*triggereing* I just found journal entries written while waiting to die by OD...


Nov 29, 2008
For some background, some, but not most, of you may remember this incident last year:

I think this may hold some very unique insight into what goes on in the mind of a person right before self-inflicted death. Ideally, this would serve to be something to consider for those heavily depressed or preoccupied with death and/or suicide. I haven't really read any accounts like this where people are writing extensively about themselves and their situation while looking at the face of death, so I thought it might have warranted a new thread, along with the fact I am not really suicidal now.

I had been told never to look at older entries in my journal, but I did accidentally stumble across some entries written while I was waiting to die, after I got out of the ER and psych ward, and attempted to write a history of my history of battling suicide, at which point I abruptly stopped. I must have not been able to continue writing because of the emotional intensity. It was extremely hard beyond words, sometimes taking up to 5 minutes to write a single sentence, to transliterate this but I felt the need to release this to the public as well as reflect on what I have not before. I can now say this was especially therapeutic and I feel much better now after finishing this. Confronting your past can be dangerous and sometimes not advised, and it may have been foolish of me to do this, but fortunately it was beneficial.

Again, I hope something can be gained out of this due to its abnormal circumstances of description and make one have a better understanding of suicide.

Here are the entries as followed, word-for-word:
The date is January 10, 2009. “ I attempted suicide about 4 hours ago by OD. Surprisingly, I’m pretty damn sober except for some slight sedation. I definitely would have taken more if my mother had not hidden shit from me. Perhaps my body is still processing what is going on and it is likely from experience that it will start working within the next 24 hours. In regards to my tolerance, I take 10mg of Valium daily. I took:

20mg Diazepam (Valium) Oral
4mg Clonazepam (Klonopin) Oral
120mg Temazepam (Restoril) Oral
¼ bottle of 40% alcohol tequila
500mg Chloral Hydrate Oral
3000mg Gabapentin (Neurontin) Oral
60mg Amphetamines (Adderall) Insufflated
2 cigarettes to relax me
CBZ to greatly increase potency of alcohol

I was pretty satisfied at first of the thought of my miserable life ending. Then, after talking to some friends and listening to my songs/songwriting, I actually saw a potential future ahead of me and, despite severe depression remaining, decided I no longer want to die, at least for now.”

Jan. 13, 2009
“I made it out of the hospital after 5 days. They put me on a saline solution and catheterized me. I didn’t get any lasting damage. I thought the benzos and alcohol in particular would have fucked me over from personal experience. I didn’t’ really have access to any other drugs at that point so I just took them indiscriminately. I’m pretty sure the amphetamines made me change my mind since I was pretty content on dying for a bit. I still basically regret taking the amphetamines since I was back to square 1 of being extremely suicidal after they wore off.

Jun. 13, 2009
“Well, facing death is nothing new, though that was pretty fucked up due to my delusional “revelation” from the speed. Being 4 hours in, I had pretty much accepted death at that point though. I have slashed my veins open for a long while after fighting suicidal impulses for a long while at 15 till I was discovered pretty much almost unconscious. Then I hanged myself with a short bathrobe belt that was simply too ineffective a year ago (not that I didn’t try again a few times). And now this overdose situation. I just don’t really have means to a more effective suicide, both due to no access to firearms and particularly due to my fear of permanent damage given the comparatively likely chance I survive. The amphetamines were the last thing I took and the artificial outlook and probable consciousness along with the possible counteraction of CNS depression effects it granted me led me to go to the hospital. Without the amphetamines I am almost positive I’d be dead.

Well… I still probably would have died eventually anyway, just that the speed delayed it. I did fall into a coma and blood came out of my mouth, though there was a short period of incredible intoxication before the coma. I was tripping my balls off.
I kinda wish death could come as a complication of this, though I have no apparent complications so far. I’m 18 years old and have been institutionalized twice, of which I signed as “voluntary because I believe that would prevent me from showing up on the database for gun purchases. I looked up the nearest gun shop today and I am pretty sure I could purchase a shotgun or rifle of my choice seeing as Georgia has some pretty conservative gun laws. I hadn’t before because my parents had taken away my driver’s insurance and I didn
i was 17 and i took 18 ...15mg klon.....40mg val drank tequilla hoping not to wake up i guess i fell over and my mom had to help me up
Wow! Thank you for sharing that.

It's a bit disturbing to imagine some of those scenes (slashed wrists, and hanging from bath robe (multiple attempts). I assume life must have been/is very difficult for you; perhaps, a neurological inbalance makes things worse. (I still need to read the background info)
I am glad that this sharing has help you. You seem a lot better and armed with tools for a meaningful life (being reflective, expressive, and sharing).
Nah, I'm actually full-blown manic right now according to others (the psychosis comes in waves), not better at all. 5 hospitalizations total, 3 more after that. I'm trying my best to find a place in life, I've got severe Bipolar I and profound hearing loss. It's hard to find work. I got evicted 2 days after moving out. Still living with my parents. But I am making plans, and just am glad to be playing music again (yes, a stone deaf musician), just playing and creating is fine for me. I don't even share my music to people. Get busy living or get busy dying.

Those last scenes were incredibly difficult to transliterate but I felt a need to. Just like people with PTSD need to face what happens, same goes for those who have been in similar situations.

This is the longest time I've gone without attempting since I started. I dunno how I'm still alive. My only injury is pain in my neck and tilting my head to the right a bit since the noose is supposed to be placed on the left side.

I'm gonna PM you, bananas, I can't say I know exactly what you are going through as we are all individuals but I bet I could relate to you more than the majority of the population.
well such events could surely leave one, and their loved ones in a state of PTSD alone.

after so long, and being in a place where you are able to something like this is great. im certain my last event of psychosis gave me, and my wife PTSD... for me, revisiting the beaches or woods, and other random places id go to during those times when i "felt fine", was difficult at first; but after so much reexposure became what it was again, a place.

clothes i wore and other objects became difficult to see, but eventually became what they are again; material items, not ties to that point in time. sometimes i find paperwork, or other notes/phone#'s etc. and its startling... but as you said, you are confronting your past and not letting the past control you.

these are some of the most difficult, and important parts of healing in that way. cheers to you for doing so...!

btw... i added a *triggering* bit to your title. i just feel two warnings have been given, by my self, and your NSFW tag - and this is an important part of your healing process.
I ate maybe 30mg of Klonopin and 150mg of Ambien, blacked out trying to get help...

I'll never forget the feeling of "drifting away" into death... It's terrifying.
i know lots of people who have done this. as have i.

9x 5mg oxy, minimal-no tolerance.

that night i actually felt the most calm of my whole life cuz i for once knew that i'd never experience anything unpleasant ever again. i didnt have a problem letting go at all

but woke up the next morning in a puddle of puke and was fine other than being very fucked up still. headache for a week.

never tried anything of the sort ever agian.
Cloudburst-- I am sorry to hear that u aren't 100% well, but u do seem a little better IMHO.

U seem to have a good attitude to try to live; are making goals/plans; have ur parents' support (to what extent, I don't know) (at least in terms of housing); and are able to share w others and reflect.

I believe that "attitude is the real disability." And u, at least, seem to be working on yours. Again, thanks for sharing and reaching out to BannanasAndOranges. It does seem like he needs someone to connect with right now.