but I keep it down after I guzzle a glass of water. In the bathroom I brush my teeth for the first time in days and take my second pill regimen, omitting the soporifics, instead taking 200mgs of modafinil with the pregabalin. I brew a large pot of coffee, pour a generous amount of Drambuie into it and return to my trusty couch, where I finally succeed in waking up the Chloroform Doggie. At first she is completely disoriented, then there's something akin to realisation settling in, which then again is quickly replaced with fear.
„Where... where am I...“ she stutters, and then „who are you?“
„Relax. I'm Vic's friend, remember? You came here yesterday with Tom.“ I hand her a cup of coffee.
She groans then in blind panic checks if she's still clothed, running a hand down her pants into her labia.
„Not the time to masturbate. Nor the place.“ I say, and even though it is supposed to sound sarcastic it comes out harsh.
„I... I was checking if my tampon was still in place...“
„Oh. Well no one raped you in my presence, that much I can guarantee. And that really isn't my style. Stabbings and shootings maybe, but not nonconsensual intercourse.“
At this she's quiet and sips the coffee.
„I feel, like, totally awful. I don't even remember what I took last night, it was like, so cool for a while, we were in the hottest club and there was this really sweet guy, like totally buff, and he kept buying me drinks and then I called Tom because, I, like, wanted to roll, and then he gave me these pills and a lollipop, and he like totally said they were great and would totally chill me out, and make me roll at the same time, but after I took them I got real dizzy and felt all strange, not bad strange but then Tom came and punched the guy and cut his face with that razor he carries, you, like old folks use, and like I don't even know why and then I threw up a lot and Tom gave me something else, you know? Also this coffee is really good, did you put some syrup in it?“
„Drambuie, dear. Anyway, what did the pills look like? Were they by any chance small, elongated and greenish-blue? And did the lollipop vaguely resemble a Q-Tip?“
„Yeah, exactly! How'd you know?“
„Jesus, you're lucky to be still breathing. Those pills? Rohypnol. The lollipop? Actiq, that's fentanyl, the most potent opioid used on humans. That sweet guy was trying to Mickey Finn you.“
„Knock you out cold. So he could rape you. Maybe call over a few of his buddies and have himself a little gangbang, film the whole thing and post it on the internet. Happens all the time. Either that or he was gonna cut out your kidney, sell it on the black market.“
„Oh god... are you serious?“
„What the fuck do you think? Hmmm? Also, how old are you?“
„Seventeen. But I got a fake I.D. and people say I look older. Ohmigod....“ with this she started to sob. Fuck. I wasn't feeling so hot myself and now I had to deal with a crying teenager. Compared to this a hole in the head almost seems like not such a bad deal.
„Here,“ I say, handing her one of the clonazepam pills, „this'll calm you down. Take it with the rest of your coffee.“
She obediently does as I told her, and I pour myself a fresh cup of coffee and dissolve a dozen of the pills in it. In this instant there is nothing I dread more than sobriety and the resultant hangover. I put the new Portishead on and go sit back down, now next to Chloroform Girl as she has risen from the floor and we sit there quietly for a while, her sobs gradually dying down, Beth Gibbon's voice wafting through the smoke-filled room with an alienated sadness and again I think of her, especially her heterochromatic eyes, the outer part of the iris a deep cobalt blue fading into emerald green around the pupil. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. After a while I can see Janine/Chloroform Girl visibly relaxing, and she rest her head on my shoulder and while this would normally irritate me at this moment I don't mind. I drink the rest of the coffee, smoke and just listen to the music. And when the alcohol/caffeine/clonazepam mixture finally takes hold I reach a kind of emotional equilibrium I haven't been able to achieve without strong opioids for quite a while.
„Thank you.“ Janine whispers in a small voice, and for a moment I realize that she is still a child, and I'm willing to bet my entire collection of expensive scotch that she lived a rather sheltered life and has little to no conception of what lurks in the world. And suddenly I feel an odd need to protect her, which is utterly extrinsic to my character.
Off course this brief moment of peace is ruined when Vic, in his underwear and holding my bottle of Ketel One from which he is drinking, bursts into the living room and asks Janine if she feels like a threeway. Meth Bitch is totally cool with it he says. I tell him quite unambiguously to fuck off, while Janine just stares at him like he is some demonic apparition escaped from a Bosch painting.
„Oh well, your loss. My big tool always pleases the ladies, yes sir. Say, you don't have uppers around here, do you?“
„Vic, did I ever tell you that you should have been drowned in the nearest bathtub right after birth?“
„And did I ever tell you that I'd seriously hurt anyone besides you that talked to me this way? Now, where are the uppers?“
„You can have coffee. I'm fairly certain your mental faculties, dim as they are, are sufficient to find the french press. But I left grounds in it, so you'll have to clean it.“
„Sometimes I wonder why I don't break your nose.“
„And I sometimes wonder why I don't shoot you in the viscera. Or lace everything you drink around here with thallium.“
With this Vic takes the french press and walks into the kitchen, there is something off with his gait, but I really could not care less why. And then Meth Bitch also comes out of my bed room, wearing Vic's shirt, a thong and nothing else. Splendid. Just fucking splendid. My best friend, still properly whacked is doing god knows what in my kitchen, his fucktoy is parading her ass around in front of me, and a doped up teenager is trying to cuddle with me. If I hadn't had my calmative breakfast I would have kicked them all out, at gunpoint if necessary.
There's a deafening racket coming from the kitchen and groaning with annoyance I rise to see what Vic is doing. I have a mental image of him banging two pans together like some demented man-baby. But instead he lost his balance (what a surprise) and grabbed the shelf were all my pots and pans are on and sent them all clattering to the ground, shelf and Vic included.
When I see him lying there, a copper pan resting on his stomach, I burst out laughing.
„Well, well, well, Victoria. Can't handle your liquor, eh?“
He rises slowly and I can see blood running down his neck. He mutters 'shit' over and over then apologizes, apparently unaware of his head wound.
„Hey Vic? You're bleeding. Let me take a look at that.“
Still somewhat dazed, he turns around and I'm glad that Vic has a shaved head, as it makes it easy to gauge the severity of the wound. But even though it's bleeding quite a bit it's nothing I can't fix with a bit of iodine and some medical tape. After I patch him up I feed him some diazepam and tell him to just sit down with us in the living room and relax a bit. Have a beer or two, stay off the liquor. And so we all settle down in my hovel of a living room, me back next to Janine who rest her head in my lap and Victor in the armchair with Meth Bitch sitting on the ground in front of him.
„My, my,“ Victor finally quips after moments of silence, „look at that. A budding romance. Who woulda thought.“
„Hah, yeah. That'll be the day.“
„No really, you two would make a cute couple.“ Meth Bitch says.
„I have this rare disorder you see, I'm only sexually attracted to squids.“
Suddenly Janine, whose eyes had been closed the whole time, turns her head and looks at me and asks me why not. So instead of telling her the whole sad story why not, aside from her age, I give her the severely abridged version. She murmurs something and closes her eyes again.
„So, my clumsy drunken friend, what shall we do with this night?“ I ask Vic.
„Drink more?“
„Sound plan, dear sir, sound plan. Fetch the Drambuie and the ice, please? I feel like having a Rusty Nail.“
„Why don't you go?“
„Because I got the Chloroform Doggie on my lap.“
Vic laughs at this, Meth Bitch just looks a bit bewildered.
„It's always astounding how you come up with nicknames for people. Your mind truly works in mysterious ways. Also, I don't want a whatever it is you just said. I want a huge fucking Bloody Mary.“
„Oh, me too.“ Meth Bitch groans.
„Well then goeth forth and maketh thine poison.“
„Everyone knows that you make the best Bloody Marys.“
„Oh for fucks sake. All right, you worthless, shelf-destroying cunt. But you owe me a new bottle of Ketel One. And you clean up the mess you made. Also, shall I make a whole pitcher while I'm at it?“
In the kitchen I kick my cookware out of the way, I dump a pint of Stolichnaya into the blender, add the rest of the ingredients and then when everything is properly mixed I pour it into my largest pitcher and add a few ice cubes as an afterthought. For myself I prepare a Rusty Nail, four parts J&B, one part Drambuie. Returning only to find Vic and Meth Bitch (whose real name I still not know) making out again. Must be love. I put the pitcher down, splashing the pulpy red cum all over the table and also Meth Bitch's legs which interrupts their little fondling-and-tongueplay session.
„Your drink be here, massah.“ I snarl, starting to get pissed off at, well, everything, but most of all at Vic for doing this in front of me, knowing good and well what kind of emotions and memories that brings up lately.
„No glasses?“ Vic asks, and I feel like punching him so badly that my hands start to shake.
„Victor. Fuck off. Seriously. Drink from the pitcher. Or get your own glasses. Or don't. I don't give a shit.“
And so the night slugs along. We drink, we talk, and my anger, while still lurking in some corner of my mind abates and we actually have a halfway decent time. I give Janine more clonazepam and finish off the rest, and Vic and Meth Bitch leave sometime before sunrise while Janine asks if she can stay another day and somehow I don't mind, which is truly strange, so after changing the sheets on my bed, which Vic off course didn't do (o the fucker, the fucker) I lay down and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.
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2. Let's lynch the landlord

