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... trip too much?


Feb 4, 2009
ok so just wondering is 30 acid trips and 30-50 rolls in one years time too much? cus i feel weird somtimes and i havent done it sence last year

and by the way 25 of those trips lasted for 30 hours each never found out exacally what was it that paper. it wasnt lsd cuase lsd lasts 12 hour or so max. so wut did i eat?

only had lsd and tripped off it twice the othe 3 i dont remember but i did mannage to count every time so ya did i over do it? im the only pereson i know thats done that...well i know 6 or so others but they are older and literaly crazy like past the point!:| i dont wanna get like them but it also could be from all the other stuff they used to do???? any help for a hommie
Wellll I personally enjoyed 2 trips a weekend, for a year and ontop of that ecstasy you say? well youre on the maximum i say because your body can only handle so much lsd per week your lifetime is another question - i think youre okay. as far as the quality of your acid, let me ask you this... did u shake on the trip? did u vibrate much... was it mostly yellow green and blue or was it orange and red... unclean acid is generally speaking the red and orange, the clean shit is the other.

clean acid will make you trip for a very long time. so you may have been eating good lsd the entire time. Ive only had good clean acid a couple of times... I think?

so tell me, how many hits would you take each trip (this goes for lsd and e)

Only you can answer that question for yourself. I have taken as many mushroom trips as you did acid trips in a year in a month. Fucked me up proper though. Sounds like alot of your acid trips were DOx compounds, I have little to no knowledge on them but I'm sure some more knowledgeable will chime in :).
When you say rolls do you mean you ate 30-50 pills or got high on ecstasy 30-50 times? 30-50 pills I have a hard job seeing as excessive, like it is way more than people will say you should take but who the fuck listens to that shit, only take once every couple of months etc. I mean honestly. Even 30-50 sessions of taking several pills in a year, thats a fair few pills but plenty munch more, believe me.
All that said everyone reacts differently to drugs, some go just a little bit over the top and fall apart, others can maintain extremely excessive patterns of drug use and seem relatively unaffected. Do YOU feel it was too much? If you do then it probably was, if you feel bad because everyone else is telling you thats too much then just tell them to fuck off. lol.
very true, aslong as you make positive decisions on the drug and make sure its working your levers and wires and not just the drug dancing infront of u. that can be a little bit unhealthy after a while eventually its just a dance between u two.
Wellll I personally enjoyed 2 trips a weekend, for a year and ontop of that ecstasy you say? well youre on the maximum i say because your body can only handle so much lsd per week your lifetime is another question - i think youre okay. as far as the quality of your acid, let me ask you this... did u shake on the trip? did u vibrate much... was it mostly yellow green and blue or was it orange and red... unclean acid is generally speaking the red and orange, the clean shit is the other.

clean acid will make you trip for a very long time. so you may have been eating good lsd the entire time. Ive only had good clean acid a couple of times... I think?

so tell me, how many hits would you take each trip (this goes for lsd and e)


Ok, hopefully I don't incite a DIRTY ACID EXISTS/DOESN'T EXIST THREAD, but what the heck do you mean by was it mostly yellow green, and blue or was it orange and red?
You mean the visuals i assume?
Wellll I personally enjoyed 2 trips a weekend, for a year and ontop of that ecstasy you say? well youre on the maximum i say because your body can only handle so much lsd per week your lifetime is another question - i think youre okay. as far as the quality of your acid, let me ask you this... did u shake on the trip? did u vibrate much... was it mostly yellow green and blue or was it orange and red... unclean acid is generally speaking the red and orange, the clean shit is the other.

clean acid will make you trip for a very long time. so you may have been eating good lsd the entire time. Ive only had good clean acid a couple of times... I think?

so tell me, how many hits would you take each trip (this goes for lsd and e)


what the fuck are you on about acids always had an orange tinge to the trip for me anyway and its always been good'clean' acid everyones differend you cant judge quality by the hue of the visuals.

