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Treating Benzo withdrawal Symptom

Yeah, good luck.

Propanolol (a betablaocker) is probably a good idea. Really cuts down on the physiological twitchiness. It tends to have effects on respiration, so there are new betablockers that may be more tolerable.

A sedating antihistamine may also help. Dimenhydrinate or dipenhydramine are inexpensive, common, and effective.

I'd suggest an anticonvulsant, but a lot of them are unreliable. Gabapentin (Neurontin) might help for a brief while, though i've heard that some people have found it useless for dealing with long term benzo use and generalized anxiety disorder.
Barbituates, unfortunately have seemed to be the best rememdy for these excruciating benzo withdrawals. Large doses of phenobarbital works, and short acting seconal and pentobarbita do wonders but as mentioned, can only be used sparingly. I have not ONCE used benzos recreationally, and i used the relatively pure powder diazepam (or nor-diazepam) for solely sleep purposes when i had even more chronic insomnia during the severe and traumatic multiple breaks in my foot/ankle (i fell/jumped 2 stories)

So, has anyone has experience with GHB in benzo withdrawal? Is my my best bet is sparingly cyclobenzaprine? Im looking from replies for those that have gotten off or are doing so right now and wondering if there are SHORT-TERM "bandaides" aside from barbituates to smooth out the detox process?
I have alot of experience with GHB, but not with benzo addiction.

GHB should have a similar effect on you as a barbituate, correct? (I don't know. I'm guessing).

But at least with GHB it's in and out of your system fast. No lengthly half-life's nor any toxic metabolites. Given your condition, maybe it would be well-tolerated?

(I'm talking out of my ass a little, I don't want to mis-inform, I just wanted to add what knowledge i have of GHB)

I appreciate all the sincere replies. This has been a diffult time, harder than quiting a GRAM of heroin a day COLD-TURKEY. I am detoxing along at 10 percent or less a week. The withdrawals are harsh, but i have not experienced temporary psychosis (a phobia of mine, given my genetics, but i havent fallen pray to pyschosis despite at the MASSIVE doses of psychedelics i have used, 2-ct-4 with 4-ho-dipt was close but i still had a sense of reality).

The VERY closest to true insanity, occured suddenely the night of last december 25 (i dont give stigma to that date), where for a short and isolated time i did loose touch with reality for almost exactly 2 hours, having quit my gram a day of good heroin a day cold-turkey. I was too out of it to dose myself with resiradol, zyorexa or IM thorazine, which is rare in and of itself. At this time, I had visions of the future, of apocolypse,, was not in my bed, and felt as though i was levitating to my bed, and visions of the post-apocoloypictic future, clock flashing 666, the temple of the anti-christ on the rock of gibralter ( odd, given not being a very religious person to being with) crucifix upside, all that and coincidentallu VIVID very awake visions of the eathquake that hit tunia 10.0 richter + that hit tunisa only half an hour after the visions ended (i am making no assuasions that i predicted anything, and i chalk it up to normal pschyotic breaks that occur when quiting heroin at the dose and abruptly as i did). It simply started and stopped completely, with no residual psyhotic epidoses to speak of (other than apocolyptic dreams, and other vivid dreams of the near/distant future). I can easily disguish reality from what is not real, which im thankfull of, as i had quite a scare. I still did had some residue mania, sort of like waking up from a DEEP sleep, which start wanning (as exibited by my unintelligable threads i made near that time). All this, aside from its intensity and detail, has not repeated since those vivid and unforgetable (I wrote a suprisingly coherent book out of fervor recently after this vision, some 400 somewhat pages, yet another symptom of residual mania, which is very uncharacteristic of me, and obviously a result of my cold turkey HIGH dose IV heroin ceasation. Such symptoms are very common of SEVERE intravenous high dose herion withdrawal, but still jaw dropping. Nevertheless (i experienced virtually every other symtom of severe IV heroin withdrawal)_

The physical heroin and quite abit of the psychological WD's are over since the past december 18, but certainly not completely over.