When I wake up, I feel like something decidedly nonhuman, something dragged in from the depths of the ocean or the sulphur volcanoes of Io maybe, something unable to exist in earth's troposphere. I reach for the bottle of Evian next to my bed, guzzle down half of it then light a cigarette. Ah, nicotine. The anchor of my corroding sanity. I am vaguely aware of the sounds coming from my living room, and I reach for my gun (taped to the underside of my bedside table) before remembering that I allowed the girl to stay. Oh fuck me kindly. I must have been absolutely out of it, and the memories of the prior night (?) filter through the thick fog in my head. Clonazepam. I try to think of all the brand names I know for it to take my mind of how much I loathe myself at the moment. Klonopin. Rivotril. And... then the list stops. Hmm, let's see. Clorazepate; Tranxilium, Tranxene, Novo-Clopate. Fuck. This has no use.
I get out of bed, and throw a terrycloth bathrobe around my gaunt, trembling body. Coffee. Alka-Seltzer. More water. No, coffee dehydrates. Tea. Better idea.
I check my watch and realize I have slept for the better part of eighteen hours. The taste in my mouth would suggest that I have been eating the contents of my ashtray and licking the assholes of crack whores.
I gasp when I walk into my living room. The place is somehow, miraculously, clean. The filth and the grime is gone, so is all the trash, empty bottles, used syringes and cigarette butts. The girl is currently doing the dishes in the kitchen. Of all the fucked up things I witnessed drugs do to people, the sometimes life-threatening situations I found myself in, scoring smack and buprenorphine at 4am from a junkie with abcesses covering his arms, somehow this takes the prize as the most strange.
She turns around and smiles at me and I notice for the first time that she is actually quite attractive, raven black hair reaching almost her ass, a milky white complexion and a symmetric if slightly angular face. And I also notice how small she is, barely reaching my shoulder.
„Good morning.“ she says
„What's so fucking good about it.“ I mumble in reply and put water in the electric kettle for some much needed chamomile tea. Then I ask her, slightly incredulous, what the fuck?
„Oh I woke up a long time ago, and did some Ritalin. And then I needed something to do, like, I couldn't sit still. And I don't mind cleaning up, and this place was, like, a complete mess.“
„Uhhh... thank you, I guess.“ I light two smokes, hand her one.
„Hey, it was the least I could do, it was like really nice of you to take care of me when I was so messed up.“
„Well, if you consider kicking you off my couch and feeding you prescription drugs and liquor to be good care then you are very welcome.“
„No, I mean you didn't try to fuck me and you wouldn't let anyone else either I think. I would have, you know, slept with you, if you, like, asked. Probably with anyone else too.“
She moves forward and quickly kisses me on the cheek and I recoil as if someone tazed me. The physical contact seems poisonous to me, corrosive like the contents of my stomach, which feels like it's full of frothy battery acid.
„Don't ever do that again.“ I hiss through gritted teeth.
„Just don't.“
„Okay. I'm sorry, it's just... .“
„I do not care. I don't like to be touched anymore. By anyone. “
She's quiet and looks forlorn and sad and it would be touching if I wasn't so fucking hung over.
„How old are you anyway?“ She finally asks.
„Twenty-six miserable fucking years I've spent in this vale of tears. And now I need a large pot of tea, two or three Alka-Seltzer and a massive and instantly fatal brain aneurism.“
After quickly downing three of the effervescent hangover relievers, I pour myself a large mug of unsweetened tea and sit down in my newly clean living room, lighting my third Camel of the day. Janine sits next to me and again rests her head on my shoulder like she did before but now I am not chock full of anxiolytic drugs. Now I am painfully hung over. Now this bothers me so much that for a brief moment I think I'll hit her. But I just push her head of my shoulder and remind her that any kind of physical contact will likely result in me losing it.
I close my burning eyes, lay my head back sip tea and smoke. Things to do today, by descending urgency: get rid of the girl, score some pot, eat something, talk to my landlord, go back to sleep. Usually easy enough but I feel so thoroughly like shit that all I want to do is crawl into some deep, dark hole and cry. That or the brain aneurism.
Music. Music would be good. I put some Crippled Black Phoenix on and nearly faint on the long, long way back to the couch. While I'm hung over quite often, this particular one is the most severe in months. Also I haven't eaten anything in three days. At least I had slept enough for once. I had no desire to move any part of my body that wasn't holding a cup of tea or a cigarette but decided to scour the kitchen for food anyway. While I have an expansive stock of liquor, food is rather scarce. Most of what is in my fridge has gone bad, so I just eat two oranges and drink a pint of buttermilk, which nicely soothes my heartburn. Afterwards I look through my dwindling supply of recreational drugs for anything that will take the edge off this horrible, hellish state, and there are a few ampules of diazepam that I could mainline, but all the rest (dihydrocodeine, dextro-amphetamine, zolpidem, mephedrone) all seem like really bad ideas. It is very tempting to crack open these small amber things containing instant relief from most of the symptoms, but injection solutions are hard to come by, my tolerance is sky high, and I really, really should lay off the downers for a while. Not to mention that I'm not even sure if I have any fresh needles and syringes, and while I have dug used ones out of my trash before (me being the only one who ever shot up here), something like that requires a very special kind of desperation, one I was just too fucking hung over to feel.
And so it happens that instead of getting rid of Janine I phone Cavanaugh, my preferred source of various pills and powders. When his cell phone goes straight to mail box, I start to worry. For a week I've been unable to reach him, which means either he's dropped me as a client (unlikely, as I throw handfuls of money at him) or he's been caught. The thought of that made me shudder – not because Cavanaugh is such a great guy, very much to the contrary, he's a world-class asshole – but for six years now he's been the utmost reliable and resourceful drug dealer I ever met. He could get pretty much anything, for a hefty price off course, but he always delivered on time. Punctual as an atom clock. And in this scene that is the rarest of commodities, someone you don't have to wait for, hours and hours passing by in some dingy shithole with people you hardly know, or to quote the classic Velvet Underground song: 'I'm waiting for the Man, twenty-six dollars in my hand/he's never early, he's always late/one thing you learn is that you always have to wait'.
So it was IV diazepam time. I checked my injection kit, and hallelujah, two unused 2ml syringes and four IV needles. I prep the shot by drawing the liquid from one ampule into the syringe, use an isopropyl swab to disinfect the crook of my left arm, and suddenly realize that it would be utmost prudent to take a large dose of pregabalin beforehand, as it's an excellent potentiator. I take the venlafaxine, then add four pregabalin on top.
Then I tie my arm off with a shoelace, tap the syringe a few times to make any air rise to the top to gently squeeze it out. While it's a myth that injecting air can kill you (excessive amounts would be needed), why make a habit of it.
Then: the needle to the vein and with my shaking hands I miss twice, hit on the third try but manage to accidently slip it out again. Fuck. I call Janine.
„Have you ever administered and intravenous injection before?“ I ask. She shakes her head. „Show me your hands.“
She holds them out in front and they are perfectly steady.
„Will you do this for me?“ I ask, „it's not that difficult.“
She nods and I explain how to do it, to slip the needle in at a low angle, then gently pull the plunger back and if blood shoots back into the syringe, hit the juice slowly home. And she does just that. As if she's done it a hundred times.
When the initial rush dies down a little and I regain my ability to speak in coherent sentences again I advise her to consider a carreer in some medical profession. I rise from my cracked, tiled bathroom floor and suddenly don't mind the girl's presence anymore. The hangover is instantly overridden with beautiful sedation. I always marvel how some drugs can fix the most dire physical and mental pain, all in the time it takes to draw up a syringe and plunge it home.
„How does it feel?“ she asks.
„How do you think?“
„I want to try.“
„Would be a waste. Knock you straight to sleep probably.“
„What about my Ritalin?“
„Too dangerous. Cooking up pills can fuck up your veins big time if you don't use a micron filter, and I don't have one. Also, like meth or crack, shooting up is not something you want to get into, believe me.“
Now my desire for tea and brain aneurims has dimmed, retracted to the sober part of my brain, the one not altered by a substance binding to my GABAa receptor, thus increasing the γ-aminobutyric acid in my brain.
„Now, Chloroform Girl, how about some breakfast? It's almost 10am. And we both should eat.“
„I don't think I could eat a thing, I'm, like still so buzzing, but a cup of coffee would be nice.“
„Yeah, I'll make a pot of my special coffee. Oh fuck, I also gotta water the kratom plants.“
While cleaning the grounds out of the french press, Janine busying herself with the rest of my dishes, I hear the distinct sound of somehow coming up the stairs (I live on the first floor, my landlord in the apartment under me), stomping really, and two thoughts run through my head: how fast can I get to my gun (not fast enough) and what's the best weapon within reach. I settle on a meat cleaver.
I position myself to the right side of the door, cleaver raised above my head, ready to maim whoever walks through that door. Because it ain't Vic and it ain't the landlord. And no one else should be able to get in here, this house is built like a bunker.
The door opens and just I'm about to bring the cleaver down, I recognize the shape in front of me, the shaved head, the aviator jacket, the army-issue combat boots.
She turns to me and grins. To say that I'm surprised would be a gross understatement.
„Yeah,“ she says, „I'm also glad to see you.“
I drop the cleaver and hug her to me. It's Cass, my other only true friend besides Vic. And I haven't seen her for close to a year, as she went to Lisbon with her girlfriend. She is the only female I ever had a meaningful friendship with, probably due to her being homosexual, and thus there was never any sexual tension between us. Well, that's not quite true, as Cass is beautiful in her own drastic way and I was always attracted to her, but off course that was a long time ago, before I reconciled myself with the fact that her sexual orientation was indeed a good thing. It meant we'd stay friends.
„Jesus, shouldn't you be in Portugal?“ I ask, picking up the cleaver and putting it down on the dining table.
„Sarah left me. For a man. Can you imagine? Oh wait, yeah you can. I came here straight from the airport, my luggage is still downstairs. Since I'm now officially homeless, can I stay here until I find a place? Also your special tea will certainly cheer me up because... well, you know how it goes.“
„Yeah, I do know. Say, you didn't cut her up, did you?“
„I toyed with the thought to be honest, a little disfiguring never hurt anybody, but in the end I knew if I got caught it wouldn't be worth the consequences. And you?“
„Oh, the glorious day will come when I will have my sweet revenge. I promised myself that.“
„Well, gotta have aspirations in life. Even if it's just chopping up your ex.“
Janine comes out of the kitchen and a big grin grows on Cass' face, and she turns to me and whispers to me that I obviously did well. I tell her to fuck off, which gets me a sharp jab in the ribs.
„Cass, Janine. Janine, Cass.“
We lug all her shit up to my place and I check the mail, and the liter of GBL I ordered from the Netherlands still hasn't arrived, and all I can think is worthless fucking dutch stoned bastards. I had planned to convert the GBL to GHB which is ridiculously easy.
Back inside I offer Cass a drink, and she asks for tequila. But instead of doing the whole salt and lemon thing, she just drink the stuff straight. I hate tequila but I'm pretty sure I have a bottle of Patron somewhere. After a moment I find it, and while Janine is now cleaning out the fridge we sit down at the dining table, a bottle of 21-year old Glenlivet for me (since this calls for a celebration), a small jug of water and the tequila for my favorite female on this whole fucking world. I pour generous amounts, add a dash of water to my scotch while Cass gulps down the caustic liquid in two huge gulps and refills her glass.
„Jesus Cass. Seems like you're thirsty.“
„Can you tell me why that pretty little girl is cleaning up your mess?“
„No. Because I have seriously no idea. But I don't mind.“
„You're whacked on benzos, aren't you?“
„Always with the downers. You know how addictive that shit is? Worse to detox from than heroin.“
„Oh really? Thank you doctor Cassandra, stupid little me had no idea.“
„Just saying is all. I'm worried about you.“
„Don't. Worry about Vic, he's gonna get AIDS or hepatitis if he continues like this. He's been on a three-month glass and ecstasy bender, fucking everthing that's remotely female. You should have seen the semi-whores he brought around here. Fucking appalling.“
„Put on some music, for fucks sake. Dead Kennedys would be nice.“
„Your wish is my command, madame.“
I put Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables on the turntable and turn the volume way up, then get my cigarettes and sit back down. I sip my fine beverage, made all the more fine by the inhalation of nicotine. By the time the small scotch glass is empty Cass has downed about a third of the bottle.
„Now I'm feeling better.“
„No doubt. Say, how was Lisbon? Aside from the heartbreak, off course.“
„The first month was magical. For the most time we stayed in bed, made love and often just layed there naked, our bodies entwined, listening to the sound of the city. Each evening we went out to eat grilled squid and clams, and drank bottle after bottle of red wine. You can't believe how cheap everything is there. We'd stumble home laughing and drunk, sometimes followed by young guys hollering to us shit we didn't understand and...“ she suddenly stopped, took a gulp of tequila. „Sorry, ask me this again in a year. It's just... fuck. It feels like... some vital part of me is missing, lost, never to return.“
Cass was not the type to cry, but I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
„Fuck her. Let's get drunk and shoot shit.“ I said, knowing full well that this would cheer her up.
„Don't tell me you finally bought a gun.“
I grinned and told her to follow me, and in the bedroom I pulled the Glock from its hiding place, it's Crimson Trace laser pointer instantly coming alive, removed the clip and finally pulled the slide back, ejecting the hollowpoint from the chamber. The gun closed with a satisfying sound as I handed it to her.
„This is totally awesome, I'm at a loss for words. That laser thingy gives it a even more menacing look. Can you get me one too?“
„Yeah, sure. Same one? It's a 10mm, it has a bit of a kick. I have to buy Vic a birthday present anyway, and I thought a big fuck-off revolver you can use to hunt bears with would be just about right for him. “
„No, I want something shiny. You know, I always thought that these shiny guns looked much cooler.“
After she gives it back to me I reload it (Cor-Bon overpressure jacketed hollowpoints, can't be beaten to take someone down quick, or so I'm told) and slide it back into the taped holster.
We go back to the dining table and Cass finally takes it easy on the Patrón and calls out to Janine to join us, which she does. I can see her eyeing Janine and I'm dead certain that she's thinking something along the lines: that would do for a rebound fuck.
„So,“ Janine says, „how'd you to meet?“
„School.“ we say almost in unison. Cass pours another generous amount of tequila and hands it to Janine.
„Drink up, little girl.“ Janine tries to emulate Cass' seemingly unbothered guzzling of the liquor but after half the glass I can see her gag and we laugh while I hand her the jug of water.
„Come on, finish up.“ And she does, bravely, although it is plain to see that she's disgusted by it, but I guess she wants to keep up with the grown-ups.
After my second glass of the scotch I put the bottle away, fix myself a screwdriver, Janine gets a tumbler full of Galliano on the rocks (vile, sweet stuff that has been gathering dust here for ages) and Cass is quite content with the bottle of tequila. We drink for a while, Cass asking Janine all kinds of inappropriate questions, make her blush quite often and I'm having a blast watching it, the drink flows freely and before afternoon we are all properly shitfaced. When I'm drunk enough I ask Cass if she really wanted the toy I showed her earlier. The tequila seems to have stripped a few things from her, unfortunately not her clothes.
A few things about Cassandra:
We met when we were both twelve, and she was withdrawn and aloof and beautiful and the first girl I ever had a crush on. We bonded over the bruises and wounds we had to hide, hers inflicted by her father, mine my mother's doing. From early on we were nigh inseperable, so much that it was rumored that we both had lost our virginity to one another before our thirteenth birthdays, which were exactly a week apart. We liked the attention this got us, and we would often walk into school together after she spent the night at my place holding hands. We did even make out one night, the first girl I've ever kissed, when we got drunk together for the first time, and back that morning I woke on the cool tiled floor of my father's guest bathroom, my arms cradled around the toilet bowl like it was the most precious thing in the world to me and as I experienced my first hangover I crawled back into my bed and she was there, half naked and asleep and when I got under the blanket with her she curled into me and sleepily put her arms around me and I thought, this is it, my first girlfriend, and I felt like I was ten feet tall and my horny teenager hormones kicked in and I thought I was finally losing my virginity, at fourteen no less, not bad for a scrawny little shit like me, and when I kissed her awake the shock and revulsion on her face made me experience my first heartbreak.
There are a few more firsts with Cass but more on that later. There's too much cool shit going on right now to reminisce about days long past. Because Cass is sucking on Janine's ear who is giggling with a mixture of excitement and discomfort and it's the most erotic thing I've seen for a long time. And another painful image flashes through my mind, of her in high heels and black stockings and nothing else and making love to her on the same table I am now sitting at, gulping down my screwdriver while Cass is kissing and sucking on Janine's neck and running a hand into her panties.
My fucking friends, considerate bastards, every last one of them. I have exactly two, and both have made now made utterly lecherous shit in front of me within twenty-four hours. Way to go. I know everyone except me has a sex life, but really do you have to rub it in like this?
I go into the bathroom, get a fresh ampule of diazepam for myself, crack open the ochre vial and draw the viscous, bitter liquid through a needle into the 2.5ml syringe. This snaps Cass out of her lust for a moment, and she whispers something under her breath as I force the air out.
„Oh, don't be bothered by me.“ I say.
Then I wrap an old shoelace around by triceps, tighten it with my teeth and slide the needle home, my hands now steady with that glacial Valium calm and the liquor burning in my booze-scorched stomach. The red blossom of blood in the syringe is as beautiful as a car crash victim, glistening with blood and security glass as they quickly exsanguinate on the indifferent asphalt that snapped their bones and flayed their skin. I push the liquid home and the pain, it just stops, it ends, and I know it's not for long but when I smile with all the beatific serenity of the seriously medicated at Cass she makes a face then suddenly leaps at me and ´pulls my head close to hers and for a moment I think she's gonna kiss me but instead she whispers into my ear: „Stop this shit.“
I just stare at her, my face not even an inch from hers and I can count the broken cappilaries in her eyes. My blood has turned to icy slush. This is what it must feel like to freeze to death, the sudden warmth, the stillness and tranquility of the end setting in. I jerk away from Cass' touch, equal parts embrace and choke hold. The sudden movement in the wake of the intravenous injection makes my head feel horrible, my brain lurching around in my skull like a drunken frat boy and for a moment I consider punching Cass, a quick, hard suckerpunch to the nose but decide that it's unfortunately not a viable option.
Instead I light a smoke. And giggle a bit. Because I'm fucking eight feet tall. None of the shit that makes me want to go on a killing spree can penetrate this thick armor of well-being.
„Let's go buy some guns“ I say.


I am smoking a cheap cigar, and sipping on good bourbon. Ella, a massive Neapolitan mastiff/German shepherd cross is resting her head on my lap while I scratch her behind her left ear which she obviously likes. Like this the dog seems so docile and harmless but fuck me if this very same dog didn't scare the everliving shit out of me when I moved in. I am in my landlord's flat, which is directly under mine. The diazepam is going strong and the landlord is feeding Bernhard bits of stringy beef, sinew and and fat visible for a split second before it's wolfed down.
My landlord: in his early sixties, always wearing a three-piece suit and a fedora which makes me see him a bit like Bill Burroughs. But he looks way different. Five-eight, but twice as broad as me.
Hiram, a strangely phlegmatic Dobermann, is, as always, watching the door. The three dogs are one of the many defenses my landlord has erected. Another one is this house, the outer walls a foot of solid steel concrete. Under his bed: a Hungarian AK-47 clone. Why anyone would build a house here? About a mile to the north was the river and the old harbor which lies dormant and in ruin for at least a dozen years now. Also there are the chemical plants, big concrete structures with impressive chimneys, once-grey walls now stained black from whatever residue these phallic structures had once expelled. This whole area was once a flourishing industrial park, but no more. So you see, if you want to live anywhere in this city and still have the privacy of living in some shithole cabin somewhere in the wild, this place was perfect. Somewhere along the line this area will probably be gentrified, but at the moment it was the safest haven I have ever known. That I moved in here was a pure streak of drunken luck.
„So,“ my landlord says, „a .454 Ruger Alaskan. And for you?“ He points his glass at Cass, bourbon spilling onto the hardwood floor.
„I don't know much about guns. It should be small and pack a punch. Oh, and silver. I like shiny things.“
„Small as in you can fit it into your stockings or small that you can easily hide it in your purse.“
„I don't have a purse but the latter.“
My landlord makes small humming sounds for a moment.
„Well, either a Beretta or a Kahr. What do you think?“ He turns to me.
„Both, I'm paying.“


It's not even midnight and I am absolutely cunted. This was sort of expected, and should surprise no one. I am sprawled on my couch and discussing Francis Bacon with Cass, whose paintings always had incited a strange mixture of awe and dread in me. Off course, after a hard day's work of consuming as many drugs as possible (and as I have found out numerous times, that it's quite a lot) my skills of observation and argumentation are so severely dulled to be almost non-existant, so I can safely sum up an hour's worth of conversation like this;
Me: I like Francis Bacon
Not me: I know. He was a homo, you know?
Me: The fuck does that have to do with anything?
Not me: Just saying.