if no ones already said those 25 were DOx of some kind unless you just took a shit load of 'cid thats lasted like 20+ hours

and yes in my opinion that far far far too much
ok so yes but no and no way to know 4 sure == and to answer flowingbeyond thats 30 to 50 rolls who knows how many pills, mabey on average 2 per roll no more than 4 at a time as 4 cid never took more than 3 hits at one trip

i will say i have only done pure mdma twice 4 sure every thing els was bs in comparison as far as x iv taken goes
lol 30 acid trips is like an average of 3 a month plus 3 rolls a month as well. I can see why you have trouble typing coherent English sentences. Your brain is fucking mush right now, stop before you get any further behind. Psychedelics are not like pot and pain killers where you can just do them every weekend and be fine.
you need a break...look at it positively...its time to put to action some of the changes you might have felt were needed during your trips...

instead of pummeling yourself with more LSD (and certainly the MDMA isn't helping) try to go natural for awhile on your own neurotransmitters...let reality rearrange itself a little and make some positive changes for yourself in the meantime.
i would personally say thats too much, at least for me. if i do too many drugs other then weed in a relatively short space of time (say 2-3 times in the one month), i always feeel as if i shud giv myself a break from them, due to worse scat days, longer 2 recover etc. which (to me) indicates accumulative damage which i shud break 2 recover more. im mainly talkking about pills, but also lsd to a certain extend (7-8 times in the past 12 months).\\ i find a good 2 months of them as about enough 2 recover but this is me, you're different and maybe u can handle it all better.

good luck anwyys wotvev u decide 2 do
lol 30 acid trips is like an average of 3 a month plus 3 rolls a month as well. I can see why you have trouble typing coherent English sentences. Your brain is fucking mush right now, stop before you get any further behind. Psychedelics are not like pot and pain killers where you can just do them every weekend and be fine.

lol i didnt see this first time round. little harsh but yes it is true to a degree, they do kinda rape ur brain
Albert Hoffmann, father of LSD, did it either four or five times and considered any more to be superfluos.

Personally, tripping is a rare occasion for me, about once or twice a year and years with no trips at all.
just wondering how much weed do u need to make brownies thats if its some dank no regular
30 trips in one year may or may not be too much.

50 rolls in a year is most certainly, definitely, and unequivocally way too much.
I'd say the number of trips is ok, but that much E is way too much. I roll MAYBE three times a year and thats plenty
I'd say the number of trips is ok, but that much E is way too much. I roll MAYBE three times a year and thats plenty

I'd still cut down on the number of trips unless you are actually using each and every trip to learn something new as you are still fucking with your serotonin a great deal (and yeah those long lasting trips sound like DOx compounds). Doesn't seem like there is much of a break between your trips to really analyze the experience but then again that's just my opinion.

As for rolls I'd say you could roll like 10 a year safely. Given that you are taking approximately a month to recover and rest between rolls and that's still pushing it.
It depends on where you are at in life. 10 years ago, I could trip once a week and it had no negative impact on my social life or sociatial demands (college, work, relationships, etc). Now, once or twice a year is enough.

I've never understood how/why people can use MDMA more than a few times a year but MDMA is never used in a social/club setting by me...so I acknowledge the experience I get from it may not be the same as a recreational user.
I used to do LSD twice a week until about 2 months ago and the only reason I stopped is because I lost my connect..I recently started using x and have done it sometimes twice in the same week, I know I need to stop. If I were starting to feel strange every now and then id go see a doctor and stop drug use until I knew what was going on.
As others have said, 30-50 rolls in 1 year is far to much. Cut it down to at most once a month but it would be even better if it was only a few times a year. Dont forget that MDMA, especially if over used, is neuro toxic.

As for the tripping, its to much when it starts to affect your life negativly or if you are not gaining anything from the experience. So thats up to you to decide.
i have not done any hard stuff in over a year, time helps.... if i ever do get back into it i will surly rebember to chill and no go crazy w/t it.... still i would never take any of it back that time -07 was the best mimmories in my life so far .... the main reason i triped and did all that crazy shit was to experiment and cause i didnt care about myself but now i am way more carful and have a hard time taking as many chances with my brain-and cuse it aint around and i aint looken for it thx yall