Tryin to meet some chix

Pasilda Nacera said:
Alter-ego's are sooo 2003

didnt StarOceanHouse post today? less than 10 minutes after you did? who exactly is StarOceanHouse, anyway?
fairnymph said:
Although I DID find this whole thread very funny, I have to say I am disappointed to see a mod acting in this manner. Fundamentally, this was a mean and wrong trick to play.

Look i busted a joke, i'm not heartless. I apologized and meant it. It's the lounge.
Besides, how many times does an opportunity like this present itself? You can't blame DD for this guy's mental instabilities. Surely everyone at some point in their life has had their heart broken. It's just a part of growing up. Yah it sucks, but hey, nobody said life was easy.
I've been suicidal before.. and i'm sure everyone has thought at one point in their life or another that you don't feel you can go on. It sucks, and i feel for the guy. If i knew he was that down on life i would have never done that.

I have asked people to quit IMing him. I apologized here in the thread, i apologized via IM. What else would you like me to do? I'm not apologizing b/c i'm a mod, i'm not apologizing to kiss Bluelight ass for some popularity contest, i apologized b/c i'm not fucking heartless and i've felt that way too. So i don't know what the fuck else anyone wants me to say.
You made a joke at someone else's expense?!?!?!!? FOR SHAME!!!!!
DigitalDuality: hey man. I do really apologize for the joke. It was merely that, a joke. I wasn't aware you were having hard of times in your life as you expressed in your response. I've notified others via, PM to quit harassing you as well. You are very welcome at bluelight, and many have even begun busting my shit for playing that joke on you. And it's deserved. I've gotten to the point where life seems worthless before, and have done it over relationships that have last 3 years long.
DigitalDuality: It hurts and it sucks, If i knew you were hurting as bad as you were i would have never played that joke on you. Like i said, bluelight has some great people to talk about your problems with, they have big hearts and are willing to help people out and give their best advice. So once again, I'm sorry. If you wish to tell me fuck off, go right ahead.
Firecrotch: i really do understnad, and i am not without my sense of humor. for instance, if u could mail 10$ for the gas i wasted it would be much appreciated, just send it to that fat guys address, ill go over there and pick it up from him next time i wanna drop in and meet ur parents
Firecrotch: bt seriously, i posted that shit tryin to meet girls cuz i have been havin serious problems, with girls especially, and if u hadnt known all that info about godwin and the area and all that shit, i woulda never bought in
DigitalDuality: actually.. you gimme you're addess.. and i will mail you ten bucks.. shit, i'll make it 15
Firecrotch: naw dude, it was a joke, What? cant take a joke?
DigitalDuality: I grew up in Henrico.. i did go to godwin.. i live in GA now..
DigitalDuality: lol yeah i can take a joke.. but i really didn't mean to offend ya so bad
Firecrotch: well, its just not the thing to crack on me about, touchy subject ya know. and i mean, i got plenty of friends i know will read that shit and ill never hear the end, but just for the damned record, not everything i said was true, i was tryin to make ur alter ego believe i could be freaky too, guess that kinda blew up in the face nasty
DigitalDuality: yeah i know how it goes.. believe me..
Firecrotch: its kool man, ill still be postin and stuff, already put sumthin on second opinion about shit, im just gettin started, but im gettin my posts out there, my thoughts and shit.
DigitalDuality: I would just like you to know.. you are welcome to bluelight anytime and in any forum. People in the lounge will bust on people. If so, just bust back on 'em.
Firecrotch: but u really should be careful man, someone does wind up puttin a bullet through their head over that shit, im sure it aint gonna make u feel too good about it
Firecrotch: i gotcha
Firecrotch: peace man
now he knows where your parents live.......what if he tries to take some horrible revenge?
damn now hes talking about how its the saddest day in his life over in second opinion. i think we crushed his soul.
Oh, you party and do drugs, and your g/f cheated on you? Original... get in line dude, that's how it goes. Good luck huntin'!!!!;)
I am severely dissapointed in this thread, and in the actions of DigitalDuality. Fuck you. I would like to say first of all, that I understand the value of a prank and how funny it would be. Personally, I would never put someone on like that, because I'm not a bitch. But I can see why someone would.

But then to make them drive there, and fucking waste time like that? Now that really is dispicable. Not to mention this guys problems which he has described. You didn't know this when pulling your "joke" on him, but this is something that a smart person would always have in mind. You don't know what the fuck is up with the person you are talking to.

Toying with someone's emotions is really not something to be proud of, DigitalDuality you can say that it was done all in the spirit of the Lounge, but I'm sorry, this goes beyond fucking with someone, this is heartless in my opinion despite your claims.

I'm sorry to speak this way against a mod but I don't really give a fuck. I have very strong feelings about this... DigitalDuality is a fucking bitch. Get bent.

Ok I'm done.

Oh.. Firecrotch man... you seem like a really cool guy. Don't let this bullshit scare you away from Bluelight it's a great place. It ain't like this man, it ain't like this. This is the first time I have seen some shit like this on here... I'm sorry it had to happen to you... stick around.
i'm asking mods not to edit that out. Probably more than one person here thinks that's deserved. So all's fair game.
ok so some people got their feelings hurt and some people laughed. Thats how that one went. Nothing to see here, shows over.