That was basically it. One hour discussing if getting fucked in the ass by men affected his art. Probably, but I'm not conceding the point out of principle. So round and round we go. All the while swilling wine and hitting the bong. Vic dropped by some hours ago with about a thiry grams of premium weed, which he unceremoniously dumped on my dining table and declared that we would now all get as stoned as possible.
Which we are now doing. I also had opened three bottles of good Barrolo and had a bottle of 12-year old Macallan within reach. I take another swallow of the wine. The first bottle is empty, the second almost. Vic, like the idiot that he is, drank neat vodka until a particularly vicious bong hit sent him retching. Now he's sipping a beer, and heeding my advice (good advice to boot) to just slow it down a couple of notches. Janine, not really experienced with these nice glassen smoking devices, now was slowly getting the hang after a couple of botched attempts during one she swallowed a sizeable amount of smoke. Which happens. Ah the wine was indeed fantastic. I had mixed myself a lobotomy martini earlier on:
5cl gin
2cl elderflower liqueur
2cl Rose's lime juice
squeeze of fresh lemon juice
15ml dihydrocodeine solution
2.5ml GBL (which had finally arrived)
10mg lorazepam in pill form
Muddle lorazepam tables with gin until fully dissolved. Add other ingredients, shake with ice, strain, serve in a cocktail glass with lime twist. It is a concoction of mine that was always a little different, depending on what i have on hand, but the combination of GHB (GBL being an analogue thereof), benzodiazepines, opiates and booze worked wonders when one wants to simply feel numb, euphoric and indifferent to the world. The girls partook, although I reduce the doses, a little for Cass and majorly for Janine.
„Nah man, I haven't slept for days, that will knock me straight to sleep.“
So I filled the drink into a small thermos and put it into the freezer. Good to have on hand.
And now, have a dozen bong hits and about a bottle of wine on top of all the liquor and diazepam I had earlier, I'm really less then attentive to anything aside from the music (Gods & Queens, fantastic band) and the perfect harmony of the wine. Did I mention that I am feeling good? Well, consider it mentioned.
„...so basically what you're saying is that we should all go to Tangier for a week or so?“
„Yeah, I need to go somewhere I can't score.“
„Hah, joke of the centuries. You could score on the moon if you needed it bad enough.“ I contribute while lazily sucking on a blunt.
„So, we game?“ Cass asks me, but she knows the answer.
„Always,“ I say while handing her the blunt and drinking the last of the second bottle. That devilish drink had done quite a number on me. My mind was filled with a strange buzz, like a low hum coming off a high-voltage live wire. Wisps of images, bled into the waking world from my dreams, slowly curl and weave on the fringes of consciousness , like cigarette smoke disintegrating into the summer air, filled with pollen and hope.
I need some time to think everything through. To what end though? I'll come to same conclusion anyway. Suddenly the absurdity of my life makes me laugh, the self-imposed grime and sordidness, the awful hangovers, the withdrawals, fucking all of it.

Cut to me laughing, after accidently dumping half a bottle of wine in my lap. Cut to me earnestly – and completely fucking drunkenly – telling Janine all my self-pitying, autoaggressive bullshit.
But no narrative forms, after a certain point I am too wasted to pay attention to anything really, and finally cut to me undressing and going to bed.
also i got into the habit of giving chapters song names mainly because self-medication blues fit the first chapter to a t, and it's an eyehategod song, so i thought it would be only fair to continue naming the chapters after songs that may or may not have anything to do with their content.

if anyone wants, i'll post the remaining four later.
one of my explicit goals is to be honest about addiction, telling it like i experienced it. i absolutely fucking hate anti-drug propaganda, which is usually written by people whose experience with drugs is limited to the occasional drink.
it's sort of like people writing pornography while being virgins. some things you have to experience to understand.
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Brilliant mate, just brilliant. I wish I had your talent when it comes to my own writing.
Brilliant mate, just brilliant. I wish I had your talent when it comes to my own writing.

thank you very much, i have a hard time gauging the quality of my own material, so all your praise really feels encouraging to keep going. here comes another chapter.
4. Meth Cowboy

I find myself, against all odds or expectations, in a genuinely good mood. I could go as far as even call my mood 'genial' or 'gregarious' but I won't. As usual, I blame the drugs, or more specifically, the large dose of dextro-amphetamine I took about an hour ago. Right now, I can almost see why Vic uses so many amphetamines as they do feel good. But then there's always the come-down.
See, the reason I'm on this shit is: my fucking friends. As always. By which I mean, they pestered me for so long to go out with them, just let go and have fun, that finally I agreed to it. But since I actually really hate going out, I needed something that put my mind into a state where dealing with strangers was not only tolerable, but actually diserable. So, a mixture of GBL, the aforementioned dex spansules and alcohol was ingested and here I am, dressed in my best clothes and with my gun holstered at the small of my back, because no drugs will make me feel good enough to go out without a gun, especially since I can still feel the sting of wounds. They healed exceptionally fast, but I still have a slight limp and my hand still itches like a motherfucker. All these cuts healing, not very pleasant.
So, I guess the goal of this evening is to have as much hedonistic fun as possible, and to keep true to the spirit of things I order another vodka martini. No point fucking around with any cocktail that has even one non-alcoholic ingredient, because hell, where's the fun in that?
We're sitting at the bar of one of the myriad small joints that cater exclusively to the rich crowd in the inner city – bankers and other scum mostly – and it's all subdued lighting and lounge jazz; lots of suede leather and polished mahogany. The fucking interior design must have cost a fortune, which off course reflects in how much a drink costs. As I'm the only one with money, it's probably safe to assume that I'm paying. You have to hand it to the bartender though, the speed with which he whips up the cocktails is stunning, and right then I decide to grossly overtip him, because the way he handles his job is true skill, no showing off, just mixing drink after drink in a clipped, efficient way. And in that moment it strikes me as funny, truly hilarious, that even though I have seven figures in my bank account, I never do shit like this. I motion the bartender closer.
„Hey,“ I say, sliding a crisp new hundred over the bar, wrapped around a burned CD I had in my pocket for whatever reasons, „would you mind putting that on?“
The bartender, about my age, smiles and with a knowing sort of expression says, „Not at all, sir.“
A few moments later the first notes of Refused's The Shape of Punk to Come are blaring through the soundsystem, effectively ruining the carefully crafted ambience. This gets a few annoyed looks, so prophylacticly I slide another hundred over the bar. It disappears so fast that it might have never been there save for the knowing smirk the bartender gives me. I think this has bought me enough goodwill to discreetly draw up a syringe full of GBL from the small flask I keep in my satchel (next to the spare clips and telescopic baton) and squirt it into my martini.
I drain the drink fast, the GBL giving it this repulsive burnt-plastic taste, so I chew the olives and order a glass of water, which, upon arrival, I down very fast.
I'm out with the usual people: Vic, Cass, Janine, but just as I lay my head on the bar and look toward the entrance Cavanaugh enters. Oh praise thee lord, thou who doth everything in benevolence. He sits down next to me, orders a bourbon and looks at me, shaking his head.
„You know,“ he says, „I wonder what you need me for. You don't exactly look like you need more drugs.“
„Oh, there you are so very wrong. I always need more drugs. Always. So, everything good?“
I reach into my satchel and give him a sock, stuffed to the brim with large notes. I think it's funny. He doesn't.
A word on how our looks compare: we are pretty much the same height, but there the similarities stop; my build, pallor and weight suggest chronic disease, famine and typhus, while his suggest anabolic sterioids and solariums. Everything about him is tailored to give the impression of virility, health and affluence. Off course this veneer is so thin and poorly thought out that it makes me want to laugh. Or weep, considering how many people fall for it. The fact alone that he will probably get laid tonight makes me question the sanity of the entire human race. I mean, it's just so obvious. But then a few cocktails and lines of cocaine go a long way I guess. You don't even need a particularly keen intelligence, or any sort of insight into the behavior of the human race to see beyond the bullshit. And when I look at him, all nicely, evenly brown, like a basted turkey, with his bleached-blonde hair pulled into spikes with hair gel, and his equally bleached teeth, and fat rings on his fingers, and his nostrils crusted with coke, I really feel the urge to kill him. And it could be executed so very easily. He could be executed so very easily. Tell him something that makes his head turn away from me, pull the gun, put it to his temple and pull the trigger. And the world would be better off for it. But I need him, the obvious waste of bones and skin that he is. Because without him I'll be reduced to scoring drugs off the street and that simply won't do.
Out of his backpack (who the fuck wears a backpack with an Armani suit?) he pulls a paper bag (oh, how fucking inconspicuous) and hands it to me. I peak inside and my heart misses a beat. It's all there. All of it. Well, boys and girls, it's time to celebrate.
Celebrate what exactly? The absence of pain for the next three months or so. If that is not something to celebrate, well, then you are obviously a joyless puritan. Because the bag is chock full of things that kill pain: oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, morphine, heroin. All the good stuff. Oh, praise the lord.
I take a 40mg oxycodone out of one of the many Ziploc baggies, chew it thoroughly (bitter), chase the taste out of my mouth with my fresh drink (single malt) and take another dex as an afterthought although my heart is already thrashing away in my chest with a ferocity that would seem worrisome in a clearer state of mind.
I stuff the bag into the satchel and do a quick calculus of how long I'd spend in jail if some asshole cop would search me. I'm pretty sure that the amount of drugs I have on me could and would be enough for possession with intent to distribute and the unregistered handgun certainly wouldn't help either. But then again, I can afford to pay some top-notch lawyers, at least for a while. So maybe then I'd be free and poor. And I'd just have to drink myself into an early grave, same as I'm doing now really, just with bargain liquor that tastes like varnish. And again, there's no fun in that. None whatsoever. To be honest there's not really that much fun in drinking yourself to death anyway; full stop, but if I have to (and apparently I do) then at least I can do it in style. I finish the scotch, light a cigarette. I've basically been chaining them ever since the dex kicked in,
I order a double Henessy X.O. and grin when the large snifter is placed in front of me, warmed and with a silk napkin covering it. Running up a tab in this place might cost the same as a brand-new luxury car or sending your numerous children to college, but at least you seem classy while you booze yourself into the poorhouse.
Bracketed by Vic on my left and Cavanaugh on my right, it suddenly occurs to me that maybe this will end in disaster. You know things are fucked when the, well, 'voice of reason' in your current group of compatriots is an angry lesbian who will try to fight an entire bar on her own if someone pisses her off. The reason I've become such a shut-in is because nothing good ever comes of evenings like this one. I mean, for fucks sake, the last time I went out all it got me was stabbed. Somehow this just has to end in tears. Just run it through your head, all the things that can go wrong. Here I am, properly and truly buzzing, with more drugs dissolving in my stomach, in the company of three of the most irresponsible adults (and one teen) I've ever known. And I have a loaded gun, three spare clips and a huge fucking bag of hard drugs with me. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Well, too late now. I sip the cognac and think while Vic, true to form, is chatting up a group of vaguely bored (but certainly attractive) females, all older than us, falling squarely in the trophy wife category.
You have to hand it to him though, he's as indifferent about rejection as a person can be – if one, or ten, girls won't fuck him he just keeps on trying, utterly unpertubed. Or as he puts it,
„One out of ten is good and one out of twenty acceptable.“
How this person has become my best friend is still mystifying. We really don't have that much in common. I think the thing that truly bonds is together is not proximity in character or interests, but shared experience, and a long one it's been. As much as he infuriates me, I know if things get bad I can unconditionally count on him, and that's worth a lot more than all the other shit combined.
The trophy wives, who he is still verbally molesting, seem to have overcome their initial distaste at being approached by some huge plebeian and now flash the occasional coy smile at him, about as coy as someone who sucked twenty dicks last month can smile.
My teeth are grinding. Fucking amphetamines. I have the barely controllable urge to move. The third dex was probably a mistake. But then there's the oxy. I can feel the first tentative waves of the opioid taking hold. And it's nice. It counteracts the stimulation of the other drug. Also: euphoria.
I take a bar of pregabalin out of my satchel. Ten 300mg pills chased with the last of the cognac. This is about to get interesting.
„Let's go to a club,“ Cavanaugh says. I remind him that I'm carrying a gun. He says it'll be no problem, since he knows all the bouncers and has the official sanction to distribute the merchandise that the customers crave. I mean who the fuck can stomach the 120 decibel techno bullshit (or whatever it is they play) without bombarding their brain with a wide array of what is often called 'party drugs'. I admit I'm not exactly up to date with that whole scene, since I spent the last three years at home mostly.
Since I vowed to be spontaneous today, and not the alcoholic, misanthropic hermit I'm usually, I say okay and instantly regret it. The fact that the speedball is seriously altering my ability to form sensible judgements is apparent but I'm starting to feel so incredibly good that I really don't care.
Vic comes up to me and tells me to join him and the 'girls' as he calls them. I really want to tell him to fuck off, but since I'm supposed to be different tonight I do as he says.
I wait for the first one to mention or allude to that I'm a millionaire. I am by the way. And I'm pretty sure that Vic mentioned it because, the trophy wives are not only friendly but fucking flirtatious. I introduce myself:
„Doctor Barnaby Jones, anesthesioligist.“ The name, stolen from a TV show, seems incredibly appropriate. It sounds like the name of a complete and utter twit.
The trophy wives: attractive all around, but bland, bland, bland. Only differing in hair color, ranging from almost albino blonde to hazel. Expensively clothed, they are nothing more than high-priced whores. Drugs and good intentions only go so far. I think I'll play it up, I motion the waitress closer and she's a lot more my type than these sluts, by virtue of having a job, out of pure necessity. I give her a hundred (they're going fast) and order another cognac and whatever the sluts are drinking. When you have an audience, show 'em something.
„Have you ever used inhalants?“ I ask, grinning. Upon asking I instantly know that it was the right question, since they look absolutely bewildered. But I'm the fucking millionaire. And a doctor. And the speedball whispers to me how awesome I am and I guess I have to agree. It's a nice feeling, to be free of this incredible self-loathing. But that doesn't mean that I functioning differently, just totally medicated. And I think of her and even through this thick layer of fuck-you-all wellbeing I fucking loathe her for what she did. I wasn't good enough for her.
„But certainly you've used ecstasy.“ They look at each other, wondering how to proceed.
„Because we're going clubbing, and by fuck, would it be awesome to have you along. My dick's getting hard just thinking about it.“ Score. Sometimes even an imbicile like me finds the right words.
If I had more balls than I actually have, I'd have stripped naked and danced on the table. And even though I weigh only around seventy-five kilos, I'm pretty sure the table would crack. Instead I pay a fucking astronomic bill (about as much as some people make in a week). And we leave. Apparantly the trophy wives are joining us. Yay.