To stop digressing, what worries me now in my current diazepam detox, is that I know psychosis can be and element in benzo withdrawal (particularly given the shere magnitude of the dose from which i am detoxing) Any ex-benzo veterns or struggling addicts have any more insight. I know 10 percent a week DOES work, but it comes with a painfull price. I have yet to experience benzo related pyschosis, but as i continue my decent, i feel it becomes a more real possibility, and i fear the cognitive impairment of anti-psychotics (unforunately, you dont know when to use them when the time comes, as occured during my heroin detox psyhosis).

It would seem like an oxymoron, but would marijuana of aid at all or does it simply exacerbate the twitching/phsychological element (as cannabis has caused swastic reactions in the past, abset of benzo use)? Does ex-benzo veterans have insight on this? I am looking for a non--physically dependent drug too take regularly to aid the withdrawal, as well as possibly a short acting barbituate to treate accute symptomology. Any aid would be of valuable, because although the withdrawal isnt as intentse as cold turkey high dose IV smack, it is without question worse. Any ideas would be of value.....
i'm sorry that i really don't have any advice, but i'm just curious here gesic...

are you detoxing to completely get off all types of opiates and benzos for good? because during the couple of years that i've been posting here off and on, i've noticed that you seem to be the one who struggles with detoxing and WD's the most out of just about anyone else on these boards. maybe i'm not getting the full picture, because i don't post here regularly... maybe a couple of posts a month. but you seem like you're always in some type of struggle with detoxing.

anyway, good luck with your benzo detox... was the benzo thing a result of trying to kick opiates? because i've heard that benzos help with opiate WD's, although they've never really helped me with my WD's... but i can imagine that the WD's i've gone through, allthough hellish for me, are nothing compared to what a lot of other people go through, including yourself gesic.

anyway, just curious. and again, good luck and be safe.
Negro, I want to answer some more, even though I didn't make it myself in quitting. I gues that has to do with me having to choose, benzos or alcohol/opiates/hash in scary amounts. I only use 12mg diazepam now, before I quit(five weeks off after the diazepam taper) I used a minimum of 100mg oxazepam, 20mg diazepam, plus I used all my money on klonopin,mogadon, xananx or rohypnol after getting my gram of hash for the day. I know I will go up in dosages, but I'm trying to keep it as low as I can now.

The psychosis from the benzo wd is very real, and not only the full-blown type is dangerous. When tapering I lost my ability to logically filter out fake or insaneish emotions and thoughts. I tended to spiral downward in my own world of unlogical depressive thinking, and listened only to sad music. It was like I was making myself more depressed on purpose, but not being able to stop it.

I started to use 25 truxal(Chlorprothixen. hydrochlorid, norwegian name) at night, and it helped a bit. Also I couldn't stop smoking hash, it made me MORE nervous and twitchy but helped my depression. I was basically on the computer and alone for over three months. I would try out the antipsychotics, and find the one you tolerate the best, I get paradoxal effects(amped/awake/stressed out) from every one but truxal. Take it with your meds at night, I guess your on a cotail of drugs.

I would awoid hash/pot, because it makes you think more spacey, and during benzo wd thats no good. I ended up just drinking and shooting bupe all the time, and smoking hash all day.

I hope you can reach your goal, but be very vary of the loss of logic, it makes you loose impulse control and may make you get a new addiction.

Other drugs that helped me was remeron, phenergan, vallergan, zopiclone, ambien. Zopiclone is way better than ambien in any wd. situation, because if you end up not sleepiing you won't trip out as much.

Good luck.

Oh, and sorry for my english, I'm norwegian and kinda stoned.

I have asperger syndrome, a light case of it though, but thats what makes me get amped from anti psychotics, and I loose my logical thinking ability faster than you I guess.

negro,maybe you should decrease your dose every 2 weeks, not one. and BTW Chlorprothixen works great for sleep during benzo wd, take care negro
It would seem like an oxymoron, but would marijuana of aid at all or does it simply exacerbate the twitching/phsychological element (as cannabis has caused swastic reactions in the past, abset of benzo use)? Does ex-benzo veterans have insight on this? I am looking for a non--physically dependent drug too take regularly to aid the withdrawal, as well as possibly a short acting barbituate to treate accute symptomology. Any aid would be of valuable, because although the withdrawal isnt as intentse as cold turkey high dose IV smack, it is without question worse. Any ideas would be of value.....

