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Opioids Tried China White Today


Nov 9, 2020
So I decided to try some China white a friend brought down from H Town. I only got 10 units of dark green so I added water to dilute it some. It’s different from what I’m use to, black tar heroin. It got me out of being dope sick though. CW still scares me so I don’t plan to do anymore unless it’s all that’s available.
What’s been y’all’s experience with China?
So I decided to try some China white a friend brought down from H Town. I only got 10 units of dark green so I added water to dilute it some. It’s different from what I’m use to, black tar heroin. It got me out of being dope sick though. CW still scares me so I don’t plan to do anymore unless it’s all that’s available.
What’s been y’all’s experience with China?
Lame drug, makes you nod hard. 0 euphoria.i only used it to pack a punch to my morphine rush and nod like crazy.
It was fentanyl, which is garbage. Just stick with the BTH (never thought I’d say that..)