We're sitting in the VIP section of the club – Cavanaugh's doing – and we've become quite a crowd. Assholio and Meth Bitch (whose name I still not know) have joined us and with the trophy wives, we're ten people. The sluts are well and properly rolling – again, Cavanaugh – while I'm still experiencing the complete and utter bliss that is a pharmaceutical speedball high. I have also not ascertained the names of the sluts. I'm horrible that way. It's fucking monday, yet this place is packed. I realize that I see the trophy wives as one entity, and not three seperate person. But they are pretty. No denying that. But there's something off about them, probably the cock-guzzling or maniacal craving for a rich husband. Sorry to disappoint you ma'am but I'd rather be kicked in the balls, repeatedly, by a whole soccer team than marry any one of you. I'm sitting next to Cass, whose hand is firmly planted on Janine's right tit, and we're trying to have a conversation but the music – hammering away at an ungodly volume – is seriously fucking with that. Cass is drinking tequila (as usual) while I'm sticking with single malt. You don't want to know what a glass of Glenlivet costs here.
„So,“ I ask Cass, „what do you think of the newest addition to our merry little group?“
„Fuckable,“ she answers, to a definite frown friom Janine.
„Yeah, uh, no. Fuck those gold diggers.“
„They're experienced. That's worth something.“ With that Janine removes Cass' hand from her bosom.
„Oh honey,“ she says, „don't take everything so personal. Same goes for you.“ Grinning at me. Then grabbing Janine's head and forcefully kissing her.
„God,“ I say, „I'm cunted. I should stop drinking.“ Taking a gulp from the Glenlivet.
I rise, make my way through the crowd and the din the DJ is making and order a whole bottle of Glenlivet at the bar, then, as an afterthought a bottle of tequila. It costs a pretty penny but tonight that does not matter. When the bartender asks how many glasses I want I say two. I carry the two bottles and two glasses back to where our fucked up entourage is sitting. Vic has scored a sizeable amount of methamphetamine from Cavanaugh and it's showing. Fuck me if that guy isn't talking fast. Meth Bitch, now really earning her name has crushed a small crystal on the table and snorted it right there. Yeah, it's that kind of place. Also I think she's giving Vic a handjob, because her left arm is making suggestive motions under the table. Hooooray. How those fuckers ever talked me into this is a gargantuan mystery. Absolute clusterfuck. Handjobs and methamphetamine. On display, for the world (or about five-hundred drunk, pilled up assholes) to see. Back at my seat I rummage through my satchel, the spare clips with their deadly cargo cheering me, reminding me that I have a high-powered, loaded handgun with me. So what will it be? More dex or maybe some hydromorphone (known as Dilaudid)? Oh what the hell. Why not both. There you go – another ten milligrams of dex, eight of the hydromorphone. This combo is deadly, has killed a few celebreties, but who cares. I chase the pills with whisky. If my body can't take it, well at least I'll die happy. That's worth something and life is not so great anyway. Funnily enough my body can take a raging bombardement
Vic and Meth Bitch make their way to the dance floor, apparently to dance. Dancing. I mean who the fuck dances? Dancing is one of the many things I passionately hate. Why? Who knows.
„Hey,“ I tell Cass, who is extremely delighted that I brought her a whole bottle of tequila to guzzle, „you ever dance?“
„Ha, no not really. Also I literally can't let go of Janine.“ That would be the MDMA. I have no idea how she manages to stomach the amounts of tequila she's drinking on top of the ecstasy. That stuff always fucked up my stomach awefully. The tactile shit is nice, especially when you have a pretty girl to play with, but since I don't have that and don't want that I'm sticking with plain old pharmaceuticals. They never fail me. At this point the trophy wives have realized that Doctor Barnaby Jones might not be marriage material, but since they're completely blasted on MDMA they don't really care.
One of them – the extremely blonde one – has seated herself next to me. I hope it's just the liquor, but no, no, no, she wants to talk to me. Her name is Sophie. Sophie. She's thirty-four, a secretary (off course) at a music label, has two cats and is lonely. She runs her hand through my hair and normally I would punch her for this but I guess the latest drugs I took are overriding my normal behavior, because as weird as it is, I'm actually enjoying being touched. She smiles at me, and it's that smile again, that fuck-me smile, and this snaps me back to who I am, what I am, and infallibly her. I roughly push her hand away and tell her that I'm certain that someone else will tremendous enjoy her company but I don't. This makes Cass loudly tell her to join her, and Janine, first reluctant to partake in the fun and get completely bombed on MDMA has relented and taken two pills, and they're kicking in. I think I'm the only one who hasn't taken any, but the dex-opioid combination is way better.
It doesn't take long and the three girls are making out in turns. Oh dear god, here a quick prayer: fucking kill them. This would actually be my cue to leave because I'm certainly not having much fun, but the speedball high tells me something different, tells me that everything is alright. I'm dead certain that it's the most pleasant and most addictive drug combo there is. But who gives a shit about that. The drugs are all the more sweet because I know they cut off years and years of my life. Growing old in this world? No sir, not me. The way things are going this planet will be uninhabitable in the future. Cass is laying her head on my shoulder, done with exchanging saliva with Sophie and I see short, copper red hair sprouting from her scalp. He hasn't shaved it in a while. Oddly, her touch is not only tolerable but actually arousing. It's been so long since I was aroused by anything. I guess it's craving what you can't have and so on, but I'd burn the world to cinders for her to be mine. Fuck it all. I'd be depressed, weeping really, but then again the speedball makes everything different. I run my hand over Cass' stubbly scalp and she smiles at me and I know in that moment that I love her, seriously non-platonic though. Now it's the speedball versus overwhelming sadness and desperation. The other love, the one I was so dead certain about, gone and killing something vital in the process. The part that made me a decent human being I guess. Now I'm just a drug-addicted husk, a shell of a man really. Seeking happines in other people is true and utter bullshit, the surest ticket to an early grave. Think crack is damaging? Well. Try failling in love with someone who wouldn't be worth the ten bullets in the clip of my gun, the bullets I'd put in her body if I could get away with it. Hey honey, remember me? Bang, bang, bang. Ah, good times. Some day, maybe.


The party has transfered itself, mysteriously and without my consent, to my house. One of the trophy wives – the one with the brown hair – almost gets her throat torn out by Ella who, ever watchful, is roaming the yard. But when she sees me she relents and even wags her tail. I go up to her and pet her a bit and she licks me hands and I'm glad that at least this female likes me. Also it would be terribly painful and potentially deadly if she didn't. I would never, ever fuck with this dog.
At my place it's now really cramped and these assholes are raiding my liquor cabinet as if there's no tomorrow. I have to look out that they don't take the good stuff – the single malts, the aged calvados, the armagnac and cognac. Finally I settle down on the couch, tear a syringe and needle out of their plastic packing, mix some skag with a bit of ascorbic acid and put the powder into a spoon. Then: add water, heat up, filter through a cotton swab. And there you have a ticket straight to heaven.
I tap up a vein, shoot it home.
And everything is beautiful. Cavanaugh's smack is about as pure as you're likely to get, around thirty percent diacetylmorphine. I lay back, smoke and listen to the music I put on (the first Nick Cave album). The gun is distracting me from the beauty unfolding behind my eyes, through my very being, and I draw it which gets me some seriously strange looks but since everyone is so fucked no one is really worried.
This reminds me, I have Cass' guns. I go into my bedroom, get the duffel bag containing: a .380 Beretta 84FS and a Kahr K9 plus a shitload of ammo and clips. As an added bonus I also bought a large hunting knife, with a nasty, serrated ten inch blade.
Back in the living room I hand her the bag and tell her that it's a very belated birthday present. She opens the bag and grins, rises and kisses me on the cheek. Oh sweet, sweet Cassandra, never do that again. Even through the H it hurts. I show her how to disassemble and clean the guns, shining with their nickel plating. This takes my mind off that kiss and the knowledge that it means fuck all and is just a result of MDMA ingestion.
And I have an idea, shitty as it may be. I have so many empty bottles. I tell Vic to take the two large bags, filled to the brim with beer and liquor bottles. And so we go, the whole crowd, into the backyard and set up the bottles to blast them apart with gunfire. I took all the clips I have (exactly a dozen, most of them of the extended fifteen round capacity). Soon the cacophony of shooting begins. Cass and I trade guns and she is quite suprised at the recoil of the Glock, but I must say the Beretta handles itself extremely smooth. The Kahr too, but somehow I prefer the ergonomics of the Beretta.
Bang, bang, bang.
Not long before a few barks are heard and my landlord appears, in a dressing gown, holding his AK-47 in his right hand and a leash tied to Bernards neck in the left. He looks slightly pissed off.
„What the fuck is going on here?“ He shouts.
I go to him, and explain. He sighs, takes the leash off the dog and goes back inside. After a moment he returns with a large army-issue bag and a half-gallon bottle of Jack Daniel's. His assault rifle is slung over his shoulder and I'm glad he didn't just gun us all down, as I might have done in his situation.
„Well boys and girls,“ he now cheerfully exclaims, „consider me part of whatever you're doing.“
He unscrews the bottle and takes a hefty pull. Then he hands it to the nearest person, which happens to be Sophie. Then he opens the bag, and I see things wrapped in oiled cloth inside and I instantly know what it is.
„Three guns for seven people? How does that work?“
I'm still holding the Glock when he unwraps the first gun and gives it to me.
„Stetchkin APS,“ he says, while I muster the large pistol, „twenty bullets in the clip, and goes full auto. Pretty useless at distances longer than my dick but devasting when you're close.“ I check the clip, it's loaded, rack the slide and switch the thing to full auto. I empty the clip in what seems like a nanosecond and I see what he means. While I did take out one bottle, the other nineteen bullets went god knows where. The wooden bench we rested the bottles on is riddled with holes though. I hand the gun to Vic, who smiles like a teenager who just lost his virginity. Then the landlord pulls out a sawed-off over-under shotgun. Gives it to me.
„Careful,“ he says, „that thing has a hell of a kick.“
I open the breach. Twelfe-gauge, double-aught buckshot. This is cool as shit. I fire at the last remaining bottle and yeah, it kicks like a mule.
„Got more buckshot?“ I ask, while Vic is going through a second clip with the APS, semi-auto this time and Cass is blasting away with her new Beretta. I reload the shotgun and let loose, firing at an now empty bench. I reload again, getting the hang of the thing. We set up new bottles, the landlord hands Sophie a Makarov semi-auto and Janine a heavy Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum. We shoot some more. I really like the sawed-off, the power it holds. It just reduced the bench to a heap of useless, broken wood.


We're now down to five as two of the trophy wives fucked off. Only Sophie stayed and she's really into Janine and Cass, everyone except me and the landlord have taken another heavy dose of MDMA. I'm still going strong on the skag. The sawed-off is now lying in my lap, and the landlord has just given it to me. I love the old man. The landlord is comfortable with his whiskey. We're sitting in his apartment, talking. We went at least through a thousand rounds of ammo. I decide that a drink may not hurt and pour myself a generous amount of bourbon over ice. Cass turned out to be a better shooter than anyone else. Real aptitude for guns.
„I like to keep up with the youth of today,“ the old man smiles, „back in the day I was also into that shit, only we had different drugs. Heroin, yeah, but mostly shit like Seconal and Desoxyn. That was fun, I have to admit.“
„Hey,“ Vic says, „have a tab of ecstasy.“
„Well, it's tempting but I'm too old for that.“
„Come on,“ I chirp in, blissfully indifferent, „you only live once, and the amount of whiskey you drink is much more harmful that the ecstasy. It's relatively pure.“
„Fuck it,“ he says, „you're right. Only live once. Gimme one.“
Vic and Cass start clapping and soon everyone joins in. The old man washes the tab down with bourbon.“
This is gonna be memorable.
We talk some more, Janine telling us what a horrible asshole her new stepfather is and that she suspects that he wants to fuck her. This filters through the bliss and I grip the shotgun tighter. When the landlord's MDMA kicks in he starts dancing. To Robert Johnson. Yeah.


I went to bed as the sunrise gave the sky weird and beautiful colors. Before, another shot of heroin. I am feeling absolutely, genuinely godlike. I can see the pure, unadulterated tranquility that only strong opiates bring. When I go to bed I almost instantly go on the nod. Vic has stayed with the landlord, and Cass, Sophie and Janine are having a threesome. Oh hell, fuck them all. I have smack. You cannot hurt me now.
okay, at the request of skibler, here's the rest of what i have

5. Exile on Mainline

I'm sitting in my living room, cooking a shot of hydromorphone. Crush pill, put in spoon with water, heat. And there we go. I am good again, everything is good again. These Chemlab lyrics go through my mind all the time because they're so apt: Wasting the world away at the bite of your touch / the wash and the noise of the passing days seeping out doesn't matter that much. I've been constantly opiated for three days and it's like the most relaxing and beautiful holiday. I know I have to quit soon since one thing I can do without is being physically addicted to the shit. The positive thing is that I haven't had a drink in that time, nor popped any benzos. If I had quit those cold turkey it would've been hell. So yeah, I guess even something seen as the epitome of self-destruction can have positive effects. Janine is here all the time, almost living here.
I don't mind. I love everything. Administering intravenous injections of very strong opiates every four to five hours really changes your outlook on life. I know it'll be gone once I'm off them, but fuck is this nice. My mind and everything around me moves in slow-motion. I get up from my couch and go to the kitchen, where a brew a large thermos of Darjeeling. For three days I've been living off nothing but sweetened tea and cigarettes. I have absolutely zero urge to eat anything. Cass comes over and lectures me about the dangers of intravenous drug use. This kicks me up into a rant about the appeal of intravenous drug abuse. She looks at me, shakes her head and gives me a look I can't read. Oh, Cass why do we always crave the things we can't have the most?
I sip my tea and smoke and look at her. That perfectly symmetric face, the freshly shaven head. As a women you have to be truly attractive to pull off the bald look. She is.
Another shot? Room for one more inside, sir.
Now which of these opioids will it be? I have so many. Let's go for something classic. Morphine. The pills are 60mg, and shooting even half of one on top of the 4mg of hydro might dangerously depress my breathing. I crush the pill, devide the powder into four more or less equal piles and put one into the spoon. Brain, here comes more candy. The old routine and here we go. I mutter something, fall back, back into the nod, that beautiful half-sleep, where everything is genuinely good.