I am using Flexeril and weed along with low dose Amitriptyline as needed for sleep. Seems to be working for me. I find the Flexeril really helps the muscle tension/twitching.

The weed needs to be low dose as well (at least for me) to avoid anxiety/paranoia . 2-3 tokes of hydro does me.

Barbs are bad news IMO. They are potentially worse than all of the stuff you're on to w/d from as I'm sure you are aware. The thing is I know how vulnerable the benzo w/d makes one for whatever gives relief. Be careful. That is why me and my doc chose Flexeril. I am also trying to keep it low dose as well because I don't really want any backlash from it either.
When I mentioned the shorter acting barbiturates, I was indicating them for the Tx of the acute (possibly life-threatening) symptoms of W/D (esp. seizures) only. Not to be used all the time, of course. IMO, it would be better to avoid a major seizure (which are a very real possibility) than not. It would be anxiety reducing in and of itself to know that you have it, if the need should arise...:\
this thread scares me, as my benzo use was about half that of negro's, but the only things i have to help these WD's is benadryl and inderal. I basically just sleep all day now, and how stopped going to class in the mean time. During waking time I feel like 10times worse utter shit than heroin WD, and i can literally feel my heart beating out of my chest and neck. The inderal is supposed to help this, but does little. I have pretty much lost all appetite to eat, and even drink. I feel so stupid. whatever.
hope everything is going well man. Why did you rely soley on valuim for sleeping purposes?
^^^^^^^^Chronic insomnia and nihilism, a dangerous combo......
negrogesic said:
^^^^^^^^Chronic insomnia and nihilism, a dangerous combo......

A lot of people are nihilistic. Or are at some time in their life. Find a passion or try to fall in love. Other than that, we're all FUCKED!8)
i know there is a lot of controvery concerning the blood brain barrier cross-over with GABA supplements... but they definitely help me when i am withdrawing from benzos. If you take enough GABA, you will feel an effect and it will decrease the symptoms you were trying to relieve negro
This is my first post, but have been perusing the site reguarly for months (had spinal surgery, got hooked up on good ole' oxy and clonazepam to sleep, xanax for panic, blah, blah...disability for like 6 months.) Felt it was finally time to join the communityI feel a part of. Anyway, if you can stomach it, find some liquor/alcohol you can handle, and w/out knowing your tolerances, have a drink (or 2 or 3) every hour or so. Again, depending again on tolerance issues. This should take some of the edge off. As you most certainly know, alcohol and benzos act on the same area of the brain , so this may yield some relief. Just do not let alcohol become a replacement. Strange, I was an alcoholic for most of 20 years, and after my first shot of Morphine, i havs lost all taste for heavy drinking. Sorrry for the aside. Also I have heard Seroquel really knocks you out as a sleep aid, you may want to try a smalish amount for sleping. My psychologist wanted to puy me on a small dose for my GAD, but I got this thing considering anti-psychotics. Yeah, after all the otyher shit I put in my body. Well, I admire your knowledege and hope you accomplish that which you sey out to do. Best of Luck.

Negro, for the record, I also am also a chronic insomniac and definite nihilist.
Try lying off the Nietschze and Schopenhauer for a bit, try some easy reading, oh I don't know , maybe Buroughs' "Junky"? It is lighhthearted, at least some of it...
marijuana maintanance has gotten me through opiate and benzo withdrawals, i've come from the no pain no gain philosophy, and the, if you play you pay, mindset, like, i knew when i got strung out on meth/opiates/benzo's (not necessarily in that order) that i was gonna pay when i finally quit, (never ilked coke) but to kick any of it, i had to have marijuana, it saved my ass with the opiate withdrawal, and totally saved my ass with benzo's, (it did NOT help with jerking, just feelin like shit), so pot combined with cyclobenzaprine was what got me through hell, and i know, it lasted close to a freekin year, but, with out it, i woulda pschiz't out bad. good luck
I wouldn't recommend using pot to wean off benzos to everyone, because the thc experience can change from being sedating to causing fullblown panic attacks, especially if you're vulnerable to anxiety already. YMMV.

