Trenbolone - how long between blasts?


Bluelight Crew
May 30, 2013
Hey hey fellas - had a question put to me by a mate over the weekend regarding his blast/cruise regime that unfortunately is somewhat beyond my limited knowledge, hence here I am bringing it to you educated peeps :p

More or less he's been on a blast/cruise cycle similar to myself for the past 6 months or so, having ended his most recent 6 week blast of 175mg Test E plus 420mg Tren A just a touch over 4 weeks ago. Now things like bloodwork aside (which he pulled favours to have done towards the end of the cycle to ensure levels weren't completely farked by that stage, and came back quite good from what I understand), he's asking me how many weeks would be an appropriate break between blasts on Tren A? I've tried a few different Google searches, which only really gave me one appropriate result which advised around 4 weeks...though it wasn't very detailed in regards to dosage. Everything else was just "lololol just neva cum off da tren aye brah" kinda bullshit.

He's trying to pull a couple more strings to get bloodwork done again for a more accurate answer, though assuming this doesn't happen what would you guys suggest as an appropriate cruise length (at 175mg Test) before he should consider blasting again? Impatient, I know - but the prick's got some serious drive to hit his goals, which are anything but average over the next few months lol. For the record, he experienced very very few of the common Tren sides, only really minor insomnia.

Cheers guys!
Hey hey fellas - had a question put to me by a mate over the weekend regarding his blast/cruise regime that unfortunately is somewhat beyond my limited knowledge, hence here I am bringing it to you educated peeps :p

More or less he's been on a blast/cruise cycle similar to myself for the past 6 months or so, having ended his most recent 6 week blast of 175mg Test E plus 420mg Tren A just a touch over 4 weeks ago. Now things like bloodwork aside (which he pulled favours to have done towards the end of the cycle to ensure levels weren't completely farked by that stage, and came back quite good from what I understand), he's asking me how many weeks would be an appropriate break between blasts on Tren A? I've tried a few different Google searches, which only really gave me one appropriate result which advised around 4 weeks...though it wasn't very detailed in regards to dosage. Everything else was just "lololol just neva cum off da tren aye brah" kinda bullshit.

He's trying to pull a couple more strings to get bloodwork done again for a more accurate answer, though assuming this doesn't happen what would you guys suggest as an appropriate cruise length (at 175mg Test) before he should consider blasting again? Impatient, I know - but the prick's got some serious drive to hit his goals, which are anything but average over the next few months lol. For the record, he experienced very very few of the common Tren sides, only really minor insomnia.

Cheers guys!

It is recommended cruise should be at least equal in length to the blast or longer...
The whole point of cruise is to get blood and health markers back to normal without loosing your gains themselves.... Blood-pressure, Estrogen, cholesterol, liver values etc... On cruise you will loose 2nd'ary characteristics ie: if running Tren + Masteron, you won't look like your on Tren + Masteron, if on Dbol or Oxymetholone you will loose the water weight but not the lean muscle (you have to be realistic).. Cruise is about health whilst holding onto size + strength...
Dose is recommended between 125-250mg/week... This is obviously size dependant..!! Really large Body-builders... IFBB guys cant really keep gains + size on a cruise dose, unfortunately they cant go below 500mg + hGH before they start shrinking...

This is where you get some people thinking they need large doses of multiple compounds to cruise... Slightly over TRT dose is fine for most people, otherwise health markers wont come down sufficiently, and the blast might not be as effective as it could have been if a long enough and low enough cruise was implemented...

Four weeks cruise???... Not really long enough... Blast for longer than 6 weeks IMO...
Awesome, thanks for the reply GF always appreciate your input mate :) will pass it on! He's not particularly built at the moment thanks to a bout of somewhat nasty glandular, shrunk from ~225lbs to just a touch under 200lbs, hence his slight impatience to get back into things and back to where he was as quickly as he can given he's got a deadline of sorts :p

Thanks again :)
If that deadline is that important to him, he should get blood work done right now (you can have a private lab do it as often as you'd like, they don't care as long as you pay). If his RBC/cholesterol/liver values (alt and ast are likely to be a bit elevated because they are also present in muscles and when you train the muscle cells leak them into your blood) aren't way out of range, he can continue right now.
Don't think bloodwork is that easy to get done in Australia, bro :( at least not as far as either of us are aware.
Awesome, thanks for the reply GF always appreciate your input mate :) will pass it on! He's not particularly built at the moment thanks to a bout of somewhat nasty glandular, shrunk from ~225lbs to just a touch under 200lbs, hence his slight impatience to get back into things and back to where he was as quickly as he can given he's got a deadline of sorts :p

Thanks again :)

I remember back in about 2006 doing about 12 months of: 6 weeks on 4 weeks off... Training was hard, diet was excellent, It didn't work for us, we didn't loose, but didn't see gains like expected.... Unsure as to what factors were involved, but I've always responded well to longer blast, with cruise of equal length... But we're all different.??/
Passed on the advise you guys have given, which has led him to decide to wait until at least the 6 week mark before blasting again. I believe he also said he'll run the next blast a lot longer than 6 weeks due to GF's advice as well as the fact his bloodwork towards the end of the recent 6 week was quite promising.

again, thanks for the input fellas :) helps me a lot as well as my impatient buddy lol
If that deadline is that important to him, he should get blood work done right now (you can have a private lab do it as often as you'd like, they don't care as long as you pay). If his RBC/cholesterol/liver values (alt and ast are likely to be a bit elevated because they are also present in muscles and when you train the muscle cells leak them into your blood) aren't way out of range, he can continue right now.

I am preferential to allowing the body some break from supra-physiological doses of hormones, therefore once health markers have returned to normal I won't jump back on blast preferring some time elapse of relative normality prior to re-blasting... I appreciate everyone wants to get back on the juice as soon as possible..... My hypothesis is the longer I cruise and give the body a break, the more I may get out of the blast..... Your thoughts Pls....!!!
I agree GF, though obviously it would only hold true to an extent (once you've returned to baseline you'd reap maximum rewards no?)
GF - I totally agree, the longer between the blasts the better the gains. Though I favor long runs so I can only run one a year with them typically between 24-32 weeks in length, broken up into 6 week phases. This works best for me. Then you have the rest of the year to focus on maintaining and tightening up the training and diet and nursing any injuries.
^^also the off time allows you to have some periods of "normality" I guess one could say. Can stick to some long esters to give your muscles a break from being a pin cushion and in your case neo (lucky dog you) travel with your trt gear without fear of customs seizing your shit. Or Guido case, a break from tren. Lmao. I feel he's gotten a lot less aggressive lately. He put a fucking smiley in a post!!!
LOL he did put a smiley in a post lol But yeah it gives you a break from the hectic pace of full on on cycle training.
Swear to got I read somewhere GF's cruising regime had tren in
Ugh I love what it does but it turns me into a rageaholic with sever insomnia... and the woman has banned my use of it lol I am hoping that DihydroBoldenone will be a nice replacement for tren, as far as gains and nutrient repartioning go
^^He's a genetic freak. He doesn't need huge doses to cruise. He could cruise on tribulus and tongkat and be bigger than me :p