When I come to I am cold and thirsty. I pour a cup of tea from the thermos, add a bit of honey and drink it. It's still hot enough to warm me back up a little, but no amount of tea will get the chill out of me. I prep a shot of smack, since the morphine/hydromorphone cocktail has worn off and I'm lonely and miserably. Also I'm shaking, but fuck it. I think about an intramuscular shot, but no, fuck that. It's the veins or nothing. I hit on the second try and push it home. God it feels great. I go get Cass, she and Janine join me on my balcony, where we have invented a perverted form of skeet shooting. One tosses shit I don't need anymore (mostly empty bottles and cans) and one blasts them with my scattergun, which I've loaded with birdshot for the occasion. I grab the sawed-off and the box of shells and on the way to the balcony I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and my god do I look demented. Unshaved, long hair disheveled, greying, wearing a bathrobe and carrying a sawed-off shotgun. The landlord is totally indifferent to the frequent gunshots.
„Pull!“ I yell, as Cass hurls an empty beer bottle in a narrow arc toward the setting sun and the shotgun blast makes it shatter into a million pieces, glistening in the sunset and raining down on the backyard like so many little emerald razors. Between the girls more or less living with me now and Vic being over every other day you would not believe the amount of beer we go through. And simply blasting them to shreds is easier – and a lot more fun – than returning them for the few cents they're worth. I crack open the shotgun's breach and replace the two shells of birdshot, the brass rims still hot enough to burn my fingers but I don't really mind. If we keep this up, soon the backyard will be more glass shards than vegetation.
„Pull!“ again. And another Heineken bottle sails over the balcony. Another loud thundering crack, more glassen rain. And another. I reload and exchange the shotgun for a big garbage bag filled with empties, handing Cass the shotgun. I take a bottle out, a small swig of stale, rank beer splatters over my bare feet. The warm August breeze tickles the liquid, making it feel like some phantasmagorical tongue was licking my feet. She gives me the signal and I throw but my grip is off, so the bottle flies maybe nine feet before clattering to the ground and the buckshot goes nowhere.
„Jesus. You suck.“
„Was that ever in question?“
„Not really.“
„So why state the obvious?“
„Wanna try that again?“
I grab another bottle and at the signal hurl it this time a bit more succesful. She nails it, although it has to be said that it is sort of hard not to hit with the cut down barrel and birdshot loaded. I mean the spread of the birdshot is just so wide, you'd practically have to aim in the opposite direction not to hit your target. She reloads. I look at the box of shells, six left.
„Remind me to get a new box of ammo.“
She laughs. „As fun as this is, you sure that's wise?“
„What, you have a better use for empty beer bottles?“
„Matter of fa-“ she begins and I realize I just set myself up for one of these things that I hate hearing about.
„Don't. Say. It. Also with the amount we're going through -“ on average a case a day „- you could probably cram a lot of orifices.“
„That wasn't at all what I was going to say.“
„No, no, you don't at all like to flaunt your sexuality because you're such a sensitive, gentle soul who doesn't enjoy it to make me uncomfortable or resentful.“
„So what do I do when I have my next big sapphic orgy?“
„Wear kevlar vests? Because I'm shooting the fucking lot of you.“
„You and your empty threats.“
Witty repartee to that: unfortunately missing. I hand Janine the garbage bag, mutter something under my breath (shove 'em up your fucking ass) and head inside as my stomach is, unsurprisingly, growling with neglect. I put some Lard on the stereo, go into the kitchen to drink a pint of buttermilk, as the idea of consuming solids is unappealing to say the least but I finally find a bag of lychees in the fridge that still look edible, so I sit on my couch and shell lychees while the steady cadence of gunshot and falling glass goes on outside. My wrist would hurt from the recoil normally, but this inability to feel pain is absolutely delightful and all-encompassing. I plop one of the fruits into my mouth and am sort of taken aback at how, well, chemically perfumed it tastes. Still this is about the best I'll be able to get down today. I wonder how much I weigh at this point. 150? 140? Not much, that's pretty sure.
I light a smoke, always the thing to do when nothing better presents itself. My whole digestive tract seems fucked, fucked, fucked.
After finishing the soothing dairy product and less-soothing cigarette I lay back on the couch, close my eyes and listen to the music. The abrasive nature of the music doesn't exactly make it predestined to drift off to in opiated dreams to but I'm too lazy to get up and change it and anyway, no matter what I put on there'd still be the occasional earsplitting crack tearing me out of whatever reverie my mind conjures.
The record is done and the needle is running along the rim with that characteristical cracking sound. I open my eyes and the dykes are no longer on my balcony. There are sounds coming from the kitchen and I have a truly unholy premonition, which is that of Cass cooking. I mean she even manages to fuck up warming canned soup, not that such affronts to the human palate would be found in my cupboards. But yeah, she once heated a can of tomato soup so it was inedible, and that takes a special kind of skill. There's precious little food there for her to ruin anyway (we've mostly just been ordering take-out) but I'm sure she'll put in a good effort to turn what little there's left into burnt-black goo.
I could do with some more tea. I don't know if it's just me but opiates and tea somehow go hand in hand, like cocaine and single malt. I walk into the kitchen, my sense of balance slightly off and lean on Cass as I feel my equilibrium slipping, going away. I'm tired. I put some water into the electric kettle and sit on my marble countertop, sort of glad that Janine, continually using methylphenidate, thinks cleaning is a decent pasttime. Before Cass moved in my kitchen usually looked like something out of an horror film, new life forms growing in abundance, throwing noxious spores around but I never could be bothered to keep anything in some habitable form. It simply doesn't bother me. As long as the stench is semi-bearable and there's no vermin around I don't lift a finger. It's sort of an unspoken agreement, that I pay for everything, and they play the maids. Somewhere in that sentence is something twistedly erotic I'd probably sardonically muse on if I wasn't so very, very high.
„So,“ I ask Cass, „when are you going back to med school?“ I've been pestering her about it in the guise of friendship, telling her to do something with her life but actually having very selfish reasons for wanting a doctor in my small circle of friends. Just think of all the scripts she could write and I still vastly prefer to get my drugs from a pharmacy.
„Ah, I don't know.“
„So it's your life plan to leech off me for the rest of your life?“
„When you put it like that, yeah, sounds a fuckload better than slaving away in some hospital.“
„But you'd be helping people.“ We have a good laugh at that.
„I'd probably turn into one of these angel-of-mercy type serial killers who goes around euthanizing the annoying fuckers left and right.“
„I think being anything besides anesthesioligy is crap anywway.“
„Well you're one to talk. You could never hold down a job.“
„I guess that stems from being a spoiled upper-middle class asshole anyway. I never had to work for shit, so my work ethic might be a bit, uhm, lax.“
„Hah. Understatement of the year.“
„Hey, we can compare bank statements if you like. Maybe you still have enough to buy a pack of chewing gum. Nice nourishing chewing gum. Also be glad I'm rich. Otherwise you'd be peddling your twat for a bottle of cheap tequila in some roach-infested hovel of a motel.“
„It's nice to know that you have such an exceedingly high opinion of me.“
„You know me. Philanthropist to my very core.“
The water is boiling. I let it cool a bit, pour it into a clay mug (authentic chink made) over white tea. Making white tea is always a bitch as you really have to get the water temperature right otherwise it tastes like warmed up shit.
Cass is pouring herself a shot of Patrón and giving me this I'm-bored-entertain-me look. Maybe I can dance a little jig or OD on my ample supply of painkillers, then she'll have to hunt around for the Naloxone in record speed, give her something to do. Apparently fucking Janine and shooting beer bottles is not sufficiently entertaining for her tastes.
„Maybe a shot of heroin would help?“ I say, being both sarcastic and deadly serious. In my opinion there's nothing in life that can't be at last temporarily fixed with a few milligrams of diacetylmorphine.
„You know what? Fuck it. I'll have a line.“
„Wasteful, Cass, wasteful.“
„Fuck you. Don't offer it then.“
Taking my tea I go back into the living room, where I cut two lines of brown powder on the marble coffee table. Janine and Cass both come, Janine holding what looks like a Cosmopolitan and Janine a shotglass of tequila. I take a bank note out of my wallet, roll it up and hand it to Cass. She looks down, momentarily questioning the sanity of consuming heroin, then obviously decides that might be fun and snorts away.
Janine, having at some point in the past decided that following Cass' example is a sensible thing to do (it certainly isn't) consumes the other line. This is what always happens sooner or later when you spend enough time with me. You end up a horribly drink-sodden addicted wreck of a human being. I have this effect on people. I have the theory that my personality is simply unbearable sober. But feeling as good, as euphoric, as I do at the moment I could give no shit about that. There's something decidedly sociopathic about addiction.
And now, me. Time for another shot. With the razor blade I put a generous amount of skag into the spoon, squirt two milliliters of distilled water on top and cook it. Cotton filter, skag in syringe. My arms are riddled with puncture marks, angry testimony to my self-annihilation. I slip the needle into the crook of my right arm, steady now, pull back the plunger and watch the blood flow into this peace-inducing solution. And in goes the smack, ohdearfuckinggod, the rush overpowers me.
I fall back on the couch. A pattern of serenity criss-crosses my mind, my very being, and for a moment I can feel love again. Happiness. It'll be a few more minutes before the girls join me in this journey. Anything but IV shots is a waste of perfectly good drugs but I have half an ounce so it doesn't bother me this much. I sip my tea and enjoy the perfect, all-consuming retreat from the bitterness, inside and out. Burroughs was right when he said that the smack addict can sit around all day, staring at his shoes. It takes away all external need, creating a state of inpenetrable contentment. The only thing I want right now is some music and more tea. I put Burst's last album (Lazarus Bird) on the turntable then stagger back to the couch, oh the good old couch. The worn down leather feels good, like a cocoon and I light three cigarettes at once, handing one to eath Cass and Janine.
Oh yes, I'm completely fucking up my life. And it feels better than anything I can remember.
Cass, her eyes pinning, says, „oh, I could get used to this.“
I could prevent dragging everyone I care about down with me but:
I don't even try.
Hmm, good tea.
And for the next hour or so, we just sit around and as the sun fades into the horizon, we talk about very personal shit. None of us grew up in what could be called a loving and nurturing environment. But the introspection doesn't hurt, it's like talking about a shopping list, disconnected from the pain it usually brings. Janine has some serious issues, things that would normally bring my hatred, always simmering in a back flame of my mind, to full boil, but now I just accept it as a fact of life. Suffering, lots of suffering, is always right around the corner.
The answer to everything: skag. I pour myself another cup of tea and light another Camel with the stub of the last.
„You're practically eating those cigarettes,“ Cass says. She's right. I'm chainsmoking. But who the fuck cares. I've wisely bought a carton of Camels and I'm going through them like there's no tomorrow.
Life, the best game in town.
6. Smiling Dogs

I knew that even after the short time on junk stopping would be a motherfucker. Off course all foresight brings you sweet fuck all when you're lying in your bed, head full of huge doses (I'm talking grams here) of gabapentin and pregabalin, and at the same time wanting the touch of a human being (i.e. a pretty girl) but knowing that asking one of those that were around would just lead, literally, to tears. So I drink tea and reminisce about the times I was happy, I was different, or some approximation thereof. Oh, nostalgia, you are a fucking whore. I wish you were a person so I could lock you in my cellar and horrificly torture you for months. I swallow 10mgs of selegiline, an analogue of methamphetamine and a selective, non-reversible MAO-b inhibitor. It's fun stuff.
I light another cigarette. There was a time I had some sense of purpose, and she, my ex, the one that drove that extra nail in my coffin, was an integral part of that. I remember her smile, her touch, and all I want is to shoot someone. Her and then myself. They all said, the pain will fade. They said, it'll all get better. Look, you've got money.
Both my parents are dead. I inherited the money from my father. Being a no-good fuck up is my mother's gift to me. She had two abortions before me, and I wish with all my heart that I had been the third. How someone coming up in the twentieth century is unable to use contraception is beyond me.
But above all else I want a shot. These magic little stings, those angelic drops of blood serpenting from the puncture, that uncompromising dissolution of pain. There is nothing else like it.
But I swore to myself that I'm not walking into that trap. The mental craving is enough, I'm not adding the physical to it. My life, my exinstence, is hanging on a fine enough thread as it is, and I really don't need to add another plate of reeking misery to the pile that's smothering me so very thoroughly.
There are sounds of activity coming from my living room, laughter, sounds of life. My windows are open and outside it's still, aside from some birds chirping indifferently to the troubles of man. I wish them godspeed. Or maybe I should take a few shots at them. Anything so fucking merry should be reminded that the world is a cruel, dark place. I get the bottle of gabapentin, add another 8000mgs to the 16 grams I already took. Yeah. Gulp down hot tea. Big caps, feels strange in my throat. A literal handful. These dosages by the way, are not doctor sanctioned. I have now nearly taken ten times as much as is set as the maximum daily dose. But that's nothing new with me. Anything even remotely abusable, I will abuse. So functions the mind of the user.
I go to one of the windows, look out at the wasteland outside. After our backyard, aesthetically overgrown with thistle and thorny bushes, I look at an old warehouse, lying dormant for at least twenty years. It's one of these huge red brick buildings erected in the twenties of the previous centuries and its decay carries a certain ambience, speaks to me both of hard labor for the princely wages of two cents a day and also of failure, a failure on a larger scale than my own. These contemplations are strangely soothing.
A drink perhaps? A large glass of scotch, a nice single malt... ah. No. No GABA agonists, no opiates, no uppers for a week. That was the deal I made with Cass. And I intend to show her that I can pull it off, if only with megadoses of the analogues. The bottle is almost empty and I have only four bars of pregabalin left and anyway that shit builds up a tolerance faster than any other substance I've ever encountered. Still useful at the moment. Later, well, I'll deal with later later. I pulled off three days stone cold sober, taking nothing but a bit of ibuprofen for my back pain which has flared up violently. It's probably psychosomatic, but whatever the cause, pain stays pain. Lying in bed, sweating and freezing at the same time, being dead certain that there's no one else as alone as me.
It's time for some coffee.
Cass and Janine join me on the balcony, while I sip the strong coffee and smoke. I put Chokebore's Anything Near Water on the turntable, which is just about the best album for my mood right now. I'm hungry and that's exactly what tells me what I'll do the rest of the day.
„Girls,“ I announce, „prepare yourself for a feast tonight. I'm cooking big.“
Janine looks quite sceptical (you? Cooking? Don't make me laugh). But Cass is delighted.
„That is an exceptionally good idea. You haven't done that in a long time.“
„I'm going shopping,“ I say, „you two coming?“
Before we leave I write a detailed list of things I need because out of my hunger, and how shitty my eating habits have been coalesces something different, something very different.
I leave the gun at home but put the Spyderco knife in my coat pocket. It's a very nice coat, thin virgin wool, grey-blue herringbone pattern, going about to my knees. Shit, my mind does wander on these medications. I toss Cass the 'key' to the Audi, which really is not a key in the traditional sense, but fuck it.
„You're driving. I'm much too bombed.“
„God, what happened to you? A few days without hard drugs and suddenly you seem almost human again.“
In the car, riding shotgun, smoking, fiddling with the stereo. More Chokebore, different album this time (Black Black) and I fade into the music, the sadness, the latent anger and also the resignation. I notice my cigarettes are almost empty. Oh oh. Nicotine, destroyer of lungs and harbinger of cancer, how I love thee.
Cass drives slowly, carefully, seeming almost frightened by the cars power. You just have to look at the gas pedal and this thing accelerates like hell.
At the market now. A huge hall, two stories high, where you can buy just about anything edible. It's a far cry from the markets in Paris or Tokyo, but it'll do. Once we're inside my mind focuses again, I have a task and for once I'll do it right. At one of the vegetable stands I buy tomatoes and arugola, baby artichokes and another whole fuckload of vegetables and herbs. I go to one of the butchers, examine the merchandise. The butcher, or salesperson, or whatever, is a jovial looking old man, repletele with mustache and a build like a ripe, fat pear. He seems slightly suprised when I ask him to cut a thin strip off both the beef and veal filet, and after tasting the meat and discerning its freshness I buy both, two long, heavy chunks of meat, plus a bucket of veal bones.
I remember to buy smokes, and when we're done all of us are laden to the brim with edibles, oh fresh, delicious edibles. Those pills gave me an appetite comparable to THC.
„You're gonna cook all this?“ Janine ask.
Back in the car I hand her the bottle of gabapentin and recommend taking about five. She looks questioningly at Cass, the would-be doctor who fucked up just like me, who just shrugs.
„Here,“ I say, handing her a small flask of Hennesy X.O. I keep in the glove compartment, „good chaser.“
She swallows the pills with a sip of cognac then takes another, bigger one. I smile.
„This isn't so bad.“
„At eighty bucks a bottle it better be.“
Cass drives a bit faster on the way back, but still, well, responsibly.