About restless legs: oh man, do I know those! HORRIBLE! They come in cluster attacks for me, ruining several nights of sleep in a row. Now that I think about it, they actually do coincide with a lower/stopped benzo intake. I have my own theories why I got it in the first place, amph use causing some kind of mineral deficit. It's a feeling of having to stretch out a certain joint, but no matter how much I rotate in my bed, I just can't seem to find the correct stretch. The itch that can't be scratched!
So your currently taking what dosage? 125mg [half of .25 grams and going off Natural Ones info that you halved your dosage].

That is still a big dose but at least your getting it down to a semi-attemptable detox level. So your reducing your weekly dosage by what roughly 12.5-10mgs? Also one more question are you 100% positive what you are taking is Diazepam or Nordiazepam?

I would say once you hit the hundred mg mark that when the intricacies of a proper detox will come into play much clearer.

I would stick with staying on Valium untill at least 50mg or so [with an eventual switch to most likely Ativan and down to Librium eventually], I would reduce my taper from 10% to about 5% once I hit the 100mg mark, which would leave me roughly at 1mg per day reduction. I also would cater my doses toward a 2 day withdrawl response dose [meaning I would have my dose staggered in a way that would allow for the greatest amount of reduction of dosage for 1-2 days and on the 2nd-3rd day returning to my staple dose that would hold w/d's at bay. This way I get to push the envelope of reducing my dosage and getting my body used to a reduction only to return to my standard dosage 2 days later before any major w/d symptoms would persist. Confusing, I know but anyways.

Once I was comfortable in a slow reduction I would once a week take a 10% overall/in one day decrease of my dosage [its a hell of alot easier to do this when you are still on a high'ish dose, rather than when you really start to get into it and your at around 30-40mg daily, that would be the time I would make a switch to a different benzo. Reasoning behing the switch? So I would change the schedual on what my body received drug-wise with the ultimate goal in mind being the hope that it would make the ultimate cessation of taking a benzo easier by switching up the actual intake of '____-such-and-such-a-drug', in the same matter of thinking switching from Nasal doses of white heroin to nasal dosages of tar heroin, as something might click in my head aiding in my attempt to cease taking the drug completely.

I would use a long acting benzo such as Librium, Tranxene, or possibly Klonapin as an aid in smoothly dropping that 10% in one day. Once I got onto a lower more manageable dosage [when definite noticeable w/d feelings are brought on by a tiny reduction such as 1mg/.01mg valium/ativan, i.e. dosage range: 30mg of Valium/3mg Ativan] I would use a phenobarbital preparation [liquid or injections] as a mode to alleviate w/d symptoms and prevent seizing. OK I am starting to ramble...

I am shopping around at the moment for a inpatient benzo detox [I might do it I might not] and one I am currently accepted into would have me detox to the lowest amount I am comfortable with and than they tell me they would make a smooth transition from my Klonapin [6-8mgs], Ativan [1-4mgs], and Xanax [1-2mgs] to a single benzos which would be either Valium, Ativan, Librium, or Tranxene. Once I was able to reduce my intake and get off my benzo dosing would be supplemented and than replaced with liquid phenobarbital dosing also sleep aids added to help with returning to a base-line world. At the moment it seems like to heavy of a burden to attempt a 'inpatient' detox off of my benzos as the time involved might be to long and will drive me insane, lets hope I can stay away from a court order reducing me to my knees and leaving me crawling into rehab, but thats what you pay good lawyers for no? Anyways, good luck.

Saxophones started blowing me down
I was buried in sound
Taxicabs were driving me around
To the handshake drugs I bought downtown
To the handshake drugs I bought downtown



I find that pot helps extremely well during benzo w/d's especially when taken with Sonata, Ambien or something of the sorts. On the other hand I find pot to be very unhelpful during opiate w/d's. Only way I suppose is to smoke and find out for yourself.
Lyrica, the stronger precursor to gabapentin, may very likely help with the twitching.

GHB cures all that ails if used properly, which in your case is difficult to determine what that would be, exactly...