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Tri-state area: unstamped roxy 30mg

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Apr 23, 2011
Ok so I got these roxy 30's (look like A's) that my boy claims he gets from the lab BEFORE they get imprinted

I didn't think much of it til I snorted them and it tastes different than normal, like a filler has been added. And the potency def seems to have decreased. I thought it was just me until one of my friends said the same thing

Has anyone else gotten these?

I developed a theory that someone's crushing their entire stash, adding some sort of filler and re-pressing them to make profit. Plus it doesn't make sense that whoever the source is gets them from the lab AFTER they're pressed but BEFORE they're stamped

Can anyone shed some light?
They're stamped at the lab.

Sounds like bullshit to me. Avoid taking these, as they could be anything.
Well they taste like oxy, feel like oxy, they just don't taste or feel as strong as ones I've gotten already stamped
What tri state area are you from?
I would venture to say the pills are not lab made, atleast not legit.
Do they have the bitter taste?
We can't ID what these pills for you and really the only way you could possibly find out is by sending to a laboratory for testing. If you have the few hundred to spare then follow down this route, if not, I suggest you avoid taking them, because you don't know what the active/s ingredients are, nor do you know what the inactive ingredients are.

Speculation is pointless, but I'll humor you for a second. They certainly could have oxycodone in them, but in no way are they real pharmaceutical oxycodone (unless its some foreign brand of oxycodone which may not be a blue oxycodone thirty like what is seen in the USA, but I don't see this likely at all). Most likely, if it has oxycodone in it, there is an organization crushing real oxycodone 30s, cutting them, then repressing them into pill form, kinda like what they did with liquor during the prohibition era (e.g.turn one bottle of hooch into 4). With the decrease in oxycodone seen through out the united states being prescribed in the first place, let alone being sold on the black market, it wouldn't surprise me if this is possibly happening. I'd still suggest you avoid these pills even if this is what is happening. Like I said earlier, you don't know what is in them, active or inactive, so even with potentially oxycodone, their could be something that is damaging your body (look at the 'spice' blend incident in WA that lead to kidney failure, there were cannabinoids in them, but they or something else in the blend was causing massive amounts of harm).

Also, its VERY hard (if not almost next to impossible) to accurately determine via taste or even previous use of said opiate, that it really was oxycodone. You went into the experience, yes a little skeptical, but still expecting to experience oxycodone. Other opioids are so close in effects that, they could be easily be substituted with oxycodone with you still believing you are experiencing oxycodone.
^ That pretty much sums up what I was about to say. Also, why the hell would you believe what a drug dealer told you?

In the interest of harm reduction, I think this thread will stay open, but speculation on what was actually inside the pill is useless without you sending them off to a lab. I think one of the MDMA testing sites allows submission of pills like this as well. That's always another option if you have a large amount.

Do you have any pictures of these pills? There's plenty of fake roxies but all of those have an imprint.
Ya they are stamped at the same time that they are made into pills. Adding an imprint later is neither practical nor true. Pill presses make pills from powder with the imprints all in one motion. Other than that we can not do IDs based on nothing. Next time you're offered pre stamped pills you should know that it's bullshit. I'm closing this. If you have any questions pm a mod.
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