In the kitchen, veal stock boiling in a large copper pot, almost a cauldron really, I'm slicing porcini mushrooms. The Japanese kitchen knives, which have cost a fucking fortune, slice through the spongy mushrooms like scalpels. Strangely enough my hands are completely steady, not the faintest tremor. I've already wrapped the beef filet in cling film and put it in the freezer, coated thickly with a mixture of herbs and coarsely ground red pepper.
For once I know exactly what to do, every movement makes sense, I have a purpose, albeit a very fleeting one. Cass is making a mess out of the scallions and I look at her disapprovingly. I've shown her twice how to properly cut onions but her kitchen skills pretty much stop at making coffee and scrambled eggs. With a few irritated waves of my blade I chase her out of the kitchen. Janine though turns out to be a better pupil. She works at about a tenth of the speed of me, but she's slow and methodical and does it right. Most of all she's attentive to what I'm showing her, as I'm explaining all the steps I'm going through to make a good dinner. I may be a complete failure, but at least I can prepare a decent meal.
I put the paper-thin mushroom slices into the marinade, then turn my attention to the artichokes. They're a pain in the ass to prepare but still I love them.
Slice, slice, slice.
It occurs to me, not for the first time, that it would take me one to two seconds to cut someone to ribbons with these knives. The one I'm using, hammer forged out of god knows how many layers of steel, with it's graceful eight-inch blade and beautifully patternd blade, could easily reduce any human being into a bleeding mess only vaguely resembling something that can walk and talk.
I scoop the inedible hay out of the artichoke cores, finely slice them and throw them into a bowl of water generously enriched with lemon juice. This stops the oxidation.
Then I prepare the appetizers, dicing tomatoes and onions, chopping olives, capers and arugola, mixing everthing in a large bowl with generous amounts of olive oil. This will become the bruschetta.
„Hey,“ I shout to Cass, „call Vic, yeah?“
And back to the stove to watch over the consommé. A skinned rabit head is simmering in the broth and somehow it just looks slightly macabre.


First course:
Tomato bruschetta. Pretty simple and largely dependent on the quality of the tomatoes. Fortunately, these weree excellent. Fuck the alcohol abstinence, I'm not drinking water when I labored like an 19th century Irish peasant to prepare something special. Janine is fully under the influence of the gabapentin (oh how I envy her virginial receptors) and smiles dreamily at me. Vic has also joined us, and is thankfully for once seemingly sober. Fucking meth, one thing I'm very careful with.
Anyway. I pour the wine, a white Riesling, '96. Expensive as shit but what the hell. I inherited my father's wine cellar, about two-thousand bottles now neatly stacked in this cellar, nicely temperated at sixteen degrees celsius.
I sip the wine and feel a contentment at a job well done.
„Well, seems like me and Caroline are getting serious.“ Vic exclaims. Caroline? Who the fuck.... oh. Meth Bitch I guess. Yay. I finally know her name. I try to think of something sarcastic, slightly insulting but my mind is unfortunately blank. Oh well.
„Let me guess,“ I say, „it's an open relationship?“
Vic musters me. „Why would you say that?.... And no.“
„Just an educated guess. You've had exactly one longer relationship in your life, and offense intended, Caroline does not seem like the type to take this whole monogamy thing very seriously. Neither do you by the way.“
„Hah. No offense taken, fucker. No, we had a long talk and we agreed that we both need to scale down our use and go steady. It's not love, not yet anyway, but I really like her.“
„What the fuck...“ I gasp. It's a gross understatement to say this is atypical.
„Well, I'm happy for the two of you,“ Janine says, „I've known Caroline a while and I know she has problems but deep down she's good.“
Good at sucking cock for a dime bag maybe. But for once I bite my tongue. After all this is supposed to be a relaxed dinner. I give Vic the gabapentin. Fuck it. Let's empty the bottle.
„Help yourself.“ Vic takes seven or eight caps out and washes them down with water. None of us has touched the food so far.
„Now I feel left out,“ Cass says. Vic hands her the bottle. She dumps the rest of the the caps and counts them. Nine. She looks at me, asking for permission. I just nod. And down go the pills.
„For fucks sake,“ I say, „eat, you degenerate assholes, before the bread goes all soggy.“
And we dig in. Vic devours the thing in three bites.
„Now this,“ he says while chewing, „is fucking excellent.“


One of the more difficult tasks in the kitchen is cutting carpaccio. But the beef is slightly frozen and the the herb coating (chopped basil, oregano, chives, parsley and marjoram) has nicely settled and with all the concentration I can find I cut, slowly and very carefully, beef slices you can see through. I arrange the slices on large platters, put a small heaping of marinated porcini mushrooms on top, drizzle some olive oil and grated parmesan, and voila.
Second course:
Beef carpaccio. The Riesling is finished so I pour glasses of the Bordeaux I opened a few hours ago. Cass has chastised me for smoking while preparing food and off course I told her to fuck off and mind her own business.
I put a basket of fresh bread on the table and serve the second course. Vic and Cass have seen me do this numerous times but Janine is genuinely impressed.
Sitting now.
„How serious is it with you two by the way?“ I ask Janine and Cass, „I mean you practically live here.“
„Oh,“ Janine replies, „being home is hell since mom married that asshole. I mean just last week when I came home he grabbed my ass. Totally shameless. And fucking smiled at me. Mom is either drunk or on Valium, she could care less.“
„Couldn't care less. Stop mutilating the English language.“ I reply, „but I'm genuinely sorry. You know you're always welcome here.“
„Well,“ she says, „I'm turning eighteen soon, then I'm out of there for good any. Two months. Just gotta go home once in a while for appearences, and then I'm outta there.“
I scoop some of the marvelously aged beef onto the crisp bread and stuff it in my mouth. I hate to sing my own praises but by god, this shit is good. We eat and talk about more mundane and less depressing stuff.
„Where did you learn to cook like this?“ Janine asks.
„My mother, worthless bitch that she was in every other regard, was an excellent cook. She taught me the basics. I don't know. The rest is just intuition I guess. When I'm in the kitchen and have a knife in my hand and the ingredients in front of me I just know what to do with them. I think about it for a second and just know what to do. I started cooking very early, around twelve or thirteen, because if I didn't cook no one would. So I have also quite a bit of experience to draw from.“
„I remember the first time you cooked like this for us,“ Cass says, „how old were we? Sixteen? Seventeen? Well back then it wasn't quite as exquisite as this but still very impressive for your age. You should have been a chef.“
„I should have been a lot of things.“ I say.
Vic, who has emptied the plate very fast says, „I think that was the best thing I ever ate. Very many compliments.“
I, too, am finished, since the portion, even though spread out on my biggest plates really was tiny.
Well then. Next up: soup is good food.


Carving a rabbit up requires 1.) a very sharp filleting knife, 2.) some basic knowledge of rabbit anatomy and finally 3.) a sturdy cleaver. Thankfully I have all of those things. So now for the third course:
Rabbit consommé with meat dumplings.
I ladle the hot liquid into porcellain bowls, sprinkle finely chopped chives over it and serve it.
The scent of the soup is almost intoxicating. For wine I switch to a a Pinot Noir this time. Thank you father for the wine. And the money.
I take a small sip of the hot liquid and it's exactly as it's supposed to be.
„You know,“ Cass says, „I could get used to this. I'll get you a new gabapentin prescription if you do this, oh, every day?“
„Young lady,“ I say, „you have a deal. I bought so much food that I can cook like this for the next week or so. Takes my mind off fucking myself away with painkillers and tranqs. And if you don't get the gabapentin I'll just lace everything you eat with thallium. It's tasteless and odorless.“
„I swear, your obsession with killing people is scary at times.“
„Could we please talk about something else for once?“ Vic asks. This dinner is really strange, as in completely out of the ordinary. But I guess we're all changing.
„Anyway, Caroline and me are contemplating a vacation on Madeira. You can all come along if you like.“
„If that really works out,“ I say, „I promise you that I'm on board. I need a fucking vacation.“
The soup has cooled sufficiently that I can devour the it, making bad mannered noises in the process. My 'guests' do the same.


I get the roasting tray out of the oven, wrap the veal filet in tinfoil and add the drippings to the jus, having boiled down the broth to a thick, rich sauce. I whisk a bit of ice cold butter into it to thicken it, check on the artichokes and then prepare the plates. Three finger thick slices of veal filet, cooked medium-rare with a ladle full of jus and a helping of artichokes, sautéed with garlic cloves and shallots. And done is the main course.
I serve it, then bring the second caraffe of Bordeaux. Dig in.
„Somehow it's strange,“ Vic says, „I've fucked so many girls, but with Caroline, doing this, it feels special. More exciting than just chasing girls. I don't know.“
„Hey man,“ I reply, „hate to piss on your optimism and all, but this is just destined not to work. In fact I'd bet one of my toes that it won't last three months.“
„You know what,“ Vic turns to me, mouthful of tender veal, „you really are a joyless fucker. It's like your negativity tries infect everything around it. Look. Please don't take this the wrong way. You had a long relationship with a girl you loved. Good for you. But she turned out to be a cunt, cheated on you and dumped you in about the most hurtful way possible. Not good for you. But it was two fucking years ago. Get the fuck over it. You think she's moping around running impotent revenge fantasies through her head? No, you goddamn idiot. She's out there fucking and having a good time. For example: I know you could of had Janine,“ he turns to her and she shyly nods, „but just because you value your baggage so much you chose to get extremely fucking high on both drugs and misanthropy. It's guilt by association with you. Women equals bad. I mean you don't say it that much but I know you. We've known each other since we were children. Just because your father was a manipulative sociopath with a insatiable lust for young girls doesn't make it some mortal sin if you sleep with a younger girl. You're not in your fifties. You're young also. I think you forget that sometimes.“
I don't know how to reply to this. I gulp down my glass of wine, put another slice of veal in my mouth and collect my thoughts. He's right, still it stings. I refill my glass with the last of the wine.
„Well,“ I say, „you're right in almost everything. But what still baffles me is that we we're together for six years. Six fucking years. And she breaks up per text message. And then tells people that I beat and raped her. I mean, what the fuck? But you're right. Absolutely. Fuck man. It's just so difficult. To put my mind somewhere else. The time with her was the only approximation of happiness I ever felt.“
„That's just nostalgia. I mean just think about the fights you had. I mean it sometimes looked like the gang from Clockwork Orange paid you a visit.“
„Also, I don't know if my father was a sociopath. I mean his childhood.... fuck man. Like straight from an Andrew Vachss novel, unfortunately without the avenging angel who kills all the assholes at the end. My father had a dark side, jetblack. But when I was a kid, you know, he was the only one who unconditionally loved me. I mean he was really good to me. My mother gave no fuck. It's a wonder that he turned out as good as he did. Did he fuck up later? Oh yeah, and in a big way. I mean it's not what he did, it's what he not did. I mean I knew none of the shit I know now and I was frightened. I mean fucking mortified. And I was just a kid. He should've acted, should have gotten me away from my mother and her boyfriend. But he didn't, he was busy fucking eighteen year old girls. How fucked up is that. Still. I think whatever good I have in me came from those moments in my childhood, where he was there and I felt total and utter security. This same feeling I can only achieve through opiates now by the way.“
„Jesus,“ Cass says, „what happened to having a relaxing dinner with friends?“
This monologue stirred up a lot emotions, none of them good
„Fuck man, you really know how to fuck up the mood.“ I say. „But I appreciate your honesty. Can we finish this sumptuous meal I've labored for all day while talking, about, I don't know, movies?“
„Yeah,“ he says, „my artichokes are cold.“


Dessert: a large platter of cheese, with bread, grapes, sliced pear and radishes. Served with Garrafeira port, which is probably insanely expensive, but who the fuck cares. Our conversation has now settled down to discussing David Lynch.
„Lost Highway is not supposed to make narrative sense. It's not really about the story but about the emotions it invokes. It's about jealousy and paranoia and rage. It's one of the most beautifully shot films I've ever seen and probably one of the most misunderstood films of the last century.“
„Oh look at you,“ Cass says, „Mr. Film Expert.“
„I saw that fucking movie about thirty times. By now I should have an informed opinion about it.“ I scoop some Stilton into my mouth, follow it with a red grape and a sip of the port, which is stellar.
„God,“ I say, „I'm stuffed.“


