Tren Bomb side effects after 5 years


Aug 9, 2015
Hello everyone,
In 2010 a friend of mine told me about some supplements being sold in his gym called Tren Bomb.
He told me that they were not steroids but a pro hormone and they would help build more muscle etc etc.
He also told me that they would effect the liver and so milk this thistle would need to be taken with them to flush out the liver.
I don't know why I agreed to buy them now but can't remember what I was thinking at the time.
It's been almost 5 years since and my body has changed a lot, I have hair growth all over my body, back shoulders and all the body hair I had before has grown longer and darker.
I am very depressed, the reason for this post is I have searched and searched the Internet regarding these Tren Bomb and body hair and most of the posts write they experienced hair loss on the head and body.
I have had the opposite effect, my body hair has virtually doubled in the 5 years since, I know that as males age, it's normal to have body hair growth but not to the magnitude to which has grown on me, males testosterone levels decrease as they age too beyond 30 I believe, so a little body hair growth is normal, I've grown so much since.
Has anyone experienced similar or have you had the opposite effect?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
I'm assuming Tren Bomb is some methylated form of the 19nor steroid, trenabolone. Trenabolone is extremely androgenic and anabolic. Since it possesses such a high affinity for binding to the AR receptors, it can cause some pretty intense side effects in certain individuals. It isn't uncommon to grow hair in places you originally didn't have it. (ex. back, arms, feet) Or an increase in the rate at which hair grows. You should be thankful that you didn't end up like quite a few others and have majority of their hair fall off within the first few weeks. If you have a predisposition to MPB then trenabolone will make your hairline vaporize.

Its the nature of experimenting with such a powerful and complex steroid. Also, I believe you took a pretty dangerous route of administration considering trenabolone is already pretty rough on the body and methylating the compound for oral administration just sounds crazy. How long were you on it? I'm sure it also suppressed your own natural testosterone production, but to what degree is debatable.

Considering it is a pro hormone its hard to tell exactly what the specific pharmacokinetics were. Pro hormones are usually precursors that once metabolized produce the intended hormone within the body. That is how they avoid violating any laws in reference to controlled substances.
Also I only took them for I think two weeks no more and did take the milk thistle too.
Thank you for the response.
I should of looked in to them before considering taking them, I was just taking another's word that they were safe, he says he hasn't had any side effects off of them and he took them on and off over a periods of six months he says, I had no idea that they were so powerful and dangerous, I'd always been a clean lifter before them.
My body hair growth is getting worse, I notice new growth every other week on my body, also the hair on my arms gives off an odour when I smell it, I know everyone has a natural smell but it's quite strong.
I also read that with Tren Bomb a PCT would be needed to level out the natural test levels in the body, something neither my friend told me about nor I had any knowledge of, is that correct?
I am worried my body will continue to grow hair more as time goes by.
If it was Methyltrienolone then taking it for only a two week duration most likely produced negligible results considering it was the sole compound. Now I'm not 100% proficient on pro hormones, but they are essentially loopholes for those who either can't get ahold of legitimate compounds or they do not approve of injection. Steroids are dangerous regardless, but anything that has to be taken orally possesses a high toxicity due to the methylation to ensure survival when going through digestion.
Thank you for the response.
I should of looked in to them before considering taking them, I was just taking another's word that they were safe, he says he hasn't had any side effects off of them and he took them on and off over a periods of six months he says, I had no idea that they were so powerful and dangerous, I'd always been a clean lifter before them.
My body hair growth is getting worse, I notice new growth every other week on my body, also the hair on my arms gives off an odour when I smell it, I know everyone has a natural smell but it's quite strong.
I also read that with Tren Bomb a PCT would be needed to level out the natural test levels in the body, something neither my friend told me about nor I had any knowledge of, is that correct?
I am worried my body will continue to grow hair more as time goes by.

Just my opinion, but I would say that because the duration was so short and the impact was minimal. The HPTA will eventually balance out and return to homeostasis, but you said its been 5 years so it is hard to tell what changes it caused physiologically. I'm sure it didn't do astronomical damage to your liver considering the regenerative nature and your attempt at harm reduction with milk thristle. Was it remotely safe to try? No. I can relate with you because I took a pro hormone called Spawn back in high school and that was absolute hell! I bought them with the notion that they were pre-workout supplements.
So being taken orally which is what they were, capsule form, were more toxic than injecting it in to the body?
I noticed hair growth on my back with in a week or two after taking them also what have the hair growth away also was I had lair growing on the knuckles of my hands, never had before.
I appreciate your responses.
Exactly my thoughts on them, pre work out supplements, simply because my friend who is rather intelligent and body conscious, said they were from the gym, like other supplements I.e whey and other stuff you would associate with it.
I just don't understand why I have grown all this hair since taking them, I'd inderstand a little growth naturally but when I look at my body now, I don't recognise myself, not with how I was before, thing is everyone knows there own body and they lnow when it changes, I'm just really shocked that I've had so much growth all over.
I think I simplified my explanation too much. I'll try to explain

AAS (anabolic/androgenic steroids) generally cannot survive the first pass through digestion due to the extreme environment of your stomach/GI. The steroid would have very little activity and would have just been a waste of money. This is where creating 17aa steroids come into the picture. 17aa stands for 17 alpha-alkylated steroid. Alkylation from what I remember is just the transferring of one alkyl group from one molecule to another (also encounter methyl and ethyl groups) To keep it simple this alteration at the 17th position allows the steroid to escape deactivation that is brought upon my oxidation. The liver is responsible for metabolic activities and drug deactivation. Introducing such a harsh compound to the liver just bogs down the whole assembly line. The longer it takes for your liver to complete activities such as bile removal and cleansing, the more damage that can accumulate over extended periods of time. Worst case is that you unknowingly destroy your liver and unfortunately the body can't survive without it.