We have now migrated to the living room. I got two bottles of Trockenbeerenauslese out of the cellar. Since we're powering through ludicrously costly beverages all night why stop now? I've put some Godflesh on the turntable and it's perfect. The dessert wine is quite sweet but so harmonically balanced that you can almost hear the angels sing while tasting it.
„We're all getting completely fucking drunk again?“ Cass half asks, half states.
„Looks like it,“ Vic replies while taking another sip, „also when can we stop pretending to be cultivated and bring out the hard stuff?“
„Would now be a good idea?“ I ask, „Janine? Would you follow me into the kitchen?.“
Janine comes with me and suddenly, some absolutely batfuck crazy impulse grabs me, fueled by liquor and pills and I grab her and almost kiss her before realizing what I'm doing. She just seems perplexed.
„Uh, sorry.“ That's me. The suave gentleman, always a big hit with the ladies. Somehow everything seems strange, different, as if reality had been fragmented and was perceived through a prism. Feeling a slight pang of shame I fill a chrome bucket with ice and grab a bottle of J&B from the liquor cabinet. Janine arranges four glasses on a tray.
I decide that I'm not in the mood for scotch, put the bottle back and grab a liter of Wild Turkey, a cocktail shaker and about a dozen limes.
„I'll be a minute,“ I say and start juicing the limes. I'm in mood for whiskey sours. After I reduced all twelve to useless husks I return to the living room with the Wild Turkey, a small pitcher of lemon juice, Muscovado sugar and cocktail shaker.
„Ladies and gentlemen. Let's get wasted.“ I pour a large glug of whiskey into the shaker, add sugar and lime juice and shake. Long. Until it's nice and foamy and the sugar is fully dissolved. I pour out and I propose a toast:
„To the extinction of the human race.“ Our glasses clink in unison.
Why does drinking feel so good, so right? It's not even that hot a drug and its effects are devastating for the body, especially by prolonged use. But this poison tastes so good.
We keep drinking and talking and soon the mood is almost back to normal. No more solemn vows from Vic about monogamy, no more shitty reminiscene about my shitty upbringing, just booze and talk about completely meaningless shit.
Vic, now properly plastered since he's not used to the gabapentin, calls Caroline, aka Meth Bitch, aka his first real relationshit in seven years. This might actually get slightly less fun than getting a spinal tap. She's coming over. I realize that every time I seen her she was high as a kite and dressed for a porno shoot. One of the rough ones with lots of anal fisting.
And it occurs to me that substance abuse problems and a really fucking horrendous taste in clothing not necessitates being a poor human being. But it certainly is a step in the right direction.
I drink my whiskey sour.
I am tired yet strangely relaxed. Two thoughts pop into my head: go to bed (not really possible because they'll still make a racket to raise the dead. How the landlord tolerates this so stoically I have no idea). Or I could snort a dex spansule. I still have about half a dozen. But no. Take this for what it is. This fucking urge always to get higher, add more to the cocktail of substances in my bloodstream is very unhealthy.
There's a ring, signaling the arrival of Vic's precious little fuckbag.
I get up to answer it. Let's see if she's some semblance of sober. And doesn't look like I could do horrid, degrading things to her for fifty bucks. Down the bare concrete steps, open the door which looks like it was stolen from a bank vault. It's a solid fire door, two inches of titanium alloy. And there she is. She still looks like a prostitute, albeit a bit classier one. And I notice something about her straight away. She looks hungry. And not in the sense that could be stilled with food. Her hair, the color of mud, is pulled into a ponytail and her eyes, gunmetal grey, seem oddly (disconcertingly?) vacant. She is pretty though, no doubt about that.
„Hey,“ I say, „ uh, welcome.“
She gives me a smile, all bleached teeth and it looks like she practized it in front of the mirror through most of her adolescence. It a smile that's supposed to be both alluring and confident. There's something wolfish about her.
Filtered through the whiskey sours and the numerous glasses of wine there's resentment and distrust in me but the drugs are telling me not to care, it's not my business. A small voice somewhere whispers to me that I resent and mistrust almost everybody and that any other reaction should make me worry.
While we walk up the staircase, I half whisper, half sneer, „you fuck Vic over and I'm drowning you in the nearest bathtub.“ This does get a rise out of her, but before she can tell me that I'm an asshole (oh honey, I know, I know) we're back in the living room, in the increasingly intoxicated company of my uhm, loved ones, or the closest thing to that I've been alotted. She literally jumps Vic like a starving, ravenous cannibal and the following public displays of affection are significantly less appealing to watch than it would have been to see her rip him to shreds and devour him like something out of an old Romero flick.
The thought of that makes me smile. I finish off the rest of my drink, which is just melted ice, slightly whiskey and citrus flavored. I go to the turntable, contemplate my sizeable record collection for a moment and finally settle on some Swans (Children of God). Never can go wrong with the Swans. I want, no scratch that, need, another drink. I fix myself another whiskey sour. The excess intake of bourbon and lime juice is giving me a heartburn, but hey, I guess there's just shit you have to put up if you live like this. Fuck. It. More pills? Always a sound idea.
I go to my bedroom, where I seriously contemplate taking either a large dose of painkillers and/or benzodiazepines, but decided that for once, just for one fucking day, I'll stick to what I said I'd do. Also booze plus painkillers usually equals a lot of vomiting. What can I say. I have a sensitive stomach when it comes to that.
So, another 3000mgs of pregabalin. A second rate recreational drug at best (although, I assume, quite useful for neuropathic pain, from say, fibromyalgia) but pretty much non-habit forming and thus the only thing I'll allow myself tonight. Believe it or not, even unabashed hedonism gets boring after a while.
Back in the living room, after downing about half a liter of Evian to guide the capsules safely into my stomach (and also to at least somehow prophylacticly deal with the severe dehydration that comes from consuming about 1.5 liters of wine and at least half a dozen whiskey sours). I have a of pregabalin in my pocket, as I'm assuming that things will be much more pleasant if I feed Caroline a few of 'em. She's obviously suffering from some sort of withdrawal (oh, don't I know that feeling all too well) and even though I'm not too keen to waste the last of my prescription on some bimbo jonesing for whatever neurotoxic bathtub crank she usually shovels into her nostrils I've facilitated a nice, mellow mood with generous helpings of gabapentin and good wine and I really need it ruined by this sperm dump like I need vicious hemmorhoids. And since Vic is either having a world-class laugh on my cost or he's serious about it, dating this, this (I'm running out of inventive derogatory terms) bitch, I might as well make nice. Or as nice as my predicament allows.


This shit is turning into an orgy. Even in my home I feel alienated, alone. I call Russel. See if he's up for a beer. Unfortunately he's busy with his kids and a really messy divorce. There's no way in fucking hell I can stay here and not use the hard stuff. The need to get out of here, away from these gloating fuckers is physical, like an iron grip in my stomach.
7. Dead Red Eyes

On the road, going fast, the oncoming xenon headlights producing phosphene flashes in my eyes. I shift down, hit the gas pedal. I drive in a trancelike state, absolutely not in full control of my senses and in no state to operate a vehicle or heavy machinery. Oh well. Fuck it.
Thankfully I arrive at my favorite bar unblemished. I park, get out and the fading summer breeze feels much better than it should, I feel better than I should. All the drugs I took have formed a weird synergy, and even though I'm trembling like fuck I'm good. The weight of the gun and the heavy roll of big bills I'm carrying make me feel like I'm someone else, someone who actually matters. I make my way into the bar light a cigarette. The bartender, who I've practically known all my life, is Maroccan, four-five of unbridled misanthropy. I've witnessed various occasions where he outright banned people for pretty menial stuff. This is the kind of place where a screwdriver is considered a fancy cocktail and it's generally a good idea to stick to bottled beer and straight whiskey.
I sit down at the bar, my hands barely able to light a cigarette.
„You look like shit.“ The Maroccan states flatly.
„Yeah, well, and you should see a dentist. Woodford Reserve, one ice cube and a bottle of Beck's.“
There's a strange rush of emotions as I sip the bourbon, recall and memory flooding in unwelcome and unwanted, thinking about pills, pills, pills, and a certain meeting with my mother years ago, my mind silk-wrapped in alprazolam, emotions flattened by paroxetine, drinking espresso and talking about god knows what. Before it all went completely to shit.
I take a gulp of the beer, drag my cigarette and try to picture my mother's face while she was alive and healthy but only the image that comes is of her completely rotten with cancer, emaciated and generally looking like she just came out of a concrentration camp. But the most startling thing where her eyes, cobalt blue and burning with hunger and fear, wanting nothing more that to live, to take another breath.
Also: Fuck life.


I'm laughing, but there is no humor in it. My laugh is empty, mirthless, a fake of what it should be, how it should feel.
Four 60mg time-release morphine pills crack beneath my molars and my tastebuds are flooded with a bitterness that equates chemical happiness.
I swish some beer around my mouth, trying to rinse the pill residue out of my teeth. Which works about as good as you'd expect it to, so I have to dig them out with my fingernails. Probably not the most appealing sight but no one's around who gives a fuck, or more fitting, that I give half a fuck about so there. God, not my preferred way to consume morphine, but pretty much the only viable option. Aside from shooting up in the bathroom, and for that I simply have too many painkillers at my disposal. Morphine has poor bioavailability when consumed orally, but to quote myself: fuck it. I finish off the bourbon and order another. What am I doing here? I should be in bed, on the nod. Oh right. Those people are there. Exiled from my exile. How very fitting.
Well, consider the options. More bourbon. More cigarettes. A prediction: I'll be vomiting soon.
Remind yourself constantly, it's only pain. How very unfortunate for me, but surely, nothing drastic is in order, is it? I could end this unfunny joke right here and now, pull the gun, stick it in my mouth, and be done with it all. The thought holds an appeal all of its own, no more of anything. Just... nothingness.
No more scoring, no more withdrawals, no more self-loathing, no more feelings of acute inadequacy. Just silence and blackness. No more consciousness.
It's compelling, and if I could just see their faces post-brain splatter it would all be worth it. But I can't, so fuck it.


I'm still here and I am fucked. Too much morphine mixed with too much bourbon, it's late and most of the patrons have gotten the boot, or so I suppose as there's very little chatter around me but then I'm not sure how perceptive I am at this point. I'm lying on one of the couches, apparently located within a giant centrifuge. Someone's holding my hand and I sincerely hope it's not the Maroccan.
I keep fading in and out of consciousness, but they (whoever the fuck they are) keep prodding me and shining lights into my eyes, and all I want is sleep. If I'd regain some modicum of control, I could pull the gun and....
Suddenly, I am wide awake.has one of these devices over my mouth that manually pushes oxygen into me and I start to hyperventillate. And it all rushes back. The booze is still active but the morphine isn't.
„Sir?“ one of them says.
I mumble and vomit on the floor.
Naloxone. Most definitely naloxone.
„Sir, can you tell me your name?“
„Fuck off.“
„Fucking junkies man,“ I hear someone else whisper under their breath. I'm still trying to orient myself, but it's hard with this nausea burning in me and my head spinning-
But I get the gist of it:
„I refuse any further treatment.“ I say, and I wonder where my cigarettes are. My brain is starting to make sense of all of this. Slight OD, loss of consciousness, paramedics, fuck yeah.


The Maroccan is very indignant about this. As he probably should be. But the girl who held my hand is arguing my case, by god is this weird. I'm downing another double ouzo and I wonder why the girl is sticking around. I have no idea who she is although I have to admit to myself that there's a distinct possibility that I've met her along somewhere, sometime ago and was just too drunk/high to remember it. This happens semi-frequently.
A few things run through my mind: the oral bioavailability of morphine is shit-poor, around ten percent. This alone does not explain the OD. Although all the booze and the GABA analogues may have shot both my reasoning and my liver metabolism to kingdom come. Also, the half-life of injected naloxone is somewhere within the vicinity of an hour. The injection was about half an hour ago, so soonish I should be feeling better, which is a very slim consolation at the moment. Sourly, I sip on my pastis and chide myself for not having any benzos on me. I'm used to trembling hands and feeling awful, which off course does not in any way, shape or form help me at the moment. The shirt I'm wearing is soaked through with rancid, cold sweat and my stomach is generally opposed to the intake of anything save maybe water or tea. But you don't get this far by listening to your body, oh no.
I light a fresh cigarette.
The girl, my age give or take a few years, dreadlocked and dressed in typical hippie garb is still arguing whether I should be permitted within five-hundred meters of decent, godfearin', civilized folk. I finish my pastis and motion for another one. I figure if the Maroccan was not gonna serve me anymore, I wouldn't have just downed a pastis. He hands me a bottle of Beck's instead. Fine, fuck it.
Halfway through the bottle, I've completely tuned them out, which is surprisingly easy when chemically induced withdrawal is all you feel. I don't even mind being talked about anymore, because it means I don't have to engage in conversation, which is good, because I have sweet fuck all to say. Well, except maybe, you should have just let me sleep it off.
I head for the bathroom, unsure if I just have to piss or maybe puke out my guts while I'm at it.
Mid-piss the girl comes in. Cue weird silence.
„Uh, fuck off?“ I say, almost apologetic.
She smiles at me, and the first impression is that she wants to fuck me and the first thought is, I have to be wrong. Not only is the idea ludicrous, it would be also like running a marathon right now, that is, impossible.
But when she produces a small Ziploc bag containing a crumbly white powder I get it.


The powder turns out to be speed, although really shitty speed. You can never insufflate enough drain cleaner though. So I do another rail.
„Wow,“ I say, „you paid actual money for this? Not, I don't know, Turkish lira or something? What's the going rate for vaguely amphetamine-flavored Drano these days?“
„At five bucks a gram it's not bad.“
This gives me a hearty laugh.
„Not bad? That entirely depends on your perspective. Sure it's cheap but you shouldn't have to go through a quarter gram to feel anything at all. I guess beggars can't be choosers and all that but this is pretty damn close to just being poison.“
This stuff has given me goosebumps all over my body and made me feel really cold. Which is funny, when you think about it. The two lines I had would have been a direct trip to the ER if this had been the speed Vic uses, which is about half amphetamine salts by weight . But now that it's starting to take hold I feel different. Not better, strictly speaking, as I still have a headache a few sizes too big for my skull and my digestive system does not like me very much either. But I'm fairly awake at least and at a much lower risk to slip into CNS depression once the naloxone is fully metabolized. Also, I can finally place her face in my backlog of shitty memories. She's the little sister of a guy I used to score from in school. A lifetime ago. They look a lot alike and the similarity is eerie, as though the guy got a sex change and became a hippie. In fact, as soon as my mind had made that connotation, getting rid of it proves impossible.