Injectable steroids on the other hand are the steroid itself with an esterification or being put into an aqueous suspension. The esterification dictates the amount of time the injection depot is released into your blood steam. Your liver still digests these compounds, but they do not have alterations that introduce alkylation, methylation or ethylation. They are also released over an extended period of time. Hence why a lot of orals require repetitive dosaging throughout the day. These alteration allow the oral steroid to be biologically active to a greater degree, but also increases the probability of spiking liver test results and leading to unwanted damage.

Now you just happen to coincidentally take one of the most extreme concoctions I've seen before in reference to its affinity for AR activity and its rather potent toxicity.
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I just don't understand why I have grown all this hair since taking them, I'd inderstand a little growth naturally but when I look at my body now, I don't recognise myself, not with how I was before, thing is everyone knows there own body and they lnow when it changes, I'm just really shocked that I've had so much growth all over.

I don't really have any thought on this one, but more knowledgeable members will eventually answer anything I could or what I answered incorrectly. Possibly the extreme androgenic nature of trenabolone activated receptors that have generally been untouched and altered your body's dictation on where body hair grows.
I can't remember if I was to take one or two Tren Bomb a day, I know that my friend told me that it was a two week cycle them off for two weeks and so on, the milk thistle was to be taken throughout.
I think I stopped taking the thistle at the same time I stopped the Tren bomb, is it my understanding that I should of carried on taking the thistle after ceasing the Tren bomb to flush out any remaining toxins in the body?
I can't remember if I was to take one or two Tren Bomb a day, I know that my friend told me that it was a two week cycle them off for two weeks and so on, the milk thistle was to be taken throughout.
I think I stopped taking the thistle at the same time I stopped the Tren bomb, is it my understanding that I should of carried on taking the thistle after ceasing the Tren bomb to flush out any remaining toxins in the body?

I don't believe Milk thistle has been shown to be overly beneficial for liver health....

I thought Tren-Bomb was similar to M1T which is reputed to be DHT derived...
I can't remember if I was to take one or two Tren Bomb a day, I know that my friend told me that it was a two week cycle them off for two weeks and so on, the milk thistle was to be taken throughout.
I think I stopped taking the thistle at the same time I stopped the Tren bomb, is it my understanding that I should of carried on taking the thistle after ceasing the Tren bomb to flush out any remaining toxins in the body?

Its a lot of what if's, but I couldn't see how two weeks on and two weeks off would produce quality growth. I feel like this is something to introduce as a kickstart for a cycle or throw it in at the end of a cycle protocol for pre contest desires. It doesn't aromatize, but it is suppressive to natural testosterone production. If you didn't notice your testicles considerably shrink then I'm pretty sure the suppression of endogenous testosterone production was pretty mild. All I can say is try to avoid pro hormones altogether. I personally avoid oral steroids, but that is just my choice. Just remember to be safe and definitely do a lot more research before you start to play god with your hormone system. It is possible to cause irreversible damage with AAS usage to your cardiovascular, endocrine and neurological systems just to name a few.
I've read multiple posts that it is very close to M1T, I don't really know much about M1T other than it was very popular and banned somewhere around 2007 or so.
Some posts indicated a PCT was to be taken in between cycles of Tren Bomb too, some posts said otherwise.
I've read multiple posts that it is very close to M1T, I don't really know much about M1T other than it was very popular and banned somewhere around 2007 or so.
Some posts indicated a PCT was to be taken in between cycles of Tren Bomb too, some posts said otherwise.

EDIT: M1T was not related to MT. I stand corrected.
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I haven't any knowledge of it, after searching Tren bomb, M1T came up a few times along with someone's name a Patrick Arnold, whether this person has something to do with it I don't know, but I read that Tren bomb and others were developed after M1T was banned.
Tren bomb was banned here in the UK after 2011 or 2012 I think.
Was on the banned substance list with the government or something.
I am very shocked at just how potent and potentially dangerous such a thing is and it was being sold in a lot of gyms, not the one I went to but at my friends, his gym was a hardcore lifters gym, mime just a mainstream one.
Alright M1T was like what GF said. It is a DHT derived compound, but differs from testosterone in that it has a 1,2-double bond vs a 5,6-double bond at the A Ring. This negates the aromatization factor.

MT is Methyltrienolone. This is a derivative of trenabolone with a methylation at the 17th carbon position. This allows the compound to escape androgen deactivation and increases bioavailability. It also allows trenabolone's harsh nature to hit the liver head on.