The Maroccan, has, predictably, kicked us out. Energized by the drain cleaner (I refuse to refer to such an inferior product as 'speed' no matter how colloquial the term is) I don't really feel like heading home – which would also mean driving, something that seems like a good idea but very clearly isn't – even though home would provide me with a plethora of pills. I phone Cavanaugh to little avail, and so we head off, on foot, to the nearest watering hole.
To say the place is a dump would be an understatement and an insult to dumps worldwide. It's the sort of place that exists everywhere, a place where the furniture is several decades outdated, the booze is cheap and you have slot machines to gamble away what little of your welfare you haven't spent on cheap liquor. The barkeep looks like an aging whore fallen on hard times, which I assume is probably not far off. This is the kind of place where you stick to bottled beverages and don't touch anything you don't have to.
I get us two bottles of Warsteiner. I liberated my last bar of pregabalin from my car, along with my flask. Since the girl shared her drain cleaner with me, I slide her two capsules under the table and take the rest with a long pull from the beer bottle.
And off course, I still don't know her name. It's a bit too late to ask now. It's always wrong to assume I know anything, as she clearly assumes I know whatever moniker her parents choose for the shrieking little parasite that exploded out of her mother's twat, replete with afterbirth and amniotic fluid. The thought makes my stomach turn. Birth. What a loathsome thing.
The place is off course empty, save for two middle aged guys sitting at the bar, both very clearly on a good bender. I silently raise my bottle to them. Funny somehow, from a purely class background I have jack shit with them in common, as my family was very solidly upper-middle class, with a good tendency toward upper. Does them very little good now that they're dead and rotten.
And yet those two semi-hobos are in spirit quite close to me. Why else would they be sitting in this fucking dive and drowning whatever sorrows they have in ethanol.
Nothing to do now but drink beer and wait for the pills to kick in. I've also felt the naloxone ebbing away, letting the remnants of the morphine back into my receptors. All in all: my mood is getting better, the despair and longing I felt not long ago giving way to sweet indifference. Not bad considering that not two hours ago EMTs had to treat me. Although I'm absolutely sure I'd just slept it off. I've been through much worse, more or less unscathed. The rampant use of MDMA back after that bitch left me has kinda fucked my fine motor skills though. But since I don't build precision instruments or play the violin I don't mind that much.
Also bitch is the wrong word for her. Cunt is even too nice. I don't think there's a word in the English language that communicated exactly how much I hate her. I have often phantasized about executing all her loved ones in front of her although I don't bear them any grudge. The gun I'm carrying gives that daydream a whole new meaning, going from distant and unreachable into bloodred.
She's out there somewhere, laughing her melodic laugh at some flirting spastic and I am here, fucked out of my head, carrying this gun and thirty overpressure hollowpoints. Ah the implications. I picture myself as some backlit menacing figure in the distance, contours greyed by moonlight, long coat billowing, ready, willing and able to do terrible damage. The last time we talked I promised her that one day I would come back and take away everything she loved. The sentence I said bounces around my head like a burst from an assault rifle, fast, deadly and final.
Sweet fucking jesus being buggered in hell, I need to get my mind off this.
Lest I do something that will definitely give me a very extended stay in either the jailhouse or the loony bin. The thought of haloperidol injections and straight jackets made from army-grade canvas makes my blood run cold. Getting assraped in the shower. A bullet to the head is preferable in any way you look at it.
I turn my attention to the girl and try not to see her as a tranny version of Rick. His name has finally come back to me. Also:
Do. Not. Think. Of. Killing. The. Cunt.
„So how's your brother doing?“ I ask.
„Oh, so. so. He got kicked out of the university, caught selling grass. He barely managed to escape a prison sentence, parole, ankle monitor, rehab, the whole fucking nine yards. He can't talk to his family for the next two or three weeks I think. But ah, he'll be okay.“
„Sorry to hear that.“ Platitudes are always easy.
„Yeah, and you? Haven't seen you in ages. Do you still work at that firm?“
„Hah, no. I'm índependently wealthy. After my parents died.“
Now it was her turn for some platitudes. Conversations are sometimes such a chore to get through. The truth is I still don't really know how I feel about my parents being dead. They were certainly a negative influence on my life and my mother inflicted serious damage on both my body and mind when I was young. I always wanted to dance on her grave or piss on it or both. The relationship with my father was more complicated as he went through the motions of being a father but he could never hide his resentment. He viewed me as a total failure. And then, boom, heart attack, bye bye. So this is something I can readily talk about, but I never really tell the truth. I never tell people that their death gave me equal parts jet-black grief and weird elation.
But I didn't want them to die before I could communicate all their failures as parents. But to quote James Ellroy, a man who knows what the fuck he's talking about:
"Closure is bullshit," Ellroy often remarks, "and I would love to find the man who invented closure and shove a giant closure plaque up his ass."
So that's how I stand, that's me for now.
„Do you have a boyfriend?“ I ask. I don't really care, but it seems the appropriate thing to say. Going through the motions doesn't feel that bad if you have a Spanish armada worth of drugs altering your perception, your outlook. Kinship. I don't know. I just don't know. Hey I think that was a line from Velvet Underground. It's weird how much music and literature have altered my whole way of expressing myself.
I go to the bartendress, order a double Glenlivet on a shitload of ice (the best scotch they have but hey) and ask her to go through her realcords. I find White Light/White Heat, covered in dust. I put it on, the needle gently scratching along the mint vinyl. The bartendress, at this point of the early morning also properly drunk, doesn't mind. My mind instantly clicks and mends with the music.
„This,“ I say, as the drugged, beautiful cacophony of Sister Ray blares on, „is probably the first example of noise rock. God, I love this.“
And suddenly a strange self-awareness sets in, and I think about how people would perceive me, wearing black jogging pants, a white t-shitrt completely splattered with old blood, now greyish blue. I think only parts of it was mine. Over that a beige, long corduroy coat, which easily covers the gun holstered at the small of my back. Do people see I'm armed? Do people perceive me as dangerous? I'm very certain that I look massively deranged.
But hey, you know what? Who the fuck cares. And please would someone tell me what's the deal with this girl? Why is she here, witnessing me at what I do best, namely destroy myself.
How the fuck do you explain your own self-destruction and still remain trusted?
We go to the toilet and finish off the drain cleaner. The pregabalin is kicking in and it's angelic. Nothing matters anymore. What a strange night, what a fucked up night.
But through the haze and the fog there's something strange. I kind of like the girl. Tranny or not.
We go back to the table and I finish off my scotch, the chemical taste of the drain cleaner lingering in the back of my throat.
„You didn't answer my question.“ I say.
„No, I don't have a boyfriend.“
Is this flirting? Is this life?
But in the back of my mind is this infernal, all consuming fury. Even though they look nothing alike, just the fact that she's female makes everything different.
Am I this misogynistic? Am I such a nameless asshole?
Well, I guess I am.
There are so many cynic insults, so much intensely personal, derogatory mockery in my head.
And nothing nice to say. So I just nod.
She reaches over the table and takes my hand and I have the overwhelming urge to take my hand away, to run, away from this, away from this all. But I keep my hand on the table and look at her.
There's something here, behind her big, brown eyes, which are dilated to all fuck, some hidden intelligence.
Everything starts spinning. I grab the table to stop myself from falling and barely avoid crashing the whole thing on the ground. I fall back into the chair and the vertigo fades.
This calls for a drink and a cigarette.
„What's wrong with you?“ she asks with genuine concern.
I chuckle at this. „It would take a very long time to explain that.“
„I have all the time in the world“, she smiles at me.
What to say, what to say. I ordered a Gibson, wet, three onions.
I just shrug and drink my gin. The drink is surprisingly decent. Now, how do I explain this.
„There was something inside me once, what was maybe good. I don't know, I cared once. Now it's just a fucking maelstron of hate and loathing and all I seek is indifference. I don't want to feel this way. There are, well, to put it clinical, these ideations in me. Homicidal and suicidal. Sometimes I think I'm a cunt-hairs length away from going postal. Sometimes I think the only logical conclusion to how I lived my life, how I behaved is suicide. The latter is usually stronger.“
„Why do you carry a gun?“
„After what I just told you the answer is superfluous . But hey, look the fuck around you, look at this shit, all these vicious, ignorant assholes around us. And all the scum lurking in the edges, with their cheap knives and crack habits. A 10mm bullet to the head will kill anything. If not you best start running.“
„I don't think that's really you. You built up this deranged loner persona to keep people away from you.“
„Are you studying psychology?“ Click. Click.
She lookfs down, almost blushing, „Yes.“
Finally this all falls into place. This isn't about affection or kinship. I'm an interesting case. And that's that.
„For a second I thought you were real. But you're just like all the other fuckers. You don't give a shit. All I told you, shit I usually keep to myself is just research for you. Get the fuck out of my sight. If you're not gone in ten seconds I'm gonna slit your throat.“ The Spyderco knife slips into my hand. I look at her. I look at her, vibrating with anger and this strange disappoinment. I want to kill her. I want to slice through her carotid artery and jugular vein and see the blood fountain.I look at the curved, serrated blade. It's certainly up to the job.
The sudden mood shift grabs the attention of all present. The knife is clearly visible in my hand, the point, fine
and sharp, moving like the tongue of a large poisonous snake.
„Please, look, it was why I stuck around at first but please, I did connect-“
„Get the fuck away from me.“ I hiss through clenched teeth. It takes all my will not to leap over the table.
I get up, fold the knife and slip it back into the special pocket in my coat, throw down an uncounted amount of large bills on the bar and leave.
Outside, the night air cool and soothing and it comes again, full force. I take the flask out and drain half of it. I get into my car. I am aware that it is likely that I'll kill myself driving in this state. So much horsepower controlled by someone with an intense deathwish. I gun the engine, take a gulp of cognac. Chemlab on the stereo at 110db. I quickly make it to a bigger road, deserted at this time, and I hit the gas pedal. 200Kph. 240Kph. 280Kbh. Finally 307kph. The lines of the road blur into a single line and an almost uncontrollably tunnel vision sets in. If she was my passenger I'd drive this car head first into a wall. The smallest touch of the steering wheel could be deadly.


I arrive at home, strangely still alive. In the yard Ella greets me and I pet her behind the ears and I'm home, I feel better.
I unlock the three locks, push the heavy door open, close and relock. Slide the deadbolt home. I go up the bare, concrete staircase, the dog following me, wagging her tail. She knows I'll give her something from the fridge. Since she is one of the few creatures on this earth who is genuinely happy to see me, she gets a whole pork shoulder. The dog cracks the bone with one bite and behind this happy looking canine I know is an absolutely vicious killer, a creature that would step in front of a machine gun to protect her master. She has accepted me as part of her pack and even obeys a few basic commands. But there's an agreement between us. As long as me and the landlord are friends she will also help me. The other dogs have also grudgingly accepted me, Ella clearly the alpha in this small pack.
I get a beer from the fridge, lace it with 3ml GBL and go into the living room.
Well, Janine will have her work cut out for her tomorrow.
Vic is passed out on the couch, a bottle of Absolut - empty - within reaching range. He is also stark naked.
Meth Bi- eh – Caroline is also naked and some semblance of conscious.
I sip my disgustingly flavored beer, having spent all my emotions tonight. All this makes me feel is empty. I don't know what Caroline ingested, snorted or shot but it didn't do her any good. She seems to alternate between catatonia and psychosis. Rambling something, complete nonsense. I go to my pill stash, get a four 100mg quetiapine from it – also called Seroquel – and it takes me the better part of ten minutes to get thee of the pills into her. This should knock her straight to oblivion. Quetiapine is an atypic antipsychotic and ideal for shit like this.
My bedroom, bless allah, is relatively untouched. I knock the quetiapine down with the rest of the beer/GBL mix and lay down. What a day. What a fucking day.
I slip the gun from my holster into its usual place under the bedside table. I look at my left hand. Angry pink keloid scars stare back at me. I wonder how much time I got left. If one of the glass shards had cut an artery I'd bled out there and then. Probably not the blaze of glory moment I always envisioned for my death but it would have been fitting.
I contemplate taking some benzos of top of the quetiapine, but decide against it.
Last cigarette, finish off the beer. The GBL tastes fucking aweful but this combo will knock me asleep.
I put some Xiu Xiu on the stereo, and think about Rick's sister. There was no malice in what she did, just curiosity. And for that, for something so marginal, I was ready to let all the horrible shit in me take over. To put it simple, I was ready to kill her.
There's something very wrong with me.
Believe it or not, even unabashed hedonism gets boring after a while.

After reading the whole thing I don't know what to say. You write fluidly and easily - and I suspect quantity of words isn't a problem for you to produce - but I think you need to think carefully about your audience: because if this writing is just for pleasure then of course you can write exactly what you like but if you have any hope of becoming a published/ professional writer you mustn't be so self-indulgent when it comes to your subject and your style.

I was reminded of "American Psycho" reading your work (the money-is-no-object, lots of brand-names throughout feel to your work); also of "Infinite Jest" (you go into SO much depth about what drugs are being taken throughout) and "Trainspotting" (the stream-of-consciousness feel to it all); yet you only named one external author James Ellroy and that - along with you mentioning hard-boiled fiction earlier - leads me to believe that it's him whose work most inspires you....but his work bears all the hallmarks of razor-sharp editing and no words or phrase are ever wasted: whereas your work feels like someone on too much speed emptying their brain onto the page.

There are flashes of promise here and there but in my humble opinion this is utterly unpublishable due to the fact that there's almost no plot and the entire thing reads as if it were written under the influence of too many drugs by someone who has too many drugs on their mind.

I would advise that in future you read back to yourself exactly what you've written and try to imagine you're someone else looking at your work for the first time: it's hard to be brutally honest with oneself but if you're not then I guarantee the shock when an editor you're trying to impress IS honest with you will be cold and sobering.
Believe it or not, even unabashed hedonism gets boring after a while.

After reading the whole thing I don't know what to say. You write fluidly and easily - and I suspect quantity of words isn't a problem for you to produce - but I think you need to think carefully about your audience: because if this writing is just for pleasure then of course you can write exactly what you like but if you have any hope of becoming a published/ professional writer you mustn't be so self-indulgent when it comes to your subject and your style.

I was reminded of "American Psycho" reading your work (the money-is-no-object, lots of brand-names throughout feel to your work); also of "Infinite Jest" (you go into SO much depth about what drugs are being taken throughout) and "Trainspotting" (the stream-of-consciousness feel to it all); yet you only named one external author James Ellroy and that - along with you mentioning hard-boiled fiction earlier - leads me to believe that it's him whose work most inspires you....but his work bears all the hallmarks of razor-sharp editing and no words or phrase are ever wasted: whereas your work feels like someone on too much speed emptying their brain onto the page.

There are flashes of promise here and there but in my humble opinion this is utterly unpublishable due to the fact that there's almost no plot and the entire thing reads as if it were written under the influence of too many drugs by someone who has too many drugs on their mind.

I would advise that in future you read back to yourself exactly what you've written and try to imagine you're someone else looking at your work for the first time: it's hard to be brutally honest with oneself but if you're not then I guarantee the shock when an editor you're trying to impress IS honest with you will be cold and sobering.

hey man, a lot of your criticism is valid, and this is like i said a rough first draft, not something i'd submit to a publisher in this form.
now on to a few points: the detailled, almost pedantic focus on drugs was consciously chosen as i am trying to portray a character with too much money and no interest in anything but drugs. the rambling style is also part of this, as it's from his POV, and i was more concerned with the internal workings of the main character than his surroundings.
also, yeah, i love ellroy, and my early short stories were basically completely rip-offs of his prose style. but he certainly isn't my main influence, as i don't have one. a lot of things influence me when writing, music has a lot to do with it, and i could easily name you a dozen books that have been influential in some way or other.
also have you read ellroy's pre-l.a. quartet books? brown's requiem was pretty good but the rest range from horrible (clandestine) to pretty mediocre (loyd hopkins trilogy). my point being it took him quite a while to become the excellent and unique author he is now. i'm just starting out, and i have a shitload to learn.
another thing i should mention is that i'm generally horrible at planning things, be they vacations or weekends or, well, books. of the three books you compared it to i have read two (trainspotting, american psycho) and love both.
also the lack of 'anything happening' was also a conscious choice to contrast to the maelstrom of violence that is to come. all in all, i respect your opinion and thank you for taking the time to read my shit.

edit: funnily enough, aside from the 7th chapter, none were written on a stimulant stronger than caffeine. usually i'd just have a glass of single malt and a pack of smokes in the vicinity while writing.

also i have no idea what is publishable or not, i guess it entirely depends if there's a market for this kind of story and less on its quality.
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also i have no idea what is publishable or not, i guess it entirely depends if there's a market for this kind of story and less on its quality.

Well I do have some idea of what is publishable or not and I can assure you that the quality most certainly DOES count for something.
TL;DR hahaha. I skimmed it but a few sentences stood out to me, definitely will revisit this worthwhile novel, I can see it now. "XXXYYY; a story of blood, semen, and drug induced shenanigans"
Well I do have some idea of what is publishable or not and I can assure you that the quality most certainly DOES count for something.

i'm genuinely interested on how what i have so far could be made more publishable? what would you suggest?

have you read for example twelve by nick mcdonell? i had the misfortune to actually finish that book and felt offended by how excruciatingly bad it was. seldom have i read a book that failed on so many levels.
or take hubert selby's the room. now there's a truly unpublishable novel from any way you look at it.

i'm not trying to create a masterpiece or be in be any way innovative. i just want to write a story i'd like to read.
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Well for a start I'd tone down the drug rhetoric and awful demeaning of women by your protagonist.

And think whether your drug & drink soaked first chapters will really appeal to many folk....
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it's the whole point man. he's been hurt and thus completely retreats and only focuses on drugs. fucks sake. it's intentional, toning it down would completely ruin the atmosphere i'm trying to build

the story/novel/whatever was always intended to be bleak, violent and cynical. i can see that you find a bunch of people hanging out getting high boring but like i said before, i only hinted at violence at chapter 3, and soon its gonna get really shitty for everyone.

but i do think it's funny that you love ellroy and tell me to tone it down.

you do know the story behind white jazz, which may be the greatest crime novel ever written, and the stacatto style right?
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